November 30, 2009

How To Use The Law Of Attraction: The Hidden Truth

By Trevor Johnson

You can petition the universe to deliver your dreams and desires to your doorstep. This is the hidden truth that nearly all famous, rich, and otherwise prosperous people use to achieve their dreams. If you know how to use the law of attraction, you will use the same universal law.

There are three main keys to the law of attraction. You need to ask the universe for what you want. It is essential that you believe without doubt that you will receive your request. Be prepared to recognize and take opportunities for your goals as you come across them.

Become acquainted with your desires. Separate the shallow wants from the deep rooted desires. In order to make an effective request to the universe, you must truly know what you want deep in your bones. Lesser wants and wishes will be ignored by the universe. They simply do not hold enough power to attract prosperity.

To truly be a magnet for success, you need to be complete sure that it is already coming. Act as though you are successful and you will become successful. People and the universe will start treating you like you are important. You cannot just daydream about it. You need to live with the perfect surety that your wish is being granted at this very moment.

The universe will offer its answer in the form of signs and opportunities. Take note of small omens and other notes from the universe to you about your goals. Take full advantage of every opportunity the universe offers you. You will be surprised how many times the universe answers with more than you requested! Have faith in the universe and it will respond.

Take advantage of your knowledge about how to use the law of attraction to enrich your life. Make use of the hidden truths that the most prosperous, popular, and successful people in the world us to attain their wealth and fame.

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November 27, 2009

Understand Cultures And You Have Global Freedom

By Bob Proctor

Culture-- what a powerful tool to change your life. Culture is what you call the established ideals, beliefs and values of a particular block of people. There are set cultures in families, one's workplace and world as well.

Throughout history we see that culture while many times beneficial, have been an obstacle to many who aspire to become rich. Think about it, only a few decades before, unfair and destructive biases were left to fester in some of the most powerful nations of the world. Can you imagine where the world would be today without groundbreakers like Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Amelia Earhart?

Indeed, life would be much simpler if we just go with the existing paradigms that may be wrong, but easier to cope with. Fortunately, because of these brave souls who dare to change the landscape of the very world we live in-we are left with the powerful knowledge that anybody can use one's culture to step up to global freedom.

Take some time to think about this: what particular paradigm reinforcing a particular aspect of your culture do you want to change? Perhaps it is the notion that it is difficult to make money and become rich. You might be considering the present status of the economy instead of the unlimited potential that is in you. How about setting your sights on a more global market?

Write the goal that you have and put down all the associations you have on it as well. If you are planning to build wealth and make money in a global platform then begin looking for international jobs that interest you. Find out how you can make money on the internet. If you are unsure that you can earn money online, find out what the cause of this feeling is. You are in effect, uncovering personal paradigms that needs to be resolved to align with the goals you have.

Ever body has a choice. You can stay a victim of your culture-or use it to boost you to higher ground. When you make money on the internet, you open yourself up to many income opportunities. More than that, it will improve your personal quality of life as well. How so? If you decide to earn money online, you can be working from home instead of the office. Working from home will mean more time you can spend for your family and loved ones.

Be proactive in your decisions and purpose to choose the course of action that will allow you a better quality of life. It doesn't have to be the international jobs or all the income opportunities to build wealth we've discussed today; but it does have to be something you can be excited about and pursue despite opposing paradigms of other people.

The culture you have now may be big-but your heart and attitude will create space for you to be a success. Remember, you can change your life; but more than that, you have the power to change the world.

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Decision Time -- Can YOu Do It!

By Bob Proctor

People sometimes wake up and wonder why they are where they are in life. Simple-it is because of a series of decisions people make that determines one's destiny. If you want to achieve your financial and personal goals, you have to know how to make good decisions. No other thing can change your life.

The primary characteristics you need for effective goal setting are self-knowledge and self-confidence. Everybody misses the mark at some point in their lives. These two key traits recognize that the failures you face are not who you are but are only events that you go through on your way to your goals.

Do not be uncomfortable in making decisions. If you are, then you need to resolve that within yourself before anything else. You cannot avoid decision-making anymore than you can avoid breathing and eating. Stand by the choices you make and expect only the best.

People usually make decisions based on the circumstances they are in. If that were so, we would have missed out on a lot of great inventions and reformations in our systems simply because obstacles are hindering the path. Never allow your goal setting be determined with the circumstances you happen to find yourself in.

Money is another factor that encumbers potentially great decisions. While wisdom dictates us to consider everything before stepping into something important; resources at hand should not be the main reason for making a choice we know we should take. If you need to make an important decision, do so regardless with what you have right now-money will find its way to you.

Understand that decisions bring organization to your mind; therefore bringing you results. If you want to make money and become rich, you can. Do not look around to see if the economy is favorable for you to choose to make money. Decide that you will become rich no matter what the present reality may look like right now.

What are the personal goals you are setting for yourself today? Have you experienced setbacks that have disappointed and discouraged you from continuing to pursue these goals? If you want to live a bigger life, make a decision right now that you will succeed no matter what failure you have had in the past.

Everybody loves winners. The mistakes they may have made pale in comparison to the successes they have worked hard for. The legacy that you leave rests on your decision to be excellent in all that you do. Decide to change your life and be all that you can be today.

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Transcending The Corporate Culture To Become "You,Inc."

By Bob Proctor

Let me share to you a secret that can transform the way you live today-there is extraordinary power that lives inside of you. Flip through the pages of history and find stalwarts of culture changers that shake the world by the force of how they live-examples like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Galileo and Oprah are individuals who make things happen.

How does this apply to me, you may ask. Maybe you're not planning to change the world-but you can change life within your sphere of influence, at the very least.

