February 28, 2010

Things To Know About Manifesting Meditations

By Louis Duggan

Manifesting meditations is one part of the Law of Attraction that has become popular in the last few years due to a movie. The term itself dates back to an article in the New York Times that was used to describe the gold rush to Colorado in the late 1870s. It has been used several times in the many years since that time.

The Law of Attraction school of thought attempts to use scientific theories that scientist use to describe physical properties of matter and apply them to the activities of the brain. In particular, those who subscribe to this theory, apply these theories to the brain waves in an attempt to help themselves and others be successful in life.

This method gives the suggestion that everyone can order their own world by use of their thoughts. According to the theory, the reason we are sometimes unsuccessful at the ordering of our own world is that we sometimes give off too many negative brain waves. According to this theory, those negative brain waves cause our to have negative results. In order to obtain the positive results that we would like to have, we will need to change those negative patterns into positive ones.

The theories of quantum physics and Einstein's theory our universe is made of energy. That energy may be in use or stored. If the amplitude or frequency is changes, it will give different results. A branch of quantum physics, quantum mechanics looks at the relationship of matter and energy. In this branch of physics, we find that like energy fields attract. These theories do have scientific evidence behind them.

Those who subscribe to Attraction theory then make the jump saying that if these laws apply to nature that they must also apply to the human way of thinking. Thus, if you put out negative thoughts, you will attract negative consequences and if you put out positive thoughts you will get positive results.

The theory also takes laws from chemistry, where matter is neither created or destroyed and applies this theory to life.

In making the jump, the group takes the evidence behind these branches of science and the scientific principals and uses it to say that their "law" is proved by science. However, according to the scientific method, noting is known for certain, and it is a far stretch to apply the laws of matter to the brain. The so called scientific proof works for matter and nothing has been proven for Attraction theory.

Positive attitudes can make big differences, especially in matters of health, but are no guarantee that people will gain wealth. In fact, there are people that are negative that have wealth and positive people that do not. Additionally, some poor people may have more happiness than persons that have a large amount of wealth. In fact, they do not have to worry about many of the problems of the more wealthy.

Manifest meditations is a method that tries to change your negative brain waves into positive waves simply by listening to subliminal tapes. Unfortunately, it is based on theories that have been proved in the physical world, but have no scientific proof outside of chemistry and physics.

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February 26, 2010

Tips On Manifesting Your Desires

By Kiri Sparr

An increasingly important topic today in the scientific community is manifesting desires. A once laughed at topic, manifesting desires is a concept gaining more credibility among the scientific community and the intelligentsia. As a matter of fact, quantum physicists are at present taking this particular subject much more seriously than ever before. It is they that believe it is possible to actually turn fantasy into reality. It is interesting to note that this entire concept was at one time so ridiculed that it was impossible for many intellectuals to take this concept seriously. Not so today.

When trying to manifest what you desire, there are certain techniques and steps that will allow you to do this more efficiently. Before we begin it is important to stress that you need to be 100% clear on what it is that you desire because without this knowledge no amount of manifesting or secret tools will get you the results you desire.

First things first: Visualize that what you would like in life. Have a clear image in your mind of the reality which you want to achieve. Create a visual board, having photos tacked to it, images of your future life. By doing so you are actually sending off vibes into the universe, that in turn add up and make energy waves that eventually make your dreams reality.

It is a necessary truth that you believe strongly in your ability to make your dreams a reality, that you believe strongly in yourself as a person. Being strong-willed is a must, and that you also hold strong to the belief that you have the ability to actually transform yourself as a person. This new you will also believe that wonderful things can happen to you.

We also need to learn how to manifest with segment intending. A powerful tool that will enable you to preempt the outcomes you want and in doing so design your life how you would like it to be. Segment intending is segmenting your day into different compartments every time you move from one situation to another. For example from when you leave work to when you fetch your kids from school. The first segment would be your trip to the school; the second would be the time you spend with your kids after you fetch them from school.

