January 30, 2011

Find Out Why A Colourful Lady Docker Way Of Thinking Is On The Button For Cosmic Ordering Triumph

By Dona Phoenix

I'm sure you are bound to be green-eyed with envy when you come across smart, confident people who seem to be so sure of themselves. This is the truth even if we do not like it! We even go a step further and call these self-assured people by names like 'Clever clogs' or 'Smart Alex' or other such similar worded names. In reality though this is the exact attitude needed to make Cosmic Ordering work.

So what makes a few of us self-confident while the rest of us mortals are left with insecurities to deal with? These gifted people go about their work as if they have the world under their control, even if they literally do not have much to speak of. Using Cosmic Ordering when you have the "eye of the tiger" is the way forward to manifesting your desires.

There was this person called Lady Docker (she was quite famous in the 1950s) in my childhood days, who was considered very fashionable and whenever the people in my neighbourhood came across someone who was too smart for their own good, they used to mockingly call her "Lady Docker"! Well bringing that forward to the current day, Lady Docker would have been a likely candidate to be using Cosmic Ordering and making it work for her.

People were so taken up with this Lady Docker personality that she popped up in the conversation whenever the talk involved some overly confident person. There are the "haves" and the "have nots" in this world, the people who talk of those who succeed will never quite understand the principles of using Cosmic Ordering to make a go of their life.

Now those times have changed (haven't they?), but we can still use Lady Docker as an example of how we can bolster up our own self-esteem, even if you are a male. I don't mean swagger around as if though you were Lady Docker at Royal Ascot. What I mean is, walk about as if the world was yours for the taking. That's something you get used to with Cosmic Ordering.

Did you know the story of Norah Collins who was a dancer at the Caf de Paris? She rose to fame and became Lady Docker after her marriage with Sir Bernard, the then Chairman of the Daimler Company. When you dare to dream high like Lady Docker you are sure to realise your dreams to the ultimate level, especially if combined with Cosmic Ordering.

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The Science Of Getting Rich with Bob Proctor

By RB Beiro

The Science of Getting Rich is a program developed by Bob Proctor, a personal development trainer. He has assisted thousand of people over the years, with his books and training techniques on how to become wealthy. He provides many methods that can be applied on a daily basis to ensure personal economic stability forever.

Bob's approach is to allow people to find the humor in their current situation. This let's the audience know that he is sincere. 'You Were Born to Be Rich' is on of Bob's best sellers. It is about his belief that all people are able to become rich. All are the resources and the know how.

Bob Proctor has helped a great many people gain the knowledge required for them to grow both personally and financially. A large number of these people have given testimonials promoting his theories that can be implemented and have been proven to work with as little as six minutes per day.

He also states that he will allow his followers thirty minutes of personal output each week to ensure their experience is the best that it can be.

There is much literature in the media that pro port to give tips a tricks to get wealthy and earn large amount of money fast, however they do not provide platform for people to ask questions, especially if the medium is watching videos. His presentations are different because of the question and answer sessions provided.

Mr. Proctor states that in six minutes a day which is no time at all he can teach an average person how to change their mindset which will in turn allow them the opportunity to gain the knowledge needed to gain wealth. Everyone would love the freedom of being financially stable and in this case by completing this program, one could not only be stable, but also successful and wealthy.

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January 29, 2011

Attract Abundance And Get A Fulfilled Life

By Donna Stevens

Our decisions are what fashioned our destiny. We can never have the life shaped for us by other people. You need to undergo all the hardships before you can even get the chance to savor success. For people who make it a point to strive really hard in order for them to attract abundance are those that can truly take pleasure over the things that they dream about since we need to gear ourselves with enough perseverance to be on that situation we would like to be in.

This is the reason why there is a need for us to dream about those things that we would like to happen in our daily lives. We should be able to work our way in order to achieve something and be inspired to work our way for it. Bear in mind that there is nothing impossible as long as we dream and do our very best in order to reach for our goals and aspirations. We need should be able to competently believe in all our capabilities so we would competently overcome hindrances which may block our way.

Can you do anything and everything just to be able to attain success? You should be proud to answer YES to this question. In case we simply don't trust ourselves then chances are we will never see any happening that may signal that we are heading through the journey of "success". We must be able to reach for that life which is packed with comfort and convenience which is only attainable the moment when we trust our inner power so we can achieve what we desire.

In order for us to experience abundance then we should strive to think positive so we can realize that everything is possible. We can see that dreams are close enough that we can reach for them if only we start to work in attaining what we wish our lives to be. It is us that drive success into our lives so we need to take extra care for us not to give up the moment we were able to meet some obstacles along the way.

We are the masters of our destiny. No one has the right to rule over our lives and you can't blame anyone for what happened and what will happen to you. Others may affect your life in one way or another but you have the power to rule your life and reject the opinion of others.

If we want change then the first thing that we should do is to think about those things that we need to change and we should be able to realize the actions that we must undertake. Realize that the way we think can greatly affects the manner by which we can attract abundance. If you keep on thinking that you will be able to attract success then things will most likely end that way but if you think the other way around then negative things will start flooding the scene.

For us to attract abundance, we must make it a point to improve ourselves in the best manner possible. You should know yourself from head to foot so you can think about those factors that need improvement and those things that got to stay. You must be able to identify your strengths as well as your weakness because they can do you good in the long run. You must be able to improve your strong assets and look for means that you can improve your weakness.

The law of attraction states that what you think about becomes part of your reality. So it is essential to think positively at all times to attract everything you want. It is also very important to thank everyone who helps you to attract abundance.

Now that you know that you have the will to rule your life in order to attract abundance, may you start to live up for this rule so you can see great changes in your life.

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Working Towards Mind Manifestation - Live The Dream!

By Louise Dolan

To manifest your dreams you can make use of power of the subconscious mind. Our mind has structured layers and the different features of the mental world are influenced by this when these structures combine together. Some of the names that are given to the mind are unconscious, subconscious and conscious minds.

The weakest of these is the conscious mind with not much of influencing power over your life or mental world. The strongest being the unconscious mind which is the most powerful as well. If any sort of changes take place at this level it will be responsible for radical influence on your life.

Now let's move on to fulfillment of dream with the power of mind manifestation. To be able to fulfill your dreams our minds must be manifested towards that direction. Beginning from clarity of what is desired to working towards achieving those desires, all this can be achieved with the help of manifestation of our minds.

The three layers of the mind should be arranged in a way such as all our dreams and thoughts begin moving towards the direction fulfillment. When we structure our minds like this, actual changes take place in our minds. Infact if there is any kind of change to be brought about; this will first begin our mind to be manifested in that direction.

You need to be clear about your wishes and the goal set for yourself. If you keep striving to achieve something without any purpose, then this will only lead to a failure. When you set your goals it is essential to move towards one goal at a time. It is natural that you cannot achieve all those in one go. So you move in a progressive manner towards goal achievement.

Now that your goals are set and it is clear what you wish to achieve in life, every possible move in your life now should be towards achieving those goals. You must utilize every hour effectively. As this movement gets inculcated into a habit, every action thereafter should be consistent with it. This will eventually to get more organised in what you do, develop creativity and enhances goal achievement chances.