We understand that culture is the set of ideas and doctrines that a group of people adhere to. Culture doesn't necessarily mean the world or national setting we know it to be. It applies to smaller clusters of people like our family, the society we move in, or the work we find ourselves in. This article will show you how to purpose life improvement in a corporate culture by creating your own.

There is a story in the'50s about an insurance company wherein this person would give motivational messages to his staff every week. As you know sales jobs were pretty stressful even then and the weekly dose of motivation quotes meant a lot for the employees. As it happened, the owner was to go for a vacation; so to compensate for the time he won't be there, he pre recorded the weekly motivational talks to be played when he was gone.

It worked so well that the staff kept the recorded messages to inspire them. These motivation quotes were so powerful that it began to spread and more than a million copies of it were eventually sold. This is a true story. More importantly, this can happen to you.

Do you want a significant life? What dreams and goals are you cherishing in your heart today? Write it down as well as the other ideas that you associate with your goals and make it specific. These are your paradigms. Think of which of these mindsets you want to improve on and find out the causes that have formed them throughout your life.

We come to the most important part of all-what are you going to do about it? You can either be a victim, a participant or a creator of culture as shaped by your paradigms. I suggest you choose to be the creator and change life to one that you want through the attitude that you choose to take and the words you decide to speak.

It doesn't matter if you are making a difference in people's sales jobs or the world-purpose life by creating a culture that you want. Unlock the power within you and be amazed at the incredible journey that lies ahead.

About the Author:

November 24, 2009

Avoid Chaos -- Learn To Make Decisions

By Bob Proctor

How many of us have had those, "if only" moments that haunt us for years? Don't you just hate that? Many times our dream lies just beyond our will to pursue it-and indecision is the only thing that stops us from realizing it.

Decisions are as much a part of living as breathing is. It carries purpose life needs in order to function at its highest capacity. Your dream may be to build wealth or a certain relationship-whatever it may be, decisions can change your life.

Decision-making organizes your mind, which effectively helps to bring you to the course of action you must take for you to reach your goals. It sounds simple until you get hit by valid reasons for not making decisions-take care that it will not hold you back from enjoying an amazing quality of life you can have.

What is indecision? Indecision is the lack of ability to choose a stance and stick to it. People underestimate how indecisiveness can largely impact the way we live. If we are constantly unsure of what to do and how to feel, emotional and mental wars will always cause us stress.

Experts on this matter also define indecisiveness as ambivalence. Having conflicting feelings on a particular matter will hinder you from taking the appropriate steps to reach your goals. Ambivalence will make you unproductive and frustrated-the opposite quality of life you should be having.

The moment you catch yourself in such a state, seize these thoughts and consciously bring yourself back to your goal by making the decision to do what's right. If this is to build wealth, then do not veer away from the things you know will help you accomplish that. You can change your life, but you need to do something about it.

Do not feel helpless with adverse situations you might temporarily find yourself in. Your decisions should be resolved internally, generally independent of all circumstantial factors. You can build wealth beyond what people expect of you; all you need is strength of will to see it through.

Remember-- control your destiny by managing your thought patterns. Purpose life improving decisions that will set you on exciting adventures and the most rewarding experiences you always wanted to have.

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Abundance is Your Choice

By Sam Palin

For some reason that can still not be explained, we have all been conditioned to think that in order to be successful you have to have been born lucky. That living an abundant life is only for those that work themselves to death or to those that are born with the proverbial silver spoon. Most of us have been told that we are not good enough to be what it is we want to be. That we don't deserve happiness, success and health, these negative thoughts have been engrained in us for so long that now that we are learning about the law of attraction we find it difficult to get the results we want with it.

There are some law of attraction tips that will help you to experience an abundant life. First you're going to need to change your way of thinking. The world, your life, everything. Of course it's not going to happen quickly. This is something that you will need to work on for some time.

Changing the way you think is an important law of attraction tip, and it entails changing everything in your life. For many, where they start is going to depend on what is most comfortable for them. Some may want to start with the way they see the world around them. To do this, you need to look for the beauty in the world. Don't see the pouring the rain as a disappointment, see it as an Earth cleanser, washing away the dust and dirt of the day so that life can be refreshed and new.

When you experience a flat tire on the road, you shouldn't be upset about it by any means. Take it as a chance to look at the world. See the buildings, or the trees. Experience the sun and see everyone around you. This is your chance to see the world as it really is, and understand that your life is not defined by singular events, but how you take those events as they come.

For others, they may want to start with changing the way they see themselves. Many people find the use of daily affirmations useful when doing this. That is because the key here is to change the little voice that is lurking in the corners of your mind, your subconscious. One law of attraction tip that you can do is as soon as you wake up, before even getting out of bed, think "I am a good person." Repeat it to yourself 10 times and smile when you are saying it. Believe it or not the smile will add more impact to the thought.

When you go into the bathroom, look at yourself and talk to yourself about how good you actually look. You need to genuinely believe that you are meant to have a good day. Many people simply believe that they're going to have a bad day, and that's exactly why they fail. You deserve to have a good day, remember that!

By changing your outlook on life and seeing yourself in a whole new way, you can have a completely different life. Give it a try!

About the Author:

November 23, 2009

Getting Good At Decision-Making

By Bob Proctor

We know how important decisions are. It is a powerful tool in goals setting and achieving the life we want. If we want to be among the legends that have made their mark in the world, we must drive away indecisiveness and purpose to establish our resolve in what we set out to do. It is essential that we have this information-what can we do now to bring it to another level?

Before we get to that, think about this for a while: how much more convenient and efficient our lives are because of the things we do in advance. Perhaps it is making an appointment with the dentist, or reserving a seat in a plane-planning ahead and following through is a useful guide in simplifying everyday chores. The same is true in all aspects of our life.

