February 28, 2009

Law of Attraction- Most Powerful Law in the Universe

By Vlad Stivenson

Do you know how powerful your mind really is? Are you aware of the way your thoughts and emotions are the reason for all the things, both good and bad, that have come into your life? Think about the good and bad things in your life. We all have things we love about our lives and things we wish we could change. A lot of us think that the things that happen to us happen by chance and we are out of our control. That is not true! None of us are victims of circumstance. We all just need to learn the rules that will allow us to live full and happy lives so we can participate in the game of life.

You can't deny that the law of gravity is real because you can see it in action. The Law of the Universe is also very real and even if you don't believe in it, it still has an affect on your life. The law of gravity is only real on Earth, though, while the Law of the Universe is everywhere and has no limits.

The most important and strongest Universal Law is the Law of Attraction. What the Law of Attraction says is that we attract things that are similar to the things we have or want, or "like attracts like". Whatever it is that is foremost in your thoughts is what comes into your life. The thing you need to understand about the Law of Attraction is that if you focus on the things you want in your life you will get them but if you focus on the things you do not want then that is what you will end up with.

You are probably wondering why, if this is true, you don't have that fancy car or that mansion that you have always wanted? Why haven't the things you want appeared in your life if it is that easy?

The Law of Attraction is very simple and easy to understand. The problem is we have so many thoughts in our minds that we don't always focus them on the right things. You may think to yourself that you would love to have a new house in your favorite neighborhood. What a lot of people do then, though, is follow that with thoughts of how it won't ever happen for us. When you throw the negative thoughts in there you change the energy you are sending out into the Universe from positive to negative.

Let's give this a little more thought. When you doubt your ability to ever get your dream home what kind of emotions are you sending out into the Universe? Your thoughts are negative and are about how you can't get the things you desire. These thoughts go out into the Universe and prevent your positive thoughts of what you want from coming true.

Think about money, something we all would like more of in our lives. We all have said to ourselves that we wish we had more money. When you have those thoughts, what kind of emotions are you having about money? Are you happy and excited or are you envious of those with money, angry that you don't have more money and upset at your financial situation? Money is a very emotional issue for most of us and causes a lot anguish and upset. Even if your thoughts of having more money haven't come true yet it is possible to make them a reality by using the Law of Attraction.

To experience the power of the Law of Attraction- download and use Subliminal Flash program.It imprints positive affirmations in your subconscious mind, so your mind starts attracting good things into your life.

You can have the life you have always wanted and achieve all your goals if you know how to use the Law of Attraction to focus your thoughts on the right things and avoid negativity. Think about how you feel emotionally when you think about a dream or goal you have. Are your emotions balanced or more towards the negative side? Your emotions are a good indicator of how you are doing in your life. Emotions are the key to understanding your thoughts.

About the Author:

February 26, 2009

Do Celebrities Know The Cosmic Ordering Secrets?

By Janette Stretens

As more and more people learn about cosmic ordering, more and more are looking to get involved with it. Place an order and learn to move forward!

There are so many people around the world who are getting what they consciously desire. But it doesn't work first time for everyone. Do the people who it does work for know something the others don't? Are there really cosmic ordering secrets.

Think about the last time you saw someone succeed or win big. If you were grumbling and unhappy, you were just placing your order with the cosmos! The emotions of envy and disdain at another person's success reinforces the belief that you will never be a success and that you will never get what you want. You are saying you always want to be poor and sad!

Think about going out to dinner. If you see someone with a great dinner, do you get angry? Chances are, all you do is order what they're having! You'd be happy for them and hope that it would be as good for you whenever your dinner shows up.

Think about it in that regard. Find joy in other people's success and take delight in their pleasure. Remember that when you get the same that it will be just as sweet. Don't be angry, disappointed or bitter, or believe that there is not enough to go around. That means that you are placing an order for failure.

