June 25, 2010

Law Of Attraction: Easy Methods To Boost Your Frequency!

By Dechen Lau

When working with the Law of Attraction, your energetic "frequency" is all-important! The greater and stronger your frequency, a lot more positive experiences you might attract into your life - and better swiftly they will arrive!

How could you tell whenever your frequency is high?

Usually you'll feel light, happy, purposeful, passionate, joyful, excited and peaceful. You understand those times once you just seem to be buzzing with good feelings? Those are high frequency days, in addition, on those times you possess IMMENSE creative power!

Perhaps you can remember specific times when your frequency did actually rise with virtually no conscious effort, like when you received some unexpected nice thing about it, ran into an old-time friend from high school graduation or even college - or perhaps those rare days if you finally get up in the good mood. These are generally great experiences - but the problem is they do not include conscious control over your frequency. Can it be even possible to get your frequency purposely? YES!

Below you'll find a couple of simple strategies which will swiftly and easily find some good good vibes flowing!

1) Get active. Brisk exercise is just about the best ways I have found to boost my frequency. Merely 15-thirty minutes of brisk walking or perhaps light weight training will do to make me feel energetic, inspired and confident. I breathe deeply, work my muscles and release all stagnation which might be hanging around or within me. After the workout, I sit quietly and do an "energy session" where I visualize my desire(s) and generate some strong, positive energy to call them into my well being. The effect? I'm buzzing strongly with good vibes all day long - and attracting amazing experiences due to it.

2) Get passionate. I'm blessed that has a career that I'm very excited about so I'm flowing feelings of excitement and passion the whole day! However, but if your job doesn't inspire passion or perhaps enthusiasm, you may want to generate some changes. You could potentially change jobs, obviously, or even you could spend much more of your free time doing stuff you really enjoy. When the last time you did something that was really inspired you? Transform it into a habit to spend time on activities that fulfill your heart and soul - and your frequency will automatically continue to rise!

3) Get positive! Positive thoughts trigger positive feelings, which raise your frequency. Convert it into a daily habit to get out information that may help you think and feel better. Read inspiring books and websites, reflect on positive quotations - to avoid negative input as much as possible! Just several minutes of negative information can drag your energy down like you wouldn't believe. But merely several minutes of positive input can elevate them powerfully! Ensure it is your mission to seek out the positive stuff regularly, and you will soon believe it is easier to create and gaze after a high energetic frequency.

The greatest problem many individuals have with maintaining a top frequency is that it doesn't realize it's truly of their control. They end up being tossed around by external influences, running the gamut from anger to frustration to resentment to powerlessness.

Seize control of the frequency by consciously choosing your focus. Believe me, you'll thank yourself correctly later when you're swimming from a sea of joy, abundance, peace and contentment!

Should you want to know more about law of attraction visit http://www.lawofattractionblueprint.us

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June 23, 2010

Thoughts On Law Of Attraction Relationships

By Trevor Johnson

Some weighty thinkers have the idea, or the philosophy, that the world around us is of our own making. This is to say that we live in a mind made world, and that we create our own realities. There is an element of logic to this line of reasoning, and it is better understood when considering law of attraction relationships.

First of all, try this experiment. Simply think of some thing, let us say, a ball. Now realize that what you think of when thinking of ball will not be the same as what another is thinking. Further, the thing thought of, ball, in order to be properly understood, must include all of the things that are not ball, understand? The thing, ball, is defined in relation to other things.

People, too, are defined in this very same way. You are who you are, but this also means you are who you are not. We usually couch this idea in terms of what type of person you are, or what your personality is like, or on physical attributes ad so forth. We do this without thinking about most of the time.

Understanding this, then, look at it from the standpoint of doing this social adjusting on a conscious level. How would you behave, and who would you be, if you made an overt effort at this becoming? The answer to this question may well define your true self. This true self will be an actualized self in the long run, or it would be hoped so.

Truth be told, most of us would choose to redefine others in wholly new relational terms to ourselves. This is human nature, to want more of the good, and to better all around us, including ourselves and out closest others. How, then, could one go about doing so? Perhaps the idea that we create reality can be put into practice here. Create the reality you want with others mentally, and it could become your new reality.

Of course, this is quiet an order. Do we have the self-knowledge and possession of sufficient wisdom to create a better relation with others? Do we even dare? Is this going a bit too far, or are we even, say, playing God? The debate will continue on, or so it seems, as it has been for centuries. But it is nice to think of what could be, indeed.

Many believe that we, indeed, can. Many believe that we do so, and do so without the knowledge of this ability. The idea then is to take this ability not as some sort of ineffable chance, but to use it as an act of self will. Think about the relations you would like to have, concentrate on them, believe in them, and cause them to come to you. This is the law of attraction relationships.

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June 22, 2010

Should You Rely On The Law Of Attraction Alone?

By Shaun Rosenberg

Thanks to "The Secret" the law of Attraction has become a very big hit and has made it into pop culture. Anybody can get whatever they want out of life just by believing it. But is it enough to just believe?

This is actually a very simple concept to understand. The idea is that the universe responds to the vibrations you give off into the world. If you are always thinking about how much debt you have and how you have not been successful looking for a soul mate then the universe will give you more of it simply because you focus on it.

The more you focus on the bad things in your life the more it will affect you.

However, if you start thinking about how you keep getting checks in the mail and how everything in your life seems to work out that is what the universe will give you. It is a simple idea that can lead to big results and can be extremely powerful.

It really will work and it has been shown many times in the past to work, but can it perform a miracle? Can you get anything that you want out of life just by focusing on it?

The law of attraction is a fantastic tool. However it is just one of many tools that you can use and it works better if you do more than just daydream all day.

If you just sit in your house all day thinking about all of the money and all of the great things that you will get and take no action towards it you are setting yourself up for failure.

By itself the law of attraction can only get you so far in life. If you want to reach your goals you are going to have to meet it half way.

If you want to become a world class poker player then focus on it, dream of it, but don't forget to actually play poker. You can't become a famous poker player by simply dreaming about it you need to actually get out there and play. The theory is the same no matter what your goals are.

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June 21, 2010

How Manifesting Wealth Can Change Your Life

By Trevor Johnson

What does manifesting wealth mean to you? Do you envision piles of gold treasure, a bursting bank account or something entirely different? There are as many definitions of wealth as there are people, each one slightly different from the next. No matter what the definition, how to manifest it, how to bring it to reality, is essentially the same.

What Manifesting Wealth Is Not

Popular culture tends to portray manifesting wealth (or anything else) as something mystical, magical and new age. This is not true. The truth is, that it is deciding to look at the world as a glass half full, not half empty. Manifesting wealth is just moving through life consciously creating it instead of having life just happen to you.

Change Your Lenses

If you are stuck looking at the world through the lens of deprivation and lack, that needs to change. Manifesting requires a positive, abundant view. Meditating, generosity, reading uplifting books, associating with positive people are all ways to begin to change your mindset.

Visualize And Meditate

Close your eyes and picture yourself manifesting the kind of wealth you would like in your life. Be specific. See yourself going about your day. How do you feel? What are you thinking about? What does the air smell like? Be as precise as you can. Adding meditation to your visualization practice will help you to still your mind and draw on your own creativity.

The Power Of Gratitude

Do you have anything at all in your life right at this moment to be grateful for? Even if life is at one of its lowest points for you, you are still alive. You are breathing. You have the power to change. You can see, hear, feel and experience the world through all of your senses. There is always something to be grateful for. Seeing the abundance that life has to offer is key to manifesting wealth.

Take Action

Without action, nothing ever changes. You can visualize so vividly you can taste it, but if you just sit on your porch doing that, it will never happen in reality. Take the steps necessary to bring about the change you want. Be aware of what your body is telling you about these steps. If it does not feel right to do something, change course. Manifesting wealth is all about being a mindful, conscious creator of your own destiny.

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June 19, 2010

The Key To Magical Success Is Cosmic Ordering

By Stephen Richards

Whether your childhood dreams are still buried within you or you have replaced them with new dreams as you got older, ask yourself, have you achieved any of them? Dreams do not manifest by themselves, you have to work at them and use the law of attraction to your advantage.

Are you working to make your dreams come true or have you told yourself not to dare to dream anymore because they will never happen anyway? Use Cosmic Ordering in the right way and with a little effort, you can make it happen

Sadly, many people never manifest their desires, and for different reasons. Many will say life just happened and they needed to set aside their dreams in order to survive. These are the procrastinators of life, excuse after excuse.

But such an existence tends to rob us of our lives. It is the dreams and goals that we set for ourselves that spice up our lives. Without purpose there is nothing to the life we live. So make sure you apply Cosmic Ordering in the right way and you will secure success.

You must have seen people who seem like life was zapped out of them. They look at you with hollow eyes. They rarely offer a smile. These are the people who just go on, day in and day out, doing what they are doing just because it is there to be done. They have no real goals in life. They just want to survive. With Cosmic Ordering, all of this can change!

If you do not want to be in such a state then you should have the courage to make your dreams come true. To dream is to believe that you have a chance to transform your future, so make it work with Cosmic Ordering today.

The challenge to dream does not imply that you need to have extraordinary dreams. When you ponder in silence, your subconscious mind will give you the goals and dreams you desire.

Reflect on what you want your life to be. These dreams may have been inside of you since your childhood days. You would not have had the opportunity to act on them while you grew up, went to college and made a career and family for yourself. But now you can make it happen the way you want to, take a look at how Cosmic Ordering can change your life and make your dreams come true.

When you are clear of your intentions and the dreams you have, you should give your all towards making them become a reality.

Not devoting enough time to your dreams will only serve to drive them away. You have to relentlessly go after them, even if in the course of your pursuit you have to give up certain things which you had considered to be indispensable.

Also, you may have to make far-reaching decisions to go after your dreams. Everything rests on the situation you are in and the dreams you have. Some dreams do not require too many changes in you and it may be enough if you just devote some time every day towards your dream. Whatever the case, you have to be involved in it completely to make your dreams a reality with Cosmic Ordering.

About the Author:

June 16, 2010

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Become A Money Magnet

By Wendy Bemerini

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to attract money and abundance, and they do so effortlessly? They've got money coming in from various sources without having to work extremely hard. They have successful careers, a great circle of friends, meaningful relationships and much more. They are able to magically attract everything they want and more, but you can't seem to do it - you just keep struggling and straining and not really getting anywhere!

Believe it or not, these people aren't doing anything that YOU can't do. They have just learned how to direct their thoughts in a specific way, which completely changes the types of experiences they encounter day by day. Want to learn these secrets and use them in your own life? They're much easier than you may think!

- Passion creates endless opportunities.

Successful people are usually very passionate about what they do. Whether they have a regular job or own their own business, they wake up each morning eager to get moving and make "today" the best it can possibly be.

Does this describe your attitude too? More likely, you have gotten into the habit of feeling angry or frustrated about money and tons of other things, right? That's okay - just start finding ways to feel passionate and happy about your life. If you can only do it for 5 minutes at a time, then let that be enough to start. Before long you'll find it gets easier and easier to keep improving your focus and everything around you will start to improve too!

- Everything is possible.

Abundant people are never flustered by the arrival of obstacles and challenges. They simply stay open to the many possibilities that life has to offer, and they attract more and more of them. Simply because they believe that things will work out, they do! Do you constantly focus on feeling "stuck"? If so, it's not surprising that you usually see few possibilities for improving your life circumstances.

Believe it or not, you can easily start believing that there always other possibilities available to you. When you truly believe that, you open up a whole world of possibilities that wouldn't have been accessible to you before, and your life becomes this constant easy flow of joy, abundance and success in every circumstances.

- Build up your self-worth.

All successful, abundant people have one thing in common - they KNOW they deserve abundance. They have a strong foundation of self-worth and the universe responds to them from that "truth". If you don't believe you deserve to be abundant, you will absolutely keep blocking money and abundance from coming into your life. It's vital to start turning that around by affirming over and over that you DESERVE everything you desire! The universe isn't holding anything back from you; you are blocking it by not accepting that you deserve to have it. The moment you start to truly believe in your own worth, you open the floodgates to everything good you have ever wanted.

To dissolve abundance blockages, spend a few minutes each day affirming your worth. "I deserve great abundance. I deserve to have a happy life. I deserve all of the great things I want." Say it with power, say it with conviction, say it as if it is your rock-solid TRUTH. And it will become just that.

About the Author:

June 13, 2010

How You Can Enjoy A Positive Frame-of-mind In Everyday Life

By Christine Branan

In order to be happy in your life, you must first obtain a balance between wanting more than what you've got, and being satisfied with what you already have. You see, many people whose track of this at some point during their lives and start feeling depressed because they think that they haven't achieved the things that they should be achieving. Or perhaps, they don't have what all their friends have.

If you're always thinking about these negative aspects in your life, you will attract nothing other than these things. Focus on what you lack and you will never ever be happy, that is the Law of Attraction if you believe in such a thing. Some people call this faith or religion but no matter what it is is crucial that you develop this kind of belief in yourself.

What you should do is stop comparing your life with other people's lives and start living your own starting today. Even if you do achieve say the financial wealth that your friends or someone you know has, you will surely come across someone else who is even richer. There will always be a bigger house or a nicer car to attain. Do you see how this can really mess with one's mind? It will make you feel like you can never reach your goals, but if you stop and look, you would realize that you have already achieved more than you think.

So what do you do? How can you turn negativity into something positive? Is there a way to turn your life around, right this minute? The good news is, there is! You can start right this minute, right now by changing your mental attitude. Start focusing on what you currently have, and all the good things that already exists in your life. Be thankful for those you love as well as those who love you back. This will help you shift your mental focus from something depressing towards something that will actually help you.

By thinking positively, you will naturally feel happier and become more energetic as well as productive both at work and at play. Your friends and family will want to be around you more because positivity is infectious. Being positive is also a form of attractiveness so you will find that this opens yourself up to more romantic situations as well as partners.

You also have to understand that in most cases where things never seem to go well for you, is more your negative mental attitude than bad luck.

So how can we change our mindsets? This is easy to do but will require some time to override the negative thought patterns that already exists in our minds. Each day, right down five things that you are happy with and that you already possess in your life right this moment. It might be that loving partner or your children, or even perhaps being thankful that you have a roof over your head while many in the world still struggle to find shelter. These methods are taught by great life mentors such as Anthony Robbins. Make it a point to view some of his books or audio courses when you get the chance.

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Manifesting Your Dreams: A Reality?

By Trevor Johnson

Whether or not people believe in it, the law of attraction is pretty popular these days. It's everywhere you look and some people love it, others hate it. Manifesting your dreams is possible, many have proven this, but what about the naysayers?

There are some very good reasons that manifesting may not have worked for some people. If they were thinking and focusing on the negative, then the likelihood of that happening was far more than the positive. We tend to think more on the bad things in life and that's what can keep a person in the negative loop, with only bad things happening. There are many more reasons for this, but in this article we will be looking at how you can actually make your dreams come true.

Where many people go wrong is they don't realize that just thinking about their dreams probably won't make them happen. What it does is open up opportunities. If you're too busy waiting for the dream to come along, you could miss the doors that are opening for you to move toward it.

For example, if a young person dreams of traveling the world, but instead finds himself being offered a job at an amusement park, he might feel cheated. However, it is very possible that the amusement park job will provide the cash required to make his dream come true. We don't always see ahead, but there are always opportunities making themselves available.

A vision board might be useful for you. It can be sketches, words or even just photos cut out of magazines and pasted to a board. This can actually work very well to have a visual reminder of what you are aiming for. Keep the board in a place where you can see it daily.

The world rarely works the way we think it ought to. That's fine, as long as you can stay focused on your goal and remain happy and positive. It's the best way to make sure things actually happen. It's easy to lose track and feel hopeless when things don't go your way, but you just need to trust that everything will work out the way it has to.

Knowing that you have to take action will help you with manifesting your dreams. Keep an eye out for those special chances and amazing opportunities that would otherwise pass you by. You'll get there . . . Even if it takes a while. Just keep working on it.

About the Author:

June 9, 2010

The Abundance Of Destiny

By Laura Lightseer

It was a difficult time in Stacy's life. She had lost her relationship, her job and now her home was sliding into foreclosure. As she tried to pry loose from these disasters her life only seemed to get worse.

When she was younger a problem was only a temporary event in her life. However, no matter what she did now it seemed the difficulties that confronted her only seemed to worsen. The more she struggled the more she sank.

This Monday morning was just another in a series of failures. She sat on the couch staring at the classifieds in the newspaper in front of her. Every job was either not in her field, did not pay well enough or looked so boring going to prison would have been preferable.

Was she sabotaging her results? It was true she really did not want to do the work she used to do anymore. She hated it.

Since all her efforts were fruitless, she decided this morning she would go out and take a walk. As she walked down the road she saw a little worm. The worm was wreathing and struggling on the pavement. She realized the worm would dry out unless it was placed back on the soil. She lifted it there.

Maybe she was out of her soil in her life. Maybe this was why she was struggling so. She firmly set her mind upon the task of discovering her soil to see if it would make a difference in her life.

Stacy realized her life dream had been to be an artist. However, when she attended college she was advised accounting would be a more practical path. Instead of pursuing art, she became an accountant.

Since she was not being productive anyway, she decided to take lunch in the center of town at the cafe. She would sit there with her sketch pad and draw. Within minutes she was ready to go.

Stacy sat there innocently minding her own business sketching her surroundings. Suddenly a man at the next table asked if she would make a sketch of him and his daughter. She did with great skill and alacrity accepting his offer of payment with deep gratitude. Soon another asked for similar service. Within an hour she had sold some other sketches and was asked if she would teach classes.

When Christine got home later in the day, she realized she had taken a modest step that day to form a new career for herself. The money she had made that day excited here, giving her a feeling of success and hope.

Routinely she added afternoon sketching in public to her life. Soon it became a productive habit drawing in students, a city project and an art exhibit. The work she loved soon became her main source of income.

As she entered her soil, she began to find her life, her path. If you have a talent you have denied and your life is not working, this is a sign from your soul to begin your work now. The work you love. From this one little step you will be led to the next step until finally you are on your abundant path.

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Become One Of The Next Law Of Attraction Success Stories

By Trevor Johnson

There are countless, law of attraction success stories. Would you enjoy having your story become the next one? The law of attraction is a spiritual principle that states, the things, people and events in our lives are largely attracted to us by the energy that we put out.

We know that everything is comprised of energy, including matter. We are energy beings living in an energy universe. The energy that we resonate, through our outlook, thoughts, beliefs, hopes, dreams, or fears, will be attracted to us, according to this law.

The documentary film called, The Secret, focused upon the law of attraction & how to use it to benefit you own life, and create the world that you want. Even before Oprah publicized it, millions of people viewed the film and were talking about it, and then Ms. Winfrey started doing shows about it. The movie and the conversation became even more popular, as a result

The law of attraction, the term itself, has been in print for close to a century, long before the movie was ever made. The concept, is literally thousands of years old, but something truly incredible happened when, The Secret, exploded unto the scene. Having that many people suddenly become aware of such vital information, including a lot of them who decided to live by it, was nothing less than a paradigm shift in the consciousness of Planet Earth.

Suddenly, millions of people, into the hundreds, no doubt, simultaneously learned concepts like, Energy Flows Where Attention Goes, and, Thoughts Become Things, and, Ask, Believe, Receive. A lot of these individuals started taking action based on these principles, and a huge number of lives benefited in positive, often dramatic ways.

It should be said, for the record, that the law of attraction is always in action, whether people are aware of it and accept it, or if they reject it or have never heard of it. The implication of this is that all success stories are law of attraction success stories. All stories, are law of attraction stories.

It is a very powerful manner to move through your life like another of the law of attraction success stories. You begin to take responsibility in ways you never before dreamed of, looking for lessons in bad times, while viewing problems as challenges you can meet. You refuse to give power to fearful thoughts, and when they arise, you relinquish them and replace them with their opposite.

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June 7, 2010

Attracting Abundance With EFT - How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs

By Laura Whitelaw

Attracting abundance can mean different things to different people. Perhaps you want more money or time in your life but many others focus on having more love or more friends in their lives. Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT can help you to activate the Law of Attraction so that you can have a more fulfilling life.

EFT is a method that has its basis in ancient Chinese medicine. The belief is that our bodies are energetic and that when energy gets blocked, it creates both physical and emotional upset. With EFT, we tap on various acupressure points on the face and body to release the blocks in our energy field. When applied to limiting beliefs, the technique can help you to attract more of what you want into your life.

If you've been practicing the Law of Attraction and had poor results, it may be that you have some limiting beliefs or negative emotions that are blocking you from acquiring your desires. With the Law of Attraction, it's not what you say to the universe but the vibration that you send with it.

So, if you are affirming that you would like to attract a new car but your belief that you can have it is at a zero, you won't get very far and will wind up frustrated. This is where EFT comes in. When you tap on the negative beliefs and emotions that come up around attracting a new car, the signal that you send to the universe about your desire becomes stronger and stronger. Then, your chances of attracting the new car become much higher.

One aspect of the Law of Attraction that is key for making it work is the idea of attachment. If you are too attached to having the thing that you desire then you will have more trouble attracting it. It's a strange dichotomy but you need to be able to live happily without it and then you are more likely to attract it into your life.

If you have ever tried to run after a pigeon to feed him then you've experienced how the Law of Attraction works. The pigeon will fly away immediately regardless of the number of bread crumbs you possess. But, if you sit down on a park bench and throw out the crumbs in a relaxed and contented manner, the pigeon and all of his friends will soon come to you. This is a lesson in detachment.

If you are grasping for the thing that you want, you'll have a harder time attracting it. But, "not grasping" is sometimes a hard thing to do. With EFT, you'll be able to neutralize your attachment to whatever you want and achieve a state of peace and balance no matter what is going on in your life and be much more likely to attract the thing that you want.

About the Author:

June 5, 2010

A Few Law Of Attraction Tips

By Trevor Johnson

According to folk who believe in it, the Law of Attraction has been in force since the start of time. But, it had never been spoken about in a coherent manner until the beginning of the New Thought movement, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. By performing a web search, you can find lots of sites with Law of Attraction tips.

The basic tenet of the Law is that people will attract whatever they think of. So, according to the theory, if bad things happen to somebody, it's because he has allowed himself to think of it. If good things happen to somebody, again, he has allowed himself to think of it.

The believers say, if you want true love, tons of money, or a great job, you'll attract it to you if you think about it. They claim that if you think of good health, you can keep from getting sick, and that you will recuperate if you're already sick. And, they say, there would be world-wide peace if everyone were a believer.

The trick is to stop thinking about bad things, or you'll attract them, too.

Adherents say that they can explain these phenomena by laws of quantum physics. They claim that since quantum physics laws apply universally, the Law of Attraction can work for anybody in the entire world.

Practitioners of the Law sell seminars, books, CDs, and DVDs with lessons about how folk can apply the Law to their own lives. There are also vendors who offer cruises, complete with onboard Law of Attraction workshops.

You'll find that different practitioners may teach the Law in slightly different ways. However, they all seem to agree about the three basic steps. To Ask means, you know what you want and have asked the universe for it. To Believe means, you behave as if you know that the object you've requested is already on its way. Finally, to Receive means, be ready to receive the object when it finally arrives.

As you can imagine, some folk have raised some interesting questions. What happens if, for example, there's only one open position for a job promotion, and two people are competing for it? Or, what if you want to improve your marital relationship, but your partner isn't interested? If two people have desires that conflict with each other, how can both people attract what they want?

By using your favorite search engine, you'll find websites that try to provide answers to these questions. They'll also offer lots more Law of Attraction tips.

About the Author:

June 4, 2010

Law Of Attraction Money Made Easy

By Trevor Johnson

What do the books by Esther Hicks about a spirit named Abraham and the bestselling book the Secret have in common? They both teach you ways for getting Law of Attraction money. Read on to find out precisely how to do this without making the mistakes that many beginners make.

The world is a land of plenty. There is enough for everyone, so why do some people suffer from not having money? According to the Law of Attraction it is because we get what we think about and far too many people think about what they do not have.

According to the Law of Attraction, the current economic crisis and poverty in general is caused by people having a negative mentality. If you think I am going to lose my job or I am broke and things are never going to change, this will become your reality. However, if you think I am going to achieve great wealth, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In order to apply the Law of Attraction to get money, you need to do the following: first, change your thought patterns to eliminate the negative. Every time you wake up, think today I will attract great wealth. You have to keep saying this to yourself until you really believe it, and that can be difficult for most people, so to circumvent disbelief, you can also phrase it in terms of specifics that you can believe. Today I will become a millionaire or today I will win the lottery is hard for most people to believe. However, if you say today I will get a new customer that will result in $3,000 of revenue you may be able to believe that.

Repeat this process over and over again until you honestly have conviction in the positive thoughts. Say the words out loud or write them on a piece of paper until you get the Law of Attraction to work for you through your belief.

Be warned that stating your intentions negatively will cause you to draw those negative things into your life. The words no or do not are not recognized by the creative power behind the Law of Attraction. All it recognizes is the intense feeling behind the wish and the object. So when you are creating your intent, formulate it as I will receive lots of money today, not I will not lack money today.

Once you have stated your intent clearly and let go of any emotional attachment to whether or not it will happen, the Law of Attraction starts working for you and Law of Attraction money comes in easily. When it starts to work it becomes much more easy to think positively.