Advanced decision-making will help make reaching your goals easier-- resulting in a more productive, time and cost-efficient life. Determine ahead that nothing will put you off on your goals no matter the people or situations that may come to discourage you.

Prop up your established dreams with the discipline necessary to see it through. For example, every successful dieter knows that to reach his goal, he will need to disregard his natural inclination to eat rich and calorie laden food, and dine on a healthier fare instead. His motivation to lose weight will push him to make the right choices.

What about your dream to hit the six figure income mark? Does that sound impossible? It's not. Include in your goals setting all that you are able to do at the place where you are right now. Realize that wealth is not an overnight thing so do not be discouraged if it will take time to reach your goal. Keep at it no matter what and that six figure income will be yours before you know it.

Anybody who wills it can attain the victory they want in whatever area they want. You can reach your goal better and faster by fueling your motivation and implementing your advanced decision making practices.

You will find that the great men and women in history have one thing in common-- they have personal values that propelled them to believe and act how they do. Their firmly established, immovable faith in their goals consequently led them to pre-determine that they will act only in support to the eventual realization of their dreams.

Let nothing, people or event; thwart you from achieving all that you can in life. Your happiness and wealth are yours for the asking-let your decision bring you to higher heights today.

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Bring A New Outlook And Re-Vitalize An Old Situation

By Bob Proctor

There is a season in every person's life that he will outgrow certain areas in his life and desire anew. Though contentment is virtuous, dissatisfaction at what is easily attainable is a good thing as well. It makes you grow and want to change your life to have more.

Take a good look in your life. What area causes frustration and discontent inside you? For most people it is their jobs and the daily grind of it. If you want quality of life, you need to deal with your career goals as it directly relates to your personal life as well.

What do I mean? Not only does your job provide you with the money to buy the things you need; the right career goals will give you fulfillment and purpose in life. Too often we think too little of our professions as only what we need to do to survive- if we think like this we are missing out on enjoying quality of life beyond what we expect.

Ponder for a moment about certain areas in your life that needs a face lift. List down all the associations you have with that particular area. What you have is the paradigms that dictate your thoughts, feelings and behavior that you may not even know you are operating on.

Take for instance the profession you are in right now. Do you feel joy when you talk about work or are you dreading waking up and going to the office? If it is the latter, then it is high time you think about having a career change. Find a job that you actually like so you will be inspired to produce excellent work.

Bear in mind that you need to determine the root of your dissatisfaction before you think of a career change. Otherwise, you are only transferring your frustrations to the next job you will be in. Is there a negative association or experience that has tainted the view you have of work? If this is all it is, then you can resolve these issues. You might actually enjoy the career you're in now and you won't even need to find a job anymore.

Now we need to hold up our profession in a positive light. If the career you have brings out your full potential and makes you happy, then work will not seem like work at all. You will do more and consequently reap the rewards-money and recognition for a job well done.

You really don't need to look everywhere to change your life. The answer resides within you. You can make something beautiful out of any old situations that have been detrimental to your growth. Have a good attitude, thing good thoughts and begin to expect the best-you have the power to create the reality you so desire.

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November 22, 2009

Is Your Cultural View Limiting You?

By Bob Proctor

Too often people walk around with little to show for themselves, when they are capable of so much more. Ask them why and most will give excuses and point to their present circumstances as the culprit to their seemingly inherent state of failure. Delve deeper into their excuses and you will find that these self imposed restrictions are based on paradigms created subconsciously throughout the course of their lives.

Paradigms are powerful tools to change life. These are pre-existing mindsets we have that largely dictate our thought patterns and subsequent actions. If, for example, you have always felt insignificant, when it's time to find a job you will go for local jobs instead of international jobs even if you are highly capable. You will earn money, but it will be less satisfying than what you deserve.

How did you conclude that local jobs are what you want? Is it a goal you set to attain? You probably weren't even aware that you were automatically ignoring international jobs because you felt you are not equipped to handle important tasks. This negative perception on yourself is an example of a damaging paradigm that has to be corrected.

As we can see, mindsets are powerful life forming tools. It can either go good or bad for you, depending on your choice-- and one of the main factors of shaping your paradigm is culture.

Culture is a set of predominant beliefs and ideas of a particular block of people. It is not necessarily national; it may mean a family or company setting as well. If your corporate culture is ruthless and unethical in their dealings, you might be in danger of compromising your spiritual and moral growth-a vital proponent to change life to one of meaning and true success.

Find a job that will allow you to earn money in a productive and positive environment. It is your choice whether you want to be defined and limited by your culture. It is not easy to break away from the mold, especially if it is cast by people closest to you and have been in place for years; but it is vital that you do so to experience wealth-not just financially, but personally as well.

So how do we break from the cultural limitations that keep us from fulfilling the best life today? First you must find the area in your life that you believe is influenced by a negative culture that has caused you to experience little success. Write it down and list down all the associations you have concerning it. Decide to want a better life and begin to change this by adopting a positive attitude and speaking words of life to the situation.

It is a small matter to know these things-what's important is to go out and do it. Create a life of health and wealth by being free of your cultural limitations today.

About the Author:

November 20, 2009

How Paradigms Affect Your Life

By Bob Proctor

Think about this: you will spend the same effort in aspiring for wealth and prosperity, as you will in complaining about adverse situations and poverty. If that is the case, you will do well in choosing the former to employ your energy in-it will spell the difference between success and failure.

Awareness is the line that draws the two choices apart. This article will help you understand the principles that will make you enjoy a quality of life that far exceeds monetary wealth-although that is part of it. Inside you is potential and power to get rich and build a legacy that you never thought was possible.

Before we start, it is important to understand what exactly it is that is keeping people from experiencing a life of abundance. We do not always realize it but our behavior and actions on our lifestyle and how we make money is influenced by our paradigms.

We must retrain our minds to understand the underlying truths of this world that people are only starting to discover now. Thoughts are more than inconsequential mental activity in our brain- these are creative power that outlines the life we choose to have. Bob Proctor, a life expert on such issues, teaches that it is our paradigms that our thought system is built on.

A paradigm is how one views life and the world in general. These are the ideas and mindsets we have been programmed to screen the world through. Our paradigms are the operating processes of our thought systems. An example would be like if we were conditioned to believe that easy money is impossible to attain-- the result would be us always working hard just to make money enough for our basic needs.

When we are given information, we automatically revert to our preconceived ideas on whatever knowledge we have on the particular issue. Our mindsets or paradigms therefore largely influence how we think and act; and consequently how we purpose life.

Paradigms are not inclined towards a particular emotion-it is completely up to you. If you purpose life to be one that makes easy money available, then that is what you will have. If you think it is impossible to get rich in the present economy, it will be as you believe it is.

Bob Proctor said that negative paradigms are even more devastating than being in prison because it keeps the individual's very mind in jail. Liberate yourself from the bondage that have held you back-an abundant life is in you just waiting to be manifested.

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Essentials of Attitude

By Bob Proctor

Why is it that some people seem to get all the breaks in life and some just get the broken pieces left of it? Sure, there are individuals who were born rich; but a courageous few obtained wealth even if they were born in the wrong side of the tracks. How did they become rich? One word: attitude.

Attitude is the manner by which you deal with the situations at hand. More than that, it is a stand you decide on in spite of however many opposing factors challenge this decision. Everybody will experience bad days; but turning these into opportunities for good is possible so long as you have the right attitude.

It is of utmost importance that you adopt the correct attitude. It will make a yearly six figure income a possibility instead of just having to make money to last you each day. You heard right, you can have the six figure income as soon as you grasp and practice the principles of having wealth.

So are you ready to find out the secret on how to change your life today? It is as simple as it is infallible-the law of attraction. The law of attraction will directly support the path that your attitude has begun to set you on. Latch on to a positive mindset to substantiate your careers goals-no matter how high it may seem to you. The universe will be compelled to abide by the 'vibrations' that your attitude is transmitting.

With how the economy is going nowadays, most people think to achieve their career goals and become rich is as elusive as catching wisps of smoke. That is erroneous thinking. Money is always available for the individual who wants it enough to pursue it stubbornly. You can improve your quality of life and have wealth whatever the economic climate you were born in. The secret rests in your attitude-this will make you act towards the fulfillment of your convictions and attract other people to believe in you as well.

On the other hand, if you have a negative mindset in life the same principle will apply. People looking for ways to make money without improving their mental outlook will fail in their attempts to gain financial prosperity.

Learn to set goals and practice conditioning your mind to believe you can achieve them. Whether it is improving your quality of life or personal goals, anything is possible for the person who believes and acts in accordance to his beliefs.

Remember, attitude is a fusion of your mind, will and emotions. Your will can move your feelings to respond positively to circumstances that face you. If you want to know how to change your life, it is as simple as making a choice today to live your best life in expectation of the good things that are sure to come.

About the Author:

November 19, 2009

Change Your View, Change Your Life

By Bob Proctor

Ever think of robbing a bank? Some people think this is the only way to become rich-it is not. If you think you need to be someone else to build wealth you are wrong. Anyone can do it and it can be done at anytime. All you need in changing your life is changing your paradigm.

So what do we do and where do we start? There are three things you can do to effectively improve your life in a straightforward and helpful way. First, write down your goals and make it as specific as possible. Take for example your dream to become rich. Envision yourself wealthy and jot down everything you see clearly and in detail.

Next, write down all the associations that enter your mind when you think of the particular goal. Write down in bold letters, encircled and placed in the middle of the sheet the goal and list down all the sub ideas you have in the areas around it. Perhaps, it is to build wealth-include earning money and a six figure income, etc. in your sheet.

Is the paper in front of you? You are holding on to the paradigms you have been operating on with regard to money. Many you already know about yourself, but some might have surprised you about yourself. There are people who find having a six figure income excessive and as a result, unknowingly repel abundance and favor in earning money in their work.

With the paradigms that you have, take those key phrases that arouse the most negative emotions in you. To build wealth, you must be able to find out and resolve all the detriments that have dictated your mindset for too long. These detriments might have come from a bad experience or inaccurate notions that some cultures may have conditioned you to think.

Now that you have the root of your paradigm- do something about it. Reprogram yourself mentally to think higher thoughts by writing down and hearing yourself speak out motivational quotes that will stir you up to become rich.

For example, a good affirmation will be, "I am destined to grow rich and prosperous. Money is attracted to me and I am equipped to create wealth and manage my finances well when it comes." These motivational quotes are more than words, it is power itself. If you believe you truly are divinely ordained to grow rich and prosperous; all of the world will conspire to bring you wealth and abundance.

Too many times people earning money, fall short on what they want their financial status to be. Changing your life begins in the inside before you plan and execute any effective action plan. Live a life in a higher level by adjusting your paradigms. It may not always be a walk in a park but it is definitely worth the returns.

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Burst Through Cultural Limitations

By Bob Proctor

People often walk around living little lives when they actually have so much more to offer. Ask them why and many will point to educational or familial background and present circumstances as their excuses. Look deeper into these excuses and you will notice that these self-imposed limitations are founded on paradigms they have had in life.