Lots of religions tell us that prayer and thought can bring us anything we want, but they don't tell us there is a catch. Belief is something that needs to be a part of this equation. More and more scientists have found that if you apply the principals of quantum physics to belief, it comes out quite the same. Many tenets of religious dogma show up to be quite true indeed!

What makes this possible is the application of the mind's energy. Don't think about this as something that takes away from religious doctrine, but in fact reinforces it.

If you are just using positive affirmations, the problem is that there is a lot that can stand in your way. Past experiences can negate your new hope, and this can get rid of a lot of the good that you are doing. Remember that while this can work, it can take time to really root out the old beliefs.

This is where we get to the cosmic ordering secrets. With this, you'll find that you need to do a complete cleaning of your brain before you get started with telling the universe what you want. Start with a clean slate and accept the fact that you deserve it all.

There are many different methods that can let you start off fresh. Just like a vacuum cleaner is a better tool for removing dirt on a carpet than a small tooth brush, look around for the tools that will really suit you and that will let you get the life you want.

Look at self-hypnosis, subliminal affirmations and binaural frequency waves to help you move forward. These tools are great when it comes to helping you get the results that you want, and when you use them, you can understand your own subconscious a lot better. This will help you avoid sabotaging your own attempts at success.

Your mind hates change. It fights to keep you in a steady state so unless you believe that you already have what you want, just by using your cosmic ordering system; it fights you tooth and nail. These additional tools help to believe you already are there and relieves you of the fight to improve. It even makes it uncomfortable not to achieve and receive everything you want, because you already believe it exists.

You can have anything you want from the cosmic ordering system. Make sure that your order is what you really want and help it to come to reality with your belief.

About the Author:

February 24, 2009

Understanding The Law of Attraction

By Vlad Stivenson

The law of attracting have been around for many years and is something many of us have heard of and maybe even experienced as the law of attraction works on us and everyone else in the universe without us even knowing it. The publication of "The Secret" has made more people aware of how thinking positively and understanding the law of attraction can make your life better. The law of attraction says that if you think in a positive way about things that they can happen and you can get what you want. This amazing phenomenon has helped people regain their health and healed people who were very ill.

Anyone can use the law of attraction to improve their life very easily. I recommend you to download and use Subliminal Flash program. You can add there your objectives and the program will imprint them directly into your subconscious mind with the help of subliminal messages, so the law of attraction will immediately start working for you.

You just have to believe in what you want. All you need is a good attitude in your everyday life. You have to accept that you are the only person who can alter your own reality and alter how you see things in your life. You can use the law of attraction to attract the things you desire into your life just like you would order a sandwich at a sub shop. You ask for what you want and wait for it to arrive. People often make the law of attraction more complicated than it needs to be and think they need to do wacky things like say mysterious chants or use incense to conjure up good luck. You can use the law of attraction in a private and personal way without anyone else knowing it to bring good things into your life. You just need to believe in the goodness of the universe.

Often people have problems understanding and believing in the law of attraction because of the way they were brought up. It is not really acceptable in our society to ask for things like money and other luxuries but the law of attraction says it is a good thing to do. People need to get over their upbringing and cultural issues to use the law of attraction. Another problem people have is that they don't think they really are worthy of getting good things from the universe. Under the law of attraction, we all are worthy of happiness and should have happiness in our lives every day of our lives. These are ideas that take awhile for people to get used to. Once people begin to understand what the law of attraction is and how it works they are happier and more focused on themselves instead of worrying about what others think.

You will be amazed at how the law of attraction can benefit you and improve your life. When you believe that you can get what you want from the universe just by asking you will become one of the many that truly understands and lives the law of attraction and it will be with you forever. The law of attraction has proven itself to be true over and over again in our society. It is more important than ever today that we believe in the law of attraction.

It is not that difficult to learn to use the law of attraction to improve your life. You need to understand the importance of timing, though. By finding out the secrets that have helped others use the law of attraction you can learn to use it too. With the right steps at the right time, the law of attraction can bring a lot of happiness and good things into your life.

About the Author:

February 20, 2009

Law of Attraction Basics

By Vlad Stivenson

What the Law of Attraction says, in a nutshell, is that "like attracts like". This means that the things you think about the most are the things you will have in your life. So you may be wondering why we don't all have a million dollars, a mansion and a yacht since we all want to be wealthy?

Well, if everyone was truly thinking about these things all the time and in the right way than it could really happen but they aren't doing that. Instead people are too busy thinking about all the things they don't have in their lives.

The Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like" which means that if you think about all the things you want in life like good health, money, success in school or work, a beautiful home or a happy marriage you will just have a whole lot of nothing. The Law of Attraction works but not like that. It is a little more complicated.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to go beyond wishing for things and start thinking about how it would feel to have them, believe that you can and will have them and that you deserve to have them. You need to think positively in this way all the time in order for it to work.

You need to imprint your objectives into your subconscious mind on a subconscious level. To make so, download and use Subliminal Flash program, it uses subliminal messages to help you visualize your desires as if they are real.

Does it sound too good to be true? A lot of people think so. They don't understand how thinking about having a beautiful house can actually get you one. They don't think it makes sense that believing you will get a raise will lead to you getting a raise. Some people can't wrap their minds around the idea that using positive thought will help you achieve all your goals in life.

Do you understand this? Answer this question - if you truly believe that you will never have the home, car or job of your dreams because it just isn't possible what will happen? You will get what you asked for, you won't have any of those things.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you need to picture your dreams coming true and see the things you want in your head. You must imagine what it will be like to really have them. You also have to truly believe that these things will happen and the things you want will come to you. That is all there is to it. The problem is our society focuses on earning the things you want so people are reluctant to believe that the Law of Attraction really can work for them.

There is no magic associated with the Law of Attraction. The things you desire are not going to show up on your doorstep overnight. Instead, the Law of Attraction presents you with opportunities to get the things you want in other ways. You may have to work for these things or it may be a little easier than that, it just depends.

In order for the Law of Attraction to work you must be focused and present at all times. You have to think good thoughts and share those thoughts with the Universe. You will get a response from the Universe if you do this. You have to be open to new opportunities so you can recognize when the Universe sends them your way.

About the Author:

Law of Attraction: Use Magnetic Power of Your Mind

By Vlad Stivenson

Your mind has the power to attract people and situations and also to repel people and situations. It can be compared to a magnet in some ways. You can see examples in your friends lives of how this works. They are all different and unique and all have had a variety of different life experiences. They all have different successes and failures in life as well.

The thoughts and ideas you have are what make up your mind. Your thoughts can be compared to magnetic currents. You can use positive thoughts to create positive outcomes in all areas of your life. On the other hand, you can let negative thoughts bring you more problems and negativity.

The things that come into your life are a result of your thought patterns. Everything you think about does not make its way into your life, though. Only the strongest and most powerful thoughts you have are able to bring the things you think about into your life in a very real way. Thoughts you only have every so often are too weak to be made into reality.

We all have seen a magnet attract a metal object before. Bigger magnets can pull smaller magnets into their sphere. Magnets can both repel and attract as each side is different.

Attraction is neither negative or positive, it is just neutral. Magnets do not discriminate between useful items and metal that is useless, they attract all metal objects. Your mind works the same way. It draws in negative and positive situations based on your thoughts.

Just like a magnet, your mind can also repel people and situations. When you have negative thoughts and don't believe in yourself and your strength you are pushing away the things you are trying to accomplish. This is why positive thinking is important.

You can harness the magnetic power of your mind to make your life better in many different ways. With faith, good concentration and a strong desire to achieve your goals anything is possible.

If you want to achieve anything you want in your life, download Subliminal Flash program and enter your objectives there. Subliminal Flash will imprint your wishes into your subconscious mind, so your mind will interpret them as if it all was real. You will feel significant changes in your life in 7-10 days of using the program.

Sometimes people are using the magnetic power of their minds but just don't realize it. It is important to learn the ins and outs of harnessing the magnetic power of your mind so you can be effective at this skill.