About the Author:

June 3, 2010

Follow The Cosmic Ordering Guide And Achieve Your Hearts Desires

By Trevor Johnson

Cosmic ordering is the conviction that you are able to achieve everything you have ever desired simply by placing an order with the cosmos and the power of spiritual and positive thinking. To help understand the whole procedure, we have put a cosmic ordering guide together in the hope that you will familiarize yourself with this powerful concept and pave the way to achieving your deepest desires.

The theory of Cosmic Ordering is contributed to the New Age Movement and the whole process is one based on faith and belief in ones self. It is a very spiritual system and focuses on positive thinking and connecting with ones inner-self.

The whole notion is not a new one however it has become much more recognized, and with many famous people contributing their success stories to this belief system this has definitely had an impact on people.

Although not difficult to comprehend, this process does require following some key principals which are invaluable in assisting you to work towards tuning into your inner-self and achieving a positive thinking process.

The first step to take is to actually think about what it is you actually want in life. This could be anything from the materialistic, such as a new car, to something a little more compassionate or spiritual, such as good health and happiness for yourself or someone in your life. Picture your desire, envisage how you would feel when it happens and think about it deeply.

The second key principle is extremely important and that is to ensure your order is positive, pleasant and personal to you. Placing an order for a negative, nasty or vengeful happening could backfire on you. Keep your thoughts positive and your request beneficial to you.

You are now ready to place your cosmic order and this can take place wherever you wish and however you want it to. It would be most beneficial if it was done in a happy, quiet place which holds special memories for you. Some people prefer to use artifacts whilst others will write down their request on a piece of paper and proceed to recite their wish on a regular basis. It is entirely up to the individual making the request.

Finally, another key factor is to actually believe in the power of the cosmos and that you will achieve success. Allow for positive thinking and disperse any negative thoughts or anxious feelings you may have about the whole procedure and whether or not it does indeed work. Just picture positive things and wait for them to transpire.

There are many further steps towards placing a successful cosmic order but the key elements from this cosmic ordering guide will be more than enough to get you started on the right road to achieving your dreams. If you truly believe, truly desire and truly deserve the cosmos will not disappoint.

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June 1, 2010

How To Transform Your Body With The Law Of Attraction

By Calie Austin

If you understand how the law of attraction works, you are aware that the more you focus on the essence of something, it will keep manifesting in your life experience. When you focus your attention on something, corresponding emotions are activated within you, and you begin vibrating on the same energetic frequency as the essence of your focus. In very basic terms, that means: focus on good, attract good. Focus on negative, attract negative.

When it comes to weight loss, how exactly does this work? On a very basic level, the more you focus on fat (hating your fat, resisting your fat, fighting against your fat) the more persistent the fat is going to be. On the other hand, focusing on being slender immediately starts drawing that essence back to you. But there is more to it than that. You may be obsessing about making those numbers on the scale drop down, but that is not really your goal. Your goal is the final outcome you desire, the slender, beautiful, sexy body you want to have.

Just focusing on that beautiful body probably makes you feel really excited. Conversely, when you focus on your body as it is today, you probably don't feel as good. If you can turn that around and start finding ways to feel good about your body now, you will start resonating on the same energetic frequency as the body you want, and therefore start attracting it. The hard part is actually figuring out how to feel good about your body right now.

This exercise should help: Take a few minutes to sit quietly, clear your mind and relax your body. Then focus your attention on one part of your body that you truly love and appreciate. It could be your legs or feet for allowing you to move through your days easily. Perhaps your eyes for giving you the gift of sight. Maybe you feel grateful for your hands because they help you get so much done every day.

Focus on one or more of these aspects of your body, and feel grateful for all they do for you. Now the tricky part: do the same exercise on a part of your body that you don't like so much, like your belly, butt, or thighs. However, pretend that these parts of you are already perfect. Pretend that you have already lost weight and you truly love these parts of yourself - allow the feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation to flow to them.

You may need to practice a few times before you will really feel the positive emotions, but it gets easier the more you do it. And the more you do it, the stronger the "signal" you will be emitting to the universe about how beautiful and wonderful these parts of you really are - and the universe returns more positive results back to you.

Positive results might be that you first start to feel better about your body, less obsessed with flaws and more focused on the positive aspects. Physical changes are also possible, like noticing that your clothes are getting loose, you have more energy, or you seem to be looking slimmer when you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror. And the process continues to grow the more you work on it.

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