April 24, 2010

Are You Ready For The Awe Inspiring And Powerful Conversational Hypnosis?

By Rich Thorne

You hear a lot of discussion involving conversational hypnosis these days. It is not always in a positive light, either. People tend to focus on how it can be used for selfish purposes, like; getting the upper hand in a negotiation, making sales, getting someone to do your dirty work, even getting something to agree to have sex.

On the surface, it makes these tools look dubious, at best, and downright sleazy, in the worst light. Yet it should be noted that the tools themselves are like any tool, and it is how they are used that determines their morality. Actually, many people use these tools to help others; not to take advantage of them.

The modern father of conversational hypnosis, (& convert persuasion), is the late Dr. Milton Erickson. He was selfless in his use of these powerful tools and they helped his patients attain true personal growth in surprisingly short spaces of time. He started out using conventional hypnosis, but ultimately left it to create his own personal protocols.

In a conventional hypnotherapy session, the patient realizes, quite consciously, what is happening. She hears the voice of her therapist, who guides her into a trance state of enhanced suggestibility and relaxation. When suggestions are made to the patient while in this state, she experiences them stronger and more lasting than when in a normal state of mind.

Erickson noted that his patients were resisting his instructions quite a bit, despite the fact that they were trying to be accepting. He knew that people often go into trance states throughout the course of a day. Think of how many times you have driven a car and been deep in thought and then realized that you could not recall anything about the last several miles?

Erickson believed that resistance could be avoided if he was able to induce the trance without the patient's knowledge. He went on to create a protocol that worked by first establishing a sudden rapport, and quickly changing it into confusion.

Erickson developed many methods to confuse his patients, including encouraging them to do more of what they were seeing him in an effort to stop. He would also trick them into resisting their own negative, limiting beliefs.

Doctor Milton Erickson developed a series of trance induction handshakes that worked beautifully. He certainly is the ultimate example of how conversational hypnosis is a tool that can benefit humankind in dramatic fashion.

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