By ensuring that the above details are followed to perfection you will witness an improvement in your life. When you begin working towards mind manifestation a gradual change in your past behaviors and routine will be seen and with this change correspondingly there is a change in the mind layers affecting the mental reality. Eventually you will feel and see the change bringing an overall healthier change in your life.

So to summarise first your goals and objectives should be clear, then there should be continuous and constant effort towards the goal fulfillment and lastly you will observe that with this consistency you will see a drastic improved life.

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January 28, 2011

The Law Of Attraction In Action

By Millie White

The law of attraction is one of nature's laws you could say. We all want and need something in life including animals and we usually get it when we follow the law of attraction. We need to drink and eat as animals and human being and we all have the desire to procreate with one another. It is an instinct we all have in life. We all have the potential in life to manifest our needs whenever we really want to.

Without realising it we all follow the law of attraction to some degree. Examples include being hungry so we eat. If we are thirsty we drink. If we are cold we put the heating on and so on. But if we all followed the law of attraction in life with everything we did the whole world would be such a better, happier place.

Without the law of attraction being there in life things would be pretty boring, lifeless and without feeling in life. It should be our mission in this world to harness the good that can come out of the law of attraction and fill our lives with happiness.

The law of attraction may not be obvious in your life or even seem obtainable but it has been around for millions of years. We all try to manifest its powers in some small way without even realising it at first. Are you hungry? More often than not when we get hungry we start to conjure up in our own minds what we really fancy to eat and usually coupled with this great desire we go about getting this item of food as we think it will make us happy and briefly it will.

The law of attraction can work for you too. It help you land that job you always wanted but didn't know how you could possibly ever get, no matter how hard it seems to be to get. As the saying goes, "whatever it takes." This means anything is possible if you put your mind to it and really try harder than you ever thought you could to get what you want.

To follow the law of attraction is not obligatory in your life but if you are looking to succeed in life, be happy and achieve all you wants and desires then having it as your mantra will do you all the good in the world not just for you but for your loved ones and friends. It is something that can help everyone no matter what background in life you are from.

Think will it make me happy and change my life for the better. Now you know what you want. Think or visualize in your mind how you are going to achieve it. What do you need to do? Now go and tell yourself I can do it, I will do it. Keep saying this to you one day say to yourself I believe I can do it. Keep positive and keep believing and carrying on until you achieve what you set out to achieve. That is the road to the law of attraction.

Having the right mindset is good but this needs to be maintained until the end in the law of attraction, a bit like the smoker trying to give up. You have to be ready, be positive and have the willpower to carry on until the end.

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Exploring The Law Of Attraction

By Jill M Taylor

Some people seem to have luck in everything they undertake, while others are haunted by bad luck and fail all the time. After a long series of unfortunate events, both personally and professionally, Rhonda Byrne, author of the famous book 'The Secret', claims to have discovered what distinguishes the lucky ones from those who are less fortunate. It's all about the way in which people apply the law of attraction.

Initially, agree with me that the law of gravity exists, regardless of your beliefs. This is also available for the Universal Laws. Not only that these laws exist, but they concern you directly. Of all the laws, the law of attraction is the most powerful one. It states that your thoughts and beliefs influence your life. Here's how it works. When you focus your mind on what you want, the object of your desire is attracted to you.

Here are the principles of the law of attraction, which you can apply to attract luck in all areas of your life, as many others do:

Every thought you have is a form of energy that emits a vibration, a signal. This signal attracts the same rate of vibration on the same frequency. Your thoughts are messages to the Universe, becoming a form of energy. This is what we call the law of attraction, one of the most powerful laws of the universe and the basis of creative visualization. In the same way a magnet attracts metal, your mind attracts energy. Unfortunately most people care more about what they don't have or about what they want to change in their lives, wondering why nothing goes well. The law of attraction ignores the nature of your thoughts. So if your thoughts remain stuck on the fact that you have can't have a certain thing, your energy will focus on failure and not on success.

Try to create a clear image of the desired life. If you need more money, don't always think that you have no money right now, but on the contrary, imagine how you spend money to buy all the things you want. Avoid complaining or saying that you're poor.

Love yourself! Love and positive thoughts attract positive energies. The easiest and most effective way to accomplish your desires is to imagine that you have already obtained the object of your desire, that it is part of your everyday life. When you want something, you should focus your thoughts and attention on it; by thinking intensely, you are emitting vibrations that attract positive things to your life.

Remember that everything, absolutely everything that happens in your life is attracted to you through the images created in your mind. Start doing things that influence your mood positively. When it comes about the law of attraction, each detail matters. An interesting book, some good music or a beautiful picture can help you to get rid of negative thoughts.

The law of attraction is effective if you take into account what you had until now and what you will have from now on. Act accordingly and mobilize yourself to become exactly as you want: rich, loved, healthy and so on. Everything around us is composed of energy, so learn to focus your thoughts on your desires, benefiting fully from the energy around you.

A journal is a good tool to make you realize how many beautiful things are in your life. Amazing sunsets, birds singing, wild flowers, the laugher of a child, a walk in nature, the smile of a another person- these are all examples that melt your heart. Be grateful and enjoy everything you. Many people have lost the loved ones or don't have the possibility to enjoy the world around them. Try to see the best part and stop thinking that something bad can happen to you.

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January 27, 2011

Are The Laws Of Attraction Real?

By Heather Berry

In your life, you will meet a variety of different people. Some of these people will be smarter than others; some will be kinder than others. Some will possess the highest qualifications in their field. However, any of these factors may or may not determine the success of these people. What separates them is the use, knowingly or unknowingly of the laws of attraction.

Many people feel the success is an ephemeral quality that cannot be grasped, but only bestowed. These people, regardless of their other qualifications, will probably never be successful. This is because success is not only something that you can grasp, but something that you must grasp if you ever truly want it. The best way to grab success and make it your own is through using the laws of attraction.

The laws of attraction are not anything that you can find in a judicial tome. It also has nothing to do with being physically attractive to the opposite sex. The laws of attraction are collectively a mindset that creates an aura of happiness and success around you.

It is harder than you think. Most of our life is taken up running errands, meeting deadlines, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and - of course - sleeping. If we do get a few moments to ourselves, we generally turn on the television and turn off our brains. In order to get to know yourself, you have to take time to spend alone.

In order to create a firm foundation built on your sense of self-worth, you need to spend some quality time with yourself. This is going to take longer than one walk in the park. Honestly look to the bottom of your soul and find all of your strengths and weaknesses.

Don't exaggerate your strengths and conversely, don't overplay your weaknesses. Instead, take every weakness and try to look at it in an angle that can re-create it into a success. For example, instead of thinking 'I'm a pushover, ' think 'I'm a good team player.'

Also, take all of your self-esteem and try to share it with others. When you work to make the people around you feel good, these people will then want to spend more time with you. Though every teen movie has taught us otherwise, being popular for the right reasons is both affirming and a possible path to success.

After all this hard work laying the foundation, the laws of attraction are surprisingly simple. If you view yourself as a good, hardworking person, other people will also view you in that light. If you feel you are the best qualified for a job, then your potential employer may also think that way. Harness the power of positive thinking to change the way others see you. The laws of attraction are your stepping stone to the path of success.

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Things To Know About Manifesting Meditations

By Louis Duggan

Manifesting meditations are subliminal tapes used with a system based on what is known as the "Law of Attraction." This phrase was originally used in print as the "Occult Law of Attraction" in reference to the gold rush in Colorado in 1879. The system has seen several rises and falls since that time.