Paradigms are powerful tools to change life. These are pre-existing mindsets we have that largely dictate our thought patterns and subsequent actions. If, for example, you have always felt insignificant, when it's time to find a job you will go for local jobs instead of international jobs even if you are highly capable. You will earn money, but it will be less satisfying than what you deserve.

How did you conclude that local jobs are what you want? Is it a goal you set to attain? You probably weren't even aware that you were automatically ignoring international jobs because you felt you are not equipped to handle important tasks. This negative perception on yourself is an example of a damaging paradigm that has to be corrected.

As we can see, mindsets are powerful life forming tools. It can either go good or bad for you, depending on your choice-- and one of the main factors of shaping your paradigm is culture.

We define culture as the predominant ideas and beliefs of particular groups of people. It is not contained in a national sense; it may be as small as a company or a family. Enter into a work with a corporate culture that celebrates ruthless competitiveness and you have stepped into an arena for you to exercise practices that will stifle your moral and spiritual growth-an important aspect you will need to check if you want to change life for the better.

Find a job that will allow you to earn money in a productive and positive environment. It is your choice whether you want to be defined and limited by your culture. It is not easy to break away from the mold, especially if it is cast by people closest to you and have been in place for years; but it is vital that you do so to experience wealth-not just financially, but personally as well.

So what is needed to free oneself from cultural limitations so we can enjoy an abundant life today? What area in your life has little success right now? Find out the negative culture that it is rooted in. Write down all the associations you may have regarding that area and reprogram your thinking where adjustments are needed. You must have a positive attitude and speak affirming words to the situations you are facing.

It's easy to read about something, what you need is to practice the truths we have just discussed. Be free of your cultural limitations-- a life of good health and abounding wealth is waiting just for you.

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What Are The 3 Main Strategies For Making Money?

By Bob Proctor

No matter what anybody says-you need money in life. The difference of the success each person has hinges on the strategy they employed for making money. There are three main strategies that we will discuss and you can assess yourself as to which one you employ.

The first strategy on how to earn money is the most widely used of all three-this is when you trade your time for money. Around 96% of all individuals work like this. Most careers available in the market today fall under this category. Unfortunately after a while, it will compromise your quality of life and will ultimately be detrimental to you.

The second strategy on making money is by investing money to earn money. This is better than the first strategy but used only by about 3% of the population. Why is that? Obviously, to build wealth through this method either you were born rich, or you need to have acquired a significant amount of money to invest with.

Examples of these are businesses wherein you put in finances so you can sell them for a higher price, thus incurring an income. This is a better method of making money; however, problems arise when the individual does not have enough money to invest. If you want to get rich through this avenue, it will take time and a very smart and trustworthy financial adviser to help you build wealth.

Finally, the last strategy is to leverage yourself to make money. What this means is augmenting the sources of your income through different channels. This is the best way to get rich and is the secret of the people who manage most of the world's wealth.

Multiple Sources of Income, or MSI, is the typical way on how to earn money through this strategy. Develop a system where people of specific niches can find you. When they do, direct them to other partner businesses that also cater to their needs. Because this won't take up much time, you can explore other ways to make more money as well.

What you have just read is the science of getting rich without sacrificing the quality of life everybody deserves to have. Anybody can do this. You need only to decide that you want it and plan the concrete steps you need to take to achieve your financial goals. What is the amount of money you want to earn? Portion it out into segments which correspond to a source of revenue you can grow.

To succeed in life, you must not aim for wealth alone, but the enrichment of other people's standard of living as well. When you help others realize their dreams, your own dreams have a way of coming into fulfillment as well. Make life beautiful and get more than what you wished for-guaranteed.

About the Author:

November 13, 2009

Secrets Of Happiness And Law Of Attraction

By Simon Ward

Contentment, riches and Law of Attraction are very strongly connected, indeed. If you don't know what that Law of Attraction is, that's okay. It's a very easy concept to understand. Basically, the Law of Attraction says that you have to have positive thoughts in order to have positive things in your life -- including happiness and wealth.

The Law of Attraction isn't new and in fact has been around for a long, long time because it really works. Happy thoughts and the positive effects of the Law of Attraction are interconnected to each other. Think of this for a minute; do you know someone who seems to have everything, is laid back and always happy? These types of people allow things to come into their lives that make them happy and wealthy, and they don't block possibilities for these things with negative energy or thoughts.

Your thoughts are made up of energies, which is also what you are. If you are thinking positive thoughts, then you are made up of positive energy and abundance in your life will follow.

Happy thoughts and law of attraction are what it is all about. The way the whole process can work to your advantage is by reassuring yourself that you are great, wonderful, beautiful, confident, wealthy, etc. Do this all day long, even when you do not feel like it. People often use positive affirmations to help them with life's everyday issues.

Some examples of positive affirmations include: 'I am friendly and love people, and they love me back;' 'I am grateful, and find MORE reasons to be grateful everyday;' or 'Opportunities are endless and I have unlimited choice in the world.' Choose several affirmations to use throughout the day, every day.

Either way, it's especially important to do this even when you don't feel like it. If you become discouraged, frustrated, sad or angry, it's even more important to focus on the positive. It's truly important to address and dispense with negative beliefs and thought processes if you want a truly happy and fulfilling life.

In fact, your mind is the only thing stopping you from having whatever you want. Do you think you can't have abundance and happiness? Why not? Other people have it, right? If they have it, you can, too. Get off the 'negative,' and begin to dwell on the 'positive.'

Learn to 'go with the flow.' At any moment, you'll see that positive energy is always flowing and you are its beneficiary, in one way or another.

Once you begin to realize that the Law of Attraction and happiness are so interrelated, you'll also see that things will begin to come together in your life.

If you feel bad, you'll be unmotivated, or even worse, negatively motivated. You may become depressed, watch depressing movies, or call up and 'commiserate' with friends who are negative. If you don't watch out, your life itself could be full of negative circumstances and you won't even realize you've built your life that way.

However, it works the other way, too. Your life can become more positive and happy if you use positive affirmations and focus on the Law of Attraction's positive benefits. Above all, don't give up. Continue to see yourself as someone who is happy and fulfilled, and you'll see your life begin to change for the better -- in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if good things suddenly begin to pour in!

About the Author:

November 9, 2009

The Creative Process Using The Law of Attraction Steps

By Jayda Koteta

You can achieve anything that your mind can conceive! This statement is one of the underlying principles of the Law of Attraction. It is important to understand the basic Law of Attraction steps before you can begin to strive toward achieving your goals and dreams. You must first gain clarity around what you want. If you are unclear about what you want in your life, the Law of Attraction cannot bring to you what you want. You will achieve only mixed results.


This is step one in the creative process. Ask for what you want. Keep in mind that you have no limits here, you can ask for whatever you want. Also, it is not necessary for you to ask for the same thing over and over because this does not increase your odds of getting what it is that you are asking for. As we move onto the next step, you will understand that you will need to focus on the belief that you have already received everything that you asked for.

Consider the Universe like your own personal catalogue. You can place an order for whatever you would like to have in your life; relationships, money, freedom, a new job, a family, fame, etc. But before you ask the Universe for anything, take the time to gain clarity around the items you truly want in your life.


This is step two in the creative process, which is to believe. It is important that you believe that you have already received what you are asking for in order for you to be open to receiving it. You should try to visualize this step. There are professional athletes all over the world that use this step before they enter into their sport. Let's take a professional golfer as an example. They will visualize their entire shot before they swing that club. They picture where the ball will land, whether it be on the fairway or the green. You have the capability of doing the same thing for your own life. You just need to believe that it is already yours. Let's picture yourself in your dream car that you have asked the Universe for. Can you see the color of the car? Can you feel the leather seats? This is all it takes to start to believe. Let yourself be as detailed as possible when visualizing during this step.


Step three in the Law of Attraction creative process is receiving. At this point you have asked the Universe and you believe that you already acheived what it is that you want, now you must be open to receiving it. Of all the Law of Attraction steps, this is the most important one. Although it may seem easy, most people will fail at this step. They just do not see the signs that the Universe will try to provide to them or they will not be clear enough in their mind to receiving. You need to put yourself in the right frame of mind and you can do this by feeling good. Think about all the good things in your life right now and be thankful for each of them. It is important that you stay positive and have positive thoughts. Try to remove negative thoughts from your mind before they even form. By feeling good and staying positive, you will be open to receiving all of the things that you have asked the Universe for.

About the Author:

Law Of Attraction - How To Use It To Stay Focused In Your Online, MLM Or Home Business - 4 Simple Steps

By Sam Levitz

In the past couple of years, almost everyone started talking about the law of attraction and exploiting it to make all your dreams come true. They say that you will get it when you dream of it. Do you believe in those movies that tell you these?

Well, for many of us, it just didn't work. We got frustrated since just hoping for the best after imagining the result actually did not work at all.

It's time to analyze what went wrong.

I was looking for the roadmap, something to TELL me what to do, actually lay it out for me. Let me share with you, what I have experienced to be the most powerful way to implement the Law Of Attraction for your Online, MLM or home business.

Step 1

Before reading my experience, find out where you stand with your home business.

To start the analysis, you should admit that "Ok, I have been into this business for about a year and totally, my losses were $7000 to till date and I have not made any progress."

Don't hesitate to be honest with you and enjoy that you are at your starting point A.

Be completely honest with yourself and FEEL how it feels to be at your POINT A, this is your starting point.

You are now proceeding to the fun part of using law of attraction for running successful online, MLM or home business. Now, you have to "Imagine" your success. You have to "dream" about becoming the most coveted expert distributor earning $100, 000 a month. You will be enjoying the wealth and wish to spend a vacation in the Mediterranean Sea. Imagine yourself enjoying the beach vacation in one of the luxury villas, bronzing under the sun and gazing at the beauty of the sea. Enjoy yourself being there and say "Woo Hoo".

Step 2

Now you have imagined and we are ready to get started with the practical applications of the law of attraction for your own online, MLM or home business. Starting with the analytical things is more appropriate.

In this step of the practical application of the Law Of Attraction for your Online and MLM home business, we begin with the analytical. I would like you to write ten (10) incantations or affirmations. These affirmations MUST be put in the present tense. And, most importantly, I want you to begin with the words "I am", end them with the word "NOW."

Step 3

You have warmed up yourself with the imagination and day dreaming. Let us start with using law of attraction for your online, MLM and home business. We will start with analytical things.

As you write on what you want to achieve, don't limit yourself with only a few things. You deserve every fun and exciting thing in your life and you want to make everything come true.

I will give you an illustration:

You need to BE SPECIFIC with your request, so the powers that be know exactly what you are asking for.

Step 4

We have now come to the final step to put law of attraction to good use for your online MLM home business. You can gear up your business using the law of attraction only if you apply this final step with perfection.

Step 4

I want you to write out five (5) things that you are grateful for. Let me give you an example of what I do:

You will be successful if you have filled the gratitude section with real gratitude. I don't want you to write down these things with mere words. FEEL how it feels and don't control your emotions.

If you want to shed a few drops of tears for expressing your gratitude, I welcome that because your LIFE is yours.

The most important thing with the final gratitude step is that you have to FEEL everything for yourself. Don't use paragraph fillers, but write out of your heart. Its ok to cry when you want to express your gratitude because your LIFE is absolutely yours.

Then, we have to summarize how we can use the law of attraction for being successful in our online, MLM or home business and get results at the earliest.

Ok, let me put things in short about applying law of attraction for your online MLM or home business and getting immediate results.

To start the exercise, you will find out what your point A is. Understand where you are standing in your life. Then, you will start dreaming about what you want to be if you are given magical powers to make your dream come true.

Start the exercise by finding out where you stand right now and note down your point A. Then, imagine yourself given the magical token to realize your dreams. Then, dream about what you will be doing after achieving your dream. The next step is to write 10 positive affirmations and make sure that you start with "I am" and end with "Now".

The final step is to express your gratitude for 5 different things and read them aloud.

I suggest that you start this exercise immediately to achieve whatever your dream is. I follow this exercise everyday and I recommend this tool for the students who join my online mentoring program. This exercise has worked and is working for me, and I hope that it will work for you too.

I will be more than happy to know how the powerful simple exercise tool of applying law of attraction for online, MLM or home business has helped you.

About the Author:

November 8, 2009

Mind Control Techniques - The Key To Successful Persuasion

By Dolly Rally

Most people now believe that mind control techniques tapes may help you reach the goal that you've set with detailed instructions. Audio support can make an impact when you don't have the time for classroom lectures and just don't have the privilege to pay the fees for them. I have included some of the information that the tapes feature and the things it can do to help you out.

Hypnosis is a good tool for self-help and there's nothing much better as letting yourself sink into a nice trance and begin meditating via hypnosis and controlled imagery. The hypnosis tapes are dedicated to teaching you to get control of your life as well as your health by simply sitting back and permitting the guided imagery help you get a healthy life and a sense of self esteem.

Self-esteem hypnotherapy tapes provide a safe and easy way to help you reach your goal of bettering your health by putting you in a trance. It should be done about twice per day however it's important to find a nice quiet place to listen to these types of tape. You should never play them while driving a vehicle and they work best in complete silence.

Pets often think that trance inducing tools like self help tapes interesting and will want to participate so make sure to put them outside the room before you listen. I would also suggest that you keep the room semi-dark to get the most out of it and the last thing you need to do is let yourself go and enjoy the meditation trance state that comes naturally.

The tape and CD 'Tools For Balanced Living' is a Mindfulness Practice that pushes you in the direction of private insight, body awareness, yoga positions and meditation. The Sedona Method will teach you how to tap your natural ability to let go of any unwanted thought or feeling on the spot even if you are right smack in the middle of life's greatest challenges.

This will let you to quickly have all the things you want and that includes the following: unshakable inner security, more income, improved relationships, more radiant health, more effective goal accomplishment, plus eradicating bad characteristics and other self-weakening traits, lose weight, stop smoking and sleep better.

It's also important that you understand that mediation, and self-help are just a single tool in your plans to increase your self-worth. A good dietary program, along with exercise and acupuncture will make this program permanent over time. All you need to do is look over all the problems you need to focus on as there are a lot of self-help topics that these books have.

Due to the fact that all mind control techniques produce good results doesn't mean that you shouldn't seek out one that is tailored to your needs. Handpicking your choices can make a bigger difference and you can do it easily from the comfort of your own home.

About the Author:

The Law Of Attraction Can Bring Money Into Your Life

By Trevor Johnson

The Law of Attraction regarding money is already at work in your life, whether you realize it or not.

Maybe you have every reason to stare suspiciously at my words. You would not be alone in thinking that the Law of Attraction for Money has not been at work in your life.

You probably feel that your current lack of cash is proof positive that this particular Law does not apply to you. But you could not be more wrong.

Are you constantly telling yourself that you do not have enough money for your needs? Do you lie awake at night, making lists of all the people you know who seem to be so good at getting the cash they need?

This is because the Law of Attraction is a very simple one. Whatever your mind thinks about gets increased in your reality. Think about being broke and you will be broke. This is what is sabotaging your dream of dollars in the bank.

When you go about your life with constant complaints about your scarcity of cash, you will be caught in your own negative trap. The only way to free yourself is to use the key given by this powerful Law. You must be grateful for whatever little money you have.

Fill your mind with gratitude for the money that already comes your way. That way, you show respect for the forces that sent it to you. Concentrate daily on the fact that you do have some money-no matter how little it is.

It is never a good idea to show ingratitude for gifts. If you gave someone a small gift and he whined that he really was expecting more, how would you feel? You probably would not feel like giving him anything else!

If you dedicate yourself to thinking that your have been provided for, you will see a difference in time. This is a challenge, but you may have to stay with it for a while. After all, you have already been using the Law of Attraction for Money. You have been using it to attract your worst case scenarios and your shortage of cash.

About the Author:

November 6, 2009

Bob Proctor's The Science of Getting Rich Program

By Stacey Gatcliff

The Science of Getting Rich is a strategy to getting wealthy that was first introduced to the world by Wallace D Wattles in 1903. Since that time, many authors have taken the material from the book and created their life's work based on the idea and teachings of it. No matter who they are, or what their background, whoever has followed the teachings of the Science of Getting Rich, step-by-step, and exactly how the book outlines, have all achieved great success and riches.

The Science of Getting Rich is more than a book, but a way of living and thinking in your daily life. It has become a famous program as a result of teacher and motivational speaker, Bob Proctor who himself became successful from the teachings of this book introduced to him as a young man. Bob Proctor is one of those authors who has taken the work of Wallace D. Wattles and created a system that abides by the teachings of this book, called the SGR Program. Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor have all put this program together. They are all masters of "The Secret" and were featured in the movie and book. They claim that that if their program is adopted in the instructed way then people would become rich within few months.

