March 25, 2009

Healing Cancer Through Law Of Attraction

By Rita Goldman

There had been a lot of fuss over the law of attraction, what is it anyway? Law of Attraction is the law governing all the aspects of our life. It simply means that we attract everything that has been happening to our lives, be it positive or negative. Believe it or not, you have also attracted your cancer. It may not be intentional but through the years, you have been nurturing negative thoughts and this became a reality through the form of cancer.

Using the same law of attraction, how can you heal cancer? Law of attraction uses four steps to make something realize. The first one is to know what you want, which is for you to be living a cancer free life. The second step is to ask the universe for it, so go ahead and ask for your healing. The next step implies that you feel and believe that what you have asked for is on its way, this is called unwavering faith. And lastly, you have to be open in receiving your renewed health, which is being cancer free.

The most important factor you have to eliminate from your mind and system is the feeling of doubt because this hinders your healing through the law of attraction. Law of attraction can give you everything that you wanted, even your cancer healing.

The key here is unwavering faith or trust. The universe being implied in the law of attraction is God, the Supreme Being. Healing cancer through the law of attraction is similar to faith healing or healing with hope.

There are a lot of people using the law of attraction to heal their ailments, some are even cancer patients, and this has proven miracles for them. Its about time that you apply the same law to your own path to healing.

About the Author:

March 24, 2009

Understanding the Universal Law Of Attraction

By Vlad Stivenson

What the Universal Law of Attraction says is that the things that come into our life are a result of our thoughts being focused on them so we can attract good or bad things.

Usually we do not plan to attract things into our life. Our daily thoughts are focused on the issues we are dealing with and we are trying to work through the problems we have. When we focus on our problems and that is where are thoughts are always at we are likely to attract more of the same into our lives.

It's like your mind is a magnet and you can't help but attract things, good and bad things. Magnets also do not try to draw metals to them, it just happens. We are always attracting things into our lives even if we are totally unaware that it is happening. This is even true when we are sleeping. The things we attract are those that we are focused on. If you focus on the things you do not have than you will have more experiences of NOT having those things. If you focus on the things you love instead than those things will be attracted into your life.

Your mind is a very powerful thing and when you use it to focus on the things you want in your life you have the power to draw these good things into your life.

For example, if you want to change something in your life, if you want to become more attractive, confident or creative, if you want to attract love or wealth into your life- download and use Subliminal Flash software. It imprints positive affirmations in your subconscious mind. Subliminal Flash users are like walking magnets, they attract prosperity and success.

Have you heard the old Proverb from the bible that says "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he"? The unique thing about this proverb is how the refer to thinking with the heart when we are used to thinking with our minds. If you think with your heart you send out signals to the Universe and the Universe will respond to your thoughts and desires.

The heart is where your power really is because that is the part of your body that can communicate with the Universe. The heart is magnetic and draws to it what it wants and focuses on.

It is like we are a radio and we are changing the station frequently. When we leave the radio, or our heart, on a specific station, that is the signals that go out into the Universe.

To get less of the things you do not want in your life, you need to be on the correct frequency so your signals to the Universe are about things you DO want.

The Art of Deliberate Attraction can be broken down into three items:

1. Understanding and really knowing what it is you want in your life. 2. Tuning your heart and mind together so they send out the right signals to the Universe. 3. Being open to receiving the things you ask for.

Many of us miss the chance to use the contrasts in our lives to fine tune our thoughts and desires and focus more on the things we truly desire. You should pay attention the the contrasts in your life and use what you learn to refine your focus. It is not easy because we are used to talking about and thinking about the things we are unhappy with in our life not focusing on the good.

Being open to receiving the things you ask for is sometimes the hardest part of all. We often miss opportunities to get the things we want because we do not believe in ourselves or in the power of the Universe. We hang on to negative thoughts and emotions.

The thing we all need to do is to open our hearts and minds and believe in the power of the Universal Law of Attraction.

About the Author:

Advanced Cosmic Ordering - The Secret Of Celebrities Success

By Khristy-Belle Strand

What makes celebrities successful? Many of them have started to admit that much of their success comes from cosmic ordering.

Other people have heard of 'the secret' and 'the law of attraction' but using cosmic ordering allows you to be more specific with your wishes.

What if you had a cosmic ordering service and all you had to do was request something and like magic, it would appear before you. Wouldn't that be wonderful? The most amazing thing is that we already have this power and yet all we choose to order is more of the same.