The Law of Attraction school of thought attempts to use scientific theories that scientist use to describe physical properties of matter and apply them to the activities of the brain. In particular, those who subscribe to this theory, apply these theories to the brain waves in an attempt to help themselves and others be successful in life.

The suggestion of the method is that everyone is able to bring order to their own little world through their thoughts. At times we may be unsuccessful at the process of ordering our own world because the negative energy we give off attracts too much negative around us. The method teaches that by changing the negative thought patterns to positive thought patterns a person can change his life from negative to positive. If you think like a wealthy person you will become wealthy.

Quantum physics teaches us that the universe consists of energy. This is the essentials of Einstein's theory. If the amplitude of the frequency of the energy is changed the results will also differ. Quantum mechanics looks at the relationship of matter and energy. This branch of science finds that energy fields that are alike are attracted to each other. All of this has been backed up with scientific evidence.

The problem comes with the jump from the natural world to the laws of abundance and attraction theory that attempts to apply laws of the natural world to the brain and its waves. According to the ways of thought for those who make the jump, if you think like a wealthy person then wealth will be attracted to your brain waves.

The Law of attraction also tries to use laws from chemistry that tell us that matter is not created or destroyed and make application to life.

In making the jump, the group takes the evidence behind these branches of science and the scientific principals and uses it to say that their "law" is proved by science. However, according to the scientific method, noting is known for certain, and it is a far stretch to apply the laws of matter to the brain. The so called scientific proof works for matter and nothing has been proven for Attraction theory.

Positive attitudes can make big differences, especially in matters of health, but are no guarantee that people will gain wealth. In fact, there are people that are negative that have wealth and positive people that do not. Additionally, some poor people may have more happiness than persons that have a large amount of wealth. In fact, they do not have to worry about many of the problems of the more wealthy.

Manifest meditations are an attempt to change the brain waves from negative into positive by listening to tapes with subliminal messages. Unfortunately, there has never been any proof that this method has any effect on brain waves.

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January 26, 2011

Explaining the Attraction of Money

By RB Beiro

It's been said many times before, that "money attracts money". But what is meant by this? It is believed that you can attract great wealth just by thinking about. It's these thought processes that are the catalyst for financial success or failure.

In fact many people around the world think there way to great riches. The name for this is positive affirmation. It is the idea that you can achieve whatever you want to just by setting you mind to it. If you believe it is, it will become a reality.

There are many tips that are given to help someone on their way to a better life financially. One idea is to deliberately find the good side of every bad financial situation. Another words, learn from your mistakes and focus on the lesson that you have learned and don't repeat the mistake that got you into a bad financial situation in the first place.

Appreciation of what you have now is another piece of advice when it comes to attracting money. This is a philosophy that teaches you to love of what you have now, you will attract more wealth and economic freedom. It also mentions that gratitude will lead to better circumstances and that you are putting yourself in a place where you are becoming more deserving of it.

Be thankful and appreciative of all that you are receiving now. The attraction of wealth will come and go. What will remain is a positive energy that can be harnessed if you give thanks for all things. You must believe that you already are rich. Make it a habit to say to yourself you have wealth now. Each day these beliefs about attracting money will get stronger, and finally you'll commence attracting more and more riches everyday.

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Finding The Way To Develop Abundance

By David Elsey

To have abundance in life does not necessarily mean you have to be wealthy. You can experience abundance even if you do not have everything in this world. Being happy and satisfied in life is enough reason to say that you are living in abundance. In developing abundance, you have to reflect on your inner being and change your approach in life. This will help you attract success and experience abundance. Developing abundance is indeed a great challenge but you will reap the rewards once you succeed.

We can say that people lack abundance when they fail to show that they are satisfied in life. What most people misunderstood about abundance is satisfaction and where to get it. As generally thought of, people would only experience abundance when they are satisfied with material things and wealth. The fact is people would still lack abundance despite their wealth and riches. Some of them would even feel miserable although they are the richest men on earth. This is because most of the wealthiest people do not care to have warm relationship with other people making their lives unhappy and less exciting.

Therefore, to develop abundance, one should be aware that life itself can be as abundant and positive when you begin to think of it this way. You might be having some negative approaches and beliefs in life that hinders abundance to fill you. Perhaps it?s about time to change the way you think and feel because thinking right, feeling right, and doing right is what will make you satisfied in life and eventually attracts abundance.

The world we live in is no doubt an abundant place, and all of us should have our equal share of abundant living. But despite this fact, not all are experiencing an abundant life. This could be because abundance cannot get through their lives due to some unnecessary things that block the way. If you have bitterness, guilt, pains, anger, or other negative feelings toward the people around you, abundance will not be able to reward you.

So if you are determined to develop abundance in your life, you have to face these negative feelings first within yourself. You may have been a victim of cruelty before, but you don't have to remain that way now. The one who is really causing you harm up to this day is not those cruel persons, but you as you continue to live in the past. In order to open the way through which abundance may enter in, you have to help yourself heal inside by forgiving other people who hurt you and let go of the pain and bitterness you have in life.

As you develop your abundance, you also need to develop your personality. Assess yourself of whatever is hindering you from developing abundance within your self and your life. Try to be honest with what you feel, whether it is bad or unacceptable, so that you will better determine which aspect in your life needs concentration and extra time and effort for development.

Changing your mental and emotional personality may not be easy, but now that there are many available ways and techniques to develop your inner being, there is no reason for you to let this chance pass away. Grab the opportunities and use the therapies like cognitive behavior and energy therapy. These principles will help your emerge from dissatisfied to an abundant person.

All these factors show that developing abundance is not only a matter of inner changes. You also have to let your outer being to coordinate with your inner self when it comes to self development. Set your goals and act out your plans. You have to do actions and not just lay your plans down if you want to improve your life abundance.

Developing abundance requires a combination of introspection (leading to personal change) and action. Often goal directed individuals are good at setting and achieving certain goals but they still don't live an abundant life because they are not living in harmony with their beliefs and values. Alternatively, their beliefs and values may not engender harmony. True abundance requires a holistic approach to life.

Everyone should set a goal of developing abundance because everyone deserves happiness and an abundant life in this world. Reaching for your goals of having an abundant life does not mean you have to be selfish, in fact you can be selfless and be abundant at the same time, because through sharing of yourself, your time, your effort, your affection, or your good personality to others you can experience the real abundance in life.

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January 25, 2011

Secrets Of Happiness And Law Of Attraction

By Simon Ward

Contentment, riches and Law of Attraction are very strongly connected, indeed. If you don't know what that Law of Attraction is, that's okay. It's a very easy concept to understand. Basically, the Law of Attraction says that you have to have positive thoughts in order to have positive things in your life -- including happiness and wealth.

People have been practicing the law of attraction for decades because it really works. Beneficial thoughts and law of attraction go hand in hand. Probably you have noticed how people who seem to have it all are laid back and carefree. That is because they allow positive things to come into their lives by not blocking those possibilities with negative thoughts.

Your thoughts are made up of energies, which is also what you are. If you are thinking positive thoughts, then you are made up of positive energy and abundance in your life will follow.

They Law of Attraction is powered by happy thoughts. How do you do that? Begin to talk to yourself as though you are wonderful, confident, beautiful, wealthy -- everything you've always wanted to be. Do this all day, every day, even if you don't feel like it's 'true.' These are positive affirmations, and they can help you fix any problems you might be having.

So for example, you might say, 'I am confident and beautiful,' 'I love people and they love me,' 'My choices are unlimited, and opportunities abound everywhere,' and so on. Choose a few affirmations that encapsulate what you want to be, and say them throughout the day, every day.

This type of affirmation work is especially important when you don't feel like doing it, by the way. The Law of Attraction works on this, too. If you become discouraged, frustrated, sad or angry, don't worry about it, but change your attitude as soon as you recognize it and think of something positive. You'll ultimately need to change the way you deal with life and banish negative thoughts in order to use the Law of Attraction to your best benefit and to be fulfilled in your life.

You see, the mind is the only real limitation there is. What makes you think that you can't live a life full of happiness and abundance? It has been done before, right? Don't sit and dwell on the negative things in life.

The key is to go with the flow. At any given moment, you must be completely convinced that there is positive energy flowing into your life in some way or another.

Once you begin to see that the Law of Attraction and happiness are interconnected, you'll see that things will begin to right themselves in your life.

If you're feeling sad or depressed, that negativity will drive happiness away from you. And, if you dwell on it, you may end up wallowing in it by watching a depressing movie, hanging out with negative friends, and so on. If you stay in this state long enough, you're going to build your life around negative circumstances without even realizing you're doing so.

However, you can turn things around, too. Positive affirmation and techniques based upon the Law of Attraction can help you do this. And don't give up! Continue to say to yourself that you are and can become a happy person, and just watch the opportunities come your way!

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Making The Most Of The Law Of Attraction

By Mark Argent

Every individual who has been granted a life in this world has desires and want to experience things which would make them happy. There are lots of wishes and wants which remain unfulfilled too. But there is a way by which we can fulfill these wants and desires and lead a peaceful and happy life. The law of attraction is a way by which we can lead a happy and enjoyable life.

According to the law of attraction, a person can attract to himself anything he wants by giving his total focus, energy and attention to it. Thus if you can devote your complete focus and energy to the particular object u desire, you will be successful in getting it.

While applying the law of attraction you must remember four points. First is that you should be clear your wants and desires and focus on that. Second is that you must begin a process of thought about what you desire and then go on asking for that to take place. Thirdly, you should imagine of a situation where you have already achieved what you desired. Lastly, you must not think of what may happen; on the contrary, think that you will get whatever you desire.

Balancing your inner and outer selves is one of the most important feats that you should achieve if you are to follow the law of attraction. The law of attraction operates best in your life at the point where you have the correct balance between the inner and outer selves.

The consciousness that you possess is your inner self. It is the way that you think and behave. Here the law of attraction takes its effect and begins to manifest.

The outer self is characterized by what we do. The way we convert our process of thoughts into actions or the work we do, falls in the boundaries of the outer self.

If you want to use the law of attraction to change your life you must learn to keep the right balance between your inner and outer self. It is vital to put into action whatever you think and desire. If you think of getting a new house and don't take any action for that, nothing will happen. But if your thoughts and beliefs are strong, then only things will star to happen. The positive energies will start coming into shape and you desire will be granted then.

The law of attraction can also be used for healing. If you ever fall ill then you have to just imagine how you felt like when you were well and strong, before you were ill. You have to thoroughly focus on that thought. If you focus on the actions that help you to get better, then obviously you will heal quickly. Think that all the problems and pains have gone away and they truly will vanish. Thus you will recover from your illness very soon.

The law of attraction can work wonders for your life and also affect people around you. But for that you also need to play your part well to make it all happen for you. Only with increased control on your mind and with power of belief, faith and positive thinking, can you attract and manifest all that you desire in life.

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January 24, 2011

Law of Attraction- Positive Thinking Is Your Way To Success

By Wendy Bredan

It is never too late to believe in happy endings and prosperity. It is okay to fantasize and believe irrespective of age. Believing in something and expecting it to happen is a wonderful way to live and what can be better than seeing your dreams actually materialize into reality!

Although the law of attraction is almost 100 years old, still the principle continues to bring a positive outlook to anyone who believes and understands the law. The concept is mainly based on the reality that what we believe greatly influences the way we live our lives.

The law of attraction tries to make our dreams turn into reality. Positive thinking is the main core of this concept and as we try to live every single day with positive outlook everything will flow easy and with no worries.

Ever wonder why some people are endowed with luck and some are working hard to reverse their bad fortune? Well, there is some truth to what we call good luck and law of attraction. Then, you need to understand the principle and how to attract positive energy to make it stronger.

If you want to have some inspiration, try to settle yourself as if you're living days of your life with all your wishes turn into achievements. Savor and embrace the emotions and try to get hold of it everyday so you will get inspired to continue being optimistic in all your ways.

As the law of attraction implies, you need to be positive in everything you do. Your effort plus determination to have everything will make all your wishes turn to reality. Nothing is impossible with a heart that is continuously dreaming and a mind that is overflowing with positive thoughts.

Lucky people are known to embrace law of attraction to its fullest. You will see the aura of these people and most often these people are happy and they not complaining how stressful life is. It only suggests that positive thinking enable people to deal with problems and inconsistencies of life in a positive way.

Always remember that what you think will happen to you today and tomorrow will have chances to come true if you put your mind actions in it. Thus, you need to invest more on positive things rather than killing yourself worrying much about things that might happen to you. It's up to you what life you want to experience, after all each one of us is given a single chance to live in this world.

If you fully understand the main concept of law of attraction, you will realize how lucky you are in living a life filled with positive thoughts, happiness and abundance. Be grateful with every day that you live since you are given the chance to experience happiness and share your blessings to others.

Be grateful with everything especially how the law of attraction influences your life. Be thankful not just because you experience prosperous rather you enjoyed a life filled with positive energy and love.

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Do You Deserve Abundance?

By Geoffrey Rays

Complaining is a habit shared by humans. Think about a girl who hates her new shirt just because it doesn't look great in her body, the boy who would like to have another PSP although he already have 3 of them, or that parent who wish to push harder on their children although they know that their kids are already the top in their class.

People failed to realize that each one of them is already experiencing abundance. Sometimes the feeling of not having enough is just in the mind therefore the thoughts as if we have everything may be inside our mind as well. So what you should do? Think as if you are rich.

Now, for you to be able to discern whether you are already sharing the attitude of complaining to the point that you forgot about those things that you have, read the warning signs below:

1. Craves for Money All the Time- Instead of taking pleasure over their abundance, this attitude can only leads them to great problem.

There are people who are so used to the habit of thinking about money; how much they have or how much they don't. This will allow someone to do things that they wouldn't actually do if only they allowed their conscience to decide.

A better way to deal with the situation is to divert yourself into other non-financial terms. Think about those times when you bonded the whole day with the whole family and never really care whether you've missed checking your bank details after your business partner agreed to give the higher share to you.

2. The Attitude of Hating the Rich- If you continue to hate them, you will never reach success. And even though you have the tendency to reach the top, you might find sabotaging yourself once you get close to someone "rich" along the way therefore this attitude is very wrong.

You will realize that no matter how you can move forward to success, the chance of sabotaging yourself is high once you get to someone who is "rich". What you should rather do is to be thankful that they are present in your life so you can emulate their attitude which leads to great success.

Most people either consciously or unconciously think of only two things 1) Working as hard as they can 2) Being grateful for what they have and what they have achieved.

As you can see, abundance is all in the mind. No matter how rich you are, if you think that you do not have enough then things will look as if you don't have any. Learn how to be grateful of the things that you have, no matter how small they are and never based everything on the amount of cash you have.

Remember that you can be rich even without money! Always be thankful about those people in your life who never judge you depending on the things that you have. Reflect on those times that your kids or anyone willingly shared a pizza with you simply because you don't have the money to buy a decent meal-this kind of things is very precious, more precious than money!

About the Author:

January 23, 2011

Manifesting For Beginners

By Claire Skaysbrook

The old saying is true, life is just what you make it; life is just what you want it to be. We have all heard this saying in one form or another, whether from an encouraging grandparent or while listening to When You Wish upon a Star by Jiminy Cricket.

At some point in our lives, we have all heard someone say that we are the masters of our own destiny. We can make our life just as we want it to be. It is within you to manifest abundance, only you can manifest abundance in your own life.

It is time to face the fact that the reason your life is the way that it is, is due to the fact that you want it to be that way. Yes, the unhappy relationship, the dead end job, and the mounting pile of bills you brought all that into your life all by yourself.

You need to realize, it is you who has created the life you live. Then you need to know that the power is within you to make a change. You can begin right now to manifest abundance in your life. You simply need to change your way of thinking.

Your thoughts are the most powerful thing you have. The way you think and what you think about creates the life you want. Do you realize that all of the thoughts that you have about how you are going to pay your bills has brought more bills into your life. Every moment that you spend worrying about money means that you are going to continue to have money problems. If you are focusing on all of the bad things that are happening in your relationship then that is all you are going to experience in your relationship.

What you need to do is start thinking about everything positive in your life. This is the key to manifesting abundance. You have to focus on what you have that is good. You woke up today, breathing on your own. You have a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food. Take a moment and realize how fortunate you are, think about all that you have and be grateful. Honestly, once you are grateful for the good things you have, and you start focusing on the good things you are going to manifest more good things.

It is you who creates your life by what you think and say; therefore, you should never try to blame others. If you want to be happy, successful and wealthy, you need to focus the things you think and say that will create happiness, success and wealth.

You should try these experiments; they will show you that by changing the way you think you can change your life. Do not worry about the need for money, or even how you will pay the bills. Start doing this right this moment. Rather, you should think about how much money you do have and that you have the money to pay for anything you have in your life.

Think and believe that you have plenty of money. You have to consciously pay attention to your thoughts. You dont want to slip and let the old thoughts sneak in. If you want to manifest abundance, you have to think that you already have everything you want in your life.

Like attracts like, which means if you are focusing on the good it is going to bring more good in your life. You can improve your life, you can have the life you want you and only you can manifest abundance in your life.

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What Is The Law Of Attraction Really?

By May Ling

Usually, the New Thought writers speak about the concept of the Law of Attraction. The notion behind the Law of Attraction is that our thoughts also have the power to have an impact over our destinies or fate. Therefore, what it says is that we, by means of our thoughts also have the capability of attracting in our lives what we want. So, we have the power to erase off all the troubles and aggravation that we have in our life and attract our dreams to actual manifestation.

Although the Law of Attraction is not backed by any scientific substantiation, but it can be said that science is yet to prove all that which goes on in the world. The main skepticism says that the Law is explained as an illusion that gets created when there is an association between self confidence and the success or perception of a person.

The year 2006 saw the release of the movie The Secret which popularized the idea of the Law of Attraction. The movie The Secret was produced by Rhonda Byrne, an Australian television writer. The very next year i.e., in the year 2007, he wrote a book on the same movie having the same title. This movie further explained and gave an insight on the concept of the Law of Attraction.

Both the movie and the book became popular and was the subject of many shows starting from Saturday Night Live to The Oprah Winfrey Show in US. In the year 2008, the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness" by Esther and Jerry Hick's came into view in the New York Times Best Seller List.

The quintessence of the Law of Attraction, in the movie 'The Secret' comprises of three steps: ask, believe and receive. Ask- first know what is it that you want and then ask the universe for that thing, believe - You need to feel it within you that the object you are asking for is already here or is coming your way and also you need to behave keeping the same feeling in mind. Now, the last step, receive - Keep your arms and heart open in order to receive it when it actually manifests in real life.

In order to get the benefits of the Law of Attraction you need to learn about and apply different tools and techniques which is the focus of discussion of many who practice this spiritual concept. The Secret brought forth into public focus quite a number of such tools and techniques. As time is passing even more tools are getting added to the list and the existing ones are getting further enhanced. Visualization is a popular tool in this category which has found fans among many practitioners.

If you are thinking of practicing the Law of Attraction, then it is always advisable to adopt a tool that you can easily incorporate in your daily life. It should be simple and easy to practice. Visualization is one such tool. Mostly people visualize the things or situations that they want to achieve. But, if we do not feel it from within then it won't be realized. This owes to the fact that the Law of Attraction is effective only if we feel what we want to achieve. The emotion that embraces the visualizations is what makes it work for you. The stronger it is the better.

The feelings or the emotions which flow while one visualizes himself already in possession of the object of his desire releases chemicals that creates positive energy around us which in turn tune in to the infinite energy of the universe attracting the event in question and thus realizing our wishes or thoughts. This very concept is of utmost importance and forms the core value of the Law of Attraction.

About the Author:

January 22, 2011

Manifesting And Why We All Need It

By Rossana Reagan

Before we can discuss its merits we need to know what manifesting essentially means. It is a way of creating what you want through the power of your own mind and at a time in life that you want it to happen.

It's our commitment, determination and faith that are helping in manifesting all our needs and desires in life. These elements are the oxygen to our manifesting things. Manifesting things is what we all want to do we just do not know how to do it. By understanding what is involved in manifesting it then makes it easier for us to manifest something and once you are successful once you will probably want to do it again and again.

At first you may be a bit sceptical or unsure how you can just manifest what you want. Before you begin manifesting those desires or needs think to yourself what it is you really want. For example are you unhappy at work? If so do you know why? Is it the people you work with? The tasks you have to perform at work? Or is it just the lack of respect you get at work? If you know the reason whether it be a promotion, new job or getting someone to leave your work then you must be precise in your desires and manifest in deep within your mind. Even shout it out loud to yourself loud at home and repeat it to yourself, "I want this to happen now."

Manifesting things comes from experience quiet easy. Do you see successful businessmen or famous actors tell people that they did nothing but sit back and wait for fame and fortune. A lot of hard work; time; belief in oneself; never giving up and always being prepared. All this eventually got the person what they wanted.

Manifesting something does not always happen overnight it depends on your subconscious mind and its preparedness and also how big your task may be.

What we say out loud to ourselves can help drive and inspire any thoughts or images we have locked deep inside our minds eventually manifesting in a tangible desire. The bigger or more complex the desire the longer and more committed you have to be in repeating to yourself over and over again about how much you need and will get this desire achieved. By drumming in this repeatedly you will begin to believe it more and grow in confidence and eventually manifesting it yourself.

Has manifesting worked for you in the past? I am thinking almost without a doubt yes it has worked for you but not because you knew it had.

When will you know that manifesting works? As soon as you start concentrating on something really pacific that you want and need. You must be focused on the task and tell yourself that you can do it, you're not going to give up and you belief in your own ability. After all if everyone else can do it then why can't I? Remember one small step at a time and you could be on your way to a better life!

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Manifesting Abundance - Turn Any Dream Into Reality

By Anthea David

Manifesting abundance in your life is possible, no matter who you are or where you come from. Abundance comes into your life according to what you deeply are convinced you need, desire, and deserve. Most of who and what are in your life this very moment are reflections or expressions of these things, no matter if you consciously are aware of this or not.

Realizing that thoughts are powerful is a major part of manifesting abundance. The quality of your thoughts from infancy is what shapes your life. However, while an infant, the quality of your thoughts was just beginning its development. At that time your thoughts centered on your basic instincts for survival as well as taking in immensity of all the sensory input surrounding you.

From that point on, you learned to believe what your parents taught you. What you learned from your parents taught you how to socialize as a child. Then you went to school and learned that life is cold and unyielding. You were taught that manifesting abundance was foolish.

You found that you may be able to do it by beating yourself down with lots of hard work or you were just lucky or even that you have to have the best genes to accomplish your desires. You learned that most likely you would not have abundance in life. Not that you will starve or cannot have a nice home, although that may happen if you are not intelligent or you are not lucky. You were taught to forget your amazing dreams and extraordinary things that mean something to you, such as not to marry just any body but to marry your soul mate.

But you can have abundance--and you don't have to rely on luck; and you don't need a so-called 'education'; and you don't need 'good genes'. You also do not need to live an existence where you are enslaved to drudgery, boredom, or doing any work that you hate.

You can thrive, since you have universal permission to do so, you deserve to thrive, you need to know this.

You must know that you deserve to manifest abundance. You have to know deep down in your soul that you deserve abundance. You have to understand that there are certain things that can make this become a reality for you.

The cosmic laws of manifesting abundance are universal, even though everyone is different. These cosmic laws find distinctive expression in you and in your life. As an example, consider the musician that applies universal law while playing his or her instrument using their own distinct style as they compose and play. This is something you should remember so as not to become too confused. Manifesting abundance is personal and has nothing to do with trying to keep up with others.

When you manifest abundance in your life, you may or may not become famous, get married, or live in a mansion. In fact, you may just make enough money that will meet your needs to comfortably live within your means in a home that you love.

It matters most of all what you want in your heart. Manifesting abundance means manifesting all of your heart's desires. It means actually living your fantasies.

However, how do you manifest abundance, what cosmic laws do you need to align yourself with to make it a reality?

*Know that you deserve to be able to live your fantasies. If this is hard for you to comprehend, start taking the time to find a quiet or internally private space for yourself every day, and find a way to meditate on your deserving (there are many ways to meditate, so study that). You have been conditioned to think you aren't 'good enough' to have a charmed life, and you have to re-program yourself with new conditioning which tells you the opposite.

* You need to know why you want something. This is something that needs to be deeply ingrained in your mind. If not, you will manifest things you really will not want after you have manifested them. Remember to be careful what you ask for, because that is what you will get.

* Know what you want and then allow your fantasies to flow as you focus intensely on the fantasies that come to you.

* In order to fulfill your fantasies, you should take action on the inspired opportunities that come to you. You can go online, read, order books, and watch videos that help you gain the knowledge you require if you are so inspired. Go to certain places and websites and so on when you feel inspired to do so.

*It's not that your abundance will manifest without work; rather, it's that the work you do for it will be so inspired that it won't even seem like work to you, like a professional baseball player 'going to work' by playing his sport and getting paid millions of dollars for it.

* Allow those things that manifest in your life, as they will, never try to force them to happen. Remember that which you most desire is on its way to you at this time. You need to be ready for it as well as be patient knowing that it is coming to you.

The life of your dreams is waiting just up ahead. Start walking in its direction.

About the Author:

January 21, 2011

New Techniques To Create Abundance

By Millie Portman

Most of us think that creating abundance in life can be really difficult, but then that is not real. If you would know the law of attraction and the techniques of using it in the right path, then you may create abundance in life easily. You can also create abundance in your life by developing clear thoughts, focus, and intent.

The law of attraction works like a cosmic order taker in our lives. We just have to be very focused. This focus combined with crystal clear thoughts gets us what we order. In other words, we get what we aim for.

The law of attraction is known to be the most powerful of all the creative forces in our life and with the help of law of attraction you can not only create abundance but also get whatever you desire in your life. But then an individual has to visualize his goals and focus on them to succeed in his life and desires.

Firstly you need to develop positive thoughts to achieve what you want. But then it's not for sometime you need to have much more than what you actually aim for. The strong positive vibrations in your life will take you far in your life.

Along with having positive thoughts, one needs to feel those positive thoughts. One must be away from thoughts about the things that are lacking. Thinking about lacking things only brings in more lacking instead of creating abundance.

Once the person understands his power and can control the outcome of certain things in his lives , then it is seen that he can respond only to them effectively, this is the right time when one sees to manifest the experiences of what he actually desires in life. If you are focusing on creating abundance then you do create abundance.

The law of attraction does not distribute what a person wants or does not want. It simply attracts what a person focus on and thinks about. If it is about lacking, more lack is attracted, if it is to create abundance, there is abundance of everything.

An individual should make a conscious effort to choose only the thoughts that are positive in his life. Even in the worst cases he must not be thinking about the negative thoughts and completely abandon it and only focus on the positive thoughts.

The law also teaches you to live with a feeling of gratitude. This will definitely give him an opportunity of being grateful in life.

Being successful in life require the right kind of motivation. Emotions are a strong force that one needs to work with to create abundance and get motivated for his real desires.

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What Exactly Is Manifesting?

By Simone Walker

The term manifesting means making things visible, noticeable or perceivable, that can be perceived by the senses. Thus, the word can also be interpreted as making something happen so that it can be perceived by the senses.

For example, if you have a dream of becoming a great singer, then manifesting your desire would mean making your dream come true n reality so that people can see and hear you singing. This manifesting your dreams into reality is the subject matter of this discussion.

In manifesting your desires, the primary steps are those of unlearning and relearning. You need to first unlearn what you have been made to believe since childhood and then relearn about certain truths which were never taught. Our parents and teachers have always told us that one's aims in life or dreams can only come true with the correct opportunities, luck and of course hard work. But did anybody ever told you about the infinite powers your mind has. That you could manifest any of your desires by the sheer power of your thoughts and the focusing your positive energy in that direction? Yet the answer is no.

Everyone has this power in their minds but it is something that they do not exercise since their minds have been trained to belief in the fact that manifesting dreams is solely dependant on chance. That you can make your dreams come true only by hard work, struggle and a dash of luck. But the truth is that dreams get manifested by the power of your thoughts and the driving force of your positive energy.

Energy is something that is the source and end of everything in the universe, the universe itself. It is the base on which both science and spirituality have developed and it is the answer to many of the world's unresolved questions that it currently termed as miracles.

In case of manifesting, if one focuses all his attention on a particular thing and directs all his energies on it, it will manifest itself in the way the person desires.

In discussing how one can manifest his desires into reality, apart from its wavelength, two other aspects of amplitude and frequency needs to be talked about. While amplitude means the amount of energy present, frequency refers to the no. of times it is repeated. Hence, in chalking out the steps in manifesting your desires, it can be said that manifesting can be done in three steps. Firstly, reach the energy wavelength by focusing all your attention on the thing that you want the most. Direct all the power that your thoughts on it and ask it from the universe. Secondly increase the amplitude of the energy.

Remember, more than 50% of the word attraction is action, hence in attracting the object of your will for manifestation; spending time for repeated action towards it is required. Get rid off all the negative energy by avoiding negative thoughts and experience the power of positive energy with the power of faith. The power of your thought and the positive energy radiating from you due to your attention, belief and faith will lead your desire to manifest itself in reality.

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January 20, 2011

Understand Abundance Secrets To Enjoy Prosperity In Life

By Karen Cochran

People crave for abundance, even the rich are not content with what they have. In view of this, many books have been written in regards to the abundance secrets. None of them however are really successful in allowing a person to reach the state where every aspect of their life is "good".

Every people seems to complain about what they have and forever want to change things-"I want a new red car", "I want a bigger butt", "I wish to have a sexier wife" etc.

Instead of complaining, there are times when we should stop our rants and focus on the things that we have. We should be grateful for everything that we are given with. Think about those people who are struggling during their entire lives for something to eat when there you are, you have every convenience that life can offer but you still want more.

The abundance secrets are not any magic potion or hectic tasks that we should learn because they are already inside us. We will jus be able to reveal it by the time when we realize how to divert our thoughts on the things that we have rather than spending all our time in figuring out the things that we lack.

If we pursue in allowing our mind to just focus on our struggles and those problematic situations that we find ourselves in, it is likely that we will feel discouraged then again we will fail to recognize the real beauty of life.

Open your eyes to the fact that there are many people who are able to overcome these obstacles and end up having a life which is filled with love, money, happiness, and joy. You can have this life as well.

The process of abundance will start as soon as you begin to shift your focus from the problems you have to the goodness of life that you actually take pleasure in. Every living person is capable of manifesting abundance in their life.

Keep in mind that the time when you will have everything in life will never come because people have the tendency to look for more. Because of this, true abundance will arise by the time when you start to count how much blessing you actually have.

Wise men would compare abundance secrets to those mature branches which should be pruned as to give way to those that are new and better. Think about this as the grape vine that tends to increases its produce after they undergone intensive pruning. If you failed to submit yourself into pruning stage just like the grape then the crop will start to diminish.

So each time you are in a difficult situation, especially something that concerns your finances, do not be scared because you are at your pruning stage. You will be able to appreciate success much more by changing things gradually and focusing on the positive. Always have faith in your heart and trust your intuition and you will have a great life!

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Yes You Can Live In Abundance

By Jan Cooper

Living in abundance means living with profusion, where you have supply of everything that you need or want, in plenty and you cannot ask for more. For most people this is a dream that they have seen since childhood. A dream of having money in abundance, success and fame in abundance, materialistic objects like grand houses or luxury cars in abundance.

If living in abundance is the main aim of a person, then why is it that he always thinks about the diametrically opposite concept? Why is it that a person's mind only revolves around the issue of scarcity instead of abundance? If you notice, it is actually not abundance that we think about but the scarcity that plagues our mind. Since childhood it has become a bad habit to think about what we don't have or what other people have in abundance as compared us.

The Law of Attraction states that the secret to bringing in abundance in your life lies with the power of your thoughts.

According to this law, if you focus your attention and energy on an object of desire and strongly believe that it is coming your way, then the power of your thoughts have the ability to manifest the object of desire in reality. Thus, it can be concluded from this law that powerful thoughts attract and manifest the subject matter thereof in reality.

If the law of attraction holds good, it simply means that whatever you think about will get manifested in your life. Hence, when man thinks only about scarcity and what he does not have in his life, it is more scarcity that he attracts. If he always feel dissatisfaction and strongly believes that he has nothing compared to his friends or relatives, then he will only attract more negative energy and the feeling of more dissatisfaction will get manifested in his life. Thus it can be concluded that a person's thoughts and mindset are the sole cause behind his situation in life.

For making abundance come your way, the only thing you have to do is think and focus all your attention and energy on abundance. Start with avoiding all negative thoughts about scarcity and start thinking about abundance for a change. The first step towards this is getting a stock of all that you have and being grateful for it.

The more you feel joy and gratefulness, the more manifestation of things would happen in your life which will bring in the same feelings. After you are happy with what you have and have been grateful for, think about what you want the most in your life.

Feel the energy of your emotions while you visualize this and feel that energy to radiate from you to the vision. Have faith and believe completely that abundance is coming your way and the vision is in real. You will see that the positive energy and the power of your thoughts would affect the cosmos and abundance will get manifested in your life.

About the Author:

January 19, 2011

A Vision Board - A Case of Getting What You See!

By Steve Charles

If ever any two phrases were made for each other it's 'what you see is what you get' and the phrase 'a vision board'.

Think about it: A vision board is something you can use to help you achieve all your lifetime's goals and ambitions; a collage of photographs and affirmations outlining your targets, dreams and desires. What you put on vision boards is quite simply a list of everything you want to achieve; a confirmation of your wants.

When you look at a vision board you are looking at images of all you want, and for all of us who believe in the Law of Attraction, we know that the law states that like attracts like; and in this case, what you see is what you get.

Creative visualization is the first step of the journey when manifesting, and vision boards make that journey possible. Even though there are some important steps in between, let's discover and nail down all we need to know about the very first leg of the journey before moving any further.

Creative visualization is first thing you need to do when manifesting. It's something we do not need to think about and comes quite naturally to all of us; almost like day dreaming and having hopes and dreams for ourselves and our families. No one needs to be taught how to day dream, it's there inside all of us and something we've all done for as long as we can remember, going right back to our childhood.

When creating a vision board, what you are doing is pinning images of all your daydreams, longings and desires onto a board: You are visualizing your perfect world, and that is what you see, everything you want staring right back at you. But it is important before creating your board to carefully think of what you truly want from life; no matter whether that's for health, wealth or relationships.

This beginning stage is where most people actually make a mistake, right at the planning stage. Concentrating on all that is bad in life is wrong; you should be asking for what you do want, not what you don't want. If you wanted to run in a local marathon you would say 'I want to be fit and healthy', not 'I don't want back ache'.

Asking for something 'not to happen' is the wrong approach. If you understand the Law of Attraction you will know that it provides what you ask for. So in the case of asking for 'no more back ache' the Law of Attraction will not see the 'no ' part as it does not recognise negatives, and keep on giving you 'more back ache'. Now this basic error is a problem some people have with their vision boards as well. They are far too focused on what they do not want instead of asking for what they do want.

Now that is clear you can see how important it is to focus your full attention on your wants and not what you don't want because what you ask for is what the Universal law will respond to and supply you with. Be clear about this - No more 'don't wants'!

Using a vision board is one of the easiest ways you can imagine for achieving all your true desires in life. You must avoid making elementary mistakes though, and learn to use it in the best possible way to gain the most effect otherwise your end goals may take far longer than they should, and your final success may be limited.

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Getting to Know the Law of Attraction

By Shaun Rosenberg

The universal law of attraction can be a life altering idea. Most people seem to believe that they are where they are today by sheer dumb luck. But that is not true, everything you are today represents who you where in the past and what you wanted in the past.

It might not be easy to hear that you have played such a big role in where you are today, but that is how life works. One of the ways you have shaped your life was by using the law of attraction, either in a positive way or in a negative way.

Understanding the law of attraction is easy. Whatever you think about and whatever you believe will happen more and more to you. Do you believe that there are conspiracies happening and that everyone is out to get you? If you do then you will run into more and more scams and just plain evil people.

Do you believe that the world really is a wonderful place? If you do you will run into more people who believe the world is a wonderful place and you will be blessed with good fortune.

In fact you will get people who have bad luck say, "I wish I had that kind of luck." And by doing so they are reinforcing their belief that they have bad luck and others are luckier than they are. This is why it is usually a bad idea to say things like, "that's just my luck," when something bad happens, even if you are trying to be funny.

By focusing your energy on something that you do not want and saying, "That is just my luck" you are effectiively telling the universe what you expect to happen. The universe will then go out of its way in order to make that statement true for you.

Now if you reverse that and focus on something good that happens to you and say, "I really do have some good luck," then you let the universe know that things do work out for you and the universe will work hard to bring them to you.

There are a lot of great techniques to use the law of attraction, but it all starts with maintaining a positive attitude and believing that you can have whatever you want in the world. Your thoughts shape your world, so be careful on what you believe and what you think.

About the Author:

January 18, 2011

More About Law Of Attraction

By James Moore

Most people are aware about law of attraction. This law has been around us since times immemorial. We all have read that it has been there since the Universe was formed. The law of Universe works in a very simple manner.

According to the law of attraction, all human beings have enormous magnetic powers. All human beings invariably attract in life exactly what their thoughts are and what their focus is. It is believed about law of attraction that a human being is able to change many aspects of life if he practices the law of attraction.

As per the law of attraction, if a human being focuses his thoughts on what his desires are and what he likes in life, he will get them. Only thing required is the practicing of law of attraction. One must focus on his thoughts, dream about them and feel them while still keeping the faith.

One needs to be crystal clear about his thoughts. He needs to practice every day to visualize the goals of life and fill them with positive energy. Thoughts filled with positivity reach the Universe and they also get response.

When a person gets the response, he must allow self to receive those thoughts. There needs to be consistent action to achieve goals and dreams and keep faith to be able to actualize dreams.

There are many books written about law of attraction. Some may be big fat books with a few hundred pages while other may be short books with merely a few pages.

If a person wants to read these books about law of attraction, he/she can read them online or can download them. Alternately, the books about law of attraction can also be purchased and kept as a part of a collection. All those who have read these books and implemented them in their lives today are happy people. They all have got what they once only dreamt of.

People who have read about law of attraction and who have implemented it in their lives are today masters of good relationships, they have wealth and good health, and they are successful in their personal and professional lives.

People who know about the importance of law of attraction also realize the importance of positive thoughts. They know it is very important to be positive in each thought and be away from negative thoughts. Even a slight negative thought may attract negativity in life. Even if person gets negative thoughts unconsciously, he may attract those negative things in life as well.

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3 Tips to Make The Law of Attraction Work For You

By Mark Myer

Since I was young I've been working on making my life better. During my journey I bumped into the law of attraction and applied it the best as I could. However it only became effective after I learned a few tricks.

The law of attraction states that "like attracts like". It looks simple but is at the same time subtle. The real meaning for me is that where you drive your attention to it's what you are going to manifest in your life.

We all want more money to manifest to us. But generally we think about money in a very negative way such as "why it is taking so long for me to get rich?", "I'm working so hard why I'm not rich" or "I repeat my affirmations daily but they seem not to work". And we can be very creative about producing beliefs and excuses not to achieve our dreams.

Read on to learn 3 tips about how to use the law of attraction more effectively:

1 - Don't Use False Affirmation

Affirmations are part of my daily routine to create the life I want. But in the past I used to repeat affirmations that were too far apart from my reality.

For example, when I was struggling about money I used to repeat "I'm rich". But my subconscious wouldn't believe it and I felt negative emotions instantly. So after those affirmations I thought about lack of money. The result: attention to lack of money.

The right way to use affirmations is only using those that make you feel better and are positive at the same time. "It feels good to have enough money to buy everything I want" is a good example. Think about phrases that make you feel good and use them.

2 - Don't Be Hard on Yourself

You need to feel at ease to let the law of attraction bring the results you want. Concentrate on the positive things that are currently happening in your life. Don't dwell on situation that is unpleasant to you.

Take it easy on yourself and expect the source energy to work on your favor. If a particular situation brings you bad feelings don't concentrate on it. We can always find something to feel good about around us.

Feel good and absorb nicely what life has to offer.

3 - Goal Setting the Right Way

When you start reading about how to create the life of your dreams, one of the first steps required is setting goals and following through.

You can set a goal the right or the wrong way. If you use goals to put pressure on you daily you are headed for failure. Creating too far out goals can make you feel bad.

Setting measurable objectives is still important but do it when you feeling good about them. In addition only create goals that are aligned with your dreams and with who you are.

Living life should be a positive and awesome experience. Apply the Law of Attraction using the above tips and expect to attract what you want.

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January 17, 2011

How To Achieve Mind Manifestation

By Louise Dolan

You can manifest your dreams with the use of power of the subconscious mind. The structure of our mind is in layers and these structures combine together and influence the different features of mental world. There are familiar names given to the mind like the subconscious, conscious and unconscious minds.

The weakest of these is the conscious mind with not much of influencing power over your life or mental world. The strongest being the unconscious mind which is the most powerful as well. If any sort of changes take place at this level it will be responsible for radical influence on your life.

If you wish to fulfill your dreams and desires, then your mind must be manifested in that way. All the three parts of the mind, the conscious, unconscious and sub conscious minds should be arranged in a certain way with the help of your thoughts and events to shift towards your dreams. When this structuring of mind takes place then real changes in the mental world are created as it is the mind that becomes the starting point to permit the change to happen.

Any kind of change begins with the mind and when our mind permits these changes to take place things begin to move. Your passions should be followed in order to manifest your mind. This will allow a connection to be created with the unconscious mind. Once this connection is established, your life's direction and purpose gets shifted under the Laws of Mind system without your information.

You need to be clear about your wishes and the goal set for yourself. If you keep striving to achieve something without any purpose, then this will only lead to a failure. When you set your goals it is essential to move towards one goal at a time. It is natural that you cannot achieve all those in one go. So you move in a progressive manner towards goal achievement.

You must make use of every moment in your life. Don't let the time be lost, so use every hour effectively. The most powerful thing that you need to do towards mind manifestation is to make every possible movement towards your goals. Your actions should be consistent and when this happens you make it into a habit. This action of your further permits you to become more creative, well-organized and improves the chances of your goal achievement.

You will observe your life improving gradually by following what is detailed above. Not only your past behaviors will see a change with the consistent effort and manifestation of your mind, you will also see a corresponding change in the mind layers which has an affect on the mental reality. Gradually there will be healthier changes seen in your life.

To summarise and put it simply you must work towards manifesting your mind to achieve your goals, wishes and ambitions in life. Set a clear vision and move towards achieving those in a systematic and organised manner.

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