In order to access the power of your mind you need to use visualization, have faith in yourself and the power of your mind, strongly desire to meet your goals and think positive thoughts constantly. As you think these strong positive thoughts they go out into the world and reach others who have similar goals and desires. This allows you to connect with people who can work with you to achieve your goals. These thoughts also help you pick up on potential situations and people who you meet that can help you along the way because you are focused on what you want.

There is no reason you should not focus on positive thoughts and use the positive thoughts to get what you want in your life through the power of attraction. You can learn to bring positive situations, people and experiences into your life through the use of your magnetic power of attraction.

Keep in mind that the things, positive or negative, that you focus on in your mind are the things that are attracted to you and show up in your life. The power of attraction is used throughout the world and you can use your power to connect with like-minded people everywhere. This is what binds our Universe together.

About the Author:

February 18, 2009

Dr. Robert Anthony Is the Secret to Wealth

By A. McDaniel

Dr. Robert Anthony is well regarded in the business world as an author and performance consultant for top level executives. However, his true contribution to this world has been the profound impact he has made on the lives of thousands of his students who look to him to learn how to manifest wealth and abundance in their lives.

He is a quiet and non-promotional person and so most of the time people find out about him by word of mouth. Students reaching out to friends and family about their amazing life changing experiences resulting from his teachings. Still, his effectiveness has not escaped the interests of Fortune 500 companies who hire him to consult their executives and even NBC and CBS who have covered him and his accomplishments.

His initial course was called Know How to Be Rich and it consisted of a 6 hour audio program that first teaches the background of how quantum physics and scientific laws like the law of attraction work. This may sound boring but by understanding this, you will believe in reality manifestation and when you believe it, the rest is easy. His courses teach you step by step methods for defining and then creating your reality and experiences.

Recently, he expanded his initial program to apply to the manifestation of not only money and riches, but anything you desire such as health, relationships, career, or any other possessions or experiences you desire. His current program name is The Secret of Deliberate Creation. The concepts and teaching are the same. And, the goal is the same. Live the life you want.

His program will break the negative blocks that are preventing you from being free and happy. He takes a holistic approach which not only addresses the logical explanations of his program but also gets your emotions and belief system in the proper state of mind for rapid manifestation.

One of the reasons his program is so successful is because it directly addresses the practical challenges faced by people who work on purposeful manifestation. These obstacles are usually based on negative energy and resistance. You can use his secret but simple approaches to eradicate them and once they are addressed, manifestation will come almost instantly for you.

Included with his program is a wealth acceleration tool called Rapid Manifestation. This audio itself is worth the price of the entire program because it makes manifestation really easy. It is a 12 minute audio and so if you can commit to just 12 minutes for focused manifestation work daily, you will see unbelievable and fast results in your reality.

If you reach out to other Dr. Robert Anthony students you will find that we all feel the same way about how he has changed our lives. He is a powerful force for helping people create the lives they desire. With his program, you get everything you need and he backs it with a lifetime guarantee so you have nothing lose and a dream life to gain.

About the Author:

February 15, 2009

Life Path Unlimited Review: Why Top Leaders are Joining

By Jenn Lawlor

Life Path Unlimited is a two year old company in the personal and prosperity development industry. It's capturing the attention of top industry leaders, especially those from another company in the same genre, Liberty League International.

From the beginning Life Path developed with the intention of creating a top notch product that stands alone outside of the business opportunity that some members also promote.

I've been in direct sales long enough to watch lots of products and companies go under after the initial excitement and hype. You can bet that I do my research before recommending ANY company.

There are really only two major contenders in the personal and prosperity development industry: Liberty League and Life Path. I reviewed both through research and interviews with affiliates from each company. What I found was that several top leaders from Liberty League went over to Life Path because they considered the Liberty League product to be almost an afterthought.

There are many outside similarities: both companies have product lines that begin with a home study course in personal and prosperity development. Upper level packages offer 3 day and a 5 day conferences with "luminaries"--world renowned experts in their field. You'll see that some luminaries went from Liberty League over to Life Path.

Traction in the market place comes from INNOVATIVE and solid products. When you have that, distributors are naturally happy to promote the products.

When you position yourself in the early stages of such a company you are in the position to create some exceptional results.

...Provided that you know how to MARKET.

About the Author:

February 14, 2009

Do You Attract What You Visualize?

By Stephen Martile

Do you visualize or are you a skeptic? It can work if you it. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. There are two ways to visualize. One works and the other well..... not so much.

First, I'll explain the difference between the first and third person.

1st Person: this is visualization that occurs through your own eyes; the dream state.

3rd Person: this is visualization that occurs when you are a ghost or in a disassociated state.

When you look through your own eyes, you create the feeling of having the experience now. And when you feel the feelings, you're increasing your frequency of vibration. Increased vibration accelerates attraction. Or in other words, the higher the vibration the higher your "attracting" ability.

How is vibration changed?

It changes when you work with your feelings. Here' a quick demonstration.

Just be the observer at this point. Imagine that you're on the beach somewhere hot, maybe the Caribbean. Now picture yourself sitting on the beach, lying in the sand staring up into the sky. Notice how you feel.

Now make a slight change. This time become the dreamer in the first person looking through your own eyes. See the vibrant colors in the sky; feel the rays of the sun and enjoy the soft sand. Be in that experience fully and tell me something: How do you feel?

Remember that being in the dreamer state is the way to develop powerful feelings. Being the observer helps you distant yourself - or move away from experiencing your feelings.

If you don't trigger feelings during your visualization, you won't attract the things you want. You see, your subconscious mind "speaks" in emotions. It doesn't understand much of anything else. The more often you create powerful feelings, the more frequent you are speaking to your subconscious mind. That's how you change your vibration.

You see, you're vibration is directly linked to the way you feel. Feel good and you've got a high vibration. Feel bad and you'll lower your frequency of vibration.

Third Person Visualization

You can visualize in the third person too. Here are some of the benefits:

* This frame of mind provides a new perspective when dealing with challenges. Sometimes you need to distant yourself before you can see the solution to a problem.

* It reduces the negative feelings you have. If you find your carrying a lot of negative energy, visualizing this way will reduce those feelings. It literally gets you out of your body so you can have a new experience.

* Visualizing in the third person allows you to see your own blind spots. It gives you the privilege and opportunity to see yourself the way others see you.

Regardless of which method you use, both are important. Learn how to use them both. Become masterful at visualizing as the observer and the dreamer and dream big dreams.

About the Author:

February 13, 2009

Healing Childhood Abuse Issues

By Laurice F. Egerton

I could tell you horror stories from my childhood. Im guessing that these days, the majority of us could. I could be wrong, but I doubt any of us escaped childhood without scars from some sort of dysfunction. I will just say that I endured abuse.

I grew up with an alcoholic father. This left me with more pity for him than anger. He tried to the best of his ability to teach us good values. As is typical, his addiction and relative lack of social skills left him distant, unreliable, and angry. Our family situation left my mother depressed emotionally distant as well. I was the oldest of 6 children, and felt responsible for the happiness and well-being of everyone. I am not looking for sympathy here. In fact, I am grateful for my experiences, as they have given me an empathetic perspective and determination. I did not enter adulthood without scars.

My fist marriage was ruined by my lack of self-love and trust issues. Then, the divorce, nearly killed me. I had sworn that my children would never have to endure divorce, but didn't know how to do anything different. The truth is that we only know what we live until we learn something new, and we either change or cave. The pain made me cave, and then change.

Although healing is a lifelong process, I can say that I can talk about my past now without tears. Opposing statistics on marriages, my second marriage is really good. I believe this is because I took a good hard look at what I needed to change, and how to work through my ego and get to my true self.

Although I have always recognized my severe insecurities of being less-than or unlovable, I had no idea how to actually change them. I turned to my Christian beliefs first. Trusting in Christ while also being open to new teachings and methodology that aligned with my beliefs offered hope.

It's funny how life throws things your way at just the right time. I had found yoga, meditation, service, loving 8 kids unconditionally, and endurance events helpful. But it wasn't until I learned and applied the principles of the Law of Attraction in my business that so many of my fears and limitations were lifted.

Healing really only takes a decision. It sounds too simple, I know. It's changing your beliefs so that you can make the decision to be happy that takes the time and effort (well for most). It's that we get some sort of "peanut prize" for not letting our offenders off the hook by being totally free of the harm they've done. Well, guess what? You are not hurting them by holding on. You didn't put them on the hook, and you can't let them off. You can however, let yourself off, and decide to be happy. Be grateful for the good things, and move forward.

Gratitude. Yes, we can all be grateful for something on any given day, and probably in any given hour. If you start feeling sorry for yourself again, think of the approximately 5 billion people in this world right now that you wouldn't trade places with!

Just in case you think happiness is not a choice, visit a third-world country. Maybe only through books or the internet. I traveled to Ethiopia to adopt our two youngest children, and it changed my life. Living conditions, AIDS, the orphan epidemic, and lack of food didn't stop most of these people from feeling joy and hope. They had learned to rely on the universal truth that we are human BEINGS rather than DOINGS. Think outside of yourself for a while. Things you have or even do will never define YOU. Just be. Find joy. It has always been there within you from the beginning of your creation, and you can't change it. Just recognize it, and find purpose!

I don't want to sound as if I am judging anyone who is lost in depression for whatever reason. I have been there. I know that healing sometimes takes time and work. My hope is to get even one person there faster than me. Time is wasting. Start living life the way God intended. "Men are that they might have joy

About the Author:

February 10, 2009

Successful People Know The Cosmic Ordering Secrets

By Janette Stretens

More and more, people are realizing the importance of the cosmic ordering service. All you need to do is to place your order with the universe and then get it! Many celebrities publicly put their success down to cosmic ordering.

Yes, there are lots of people out there who do get what they consciously desire, but what about the people who don't or who can't make it happen? Do the people who succeed know something that others don't? Do cosmic ordering services really exist?

If you've ever grumbled when you saw someone else win a great prize or get a promotion, then without realizing it, you placed an order to your cosmic ordering service. Envy and distain at another's success reinforces the fact that you believe you'll never have that success and invites the ordering service to bring you more misery and poverty for your lunch.

Consider going to dinner at a nice restaurant. What do you do if you see someone there with a lovely meal? You don't get angry about not having it, you just get excited and order it for yourself! You'd hope that they loved their dinner and you would be happy for themselves.

With that in mind, why not be happy at someone else's success? You'll find that you can take happiness in their success and understand that your own is just as sweet. Don't be angry or bitter or disappointed because that reinforces what you already have; you are essentially planning for failure.

Lots of religions tell us that prayer and thought can bring us anything we want, but they don't tell us there is a catch. Belief is something that needs to be a part of this equation. More and more scientists have found that if you apply the principals of quantum physics to belief, it comes out quite the same. Many tenets of religious dogma show up to be quite true indeed!

The truth is that the application of the application of the mind's power and energy can make it happen. This is honest, simple proof.

If you are just using positive affirmations, the problem is that there is a lot that can stand in your way. Past experiences can negate your new hope, and this can get rid of a lot of the good that you are doing. Remember that while this can work, it can take time to really root out the old beliefs.

So what are the cosmic ordering secrets? You need to do a thorough housecleaning of your brain before you start any program to attain your life's desires. You need to start with a clean slate and realize it's okay to accept all the great wealth the Universe has to offer.

Various methods help you to clean out the old. Just like a vacuum sweeper is more effective than a small toothbrush to clean the carpet, so are newer scientific ways more effective in making your mind available to accept the new way of life you desire.

You can actually use self-hypnosis, subliminal affirmations and binaural frequency waves to help you get where you want. They will let you get rid of your old, tired thinking and then you'll find that you have lots of things going your way. Remember that the cosmic ordering secrets can really help your mind, and that if your mind is sabotaging you, you aren't going to get very far.

Your mind hates change. It fights to keep you in a steady state so unless you believe that you already have what you want, just by using your cosmic ordering system; it fights you tooth and nail. These additional tools help to believe you already are there and relieves you of the fight to improve. It even makes it uncomfortable not to achieve and receive everything you want, because you already believe it exists.

The cosmic ordering system can give you whatever it is you want. Pick out your order and then find a way to make it a reality!

About the Author:

February 5, 2009

Miracles: Part 2 Of How Miracles Occur (A True Story)

By Oc Remillard

Ever wonder why miracles, the answer to prayers, almost always seem to be refused? Our pleas for help appear to fall on deaf ears or they are heard and are issued an instant thumbs down? The reason is simply that we don't allow them into our lives. Open your mind to the possibility that miracles are happening around you all the time.

Magic happens around us all the time. A blade of grass is a miracle of chemistry and physics. Your body runs all by itself without you having to control anything. Everything runs on full automatic.

The following true story recounts how we never know what miracles we dispense in our day to day lives. It reminds me to be thankful for the events of the day even if I don't see them all as positive. I never know when..well, Ill let the story tell it.

The street missions of Los Angeles help anyone who walks, stumbles or crawls through their doors. All except one man. He was know as O'Sullivan. He was so mean that he was banned from all street missions. One day, a man named Bob from a 12 step program responded to a phone call from O'Sullivan whom he eventually tracked down to a filthy little room in the basement of an old hotel. The man was drunk.

Years of hard drinking had taken their toll on O'Sullivan. There was nothing much more to the man than a reeking bag of bones. He had soiled himself and what passed for a mattress was soaked with urine. Bob had been this way himself so he dragged an old chair as close as he dared to the bed and told O'Sullivan of what it had been like, what happened and what it was like now.

His story involved telling of jails and hospitals and institutions. He spoke not only of pain and sorrow but also of miracles and recovery and well being.

Bob's talk lasted longer than O'Sullivans attention span. The man snored loudly as Bob pulled an old blanket over the skeletal drunk. Maybe the man had learned something, Bob thought as he walked away. One could never tell.

Some years later, Bob was a speaker at a convention. In his talk, he mentioned his episode with O'Sullivan and how his action had yielded nothing. He told his listeners that they should not get discouraged. You never knew what part luck was to play in any circumstance.

After the talk, Bob was approached by a well groomed young man. His teeth were clean and his eyes sparkled. He was rosy cheeked and well dressed. The young man extended his hand and shook Bob's hand vigorously.

"I want to thank you," was the first thing the young man said.

"I can think of no reason for you to be thanking me," Bob said, mystified.

"Lady Luck saw to it that I walked by the open door of this banquet room just as you talked about your visit to O'Sullivan."

Not sure what was coming next, Bob stood motionless.

The young man said, "I remember that night. I was frozen in the icy grip of the DT's. I was in an agony of withdrawal. I heard every word you said. It didn't occur to me till later that several miracles had brought us together that night. I did what you said you did to get better. I haven't drank or used since."

Bob wasn't sure how to handle this. OSullivan had been an old man even back then and someone had killed him some weeks later near a dumpster and Bob told the young man so.

The young man's grin grew wider. "I was hiding under the bed."

As you saw in the story, the answer to a prayer can come quickly. Most times, however, there is a time delay. The Universe has to arrange for coincidences to happen, for people to bump into each other and all the other things that will allow your prayer, your wish, to manifest at the best possible time and place.

Confucius once said, "Any fool can count how many seeds are in an apple, but, who can say how many apples are in one seed?" And that is what happens in our lives. We affect others as others affect us and the beat goes on. It is our choice whether we call happenstance luck or the answer to a prayer or the answer or manifestation of someone else's.

Hiding under the bed is a favorite way of the universe. We don't know what we don't know. That allows us to be the carriers of miracles or at least to be small players in the great play of existence.

About the Author:

February 4, 2009

Use the LOA to Clean Up Your "Friend's List"

By Dick Ingersoll

If you think the Law of Attraction is only about material things, then you may miss the best part. The greatest treasures of your life can be in the people that surround you far more than in the things that you possess.

Even if you have a large address book and can summon fifty people to a party in an hour, that doesn't mean that you have the right people in your life. It just means that you have many people in your world.

Yet it's possible to be lonely in a crowd.

Once you are practicing the Law of Attraction, you start to see your world differently. You also learn how to see yourself in a new light. As you become in tune with the world instead of battling against it, you discover the immense power of positive energy.

That's where you start to hear what you never heard before in your circle of friends. Your home takes on the positive energy you invite into it so that you attract what nurtures your goals and desires.

Suddenly the sarcasm you used to laugh at begins to feel uncomfortable. You thought that friend was funny and edgy, but now you feel a conflict as his negative energy clashes with your positive energy.

Another friend calls regularly to dump her problems on you. You've patiently listened and offer advice but she makes the same bad judgments over and over. You even tried to introduce her to the Law of Attraction, but she has a dozen excuses as to why it won't work for her.

Finally you see that she doesn't want to change. You can feel badly for her, but you need to cancel your reservation at her pity parties. Her negative energy is draining your positive energy and neither of you benefits.

Those are just a few realizations you begin to have about people in your friend circle. Some will notice the difference in you and want to know how to find the peace, prosperity and maturity that you found in the Law of Attraction.

Others will feel like you left them behind and want you to go back to your old self (if you've ever dieted before, it's like those friends who take you out to throw temptations at you to see if you'll indulge in junk food so they can feel okay with how they're eating).

Eventually you have to make a choice - turn your back on what you know is the truth or mix with the old, negative crowd. That's when you have to prune your friends list. As harsh as this sounds, it really isn't.

In nature, trees are pruned at key points in order to make the tree blossom and grow stronger branches. Without pruning, the branches grow wild, are poorly supported and threaten the health of the entire tree.

The same is true in your life. As you transform yourself to maximum positive energy, you just can't go back to the old negative ways. You have to prune your connections to pessimistic, angry and parasitic people from your inner circle of friends.

You can be gracious to them in public without bringing their negative energy into your home or spending time with them. Instead, draw into your inner circle those people whose goals and desires are similar to yours.

If none of your current group of friends fits that definition, then you turn again to the Law of Attraction to bring the right people into your circle while drawing you into circles of those who practice what you believe.

About the Author:

February 3, 2009

Are you Competing to Get Ahead?

By Stephen Martile

The reason you can't beat the competition is because you are the competition.

You see there is this idea out there that you have to compete to get ahead; that competing will move you ahead in life, and that's just not the truth.

Your idea of competition is not the truth; the truth is that you have a creative mind. Your uniqueness comes from the creative mind, not the fear-based mind.

The fear based mind keeps you stuck in scarcity. When things are scarce, there isn't enough of them to go around. The scarcity mindset or this idea of not having enough is based in fear.

And that my friend is just not the truth.

The real truth of it is that there is plenty for everyone.

What, No Competition?

Well yes, but not in the way you think. Competition comes from spending too much time in the ego-based mind. Your single most fearsome competitor is your fearful mind.

You see, I've had this insight around the whole idea of competition. Just think of the way you bake a pie. Everyone who has ever baked one, bakes it a different way.

Some of you may think you're pie isn't good enough, that it has too many apples, or that it isn't sweet enough. Some of you may think you're pie is too small.

You see it doesn't matter how you bake your pie. Someone is always going to be around to eat your pie.

Are you wondering why?

The reason is because there are some people who will only eat your pie because of the way you create it.

It's your special creation.

How do you get the edge on your competition? Create something unique, don't compete.

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