Look at life as a menu containing every possible food - but you just look at one line of that menu and keep ordering the bread every time! Maybe you just haven't bothered to investigate the possibilities; or you feel like you only deserve what you already have.

Now picture yourself with limitless wealth. You can do everything you've ever wanted. You spend 11 months of the year traveling in your private jet. Life is like an unending vacation.

You wear the most expensive clothing and look absolutely marvellous. If you can picture this in your mind and hold it for a few minutes, you're partially on your way. It is difficult to get a good picture of yourself in those circumstances if you're like most people. For the majority of people, cosmic ordering seems beyond their reach. So what exactly is advanced cosmic ordering?

Advanced cosmic ordering can get results for those of us who have tried to use cosmic ordering before but didn't get what they wanted. Perhaps you didn't really believe it would happen. You need to reprogram your subconscious mind to eliminate the negative thoughts we are fed from an early age.

Most of us simply internalize this negative thinking and as a result hold the belief that it is just not possible for everyone to live the good life. Feeling like you don't deserve success is terrible; and envying others' success only makes it worse.

When you think that you don't deserve to do well, you shouldn't be surprised when you don't do well.

Quantum physics shows us different ways to think about the Universe. Unlike the physics you had in school, the rules are new. It answers questions why some people get more than others do.

Your mind emits energy which capable of affecting the state of the smallest particle known to us; the quark. When a quark moves form one energy level to another, this is known as a quantum leap. By changing levels, the quark changes the properties of the atom containing it. If you can affect this change, then you can do absolutely anything!

Many of us don't think that you can actually change your circumstances by changing the way you think about them. They might have tried to do this once themselves - but without believing that it can work, the results are not going to be good. Quantum physics has shown us that observers can change the outcome of a process simply by observing it. If you watch something happen without believing that it can really happen, then it very likely won't; you will then have negatively affected the outcome of that process by acting as an observer.

If you have the proper instruction and get adequate practice, you'll find that you really can use the cosmic ordering system to get anything you want. This was well known to the ancients; it is the basis of the belief in prayer found in every religion. However, most of us now don't listen to science or religion and end up leading lives which leave us unsatisfied.

Teaching your mind to ask for the things which are best for you takes practice; and you must first clear away the negative thought patterns which have been ingrained in you. Now there are many ways to speedup this process and let you clear away your old unsuccessful thought and behavior patterns.

Advanced cosmic ordering uses new developments in audio technology. By listening to special frequencies called binaural tones, you can tune your brain waves to the necessary frequency to communicate with the universe. This is the state which Buddhist monks spend years of meditation trying to reach.

In combination with subliminal affirmations and self-hypnosis recordings, binaural sound helps you get rid of negative patterns and begin seeing results fast.

Advanced cosmic ordering can work for you. Once you master the techniques, everything you want will begin coming your way - but you'll have to work at it too.

About the Author:

March 23, 2009

Why the Law of Attraction Is Not Making You Wealthy Beyond Your Dreams

By Vlad Stivenson

A lot of people think there is really no truth at all to the power of the Law of Attraction. These people need to be aware that even though they don't believe, the Law of Attraction is affecting their life and quite possibly the reason for the negativity in their life.

Wealth is what most people want so here is some information about the Law of Attraction and why you are not rich.

You need not believe in or think about the Law of Attraction for it to operate in your life. In this respect, it is like the law of gravity which is always there and always in effect even if you forget all about it.

There is a scientific truth to the idea that our brain emits vibrational frequencies. The Universe responds to your brain's frequencies by bringing into your life the things you are most focused on in your thoughts. The things that you are in tune with are the things you get in your life.

There is a difference between the negative emotions you send out into the Universe like worry, fear and stress about not having enough money and the positive emotions others send out into the universe of appreciation and love. The more you send out the negative emotions the more problems you will have with money.

Feeling like money is the only thing in the world that could make you happy actually causes the Law of the Universe to send you the opposite because you are focused on the negative aspect of money in your life.

How do you use the Law of Attraction to bring more money into your life?

First you need to make sure you are focusing on the things you want in your life in a positive way and not what you don't want. If lots of money is what you want that should be your focus but you need to think about more than wanting it and focus on being thankful for getting and imagine that you already had it in your life. Your thoughts need to be focused in this manner from your conscious to sub-conscious mind.

Is it possible to overcome that nagging negativity about money in your sub-conscious?

You have many ways of uniting your sub-conscious and your conscious minds on your goals and desires. This will ensure the Law of Attraction brings you the things you truly want.

You can meditate, take advantage of brain wave technology, remove any emotional and mental blocks that are preventing your from thinking positively, use electronic frequency transfer and always be appreciative for the good things you do have in your life.

The best way is using subliminal messages. Download Subliminal Flash program and use it daily. It contains affirmations related to success, wealth and prosperity. When you use Subliminal Flash those affirmations are accepted by your subconscious mind and your mind attracts good things into your life, just like a magnet. You will feel changes in your life after 5 days of using it.

The sooner you get in a place where you appreciate what you have and are not focused on what you don't you will be a happier and more satisfied person.

Try making a list of everything that is good in your life and using that to remind yourself daily of how truly blessed you are.

Enjoy the little things like finding spare change in your purse or getting a few extra dollars in your paycheck this week. Let yourself be appreciative and happy for all your blessings big or small.

The more you practice this appreciative attitude the more likely you are to attract more good things into your life in the future.

About the Author:

March 18, 2009

The Law of Attraction Can Work In Sync with Your Spirituality, Too!

By Dick Ingersoll

The Law of Attraction scares some religious people. They think of it as looking for a divine Santa Claus or an excuse for wanting more. Those are both wrong impressions. The historical roots of the Law of Attraction are distinctly spiritual.

Early Hindu writings are claimed to be the first written evidence of the Law of Attraction. Since so much is handed down by oral tradition, the actual concept of attraction likely began well before the first written evidence.

These ideas were used, ignored and rediscovered over and over. Whether you believe in God or some other name for a Supreme Being, there are forces at work around us that make amazing things possible.

Miracles, signs and wonders are just some of the spiritually-oriented words we use when the impossible becomes possible. Clearly the power exists for miracles and other amazing occurrences.

Since it's there, we need to ask in order to meet our needs. That's another Christian concept, as the Bible reminds believers to "ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you."

At the time of asking, seeking and knocking, you don't have what you need. To ask, seek or knock means that you believe what you need exists and you have claimed your right to ask for and to receive what you need.

Some believers who see God as the source of all things in the universe can apply these approaches to attracting what they need because there is a link to making those requests in the Bible.

Others who believe that the universe contains God and all things will make similar approaches to attract what they need based on the Law of Attraction principles. The essential concepts are similar, with emphasis on positive thinking and rejecting negative thinking.

If you attempt to use the energy of the universe to produce things, yet deny the power of attraction in your heart, then you satisfy neither the universe nor the Supreme Being you claim to profess.

You have to bring together your spiritual beliefs with your expanded understanding about energy and life force within this present reality. Many people who practice the Law of Attraction are deeply spiritual in all aspects of their life.

If you seek greater spiritual awakening, you can attract that into your life using the same three steps - Ask, Believe, and Receive. In fact, this process is so rightly related to spirituality that you'll wonder what took you so long to use this to energize your spiritual connections!

About the Author:

March 7, 2009

Using Subliminal Affirmations to Make Changes in Your Life

By Jackie Lee

By now everyone has probably heard of affirmations, maybe you've tried them, and you probably found they didn't work as well as you expected if they even worked at all. This is what a lot of people find when they try to use affirmations to change their lives. I'm not saying affirmations don't work, I'm just saying you have to use them in a way that is going to work for your brain.

Your brain is basically made up of two parts. The conscious brain, and the non conscious brain. The conscious brain is where we make decision. It's where we decide to lose weight on New Year's Eve, it's where we decide to make 10k a month by the end of the year. It's all done on a conscious level. This is also where we use affirmations.

As powerful as your conscious brain is, it doesn't hold a candle to your nonconscious brain. Your nonconscious brain controls 96-98% of your perception and behavior. This is pretty impressive. This is the part of your brain where your habits, both physical and of thought and your beliefs live. If you are not changing you nonconscious mind when you try to change your life you are going to fall flat.

You will fall flat because your conscious brain just doesn't have the power to work on this stuff with enough consistency and repetition for it to sink in and create new neural pathways ~ which create new habits and beliefs. Your nonconscious brain remembers everything you have ever seen, heard, tasted and even imagined forever! This incredible power of the nonconscious mind makes it an essential part in the process of change.