The Science of Getting Rich is a very successful program which focuses on helping you to understand the Law of Attraction and implement it in your life in order to attain wealth. The program is going to help you grow both mentally and financially and is unique in that it is a proven system based on the teachings of Wallace Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich, which is not offered in other programs as yet.

The teachings of Science of Getting Rich will help you to implement beliefs and attitudes that will attract success and wealth to you almost instantly. It will enable you to harness the power you possess and capability of your thoughts to turn your dreams into reality. Your days for struggling day in and out in order to be wealthy are over if you properly implement the teachings and principles set out in the program. All you have to learn is to start doing things according to the Science of Getting Rich and you will how your life changes in front of your own eyes. There are simple rules and laws that you have to obey to start living your dream. There is a 'science' to getting rich, and when you do these thingsin a 'certain way' you cannot fail in this program.

The Science of Getting Rich teaches that your thinking process pulls the universe towards you but your actions ultimately causes income to flow. Start feeling and looking for the good in everything which will lead you to the success path. When things are done in the prescribed manner according to the Science of Getting Rich you will see definite results and the money will begin flowing into your life. When it starts coming in it happens so fast you won't know what to do.

About the Author:

November 3, 2009

The Science of Getting Rich: SGR Program

By Stacey Gatcliff

The Science of Getting Rich is a methodology that was first introduced to the world by Wallace D Wattles in 1903. Since that time, many authors have taken the material from the book and created their life's work based on the idea and teachings of it. Everyone who has followed the teachings of the Science of Getting Rich, step-by-step, and exactly how the book specifies, have all been greatly successful in getting rich and fulfilling their dreams.

The Science of getting Rich is much more than a book, it is a recipe for a way of creating wealth and learning to think like the wealthy on a daily basis. Through the study and work of teachers and motivational speakers, Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwith, and Jack Canfield, masters of "The Secret" who were featured in the movie have created a program of study, referred to as "The SGR Program". Bob Proctor himself, as a result of this program has become very wealthy and very successful from the teachings of this book introduced to him as a young man and has taught many the secret over the past 40 years. These gurus promise that that if their program is adopted in the instructed way then people would become rich within few months and are so confident that they offer a money-back-guarantee.

The Science of Getting Rich is a very successful program which focuses on helping you to understand the law of attraction and implement it in your life in order to attain wealth. The SGR program assist you in bringing in abundance in every part of your life, more importantly bring money into your pockets through this proven system based on the teachings of the book The Science of Getting Rich, which is not offered in other programs. The program is unique because you have 3 of "The Secret" teachers guiding you and teaching you how to properly implement and use The Science of Getting Rich which will ensure your success.

The methodology of Science of Getting Rich will help you to understand and achieve the beliefs and attitudes that will attract success and wealth to you almost instantly. It will enable you to understand the power you possess and capability of your thoughts to turn your dreams into reality. Your days for struggling day in and out in order to be wealthy are over if you properly implement the teachings and principles set out in the program. All you have to learn is to start doing things according to the Science of Getting Rich and you will how your life changes in front of your own eyes. There are simple rules and laws that you have to obey to start living your dream. There is a 'science' to getting rich, and once things are done in a 'certain way' you cannot fail in this program.

The Science of Getting Rich teaches that your thinking process pulls the universe towards you but your actions ultimately causes income to flow. Start feeling and looking for the good in everything which will lead you to the success path. When things are done in the prescribed manner according to the Science of Getting Rich then you would see the profitable results yourself. It is all about doing things in a certain way to achieve your goals.

About the Author:

November 1, 2009

The Science of Getting Rich: SGR Program

By Stacey Gatcliff

The Science of Getting Rich is a methodology that was first introduced to the world by Wallace D Wattles in 1903. Since that time, many authors have taken the material from the book and created their life's work based on the idea and teachings of it. Everyone who has followed the teachings of the Science of Getting Rich, step-by-step, and exactly how the book specifies, have all been greatly successful in getting rich and fulfilling their dreams.

The Science of Getting Rich is more than a book, but a way of living and thinking in your daily life. It has become a famous program as a result of teacher and motivational speaker, Bob Proctor who himself became successful from the teachings of this book introduced to him as a young man. Bob Proctor is one of those authors who has taken the work of Wallace D. Wattles and created a system that abides by the teachings of this book, called the SGR Program. Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor have all put this program together. They are all masters of "The Secret" and were featured in the movie and book. They claim that that if their program is adopted in the instructed way then people would become rich within few months.

The Science of Getting Rich is a very successful program which focuses on helping you to understand the Law of Attraction and implement it in your everyday life in order to attain abundance. The SGR program will help you grow both mentally strong and financially independent and is unique in that it is a proven system based on the teachings of Wallace Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich, which is not offered in other programs as yet.

The teachings of Science of Getting Rich will help you to implement beliefs and attitudes that will attract success and wealth to you almost instantly. It will enable you to harness the power you possess and capability of your thoughts to turn your dreams into reality. Your days for struggling day in and out in order to be wealthy are over if you properly implement the teachings and principles set out in the program. All you have to learn is to start doing things according to the Science of Getting Rich and you will how your life changes in front of your own eyes. There are simple rules and laws that you have to obey to start living your dream. There is a 'science' to getting rich, and when you do these thingsin a 'certain way' you cannot fail in this program.

The Science of Getting Rich teaches that your thinking process pulls the universe towards you but your actions ultimately causes income to flow. Start feeling and looking for the good in everything which will lead you to the success path. When things are done in the prescribed manner according to the Science of Getting Rich then you would see the profitable results yourself. It is all about doing things in a certain way to achieve your goals.

About the Author: