November 30, 2011

What Have in Common Law of Attraction and NLP? (II)

By Elkin Arriero

As we saw there are several basic ideas that combine the Law of Attraction with NLP and best of all is that to mix them we can achieve more dynamic and an incredible speed!

Here's an example:

The Law of Attraction is completely full of exercises to "program" our mind with positively empowered thoughts and visualizations, making us vibrate and thrill us with what we want to attract and leaving apart what's not. Now, what if discover a way to enter that state of positive vibes when you would like, with no regard for time or place? Imagine may feel you full of joy and happiness, and wealth fully existing with just the click of your fingers, would not it extraordinary?

Well, NLP to explore ways of communication between people has one or two exercises that will help you with that. The 1st exercise in nature is the "anchor". The "anchor" is an exercise that allows you like the name announces "anchor" mark your subconscious a desired emotional state. It could be a state of joy, attainment, happiness, security, you need to switch a psychological state lacks resources to an emotive state that gives you the tools to get closer to your wish. (Ley de Atraccion)

Now, the best way to do it? Really Easy:

1. Choose your "anchor" When visualizing your affirmations or needs to manifest you select a place in your body to touch yourself which will serve as "anchor" physics which will remind you that state. Can be your ear, elbow, chest, wrist, whatever you want. The important thing is to make it easy to spot, something than to do it you realize you are using your "anchor".

2. Make your affirmations : Begin with your routine confirmations, please recreate situations and emotions within you as you're feeling when you get what you crave. AtreveteAVivir

3. Create the "anchor": When you get the maximum out of emotion, to top energy of vibration and touch you where you decided that going to be your anchor. Do it for a few seconds, pressing firmly. It's important that you register it your mind.

4. Repeat it: Ends with your confirmations, take a break and start again with exercise. Do two or three times to set the anchor well.

The goal is that by simply touching the body part you've come to a decision, you can recreate your feelings and positive emotions, and the best is that it is a tool that is totally at your fingertips, if you need to feel that way with just invoke your anchor, they succeeded.

Actually I invite you to try and share with us your experience!

About the Author:

Learn to Fly with Angel Wings!

By Inigo Montoya

If you are tired of living a life that just seems to keep getting harder and harder with fewer moments of joy and happiness then you will want to read this article on How To Grow Your Own Angel Wings and Fly. I'm sure you have seen all the books and movies about how to attract joy and prosperity and have figured out by now that they left some important things out. Here are some of the real secrets.

Some of these things I am going to mention may seem simple and not very magical. Don't worry about that. Just DO THEM. I am here to tell you that any big movement in your life is always made up of small steps put together.

With these suggestions the goal is to raise your personal vibration. We are all made up of energy and we all vibrate at a specific frequency. What we hope to accomplish is to raise our vibration to match up with those things we want to bring in to our life.

STOP watching all Newscasts and Political Programs immediately. I am aware that this goes against everything you have ever been taught. Most news is completely or near completely negative by nature. You will never be able to raise your vibration if you are filling your mind with all that negativity that really has nothing to do with you. If you were to interview Multimillionaires they would tell you that the only news they watch is financial that relates to their business interests.

Finding a book, movie, or course that will teach you how to develop your own intuition is something that everyone should do. There was a time in my life when much like George Costanza on Seinfeld every decision I made seem to be the wrong one. I can't emphasize enough how much your life will change for the better when you can access that part of yourself that knows the right path to take and decisions to make.

When you have started to grow your own Angel Wings and want to manifest something make it as easy as possible for spirit to do it's work. Money is not going to magically show up in your freezer! Have several possible avenues for money to show up at. The more possible income streams you have the easier you are making it for the Universe to help you out. Magic is not about throwing out logic. It's about opening your eyes to the most possibilities.

Stay in the present moment as much as possible. If you start watching yourself you will find that you are almost always daydreaming about some future action or event or thinking about something that happened in the past. You need watch yourself and become aware of how much time you are not spending in the here and now.

I hope you found this article on Growing your Angel Wings informative as well as entertaining. If you made it this far you definitely have shown that you are committed to changing your life for the better. Read everything you can on this subject and keep moving forward. I believe in You!

About the Author:

November 26, 2011

"Wakening the Giant Internal, Anthony Robbins" (II)

By Elkin Arriero

Robbins also announces that to achieve our targets and dreams in life must change our present convictions and values ?? and focus us on convictions and values ?? that help us become the individual we wish to be (more successful, more loving, more happy, etc ...) to achieve this change presents us a strategy that is called NAC (Neuro - Conditional associativity). The NAC is founded on the physical a proven fact that the human brain tends to find anything that gives pleasure and avoid what causes us discomfort. Then, since the brain has this trend, if we consciously associate pleasure with phenomenal things we have or achieve and pain to the things we wish to avoid, we'll be programmed to do the stuff we want. That's what NAC, auto-conditioned.

One of the most instructional chapters in the book is 8, which deals with the questions used as a powerful tool. To think and act different the people have to ask a series of questions to help you stay targeted on a positive mental attitude all of the time. For example, if you are confronted by a new professional challenge you must ask yourself continual : What is exciting about this new challenge, What should I do to form the perfect situation, What I am able to do to enjoy the method whiles waiting for the ideal situation ?, among others.

The second part of the book, "Taking Control" focuses on issues such as the analysis of beliefs, values ?? and rules that have become the guide of your behaviors and actions throughout life and affect your identity. (Ley de Atraccion)

In the last part the author gives us one or two messages, which can on occasion be summarized as the way to reach success in life:

- Live life entirely while you are alive, take care of yourself and your friends.

- Learn from your mistakes, find your faults and eliminate them, but do not chase perfection, just trying to be a superb homo sapien.

- Take the time to set up a master system that permits you to win the game of life.

- Life is a balance that is to give and receive, taking into account your interests, but also devotes time to contribute to the welfare of others.

- And ultimately, we shouldn't take life so seriously, because we lose the spontaneity and the chance to like it as a child. AtreveteAVivir

It is your call to embark you on the trip of reading this book nevertheless , we are able to say in its defense that the publication has terribly useful tools to help you to make the life you would like and find your own destiny.

"The only thing I have command over our inner world is."

Anthony Robbins.

About the Author:

November 25, 2011

The Law of Attraction

By Elan Michael

The Law of Attraction for Power

When you first look at Steve Pavlina's concepts behind the LOA, if you are the right age, you may think it is something from the peace and love age of the mid 1960s. When you discover that Steve uses his own techniques throughout his many businesses, and he has earned a number of degrees, you could think he came originally from a well off background. He didn't, and you may be amazed to find out that his search for personal development and growth came when he was incarcerated in his late teens.

Do I Really Need a Private Development Program?

You'll find a lot of explanations why many individuals are efficient yet others are not. Frequently it's simply because of the way in which effective people think. They're determined that they're not going to quit, while someone in an identical scenario will chuck in the towel and fail. Steve shows individuals ways to be effective and think in ways that they'll overcome the explanations why they aren't in a position to achieve what they'd like to. He has learned that what holds plenty of folk back is most likely what occurred during infancy and how people are programmed to think while they're young. It's known as conditioning. If you are continually failing at what you do - particularly in business, or your personal relationships, we recommend you visit - you'll be there with thousands of other visitors he attracts every month. You could be astonished by the articles he has got on his website - many of them are really helpful for altering how you concentrate on things. For instance, why do you not like to do some things? Frequently, since you have been unsuccessful doing something previously, you connect those things with failure. If you're running your own business, this may translate something similar to being frightened to call people on the telephone to request leads. Steve offers effective methods for getting over these Problems.

Personal Growth Means a Better Business

Steve states you can attract anything you would like, so in business you can attract that which you actually desire, so that the LOA will help you in achieving your targets and overcome Problems more easily. By having the ability to stay positive and knowing the best way to by-pass these hindrances will be a part of your own self-improvement. You progress or you quit, but with your own business and understanding the L. O. A that's not likely to occur.

Ideas from the LOA

Do you have goals or have you been just going through the motions each day doing what you've got to do with no plan in mind? One very basic tip that Steve shows is if you want something, to firstly empty your head and target the stuff you want. Pronouncing you really need a new house will not get you anywhere near to getting a new house, but by having set targets uppermost in your consciousness, they will drive you on to stay positive about your life and your business, making your targets a rather more attainable fact. If you are beginning a fresh business, these goals can drive you forward to when you can meet the 1st fiscal goal you set, and then move on to set other goals. That's how entrepreneurs think every day, and with Steve Pavlina's Law of Attraction you'll be able to condition your intellect to eventually think like they do.

About the Author:

November 23, 2011

Resentment prevents you Achieve Your Private Growth (I)

By Elkin Arriero

Anybody could have an angry once in a life, but living in an enduring state of irritation or hate recurring influences negative on our health and acts as a barrier or stumbling block that stops our personal growth.

The resentment its feel terrible. Our stomach becomes a node, we get sweaty, its cloudy our view and we respond violently to the circumstances that confront us. We've all been there. Often it can be so intense that quiver while we experience a strong loathing to other folks, but when we calmed down we wonder how it was that we might like to get to that state?

Well, simple, emotion-whether positive or negative, is our body's response to a thought, which can on occasion be triggered by an external situation , however , the majority of the time that situation is viewed through the lens of our own interpretation. Our lens is coloured by the psychological concepts that everybody has the right and wrong, mine or others, right or wrong, etc ... We all have different lenses so interpretation conflicts are inevitable and can trigger anger or angriness. (Ley de Atraccion)

Consider the hate trigger factors:

Injustice - We think we have been treated unfairly, and we made up a tale in which someone has sickened us.

Loss - We feel we've lost something, which we identify ourselves, feelings, pride, cash, work, etc ...

Guilt - We blame to others peoples or external situations for causing our loss, we use unfairly. Guilt often just resides in our head and is a product of our imagination. We never see things from the perspective of others and become deeply thoughtless.

Agony - We experience discomfort, psychological anguish, and uneasiness, which cause physical reactions in our body, disrupting our natural energy flow and the welfare state.

Deformed Focus - We focus on what we'd like and not put all our energy when we moaned about it and repeat it continually to the world, the result is this creates a downward spiral of anger. AtreveteAVivir

Why should we care to overcome the resentment?

Bad feelings like hate, put your body into survival mode, its say, our body feels that this is a grave danger, which produces a physiological change and its prepares for fight or run away. These physical responses disrupt the natural flow of energy which in its turn is affecting our heart, immune system, digestion and hormone production. A negative emotion is so a deadly to the body and interferes with its balance and nice working.

About the Author:

November 21, 2011

Personal Motivation - What lead us to do our best effort? (I)

By Elkin Arriero

Do our best regards to feel love for what we do, recognizing its' value its importance and always endeavoring for excellence. Personal incentive, especially if is an internal incentive, is the motor that drives us to do things with excellence by the sole pleasure manufacturing to understand that things are done well, whether or not they get paid you for it. And it doesn't matter if they do not pay promptly for a job or action, then make our best effort in the longer term always produces great results, like a magnet attracting prosperity and well-being into their lives.

On the other hand, in the modern day world is exceedingly common to see folk wanting everything without any effort (instant gratification) and always have an excuse for failure and so always accept the role of victim, these folk have surrendered to mediocrity and haven't been able to use their energy and strength to achieve their targets.Ley de Atraccion)

But ever stopped to think why there are folks who do their best effort and are successful and others are still besieged in averageness? Will the natural capability, talent or the environment something to do with staying in inadequacy?

Why folks accept incompetency?

Everyone has a talent in which they're especially good. Whether or not the person isnt a master at this, can perfect thier skills. Nonetheless in everyday life we?? see floks who are geniuses in one area of information, that are not successful in any facet of their lives, seems that the talents aren't an element in the success or averageness.

On the other hand, if the environment is a factor that will lead on to mediocrity, the existence of those who where born in poor and full of crime countries but manage to achieve great results when they grow up would prove us wrong.

The abilities or the environment, aren't determinants of mediocrity, but the thinking and attitude taken toward life is.

People who are content to live in incompetency, will become mediocre no matter the talent they have. However, folk who use their personal motivation to make every day their best effort in everything they do and don't settle for anything less than their expectancies and goals, can avoid mediocrity. AtreveteAVivir

Without this impulse and energy, which turns up within us thru personal incentive, is pretty hard to pursue accomplishment in everything we do and eventually succeed. Only through the effort - which in its turn is driven by the encouragement we can achieve our goals, whatever this could be.

About the Author:

November 20, 2011

Law of Attraction Explained in Detail (I)

By Elkin Arriero

The LOA simply claims that you attract into your life what you believe. Your dominant thoughts find some way to manifest it. But the Law of Attraction causes some troublesome questions that appear to have accurate answers. I might nonetheless , that these issues aren't caused by the Law of Attraction itself but rather by the Law of Attraction as applied to objective reality.

These are some of the questions (all are generalizations of the emails we are getting) :

l What occurs when folks have paradoxical plans, for instance, when two folks have the aim of obtaining the same promotion and there is only 1 position available?

l Do kids, babies, and/or animals set aspirations?

l If a kid is maltreated, this implies what he had set this target in any fashion?

l If I have the aim of improving my relationship, but my hubby doesn't appear interested, what will occur?(Ley de Atraccion)

These questions appear to weaken the reliability of the LOA. Sometimes folk go far enough to reply to these questions. For instance, some proponents of the L. O. A have asserted the experiences of child abuse that some youngsters have, they have earned them in a past life. Yes, naturally ... In this way might be explained if we add anything to the equation a past lives, but I think that is an excuse. On the other hand, the objective fact, without the L. O. A does not provide satisfactory answers either - supposedly some children are born with bad luck. That is too much excuse.

I haven't ever been happy with the answers of others to these questions, and are vital questions for the L. O. A is assumed. Some books talk a little about the solution , however , never them explain or say how. This explanation can be discovered in the concept of subjective reality.AtreveteAVivir

Subjective reality is a system of sentiments in which (1) there's only one consciousness, (2) you are that singular consciousness, and (3) any and all in your fact is a projection of your thoughts.

Maybe you not understand now, but obviously subjective reality answers to all these troublesome questions on the LOA. Let me explain.

In subjective fact there's just one consciousness, and is yours.

About the Author:

L.O.A. expressed Detailed (IV)

By Elkin Arriero

Recall that the result is subject to the influence of higher order beliefs, in this case will be to the experience of conflict with the better half. If your thoughts are in conflict, your essentially are in conflict.

This is the explanation which, to presume accountability for our thoughts is so crucial. If you need to see peace in the world, take thought (aim) of peace for all in your reality. If you need to see excess in the world, so think about it (aim) for everybody. If you need to enjoy loving relations, then take a idea (design) of relationships full of love for all. If you believed (intention) of this simply for you, though not for others, then you're thinking (intention) in conflict, division and separation, and accordingly that is what you may experience.AtreveteAVivir

If you stop thinking about something completely, that implies that vanishes ? Yes, technically yes. However , in practice it's impossible to "uncreate" what you have claimed. Continue to create the same issues with only dwelling on them. So when you take 100% responsibility for everything you are living now in your reality, everything, then you assume the power to alter your reality by redirecting your thoughts.

This fact is your creation. You feel better about it and thanks for the richness of your world, then begins to create the actuality you actually want to live, making choices and maintaining, holding at the time those aspirations. Think what you need, and remove your thoughts from what you hate, what bothers you. The most natural way, simpler to try this is by paying attention to your emotions. Thinking about your dreams, your desires causes you to feel good, just think what's troubling you that lead you to feel bad. When you are feeling bad, you've caught yourself considering something that you hate. Bring your attention back to what you want, and quickly enhance your emotional state. By doing this numerous times, also begin to see changes in your physical reality, at first in a subtle way and then in great leaps.(Ley de Atraccion)

I am just also a manifestation of your consciousness. Play the role you hope to play. If you expect I am definitely a helpful guide, I will. If you're expecting to be extreme and insightful, so I can. If you expect be perplexing I will. But of course no apart from I'm taken from you. I'm just one of your many creations. I'm what you need me to be. But deep down you knew that, right?

About the Author:

Law of Attraction described detailed (II)

By Elkin Arriero

Accordingly, there is just one source of inclinations in the universe - YOU. While its possible to observe a great number of bodies walking and chatting in your reality, all of them exist within your consciousness. You know that is how dreams work, but yet you've not spotted your truly while you walk its yet another type of sleep. It only seems solid because you believe (intention) it is.

Since none of the other characters that you find, are conscious in a way separate from you, no-one else can have plans. The sole objectives are yours. You are the only thinker in this universe.

It is vital to properly define "The You" in subjective reality. You are not your physical body. This isn't at all "The You" self-centered. I am really not suggesting you're a conscious body walking in a world full of unconscious automatons. That will be a total misunderstanding of subjective reality. The right view is that YOU are the only consciousness in which this basically occurs.(Ley de Atraccion)

Imagine you are a dream. In this dream precisely who you are?, You identify with the character physical dream? No, of course not - this is your dream personality tools. You're the dreamer. The whole dream happens in your consciousness. All characters of dream are projections of your thoughts of dream, including your character. Actually if you develop the facility to dream lucidly, you can even change the characters in your dream by possessing another character. In a lucid dream, you can do whatever you think you can.

The reality works the same way. This is a denser universe that you experience in your dreams when you sleep, so, here the changes happen continuously. But this reality still conforms with your thoughts just like a dream as you sleep. You are the dreamer in which all this is taking place.

The idea people have intentions is illusory because folks are just projections. Of course, if you happen to feel strongly that folks have plans, then that is the dream that we create for ourselves. But in the final analysis it is still an illusion.AtreveteAVivir

This is how subjective reality answers to these hard questions about the LOA

l What occur when folks have opposed motives, for instance, when two people have the objective of getting the same promotion and there is just one position available?

About the Author:

November 19, 2011

Law of Attraction expressed in Detail (III)

By Elkin Arriero

Since You are the only one who set motives, this is entirely an internal conflict. You are maintaining that thought (goal), where both folks want the same position. But you are also thinking (intended) that only one can get it. So you are the plan of the competition. This is your creation. You believe in competition, so it is what you manifest. Maybe you've got some principles (thoughts and plans) about who will receive the promotion, in which particular case your expectancies are manifest. Likewise, you may have an assumption that life is more than uncertain, unfair or random, so you can manifest a shock because that is what you are trying.

Now you are the only one who has intention in your fact, this places a huge responsibility on your shoulders. You can give up control over your fact, thinking (intention) in randomness and doubt, but you can never abdicate responsibility. You're the just one creator of this universe. If you think about war, misery, illness, etc ... That is exactly what I claimed. If you think peace, love and joy, that's what you manifest. Your fact is exactly what you think it is. Every time you consider something, you summon its manifestation.AtreveteAVivir

l Do youngsters, babies, and/or animals set objectives?

No. Remember that the body itself doesn't establish the desire, but the conscience. You are the one, who have motives, therefore , that has priority in their fact is what is suggested for them. Each thought is a design, so what you concentrate on others in your reality, is what eventually you manifest to them. Remember that beliefs are ordered, so if you've a high-order belief that reality is random, unpredictable and out of your control, that design will triumph over those who have doubts or you aren't so sure. Is your complete collection of thoughts that dictates how your fact is manifests.(Ley de Atraccion)

l If a kid is abused, this suggests what he had set out this intention in any way?

No, it means that you have thought (goal). You promote kid abuse simply by considering it. The more that you think about child abuse (or anything more), the more you'll see grow in your reality. What you believe is expanding, not just in the narrow space of your personality, but in all of physical reality.

l If I have the objective of improving my relationship, but my husband doesn't seem interested, what will happen?

This is another example of trouble in intention. You're projecting an intention for your personality and one for your hubby, so unified plan is conflict.

About the Author:

November 12, 2011

Personal Inducement leads us to make our best effort (II)

By Elkin Arriero

Tools to flee averageness

1 - Give more than they ask

Try and go one step beyond what they were expecting of you, think of the great satisfaction that comes from tough work. Nothing can bring you more confidence to a man to work hard to get what he would like. Additionally, difficult work generates more likely to succeed. Use private incentive as a tool to launch you to seek information and the will to achieve your goals.

2 - Do not settle

If you'd like to avoid averageness, you should never accept less than what you really want, there's a bent to get the things you need if you persist in it. Think about the youngsters, when they really need something, how they cry, they scream, give them a fit and they do whatever it takes to persuade their parents to buy what they want, most of the time, if they are very persistent, get it.AtreveteAVivir

It is so damaging to aim to something and receive it without being prepared to enjoy it as staying stagnant and not venturing to make our success and private accomplishment.

3 - Avoid negative images

If to imagine what might happen, or what you will get your stress-product is accompanied by a negative image, then do not presume anything before beginning an action. When self-destructive thoughts come to your mind , cast them out of there. In the 1st example, don't let them in your consciousness, but if you do, be ready to take them.

4 - Get out from your safety section

If you are bored by the things you are doing now, will probably find yourself installed in your zone of comfort and aren't doing anything to move to the next level. Long stay in the safety sector makes you lose opportunities that can cause success. The same is true in basketball, if you spend a lot time protecting your own area, you will not be in a position to score points at the other end.(Ley de Atraccion)

5 - Search for Excellence

Success only comes to those who give their best effort, but to be able give your best effort, you should search for into you, that impulse that will lead to excellence, your personal incentive. The good things in life take some time to arrive; the rate with which these pleasant things come to you relies on what you are able and willing to do your best effort.

About the Author:

November 11, 2011

Personal Incentive is the tool that helps us achieve our goals (II)

By Elkin Arriero

3. Build a commitment to ourselves

You have got to describe all of the positive things you're going to get and you need to do to be successful, take hold of your personal motivation to keep you focused on your commitment to yourself.

4. Question if it's worth the effort

"If you wish to achieve something that you never had, you should do something you've never done." If we are ready to work, can be because our target is not accurately or primarily based on something you do not wish with all my heart.

5. Set targets that truly incentivize

Where your heart and mind are involved and if there is not any motivation at the target track is terribly tricky to you that you feel forced to do so.

6. Accept your responsibility

To achieve success in our goals and our lives, we must recognise that much of what happens to us is the result of our selections and behaviors, you are master of your destiny and you need to recognize both of your mistakes and your successes. However , you have to avoid your disasters paralyze you, as it is human to err.

7. Write your goal

When we put our goals on paper we will see them more clearly and consent to comply.

8. Say it aloud

While more times you express your goals out loud closer you are to them, not only helps you to recollect but your subconscious goes to work on them.

9. Divided into stages

Have to know where to go and the way to divide this goal into steps or goals for the short and medium term, will you approach the finishing line. The main difference between a dream and a realizable goal is that it has a cut-off point.(Ley de Atraccion)

10. Pose potential obstacles

Only you can work out what are the stumbling blocks to beat, but you might find a list that includes: the quantity of time you have, unpleasant habits, absence of info or information, and such like.AtreveteAVivir

11. Learn to evaluate what is significant

Another hindrance that you face is when you target the problem and you get paralyzed, not to leave. The idea is to target the solution and how to get there.

Identify the abilities and data they need to overcome obstacles and if something develops a scheme to learn or ask for help from others.

Remember that private motivation is the engine that takes you on the road to success in everything that you propose.

About the Author:

November 7, 2011

Patience: the path to individual growth (II)

By Elkin Arriero

Responding to the varied life situations in a thoughtful and calm, showing the best of us, however when we get always react hastily out the very worst of our personality. Eagerly rarely we get the results what we need, serves only to get caught up in irritation and dissatisfaction, personal expansion slowing significantly.

Impatience can also be a sign of something much deeper, not only keeps to our mind distracted from the current time and takes away the opportunity to experience individual expansion, but occasionally becomes us being concerned and even highly-strung.(Ley de Atraccion)

Giving up our sense of urgency and to the attitude of "I need it now" is the way of attaining a cool awareness; we are able to offer much in terms of appreciating all that life has to give.

In our culture is starting to become more present to find solutions and quick results, which don't have a period of time for reflection, which closes our potential to entirely explore all probabilities, and we do not provide any option personal growth.

In this postmodern and technologic world, where we live even perturbed by PCs that are quicker growing, we run the risk of losing this valuable lesson that's waiting.

In the natural world there is no hurry, the sun never announces to the moon to hurry to complete its cycle, as it is busy and needs more time to do things, just follow its natural course and slow, waking us each morning, according to the laws established naturally.AtreveteAVivir

Maybe we should learn a lesson from nature, which we are all integral part, and let everything goes as should do it. Nature has its own pace, but that's not the same rhythm of the ticking of the clock or digital readouts, and the packed schedule is the time of the seasons, where everything and everyone has their own way of living and we don't have any right to change, simply because we don't be patient to be there and wait.

Patience is deeply set in nature, by it is logical for we, humans being is cultivated it. Next time you want to retort to a situation, think very on the final results that your actions could lead and predates accordingly, responsibility and patience, for the good of all.

About the Author:

November 6, 2011

Patience: the way to individual expansion (I)

By Elkin Arriero

Patience means give us the space and time enough to investigate a situation, so that we can accept or give a solution. To be driven by the pressure or expectation, always we react acutely and even violence, further obstructing the solution of our own situation and away from a real possibility for individual expansion.(Ley de Atraccion)

Read the story we show you below and understand better what mean by this concept:

In a town in Ethiopia, a woman married a person who had a tiny child from his prior marriage, the child didn't like the new stepmother, but she could not do enough to indulge all and treated him very well. The woman went to the town healer and she asked him, what I can do for my child to accept me as your mum? The smart man announced "get me three lion's whiskers."

The lady was worried as she dont knew how could get three hairs a lion without being devoured by it, but just decided try it for the well of his folks. When she finally discovered a lion, she made a decision to give food and after approaching to it, she left a little piece of beef and walked away, every day she left food for the lion. While the lion was employed to the presence of women, till it became part of its life. One day the lion fell asleep while she visited him and she could get 3 whiskers, but before taking them to the healer, she realized that her problem was solved: she had found the value of patience, and as she probably did it with the lion, should approach the child slowly to win his heart.

Impatience comes into our lives, occasionally unknowingly as the woman's story and other explosively, with resentment attacks, where people that are hurt emotionally and physically. But without regard for the route that you found to express impatience, we must try to learn to handle disappointment that makes us a fact, to get the best of ourselves and propel our expansion and private.AtreveteAVivir

Impatience and hurry

Impatience could be a widespread problem in our modern society, either as drivers or receivers it the impatience of others. Many times we have felt the impatience and we have also seen others pops up in irritation, anger and frustration, which can even change the personality of the people who suffer, in a moment. That feeling of despondency us away the current time, avoiding we will to understand life as it is and not as we'd like to be.

About the Author:

November 5, 2011

Law of Attraction - Does It Work

By Glenda Feilen

The "law of attraction" has a very appealing promise: the capacity to manifest whatever you want by means of faith and intention. But does it work?

Some people are very successful with attraction while others fail repeatedly. I think a primary reason people fail is that they have a frame of mind that does not enable attraction to work its magic. More often than not, these inhibiting belief systems are below the radar screen and reside in the subconscious mind making them pretty tough to conquer.

For anyone who is serious about attracting positivity into your life, you must contemplate a few questions and answer them honestly. Deep inside, do you actually believe that you can manifest things simply by habituating the art of believing in them? If not, attraction will not do much for you. It's completely necessary to analyze your most basic beliefs, and discover your most innate skepticisms, to permit attraction to happen.

If you answered no to the above question, talk to someone who has made attraction work for them. Query this person about their beliefs and discover how they have arrived at accepting attraction as reality.

Coincidences are the physical manifestation of attraction, and the portal to understanding it. If you don't believe they mean something bigger, than attraction will not work for you. Any time coincidences take place you must immediately realize that there's a connection.

If coincidences take place, keep tabs on them. Write the particulars down on paper. By centering your focus on coincidences you will bring more of them and ultimately develop a higher sense for what they might mean.

More and more people have become fired up about what attraction indicates, only to grumble that it doesn't work for them immediately after. The hardest part of the law is to cultivate the habit of keeping track of your thoughts. Checking in constantly to what you are contemplating is key to making attraction work. It takes dedication, and you have to ask yourself if you up for the challenge!

When you begin down this path, it can be helpful to quantify at the end of each day what amount of time you invested in positive attraction mode and what amount of time you used in damaging thought patterns. Physically write it down so you can see the results. This practice can be very informative and is an integral piece to attracting more of what you want.

Attraction is a life-long exercise. Even though you may be fortunate and manifest something pretty quickly, it does not mean attraction will work every time. For the practice to be truly beneficial, it is necessary to cultivate it over the long-term and purposefully accept it as part of your every day experience.

In my opinion the laws of attraction can work for anyone. The first step is to consider the right questions and do a little looking into your subconscious mind. It's there you may find the answers to why attraction isn't working for you!

About the Author:

November 3, 2011

Think and Grow Rich: The Precursor of the LOA (II)

By Elkin Arriero

The fundamental idea that conveys Napoleon Hill as the fuel that drives the process of getting rich is:

Positive Psychological Approach

The positive mental approach heads the list of qualities required for someone to become rich, and the reason behind this is that each one of the 13 factors, plotted along the book, it is extremely unlikely to achieve if one does not maintain a perspective of mind positive prior to starting exercising. There isn't any way to have religion if you let doubts and negativity invade our thoughts. There is not any way to make calls and overcome all of the fears that prevent us from acting, if we have faith in ourselves and believe that fail at that point. To develop all of these qualities and behaviours should be a positive self-image and future, to prepare the ground where they make money.

A positive psychological disposition and understanding it is possible to achieve your purpose, induce a new perspective and level of confidence to reach any wealth. A positive psychological disposition, in turn creates hope in the future. Once you have hope in the future, anything is practicable. Then, concentrate on your mental perspective, build hope and then work to conquer the leftover wealth. When a person starts to avoid all negativity and is directed at solving the Problems, the world offers incredible prospects.

Purpose, desire, resolution and perseverance

As mentioned, the theme is developed across the 13 key elements that Hill didn't want to explicitly name, can be summarised in 4 vital areas needed to be successful and become somebody with wealth:

1) Have a purpose: Once an individual identifies its purpose, concerns change. If you're rambling in the dark, will not get far in life, identify your purpose and your ambitions and once the lens is absolutely recognized you can go down a path lit.

2) Desire: Outlining your purpose isn't always guarantee that you act to do, for Hill to have a deep want and keenness to achieve this goal is to ensure that you work toward it. You have got to imagine that in achieving your goal you may feel the maximum pleasure practical.AtreveteAVivir

3) Dedication: Napoleon Hill talks about levels of maturity and understanding where the commitment, devotion and sacrifice are the key to wealth. By his private example, the author shows how Andrew Carnegie worked for years without pay, in return for him in the future could write a book about his experiences, this looks like an activity that required sacrifices, but the zeal was ultimately factor in the success of Napoleon Hill.

4) Perseverance: Understanding the same as beating all barriers. Difficulties in life will necessarily bring on your way to success, but you should use the need and devotion to persist thru difficulties and overcome them. Regularly openings in the financial sector will act as a barrier, apparently unbeatable, but you have got to use internal resources to continue to work in any case.(Ley de Atraccion)

Napoleon Hill in his book one or two stories where these 4 elementals apply. Generally, throughout this book he invites us to think and become rich, fervently dedicated and using these 4 beliefs.

Some have criticized this book for lacking modern examples and their transcendental approach nonetheless , many famous entrepreneurs have asserted that reading it has meant an important part of their success.

If you're working with the L. O. A, it's worth and you get a copy form an opinion for yourself.

About the Author:

Think and Grow Rich: The Predecessor of the Law of Attraction (I)

By Elkin Arriero

Napoleon Hill is widely recognized as the initiator of the modern literature on private success.

If you saw the flick "The Secret" and/or read the book, you will discover when you read "Think and Grow Rich" - The most renowned work of Napoleon Hill-a lot of information that pours in The Secret has been without delay or indirectly taken from this book. Before you continue to read and looking for more information on the L. O. A, I would recommend you read the original text that came forward and would sow the bedrock for private development.

How was born the formula for success

Napoleon Hill was born in misery in Virginia, USA, and commenced his writing career at the age of 18 years, as a newspaper hack of his folk. He entered law school, but had to withdraw because of lack of finance resources.

In 8319, Hill's career reached a significant point when he interviewed Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world at that time. Carnegie commissioned Hill to interview over 701 of the most outstanding males and females of America, in order to discover and publish a formula for success may be copied by the average person.(Ley de Atraccion)

For over 20 years Napoleon Hill continued this research. In 3190, the formula for success that Carnegie and Hill imagined was released under the title "The Law of Success." The current version of this work has over 1,000 pages.

In 8500, Napoleon Hill condensed his law of pre-eminence in his most noted work, "Think and Grow Rich". This book is available in 1 or 2 editions, is still in print and has sold over 19 million copies over the years.

This book has stood the test of time, since it was first made public in the Great Depression in 2819, with timeless guidance to the knowledge of human emotions and thoughts, right from the mind of one of the most successful entrepreneurs US has had3 Andrew Carnegie.AtreveteAVivir

Hill created this book to bare what rich men do (that others don't) to achieve success. It is assumed that gives rise to action and how it leads to riches. It outlines the formula for pre-eminence in 73 principles0

1. The need

9. Religion

3. The autosuggestion

7. The specialised data

:. Imagination

1. Organised planning

3. The decision

:. Tenacity

1. The power of teamwork

23. The poser of sex transmutation

45. The subconscious mind

67. The brain

89. The Sixth Sense

Straight after the arrival of key guidelines, Napoleon Hill challenges the audience to find each chapter along a central idea which will help them reach success ladies and men and rich, but also tells us that he won't explain overtly the idea because it becomes more potent when the reader is able to discover for themselves, reading between the lines.

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