If affirmations haven't worked for you in the past you might be wondering how on earth they are going to work this time. You have to pull your nonconscious brain into the process. You are not going to say them at a conscious level, but go past that and deliver them straight to the nonconscious part of your brain. This is known as subliminal affirmations. Subliminal affirmations are flashed for but milliseconds in front of you on a computer screen. Your conscious brain doesn't have the ability to read them that fast, but your amazing nonconscious brain grabs every one. Bypassing your conscious brain makes them very effective.

You can also use subliminal affirmations through audio. You conscious mind and ears will not hear them as they are recorded at a subliminal level, but you can be sure that your ever powerful nonconscious mind is picking up every single one.

So how do you really make changes in your life? It takes a few steps. You need to get really clear on what you do want. You need to create a living, breathing vision of this change, and what it is like as if you have accomplished it and have it already. Once you can hold that vision you need to create some affirmations that support that vision. This will probably be some affirmations that contradict some of the things you currently believe, which is perfect because we are creating new beliefs here. You want to build an arsenal of imprinting materials to send this new message to your nonconscious brain. This can be a vision board, imagining your vision regularly and of course you can use subliminal affirmations. Then begin using these things on a regular basis, it doesn't take a lot of time, but consistency is key.

When you talk about imprinting people can get nervous and don't really know what all that means. It's really quite simple. You can do a few things very easily to start imprinting on your nonconscious mind. Create a vision board and display it where you will see it all day. Your conscious mind may not notice it very often, but your nonconscious will be taking it in all day. Take a few minutes a couple times a day to daydream about your vision. The nonconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagination, so each time you do a little daydreaming you are imprinting your new vision on your nonconscious brain and building new beliefs. You can also use subliminal software to play your subliminal on your computer screen and through your speakers. This will give you great repetition of your new beliefs and will send those messages to your nonconscious mind throughout the day.

If you want to really see change happen in your life, no matter what area you are going to have to get past your conscious mind and get your nonconscious mind in the game. IT is only when you use your nonconscious mind to build new beliefs that you will see the results of these new beliefs become a reality in your life.

About the Author:

March 6, 2009

Law of Attraction Basics

By Vlad Stivenson

What the Law of Attraction says, in a nutshell, is that "like attracts like". This means that the things you think about the most are the things you will have in your life. So you may be wondering why we don't all have a million dollars, a mansion and a yacht since we all want to be wealthy?

Well, if everyone was truly thinking about these things all the time and in the right way than it could really happen but they aren't doing that. Instead people are too busy thinking about all the things they don't have in their lives.

The Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like" which means that if you think about all the things you want in life like good health, money, success in school or work, a beautiful home or a happy marriage you will just have a whole lot of nothing. The Law of Attraction works but not like that. It is a little more complicated.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to go beyond wishing for things and start thinking about how it would feel to have them, believe that you can and will have them and that you deserve to have them. You need to think positively in this way all the time in order for it to work.

You need to imprint your objectives into your subconscious mind on a subconscious level. To make so, download and use Subliminal Flash program, it uses subliminal messages to help you visualize your desires as if they are real.

Does it sound too good to be true? A lot of people think so. They don't understand how thinking about having a beautiful house can actually get you one. They don't think it makes sense that believing you will get a raise will lead to you getting a raise. Some people can't wrap their minds around the idea that using positive thought will help you achieve all your goals in life.

Do you understand this? Answer this question - if you truly believe that you will never have the home, car or job of your dreams because it just isn't possible what will happen? You will get what you asked for, you won't have any of those things.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to picture your dreams coming true and see the things you want in your head. You must imagine what it will be like to really have them. You also have to truly believe that these things will happen and the things you want will come to you. That is all there is to it. The problem is our society focuses on earning the things you want so people are reluctant to believe that the Law of Attraction really can work for them.

There is no magic associated with the Law of Attraction. The things you desire are not going to show up on your doorstep overnight. Instead, the Law of Attraction presents you with opportunities to get the things you want in other ways. You may have to work for these things or it may be a little easier than that, it just depends.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you must be focused and present at all times. You have to think good thoughts and share those thoughts with the Universe. You will get a response from the Universe if you do this. You have to be open to new opportunities so you can recognize when the Universe sends them your way.

About the Author:

March 4, 2009

Religion vs. "The Secret"

By Laurice Egerton

If you're like me, The Secret and other books on the Law of Attraction seem fascinating. But, how do those theories of finding joy and getting exactly what you want fit into your religious beliefs? I was a bit concerned at first. I mean, if I could get whatever I wanted stepping right into my life, what about all the psychos out there attracting victims into theirs?! And, how about God not just giving us everything we want in order to let us learn and grow?