Understand what it is that you wish for each segment. Imagine a drive to your kid's school that has zero traffic. By clinging to this thought you can actually turn this into reality. Manifesting

Desires is that easy. Imagine an easy going morning meeting at work for your second segment. By doing so you permit this energy to escape to the universe and in turn allow the laws of attraction to take hold.

The above is a clear explanation of manifesting desires. Know for certain what your desires are, believe strongly in your desires, understand fully that they are possible to achieve. Picture it, segment each situation within the day. A dream is filled with energy that can, with a little bit of mental concentration, becometruth.

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February 25, 2010

The Growing Trend Of Intention Manifestation

By Joshua James

Since the release of "The Secret, " the idea that we create our own dreams through the power of intention manifestation has reached a broader range of people. Once an "out there" idea, it is now a common topic of discussion, as people discover their curiosity about the mysteries of our own subconscious minds. Being responsible for what happens in our lives is becoming a more popular concept.

Being open to the idea that our reality is our own creation is powerful. The simplicity of performing daily tasks, whether it be cooking a meal or running an errand, can be seen as part of our mental picture before it reaches the physical world. Expanding that concept to include creating more of what we want in our lives, seen in this way, is not a huge stretch.

Many books have been written about visualization, positive thinking, affirmations and the like. For some, they lead to disappointment when they don't return an instant return. For others, it develops a habit of using the mind as a tool to see the world in a more positive light. Setting goals and imagining them to be achieved can be a powerful tool for shining a finer light on one's life.

Too easy? Possibly. However, following the principles of positive thinking has led to happiness and success for many people. For some, their measure of success is in doing good works, for others, it is having a fulfilling family life. Not everyone defines happiness and success in the same way, but to achieve it, there seems to be a common thread of attitude and of feeding the subconscious mind with positive thoughts.

For so many more, taking responsibility for their lives seems daunting. They feel no control in their lives and no power to change them. The ways to turn this attitude around could fill a book store, and if it were easy, we would all be living the lives or our dreams. There doesn't seem to be a magic trick to all of this, as each person's life unfolds in a unique way.

It's possible that attaining dreams is out of reach for reasons we cannot see: karma, destiny, the journey of the soul. Possibly it is all meaningless, with no point or difference to be made in spite of one's efforts. None can say, but humanity does seem to be on a search for deeper meaning and a way to tap into achieving a life that works.

Possibly it is our own intuition that can lead the way. Some suggest that our internal guidance system has more power than we have been taught to understand. If nothing else, developing an inner calm can make external situations more bearable.

However we wish to define our lives, intention manifestation is a compelling concept. Learning to tap into the power of our own minds is a growing and compelling notion, and taking responsibility for how our lives are working, or not working, is a challenge worth taking.

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The Law Of Attraction: Will It Work For You?

By Barbara Marr

You may have heard that the law of attraction enables you to attract everything you desire, whether it be a new mate, a better job, improved health or a greater sense of joy. Many people want a better life, but feel that achieving such a lofty goal is "easier said than done." To reach fulfillment, individuals often need to adopt new credos and train themselves to think in a new way. The Law of Attraction as presented by Jerry and Esther Hicks is one such method that provides tips to help you apply universal laws and teachings to your own life.

Their programs teach that it is an individual's birthright to live a life full of pleasure and goodness; that all things, either wanted and unwanted, are influenced by our thoughts, and that anyone can attain everything they long for. Twenty-two processes seek to reconnect people with a spiritual energy to produce a more joyful life.

For several decades now, the the knowledge imparted by the Law of Attraction has been inspiring individuals to generate better realities; still an individual must first subscribe to the following key doctrines of the law. You are a physical extension of that which is non-physical. You are here in this body because you chose to be here. The basis of your life is freedom/the purpose of your life is joy. You are a creator/you create with your every thought. Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have. As you are choosing your thoughts, your emotions are guiding you.

There are lots of positive assessments of the Law of Attraction. "I listened to the audio and it helped me put things into perspective," writes one reviewer at Amazon. "I now want to get the book and outline points that I need to focus on." Other reviewers found some enlightenment as to why series of bad events continually happen to them. They say they began as skeptics of this universal power law, but were pleasantly surprised to see the pieces of their lives put together.

As with anything, the Law of Attraction is not for everyone. Some people are firmly rooted in a particular religion and are not open to alternate views of the universe. While the prophet Abraham is said to be one of the main proponents of the secret law of attraction in Esther and Jerry Hicks' opinion, not everyone is sold on the concept. The idea that non-physical entities can speak through Esther just seems off-the-wall to many listeners, which prevents them from really getting into the material. If you can't look past the spiritual points to find something that applies to your life, then this collection may not be for you.

The Law of Attraction will appeal the most to those whose lives are in flux. Whether there has been a death in the family, an unexpected bout of unemployment, a chaotic relationship or a medical diagnosis, there are certain periods when we can all use a little direction. There is no replacement for individual counseling with an experienced mental health specialist, but the Law of Attraction has helped all kinds of people get back on target. The first step to overcoming loss and sadness is to discover a positive mindset. The subsequent step is to set some goals and follow through.

About the Author:

February 21, 2010

The Many Uses Of Positive Mind Power

By Michael Osborne

Are you feeling like there is nothing you can do to fix a problem in your life? Have you ever felt like that everything is hopeless? Many people feel this on a daily basis. Life is full of challenges and if you don't know how to handle them all with positive thought then they can begin to become overwhelming. The use of positive thought and mind power can easily assist you in achieving life's goals.

What is it like to think negatively all of the time? What are the benefits of confronting problems with positive affirmation? How do you think positively at the worse of times?

If there is anything that can really kill the mood in one's life it is negativity. It is natural to feel negative when something bad happens but feeling negative all of the time really can leave you hurt and frustrated. Thinking negatively can also have a lot of impact on your decisions.

The number one benefit of using positive mind power is that you will be able to handle problems easier than before. When you sit down and think about the good sides to a problem you can truly see that they greatly outweigh the negative. You will be able top make choices that you carefully decided instead of rushing into without thinking about them to your fullest extent.

The next benefit is that you won't feel sad or depressed about your problems. You can see and live in the bright side of your life. All you have to do is want to be there. Negativity is something that can be stripped from your life and replaced with something more.

There are some tips on how to think positively when everything is looking bad. The first tip is to always think of the future. Don't just think of what is happening right now. Think about what is going to come. If it is something you do not wish to happen than know that you can fix it! All it takes is positive thought and effort.

That is how positive mind power is used to make your life better. Negative thoughts do nothing but make everything more difficult. They not only make you feel bad but they make you act poorly as well. Positive thoughts can help you achieve what you want in life, no matter what that is.

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February 19, 2010

7 Steps To Creating Goals That Make You Money - Part 1

By David Cameron Gikandi

Is your life, your business or your marketing working out successfully and predictably? Are your life, business, marketing and product plans coming to fruition? Are they working out as planned or are they just a list of things that never seem to come true?

We all know that planning and goal setting is the key to having a successful life. However, very rarely do we hear about how to set goals properly. And once we set our goals properly, how do we visualize them and think after that so that they may surely take you to the future destination you desired? This article goes into the details of the ultimate goal setting techniques.

For any and all types of goals, we have the following goals, then visualization, then thinking steps. We suggest before you start, that you consider life to be a whole, and not separate pieces. Everything works together as a system. So make your business goals integrate with your life goals and health goals, and so on. So lets get started:

1. List all that you would like to be, do and have in the next 30 years. Small or large, list everything that comes to mind. Things, residences, partners, experiences, skills, travels, people, projects, habits, health - everything! This should be a list of your most incredible life, if it can be done, a life of your dreams. You will, very easily, end up with a minimum of 100 items. But try aim for 5,000 or so, which you can if you include the smallest details regarding your dreams and desires.

2. For each goal on your list, jot down the reasons why you wish it to manifest. Add drama and passion to it. Passion, reasons and drama empower your goal and make it easier for you and your subconscious to visualize it and manifest it.

Next time in the next article, we will look at the next steps.

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February 14, 2010

The Law of Attraction: Some Practical Reminders

By Alana Sheeren

Wherever we go it seems that someone is sharing - or selling - their version of The Secret, The Law of Attraction or "The Secret behind the Secret". They want to show us the path to happiness and wealth. The messages are very much the same, no matter who it is. The problem is that the truly valuable meaning behind these different "Universal Laws" is often missed. Whether you follow one person's teachings, or whether you believe in this at all, there are a few key points to remember.

It is easy to get wrapped up in trying to think positive thoughts but that is only one piece of the puzzle. Denying negative feelings and thoughts can by psychologically harmful and it is very difficult to think positively all the time. Just simply thinking about getting your dream job, dream spouse or dream car won't necessarily bring them into your life. What's vital to realize is that most of us are constantly - and unconsciously - thinking negative thoughts about ourselves. Most of us have people in our past (or present) who doubted our abilities, made fun of our dreams or implied that we weren't good enough. Without even realizing it we internalize these thoughts and let them have power over our true selves. The real work of "positive thinking" is in becoming aware of these internal voices and changing the thoughts with full awareness. While some people can successfully make big leaps in thinking, many of us need to do it more gradually. If your original thought is "No one is going to hire me because I'm too stupid", it might be too big a jump to think "I am an excellent employee and smart enough to get my dream job". Try thinking something more positive that you find believable. Something like, "I know that by reading and learning I am getting smarter every day". When you can say that with confidence and ease, move up another rung on the "positive" ladder. It is important to believe what you are saying so make sure to find something that rings true for you.

The other aspect to positive thinking is that we can't - and shouldn't - deny thoughts and feelings that we judge to be negative. The goal is to accept them, allow them to teach us whatever lesson we need to learn in the moment and let them go. We don't want to get stuck in a feeling, or obsessive about a thought because that is when it can affect us negatively. Letting go takes practice and self-awareness. For example, if you routinely become angry when driving to work in the morning, berating other drivers for getting in your way, try taking a deep breath and saying "they are doing the best they can in this moment" and then letting the anger go. Find a thought or sentence that works for you and practice saying it every time you feel that anger.

Many of us feel a lot fear and this is a common subject in Law of Attraction teachings. It is the rare person who lives completely without fear. Our brains are hard-wired to feel fear in truly threatening situations so that we can save ourselves. The problem is that many situations that provoke fear are not actually dangerous. Take a few moments and put your fears down on paper. Read them over. Do they make sense? Are you afraid for your safety because you live in a high-crime neighborhood? Acknowledge and accept that, then make choices that help you feel safer. Are you fearful because you spend too much time watching the news or crime stories on television? You can change that in an instant! Turn the TV off. Go for a walk. Spend time with friends. Do something positive that reminds you that the world is mostly beautiful, abundant, and safe.

Another example of a common fear is that of a parent. It is normal for us to worry about our children but when you find yourself feeling afraid, ask yourself if there is a real reason or if your mind is simply making up scary stories. Is your child safely asleep but you're obsessing because you just read about an abduction in the news? We let our imaginations run wild too often instead of staying present in the moment, where everything is usually just fine. When we hang on to or deny "negative" thoughts and feelings, that is when we lower our vibration and affect what we call into our lives.

Be aware of your negative automatic thoughts and work to turn them into more loving, positive ones. Stay open to feeling all of your emotions and thinking all of your thoughts then choose which ones you want to let go. Practice consistently, stay present in the here and now and please, treat yourself with kindness. You are human and deserve respect. We are not meant to be perfect, but we are meant to experience joy. Choose to get better each day, to learn and grow. Remember you will never get "there", wherever you think "there" is, so take the time to enjoy each day, each moment. The journey is all we have.

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Using The Law of Attraction to Change Your Life

By Barbara Marr

Law of attraction stories are some of the most inspirational. Did J.K. Rowling use the secret law of attraction to overcome rejection and go on to publish the "Harry Potter" series, which has made her richer than the Queen of England? Did Albert Einstein use the powerful law of attraction to make his amazing discoveries in science? Today many Americans are learning how to use the law of attraction to lose weight, attract wealth, find love, improve their self esteem, change bad habits and manifest good in life.

Many folks wonder how to use the law of attraction to lose weight. It is simple to become caught up on how many pounds you'd like to lose, but the keys to the laws of attraction consist of positive imagery, positive affirmations and positive objectives. Instead, write down what it will feel like and how your life will be changed when you attain your objective. Next, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and visualize your accomplishment and happiness. By doing this several times weekly, you will create a positive framework for achieving your goal.

Additionally, people wonder how to use the law of attraction to attract wealth. Some people practice law of attraction money meditations. When you close your eyes and listen to calming music, you will imagine yourself already successful and affluent. You will focus on the idea that there is an unlimited number of potential universes and that this wealthy you, in fact, already exists. You just have to connect with that reality. You may also try to transmit this new reality everywhere you go. Think of presenting yourself as a wealthy person. Filter out negative thoughts and patterns that keep you from your goal. One of the law of attraction tips says that you must focus on what you have and on bringing in additional income, rather than focusing on what's lacking.

Once you know how to use the law of attraction to manifest good in your life, you'll find the possibilities are endless. You may lose weight, quit smoking, gain wealth or attract love. To get started, you should watch "The Secret," which is a laws of attraction movie. Next, you should purchase related books, such as Think and Grow Rich, The Secret and The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham. Other tools include work books, seminars, retreats and law of attraction music for meditation.

When you finally learn how to utilize the law of attraction, your life will improve in various ways. At first it seems awkward to use positive affirmations every day. You might feel as if you're "lying" to yourself or just going through the motions, however theorists say it takes just 21 days to alter your old routine mind-set into a more positive outlook. Having a pessimistic mind-set or poor self esteem makes it almost out of the question to get anything done. In fact, the most successful Americans have a positive, "glass half-full" attitude to life. That is what the secret law of attraction is all about.

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February 11, 2010

Attraction Marketing Grows Your Business in Tough Times

By Andrea Conway

John F. Kennedy's statement "A rising tide lifts all boats" perfectly describes the boom years of the economy. Throughout the '00s you really didn't have to do much to have an OK business. But what about in today's receding tide? Fortunately the recession won't take all boats down with it -- only the leaky ones. Use attraction marketing to build your business, especially in tough times. Start with these three strategies.

#1 - Communicate with your customers more.

If you have an email list, contact people at least once a week. Don't make it just about selling. Your customers also appreciate articles, tips and useful information. Worried that too many emails will cause them to opt out? If your messages are valuable, people appreciate them -- except for those who probably were not going to buy anyway. Overall, good email communications strengthen your attraction marketing.

Some businesses also use postcards effectively, sending one every 4-8 weeks. Be sure to promote something interesting each time: a special sale, a limited number of free consultations. You can also direct people to your website to pick up a free special report or watch a video of a happy customer using your product.

Use Facebook or Twitter, and set up a regular schedule. Start with one Facebook post and 1 Tweet a day. Getting started with social networking can be confusing. Create your accounts and just watch what your friends and those you follow do for a while. You'll soon get the hang of it. The #1 rule to follow in social networking is: don't make it about selling, make it about relating.

Perhaps you don't have a mailing list. Well, start building one now. Without a list you have clipped the wings of attraction marketing. The list is perhaps the greatest asset of any small business. It is irreplaceable. Not sure how to begin? Creating articles - like the one you are reading - is a popular and effective way to start.

#2 - Add more value. Instead of offering the same old stuff, innovate. Look for ways to shake things up in all your services and products.

Coaches: now is the time to add teleseminars and information products. Product businesses: now is the time to add training or coaching to help customers use what they buy. Service businesses (office cleaning, pet-sitting): give your customers something extra - create a tip sheet or simple newsletter. Stand out from the me-too businesses. That's very attractive to success no matter what economy you're in.

You can also leverage relationships with other business owners. On Main St., businesses often team up. You'll see a wine shop create tasting events with crackers and cheese from the gourmet store down the block. Or you find an art print store - like the one my life partner owns - offering framing that's done by a framer on the other side of town.

Online businesses can also use leverage. I created an audio set on Law of Attraction marketing from a series of interviews with other attraction marketing experts. It only took 6 interviews to create a product. Everyone who participated in the interviews promoted the product to our mailing lists. Talk about the power of leverage! Make a list of experts you could interview to create a valuable collection of interviews your customers would want to own.

#3 - Use your personality when you promote! Luckily for us small business owners, we aren't required to act distant, like the typical large corporation. Thank goodness! It's possible to be quirky (but business-like) - and it's a lot of fun. Open up and tell your customers that you spend weekends riding your Honda Gold Wing. Talk about your favorite charity, the local animal shelter. Or express your enthusiasm for restoring antique furniture. It's great to write about your vacation, your parakeet, your hometown, your kids.

In every marketing promotion, express your passion for your business. Tell people why you're in this business and how much you care about it. You can also develop short, interesting stories - customers appreciate knowing you, and stories create powerful connections. During a down economy, people seek out friends to do business with. Attraction marketing includes expressing who you are.

Tips: 1) Avoid sharing your views on politics, religion or other potentially controversial areas. 2) Be friendly but also be careful about giving our personal details. 3) Think of personality as a side dish - the main course is always your business, and that's where to keep the attention of your customers.

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February 10, 2010

Conscious Creator...Do You Have A Soft Heart?

By Lori Hamann

Sometimes I sit at my computer, and feel a bit stumped. What to write about?! This is a good lesson is listening to your intuition. You must allow it to flow. You must allow yourself to be inspired. As a conscious creator you can tap into what to write about, just like you tap into the energy of creating your reality. Today...I'm going to be talking about a "soft heart".

Softening "resistance" is key when you are trying to get out of your own way, and create your best life. Resistance may also be defined as negative emotion, thought, or a belief that is not in alignment with who you are. Resistance occurs within, and our emotions - which are energy - actually can block the flow of abundance.

Consider this however, the idea of having a "soft heart"... toward yourself and others is an attitude and way of being that immediately shifts you toward the softening of resistance in your life - and really without too much effort.

Do I teach that? Yes. And why? Because it's full of truth and it works. Alignment is key.

But what interesting - is that the choice to have a soft heart, as it relates to yourself or others, holds a profound energy shift that almost can not be matched when one would set out just to merely conquer the limiting belief that you have about any given situation.

It's not magic, it's law... but your results will be magical. The sweet spot of creation and manifestation is just one shift away. Allow yourself to drop into this space.

It's easy... just imagine for a moment, and say the words "soft heart". Notice what's going on within you. Now, imagine you are directing that energy toward something in your life you would like to drop your resistance to.

Make the choice today to come from a soft heart. Do something for yourself, or allow yourself to be seen in the light of the soft heart -- by you. This is very nurturing, and the closest vibration to Source that I can access right now. Stay conscious...line up with Truth, your Inner Being, and God. Magnificent creation happens here!

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February 9, 2010

Law Of Attraction Techniques Defined

By Trevor Johnson

A new thought process has evolved over the last decade; This process often referred to as "law of attraction, " however has been around since the beginning of time. In 2006, the movement gained popularity and visibility after the release of the "Secret, " a book and film based on the theory. For, from King Solomon's time and the belief that "as a man thinks in his heart so is he, " to the various programs and workshops being offered in the field today, "law of attraction" is again, nothing new as the premise behind the technique is based on the age-old belief that "anything is possible, " along with the time-tested practices of "mind control" and 'self-realization.'

Several benefits are believed to be derived from using "law of attraction" techniques. However, the basic ideology is that the process can be used to create one's reality based on desire, using a number of methods to do so. These include, but are not limited to, chants, manifestations, meditations and thoughts focused on a specific desire, need or want. Another use for "law of attraction" theory is to remove negative energies by focusing only on positive aspects of one's life. Basically, if you focus on negative forces, you will draw negative energies into your world whereas if you focus on the positive, you will see your world change for the better.

What are the ways in which this process can help you achieve your goals? In large part this depends on whether you have a strong belief in the "universal laws" in which "karma," and other kindred theories are born out of. For to achieve any goal we must first believe that success is not only possible but also viable. However, if you are a strong, independent person who believes in the possibility of change, then this might just be the process to try in order to create a happier and healthier life while making your dreams come true.

Affirmations, manifestation, mantras and self-affirming thoughts are all methods of 'law of attraction' techniques. Manifestation is used to focus upon the desire at hand, meditation to clear the mind and self-affirming thoughts to aide in developing a strong sense of self-esteem and self-worth. Of course, these practices are used not only in relation to 'law of attraction, ' techniques but also in many other spiritual practices in which all have proven beneficial over time.

Several applications are used to achieve results; a few being the focused and guided use of meditation, mantras and positive affirmations. Focus, mantras and meditation are used to clear the mind; manifestation is the process of focusing on one's desire to "create one's own reality," and is key to the success of the application because of the basic belief that if you want something bad enough, you can manifest any "desire" or "reality" into being.

However, learning "law of attraction techniques" as with any miracle takes time so one must be patient in both learning the system and waiting for results. In addition, different people will see different results based on their attention to detail, time spent in meditation and energies surrounding same. However, such results can be both life-affirming and life-enhancing as long as you continue to believe in self and continue to use the methods found in the "law of attraction" techniques.

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It Is Your Time Now!

By Dr. Michael J. Duckett

Recently, I took an inventory of my life and looked over everything I've done. Then, I looked at my failures and honestly recognized where my contributions or lack caused them. This process leads me to the realization that during those times, I wasn't totally playing 100% in my game of life.

Next, I looked at others and recognized very few actually play 100% in their games. If a person doesn't play 100% in the game, chances are they aren't going to win at whatever they desire. Why don't people play 100% in their games? The various reasons are too vast to put in a short article but there are a couple basic thoughts that make people hold back. There are some simple things people can do to increase the process of Upgrading Life to the next level.

To begin, people are afraid and confused. There are many fears human beings hold onto, and they are all based in their heads as fantasies. Fear isn't real. Fear is something we create in our minds about the future. The first step to overcoming fear is to recognize what we're afraid of, and realize it is simply something we're making up. We can be regretful of the past, the present is usually not too scary, but the future can be very scary and is the only place fear resides.

Intelligent people say, "I'm not afraid of anything. I'm just stressed out." Stress is the intelligent way of saying "fear." Others will express their fears as anger. All anger is fear based. When a person gets angry, it is wise for the individual to search within himself to find what the root fear that is causing the anger is. Once the root fear is identified, the individual can work to reason themselves into a more stable reality to reduce the fear and diminish the anger.

A different reason people do not play at 100% in their games is because they only focus on their current limitations to achieve their dreams instead of focusing on their desired results. Every person who has achieved greatness in life, in anything, on any level, ignored why something could not be done. Instead, they chose to sty focused on what they wanted. This shows that intelligent people may actually possess a handicap.

Intelligent people can logically tell you why something can't be done. "Winners" have the advantage of not knowing why something can't be done and only declare what they want. This obscure advantage allows these people to do the impossible. Look around, all the impossible things from light bulbs to planes were discovered by people who didn't concentrate on why something couldn't be done-only on what they wanted.

As we continue to concentrate only on the results we want and forget the obstacles or limitations, we will win. While other people will say it is impossible, we are achieving the impossible. Also included in this part of our conversation is lack of money, time or other resources.

I want to encourage you to go for what you truly want without paying attention to why it seems impossible, including your current limitations. When you move forward and disregard your fears while concentrating on why something can be done, you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

Welcome to the world of winners. You are now discovering the secret to why some people succeed in life and business while others simply go through life wishing for something better.

Greater success is much closer than you think.

With Kind Regards,

Dr. Michael J. Duckett

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