I have discovered after researching the topic for months now that my thoughts and concerns were not unique. My purpose in this article is to be concise in what Ive found to hold true to my traditional Christian beliefs and the Law of Attraction as it has been portrayed in so much media lately.

First, have you ever prayed form something whole-heartedly and didn't receive it? I always believed that God had a higher purpose or a better plan that my egotistical mind couldn't see at present. The Secret teaches that your unconscious beliefs were getting in the way. Further study lead me to find that the law of attraction would not bring you what you desire if it is not in alignment with your higher self. So, in actuality, the two principles are in alignment.

Second, The Secret says basically to fake it till you make it in regard to your emotional state. At first glance this too seems a little backward. After a deeper look, it goes right along with the age old teaching of gratitude. Be grateful for where you are, and what you have, and you will receive more. Use your talents, abilities, and gifts to serve and be happy and God provides more. Hey, Im starting to like this whole new aged approach to timeless principles!

Third is faith. We've all heard of that. Some grasp and practice it daily. Though the new aged approaches may call it something different, it is a key component. "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." I think we can all relate to this to a certain extent. Believing in something, and allowing the feelings of hope, love, joy and anticipation in will fast forward our righteous desires to us.

Finally, isn't the whole point, the goal at hand in this life to find joy. Joy looks different for everyone. Some are happy to live alone in a shack. Some want loads of friends. Some get the picture. So, learning to enjoy the journey and not get caught up in the end result is really what its all about. If you learn to enjoy the journey, being grateful, and serving others you have actually found your peace and may not need that end result you were seeking. Ironically, that is probably when you will receive. Both Biblical and new aged woo woo teach this. How nice to observe that the Biblical/Christian beliefs this country were founded on are actually getting some more media and attention through what has been dubbed as a secret or a universal law that none of us knew consciously how to use until recently.

However you choose to look at it and incorporate it into your life-God/Universe, gratitude/positive thinking, talents/source energy, Child of God/part of the universe, the teachings of truth are and ever will be the same. Refreshing actually.

About the Author:

March 3, 2009

What Does my Internet Business have to do with Healing?

By Laurice F. Egerton

I could tell you horror stories from my childhood. Im guessing that these days, the majority of us could. I could be wrong, but I doubt any of us escaped childhood without scars from some sort of dysfunction. I will just say that I endured abuse.

I grew up with an alcoholic father. This left me with more pity for him than anger. He tried to the best of his ability to teach us good values. As is typical, his addiction and relative lack of social skills left him distant, unreliable, and angry. Our family situation left my mother depressed emotionally distant as well. I was the oldest of 6 children, and felt responsible for the happiness and well-being of everyone. I am not looking for sympathy here. In fact, I am grateful for my experiences, as they have given me an empathetic perspective and determination. I did not enter adulthood without scars.

My fist marriage was ruined by my lack of self-love and trust issues. Then, the divorce, nearly killed me. I had sworn that my children would never have to endure divorce, but didn't know how to do anything different. The truth is that we only know what we live until we learn something new, and we either change or cave. The pain made me cave, and then change.

Although healing is a lifelong process, I can say that I can talk about my past now without tears. Opposing statistics on marriages, my second marriage is really good. I believe this is because I took a good hard look at what I needed to change, and how to work through my ego and get to my true self.

Although I have always recognized my severe insecurities of being less-than or unlovable, I had no idea how to actually change them. I turned to my Christian beliefs first. Trusting in Christ while also being open to new teachings and methodology that aligned with my beliefs offered hope.

If I were to share each of the things I have found to help me, I would have to write a book (maybe someday). Yoga, meditation, service, endurance athletic events, a business that helps me reach goals in every area, and loving 8 great children unconditionally have been helpful in my healing journey. My business which has to do with the Law of Attraction has taught me a lot about finding joy. Sometimes I wonder why I hadn't heard of these principles earlier. Maybe I wasn't really ready to implement them. It's interesting how life gives you things when it does.

The bottom-line in actually changing my MIND -that is all of those deeply ingrained inhibiting beliefs was quite simply gratitude and the decision to be happy. Yes, it sounds simple and it is. Why is that so hard for so many to find and grasp then? I think it is just that we think we are going to get something out of being miserable. Like, sympathy or revenge. We don't want to let our abusers off the hook. Well, guess what? WE weren't the ones who put them there, and we cant take them off. They'll have to do that for themselves. And, we think that healing takes so much time and effort. It really just takes a decision.

Think of the 5 billion people who share this planet who you wouldn't want to trade places with? Gratitude! I would dare say that in any given hour of your day there is somethin to be grateful for.

Happiness. Lest you think it is not a choice, visit a third world country. We traveled to Ethiopia to adopt our two youngest children. Most people there were lucky to have a tin shed or a mud hut to live in, were facing rampant cases of AIDS all around them, had no medical care, millions of orphans, and very little food. And yet, most that we came in contact with were extremely happy. They had discovered what we in America may not ever. We are human BEINGS not human DOINGS. The things you do don't and never will define you . Just be, and decide to be happy. Smile. Don't even think outside of the box. How about outside of yourself?

I don't want to sound as if I am judging anyone who is lost in depression for whatever reason. I have been there. I know that healing sometimes takes time and work. My hope is to get even one person there faster than me. Time is wasting. Start living life the way God intended. "Men are that they might have joy

About the Author:

March 1, 2009

Healing Through an Internet Business?

By Laurice F. Egerton

I could tell you horror stories from my childhood. Im guessing that these days, the majority of us could. I could be wrong, but I doubt any of us escaped childhood without scars from some sort of dysfunction. I will just say that I endured abuse.

I grew up with an alcoholic father. This left me with more pity for him than anger. He tried to the best of his ability to teach us good values. As is typical, his addiction and relative lack of social skills left him distant, unreliable, and angry. Our family situation left my mother depressed emotionally distant as well. I was the oldest of 6 children, and felt responsible for the happiness and well-being of everyone. I am not looking for sympathy here. In fact, I am grateful for my experiences, as they have given me an empathetic perspective and determination. I did not enter adulthood without scars.

I ruined my first marriage because of my lack of trust and self-love. I had sworn that I would never bring children into this life to endure unhappy parents and divorce, and yet found myself in that very situation. The pain of it almost killed me, but I emerged ready to learn and change.

Getting rid of the insecurities and fears of my ego will be a lifelong process. But I can say that I can talk about my past now without tears. And, in contrast to the average 2nd marriage stats, mine is going really well. I credit this to being willing to look at my own faults.

I have always looked for ways to overcome my severe insecurities and deep-seated beliefs of being less-than or unlovable. I could recognize them, but had no idea how to change them. I am a very religious person, so I turned to my teachings there first. But, have been open to any new teaching or method that aligned with my current beliefs and offered hope.

I won't go into each of them in detail, as I would have to write a book (maybe I will). I have found yoga, meditation, service to others, extreme exercise (marathons, 100-200 mile bike rides, tri-athlons) a business that helps me personally and financially, and loving 8 children unconditionally to be helpful in my journey of healing. I wish I would have learned long ago what I know now through my business that has taught me a lot about the Law of Attraction. Maybe I wasn't ready to accept these concepts until now. Its funny how life throws things your way when it does.

Healing really only takes a decision. It sounds too simple, I know. It's changing your beliefs so that you can make the decision to be happy that takes the time and effort (well for most). It's that we get some sort of "peanut prize" for not letting our offenders off the hook by being totally free of the harm they've done. Well, guess what? You are not hurting them by holding on. You didn't put them on the hook, and you can't let them off. You can however, let yourself off, and decide to be happy. Be grateful for the good things, and move forward.

Yes, we all have something to be grateful for on any given day, and probably any given hour. When you start thinking negatively again, think of the 5 billion people in the world right now that you wouldn't trade places with!

Happiness. Lest you think it is not a choice, visit a third world country. We traveled to Ethiopia to adopt our two youngest children. Most people there were lucky to have a tin shed or a mud hut to live in, were facing rampant cases of AIDS all around them, had no medical care, millions of orphans, and very little food. And yet, most that we came in contact with were extremely happy. They had discovered what we in America may not ever. We are human BEINGS not human DOINGS. The things you do don't and never will define you . Just be, and decide to be happy. Smile. Don't even think outside of the box. How about outside of yourself?

I don't want to sound as if I am judging anyone who is lost in depression for whatever reason. I have been there. I know that healing sometimes takes time and work. My hope is to get even one person there faster than me. Time is wasting. Start living life the way God intended. "Men are that they might have joy

About the Author: