April 30, 2009

Learn How To Attract Money Using The Law Of Attraction

By Casey Natter

The law of attraction is an effective if little known way to attract money. The very basics of this law states that if you focus all of your energy to attracting money and you use money in a positive manner, you can attract money. This means that when you give gifts or use money for others you use it with love and give the money your blessing. Many look at this as positive thinking but it is really much more intense then just thinking positively.

When trying to attract money you have to use both your conscious and subconscious energy to focus on attracting money. You have to enjoy money and get rid of any ideas that having too much money is wrongs and that there is something noble about suffering and being poor. All of that is nonsense and no one understands that better then those that are wealthy. They understand the power that money and attracting money has.

Meditations and your state of being are very important and you can test yourself to determine you view points on money that can help you begin your journey to attracting money. Many times individuals do not have a problem with receiving small sums of money without working hard but they will resist large sums of money without having worked hard for it. Interestingly enough many people have an unconscious resistance to receiving large sums of money that they have not earned.

Having a healthy respect and love for money is a great way to help get your focus on track. Having a healthy respect means you do not only attract money but you use money in a beneficial, smart and caring way. To attract money you cannot be a scrooge but you need to let that money out into the market with your blessing. You can give gifts to people or do something as simple as donating a few coins to a charity every single day.

It is important to always have money in your wallet, so that money is attracted. Interestingly enough by carrying your credit cards you will only attract more debt. If you don't like to carry cash then at least carry a debit card instead of credit cards.

By using visualization and meditation you can attract more money, which in turn brings more wealth. This is actually done by many wealthy individuals who understand the power involved with money. The strongest money is those that were given to loved ones or that bring miracles as well as donations to those in need. To attract money you do need to give it away as well.

About the Author:

April 29, 2009

Ways To Guarantee Achievement Of Your Life Goals

By Sam Stone

The path to achieving monetary success in both your personal and entrepreneurial life begins within your own thoughts.

For the public, the actual economic dire strait is due to poor government, failing real estate, stock market, Iraqi conflict, surtaxing and many other reasons.

While these issues do effect the world's prosperity, there is a more important issue that supersedes all...

The FOCAL POINT that you have chosen.

How does this matter? Because your energy is directed towards the objects of your attention.

It does not matter what kind of business you are involved in or want to get into; your focus will have the largest impact on your business and life. In this challenging times, realize that you and you alone hold the key to your financial success.

Your mindset is necessary for success. Mindset is not just thinking positive thoughts. Your life goes on using a bunch of optimistic core beliefs.

If you never stop now and then to critically analyze what beliefs are playing a major role, then you are not living your life with self-awareness. The main issue resides with the fact that people go automatically through life looking for love, career, valuable work and means to enjoy the best in life, but they have yet to adjust their minds to it.

People often sabotage themselves due to unconscious, negative core beliefs. This results in attracting the things they do not desire.

In order to reach wealth in life and business, you have to appreciate and follow the rules of conscious creation and the law of attraction.

You attract what you belief and what you expect.

About the Author:

April 28, 2009

Now, where did I put my keys?

By Andrew Goodman

How many times have you declared something lost (like your keys), scoured the whole house and then found what you were looking for directly in front of you? It happens regularly, and is almost invariably associated with the words: "It's lost, I can't find it".

Why couldn't you see what you were looking for? It was right in front of you. Or perhaps something you knew was in your pocket, and even though you've emptied your pockets, you still can't find it, and then you find it in your pocket.

The main reason is your belief and expectation. This is what forms your life experience, and in a very similar way to losing and finding your keys; you can only see things that you believe are possible. These beliefs have been formed gradually over a long period of time, as have your expectations.

If, rather than saying, "I've lost my keys", you could distract yourself for ten minutes and forget that you'd lost them, they would probably show up. This is easier said than done, but it does work. If you continue to think and believe that your keys are lost, or that you are always losing your keys, then they will continue to elude you, because as far as you believe, they are lost.

Many would accept the 'keys' example as having some truth, but find it harder to make the jump to bigger and more important things in life; the three main subjects of interests of money, health, and love. If you hold beliefs that you are poor, downtrodden, discriminated against, sick, ugly or unloved, then the world will back up all of these beliefs with evidence. You will also miss the plentiful good opportunities that life throws at you because you literally cannot see them, even though to your friend they are blatantly obvious.

If you think that as you get older, your body is going to age and wrinkle and deteriorate until you are in hospital with plastic tubes up your nose, this will probably be your experience. It needn't be this way, however. If, because of a string of bad relationship, you are always left by your lover for someone else, your belief will attract men who help you to reinforce this belief. Admittedly some of our beliefs are formed by the lives that we live, but we can can change them with a little effort. What kind of beliefs do you hold on the subjects that are important to you? Do you believe that to become rich you have to put others down, that you must work long and hard at a job that you dislike? Do you like these beliefs and where they're leading you?

You really do get to choose. Life is a blank slate. Decide what you want and give it your full attention. Not where you're standing, but where you want to go. All men are born equal; they have equal access to the abundance of life. Some are trained into believing that they are not free, and in the same way that the small elephant tied to the post when young never breaks away even when an adult, people remain imprisoned by their own limiting beliefs. No-one can hold you against your will. Great business leaders understand the formula for success. Focus, determination and very little regard for what anyone else thinks. The formula is dynamite. No-one can stand in your way.

When we apply this logic to the population as a whole, it is easy to see how things such as recessions occur. Although we can believe what we want to, and live what we want to, the majority take their objects of focus from 'what is going on' as presented by the media. They keep us informed, feed our beliefs, and generally prolong the status quo, whatever that may be. If people had the ability to focus on where hey wanted to go, the human race would evolve at a much faster pace.

But it is true that if you can conceive it, and focus on it enough that you start to believe it, that the world will give you endless evidence to back up your beliefs. As your beliefs grow stronger, you will start to know, and then you will start to live them. Make your thoughts and beliefs deliberate, and watch how the universe changes to accommodate you. I didn't say it was easy, but it does work.

The reason that optimism and a forward looking mentality is so important in an economic wobble, is that if you look where you are going, you'll get there. If you look at where you are, you'll stay there. You can come up with all sorts of excuses why you can't do something, but the evidence will have been attracted to confirm your belief on the subject. Think outside the box, and start to attract evidence which shows you that anything is possible, and live that instead.

If we are convinced, as a population, to think down similar lines, although in effect we are only creating what happens in our own lives, when many are together, thinking similarly, the effect is much greater. This is the herd mentality, and the reason behind the boom bust economic cycle. It's not that there is no money there, but that individuals shut themselves off from the wealth because their beliefs means that they cannot identify the opportunities when they come. They would not be able to spot a fortune, even if it was right under their noses.

About the Author:

Manifesting Abundance In Your Day To Day Life

By Casey Natter

You can manifest abundance into your every day life by thinking of the positive things and people that you want to enter into your life. The key to manifesting abundance is positive thinking on a day to day basis and most of all patience. By felling positive your natural energy will be positive and the laws of attraction and abundance will be on your side.

All types of energy affect us in our everyday lives as does other people's energy. If you are always around someone who is unhappy or angry all of the time, you will begin to feel the same. Manifesting energy can be positive or negative and this affects the way we live and depends highly on whom we live with and the relationships we keep. For example, if you work in a friendly work place, you have no problem getting up happy in the morning and going to work, but how do you feel if the energy was the opposite?

Attracting a positive abundance depends solely on your inner energy, if you feel half heartedly that you are 'going to be ok' that you are 'going to earn more money' etc. then you will spend your life waiting for that moment to come and in the end, you will stop believing all together. If you feel that you will never reach a better stage in life or that you do not deserve a better life then you are continuously sending that message to the energy in the universe.

Once you fully understand the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance you will find that it is not at all complicated to achieve. A simple law with a simple truth: think positive and you will feel positive, think negative and you will feel negative. You always attract the energy that you create yourself. Being around a positive manifestation every day is difficult, but you will find that if you are positive, negativity will not affect you.

To manifest abundance in your everyday life you need to stop yourself getting agitated and angry about things that are out of your control and spend your time visualizing what you want to achieve. Visualize the outcome that you want, feel the emotions that you want to feel with your positive outcome and you will start to become inspired to be able to achieve your goal.

The most important factor to achieve abundance and positive laws of attraction around you are patience in your day to day life, gratitude for what you already have and what you will have in a future and a lot of positive thoughts. There are a lot of books and videos to help you through your journey and help you see the better aspects in life. Understanding is the first step to a happier life for both you and your family members and people around you every day.

About the Author:

April 26, 2009

Manifestation: I Want It All

By Jill Luning

You can manifest whatever you focus your thoughts on from your present position in life. You don't need to win the lottery, you don't need someone to donate money to you, you can do it from your present position. You can manifest whatever you intend as long as it is according to the higher scheme of things. After all you are not your individual consciousness alone, but the real you is a collective whole that includes the entire universe as well as the consciousness of your higher self.

You can manifest desires and create the life you have always wanted through meditation. Meditation allows you to get in touch with your inner power and realize your full potential. You can manifest anything you desire in your life, good or bad.

You can manifest anything you desire when you remain open and willing to see the infinite possiblities. This openness is your ticket to finding the feeling of being unstoppable in your life. You can manifest a castle as easy as a button! This is the essense of understanding the law of attraction.

You can manifest your desires. It is not a question of if, but rather a question of how. You can manifest your own desires or help another person. When you engage in manifestation, things will start to happen. Feel the smile spreading across your face. Your eyes may fill with tears of joy. Feel free to start anywhere but one thing for sure, you cannot manifest your desire if you procrastinate.

Many people get an inspiration to manifest from nature. See how freely nature gives and how much is given. Abundance comes in many forms, so seek an abundance of love, joy, good health and vitality, as well as all the things you require to live a full and comfortable life. As you begin to create miracle after miracle, those around you will want to know what you are doing.

Imagine being able to actually shape your life the way you want it to be so that you can achieve anything you set out to achieve. Imagine that it's 5 years from today. Mentally add the years, it's now (month, day, year) and you are ____ years old. Imagine yourself with more than enough money and living a happy life. The more you do this, the easier it gets to think of yourself this way too.

You can manifest with affirmations. An affirmation is simply writing down a positive statement in present tense that includes where you want to be. Repeat the affirmation as often and as much as you can. Affirmations are not only simply repeating words. Affirmations are an entire process of becoming consciously aware of your thoughts and words everyday while projecting pleasant thoughts, thus producing positive powerful feelings. Affirmations are the beginning of manifestation.

Everything that appears in our life is first be a part of our thoughts. Therefore, when we recognize that each and every thing " the very chair that we sit on, the money that comes in, the salary, allowance, interest, or whatever it is " is a product of thought. Everything, whether its a table, a computer, a bug, a plant, a planet, a galaxy or a human being. Everything is made up of energy. When you manifest, you create the energy you want in your life.

About the Author:

April 25, 2009

You Are Out Of Work " Now What?

By Ina Hikmatullah

The current economy has forced millions into forced time off. Many have been laid off from their jobs, while even more have been forced to work fewer hours or for less to pay to be able to keep their jobs. This can be particularly difficult as rising prices make it harder for those that are employed to pay their bills, and impossible for those that are not working. If you are one of the many looking at forced time off, then you may not know where to turn.

However, there are ways to utilize this time effectively. Even while you are looking for another job, you can take this opportunity to spend some time on you " something that you probably have been putting off for months, even years. Find the silver lining in your situation, and you may find that you come out of these tough economic circumstances with more possibilities and success than you had ever imagined.

Listen to the Experts

Whether you are a self help devotee or have never given much credence to the self help world, now may be the time to take a look through one or two (dozen) books to see if there is one that can help you. Spend some time at your local supersize bargain bookstore flipping through self help books. Or, for a budget-friendly strategy, brush off your library card and borrow a few promising titles at a time. You can skim these in the comfort of your own home and not feel bad about wasting money if they arent right for you.

Motivational speakers abound these days, and finding one whose philosophy meshes with your worldview is likely, but may take time. Start out with the big names: Tony Robbins, Wallace Wattles and Jim Rohn have had proven success and attracted millions to their self help philosophies. Another very popular self help series today revolves around "The Secret," the documentary and accompanying book that has been everywhere from Oprah to your sister-in-law's bedside table. This series discusses employing the Law of Attraction " identifying your desire and then acting as if your desire will come true, in essence. The Law of Attraction focuses on the power of positive thinking, something that is a must for anyone looking for opportunities in today's economy.

Putting Thoughts into Action

Once you have found your motivation through self help series and other means, it is now a good time to get started working on your goals. There may be some work ahead of you, so be prepared. If you are willing to be creative, you will find that there are always income opportunities to be found, regardless of the economic climate. If you want to remain in your industry, look for jobs that will allow you to keep your current skills in practice or learn supplementary ones. A part-time job can allow you to bring in some income while keeping your knowledge fresh. You can also look more closely at the hobbies that you have. An online business could allow you to tap into the hidden realm of self employment. It can also give you an idea for other jobs in your skill set that are in high demand.

This is the time to look for creative income opportunities that suit the time you have available and your goals in life. With some motivation and hard work, you can attract success in any situation.

About the Author:

April 23, 2009

The Law of Attraction: Is it real?

By Ina Hikmatullah

Whether youve seen the movie the Secret, or youve just been reviewing coaching and mentoring programs recently, chances are that you have already heard of the Law of Attraction. It basically states that if you know exactly what you want, you ask the Universe for it, behave as though it is on the way, and then be open to receiving it, you can get whatever you want.

First, lets start with a refresher on what the Law of Attraction is. Teachers and students of this method claim that by knowing what you want, and by asking the Universe for it, you will eventually get it. Of course, the other requirement is making tangible effort toward achieving this goal, but I would say that the only way to prove that you want something and that you believe that it is possible is to work towards it.

Seriously, many people believe this to be no less true than the Law of Gravity. We are all subject to the Law of Attraction, whether we know it or not. The trick is to learn more about how it works so that we can use it to our advantage.After all, the first step is to know what we want, and then having the confidence that we can indeed make it a possibility. Whether or not you believe that the Law of Attraction is real, most of us can believe that this is an essential part of any successful enterprise.

For example, the first step is to ask the Universe what you want. Its recommended that you are very clear about it. A lot of times, you are also required to write it down in order to increase the chance of it working. Of course, this can just be interpreted as setting tangible goals, which, whether or not you believe in the Law of Attraction, is going to be an essential step in having success in any sort of enterprise. Time and time again, we see that people who first take the time to define what it is that they want from their efforts will be more consistently rewarded.

The other half, behaving as though something is on the way and then, when it presents itself, being open to receiving it, demonstrates nothing more than the power of positive thinking. Positive thinking is so much more effective than negative thinking in every scenario. In fact, Im surprised that so many people are negative by nature. What does it ever help?

So, the last part is acceptance. Some people say that this is the most important part of the Law of Attraction. It basically means that you have to be able to recognize when the world is giving you what you asked of it, because your desires dont always come in the exact same form that we imagined. What this means to non-believers? It means that the most important skill is opportunity recognition. Every day, hundreds of great opportunities might pass you by if you dont recognize them for what they are.

Limiting yourself to only taking the most perfect opportunity you can think of will ultimately mean that you dont do anything. Nothing is ever good enough.

So basically, you can believe that the Law of Attraction is the forces of nature working for you, or you can believe that it is you making everything happen. Either way, you will get results.

About the Author:

April 22, 2009

Attraction vs Interruption Marketing

By Jay NaPier

The idea of marketing has been the same for a long time. Billboard advertising consisted of the local hotel doing an ad that basically said "Tired? Sleep exit 201". If you were tired, you'd consider stopping, or wish you could stop. If you live in the area, it's a major interruption to your drive.

What about TV. Did you really see the last 3 commercials? Pest Control, insurance and a car company were the last 3 I remember. Each of them were an interruption to your entertainment. That's why the DVR is so popular.

Do you get a say in this matter? No. Ads are everwhere and you didn't ask for them, they are just there. The grocery store, the mall, on the road, on this computer, on your favorite coffee, and it never stops. They interrupt your focus. Even the little car dealership stick on the car in front of you.

Pay close attention to the TV shows and Movies you watch. Product placement is huge as well. Instead of your favorite cereal advertising as a 30 second commercial, they simply had the product put in the movie.. The main character sits down for breakfast and fills his bowl with their cereal. Takes about 30 seconds and you've been interrupted again.

So, what is attraction marketing? It's basically being where people are looking for you. Like being online. If I go looking for a company to mow my law and search "Nashville lawn company" I'll attract what I'm looking for. It comes from the fact that people don't like to be sold, but they love to buy. You don't want people pushing products you don't want on you, do you?

As a marketer you increase the chances of making a sale by simply being where people are looking for what you sell. Ever notice that furniture stores and car lots are all in one area? They do this to make it simply for you and because they'll get more traffic when they are all together. When you go looking for that cute little convertable - the guy next store can attract you to his store with the Red one in front of the store.

Attraction marketing is also about sharing information. That doctor is talking with potential patients on each show. She's sharing her knowledge (each case is different) and her listeners begin to trust her and will consider her for their needs. She's attracting people who have heath needs and desire health information.

I hear you asking, "Do I stop my current marketing?" No, attraction marketing is an additional marketing method that you'll want to add to what is currently working for you. If you have marketing that isn't working for you, cut it.

About the Author:

April 19, 2009

Dr. Robert Anthony Has Impacted the Lives of Thousands

By A. McDaniel

Dr. Robert Anthony has made it a life goal to reach and teach people how to be wealthy by using the power of the mind. It is through his teachings that you can be free and live a life you choose now. And, it does not take long at all. It only requires a commitment to work with him through his 6 hour course. It will change your life.

He is a quiet and non-promotional person and so most of the time people find out about him by word of mouth. Students reaching out to friends and family about their amazing life changing experiences resulting from his teachings. Still, his effectiveness has not escaped the interests of Fortune 500 companies who hire him to consult their executives and even NBC and CBS who have covered him and his accomplishments.

His original course which spread like wild fire throughout the world was called Know How to Be Rich. It was a 6 lesson audio program that explained in full detail how and why quantum physics and the law of attraction are related to reality manifestation. Then the course moves to teaching step by step methods for how to create your reality and even more importantly how to address the emotional obstacles that come with this quest.

Recently, he expanded his initial program to apply to the manifestation of not only money and riches, but anything you desire such as health, relationships, career, or any other possessions or experiences you desire. His current program name is The Secret of Deliberate Creation. The concepts and teaching are the same. And, the goal is the same. Live the life you want.

His program will break the negative blocks that are preventing you from being free and happy. He takes a holistic approach which not only addresses the logical explanations of his program but also gets your emotions and belief system in the proper state of mind for rapid manifestation.

Many other wealth teachers do not address the practical obstacles of mind manifestation which for the most part are related to emotional resistance. He teaches you how to overcome those and once they are dealt with, you will see instant changes in your life.

Dr. Robert Anthony goes beyond just teaching you by providing you with his Rapid manifestation audio. I love this and listen to it every night. It is a 12 minute audio that causes you and your thinking and emotions to be aligned and work toward manifesting a defined goal. This accelerates the entire process and is so easy to fit in to your schedule.

His program is so effective that it comes with a lifetime guarantee. You can return it at anytime. So there is no risk to getting his program and devoting just 6 hours to it. It will change your life. The best proof of Dr. Robert Anthony's contribution to this world is by reaching out to any of his students. If you do you will hear endless stories of major changes and accomplishments and people finally living the life of their dreams on a daily basis.

About the Author:

April 15, 2009

Let your feelings guide you

By Andrew Goodman

Do you consider the press carries out an essential function? Do you think that without them and their information, your life would be in some way diminished? If you decided to bury your head in the sand, would that be such a bad thing? Why do we feel bad when we read or hear about terrible things in the news?

Many people understand human emotions to a certain extent. The basic ones, especially of a negative nature, are there to protect us from things which we feel aren't good for us. Disgust and fear protect us from physical danger, but do we understand what they mean when our emotions are roused from our observation of life?

They may be attributed little labels such as fear, embarrassment, anxiety, depression, loneliness, sadness etc, and have easily identifiable circumstances attached, but in essence they all feel pretty lousy. We also tend to take responsibility for our emotions, as they come from inside us, and we tend to associate the bad feelings with ourselves.

The human being differs from other animals in his free capacity to think creatively, and to direct his creative energy into new and wondrous avenues. When someone focusses on a subject, they literally attract what is required, the circumstances and events to achieve that outcome, as the cooperative world assists them in their creative endeavours. You have probably all had the experience of thinking of a friend and then moments later they call you, or seeing someone famous in a film and the next day seeing them walking on the streets of London.

So what about emotions? Well, you can think of your emotions as a sort of sixth sense. Your subconscious is aware of all of your beliefs and your desires in life, and it uses this information as a benchmark against which your thoughts are measured. If they make the grade, you get good feelings as positive feedback, and if your thoughts don't make the grade, you get negative feedback in the form of negative emotion.

If you are focussing on something that you don't want to create, you are offered negative feeling to warn you to steer your thoughts in a better feeling direction. If you feel good, then you are using your free will to focus on things that you do want to attract into your life.

So the next time you pick up the paper and read about someone being stabbed, and start to feel vulnerable about the same happening to you, remember you are being offered that negative emotion because you do not want to attract such an event into your life. You can focus on better feeling things and attract those instead. Good feels good, bad feels bad.

If someone were to be rude or unkind to you, you might feel bad. This is always because that comment urged you to think less of yourself. Now your subconscious knows that your greater belief about yourself is that you are good and worthy and brilliant, so your thoughts are diverging and you feel the negative emotion or loneliness as you wander away from the truth. Conversely, if you have ill thoughts of others, it is not because they are bad, but because your ill thoughts of them do not ring true with what you really know to be (that they are good and loving and worthy), and you feel this divergence from your subconscious knowing as negative emotion.

The key is really to gravitate towards positive emotion at all times. Finding a better feeling thought and you are on track towards the things that you want in life. Look to include the good aspects of the world in your future life experience, find things to appreciate and good aspects of people and lovers and relationships that you want to experience, and attract them into your life. You will know you're on the right path by the way you feel. Your feelings will show you the way. Get happy

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Will Your Thoughts Lead You To A Prosperous Life?

By Chanel Rose

At any point in time you have many thoughts going through your mind. They will be a combination of thoughts you are choosing to think and thoughts that are running on auto pilot. The power of those thoughts will without fail bring your to an experience that is a close match to them.

By using your thoughts you can bring yourself into alignment with wealth. It is easy. Just think about wealth. Think about the wealth you already have that you are grateful for. Bless others for the wealth that they have in their life right now. You deserve it and so do they.

You may have to do some mind weeding if you are living a life experience that is less than what you desire. There may be so past beliefs or conditionings that you to remove before you can move forward. We have picked up the thoughts of many people around us as children, but that does not mean we need to keep those thoughts running. They are no longer useful and can be replaced.

Television is also a medium that you will have adopted as a way to create thoughts. particularly the news. Try to avoid the news and reports of disaster and stress, whether they are economic or otherwise. You want to look for and reach for a place that stimulates you in a positive way.

Keep a daily diary of some of your thoughts for a week or so. It can be an interesting experience to bring unconscious thoughts into a place where you can reflect on them. Remember that your thoughts do dictate what you will be doing in a minute or in a decade. There is no difference between the two. It is all thoughts leading you somewhere. Where do you want to end up?

About the Author:

April 10, 2009

Self-Love is Unconditional Love

By Kerri Kannan

We are raised with ideas that love has something to do with how we express ourselves toward others. We think that when we love someone, we will compromise and make them feel better and will sacrifice ourselves and do anything for the object of our adoration. While this is true to a point, it is backwards. You can not love another until you fully embrace yourself.

The notion that you must cater to the needs of others in the name of love creates internal conflict and it is really the furthest thing from love. We are taught that we must strive to "be good" but that implies that we are inherently "bad" or that there is something we must achieve or do in order to be good and loved. We set ourselves up for lives of unhappiness and Self-sacrifice, feeling that love comes from an external source and to attain it, we must cater to the perceived needs of others.

When we can embrace the totality of who we are, and embrace all of our moods and all of what we are, whether we like the characteristics or not, we then allow ourselves to be Self-loving. You cant help whether you feel anger or love in any moment, and you cant control other people and their perceptions. All you can do is surrender control and accept yourself and what you feel in any given moment, whether that feeling is of wanting to kiss someone or whether you want to kick them. You dont have to act on it, you merely need to accept that you feel it and once you accept it, then you can change it if you desire. You cant change something you are unwilling to see.

When you can accept your feelings in any given moment, you will eventually find that you are happy to be you and can remain steadfastly true to yourself by honoring your feelings. When you can be true to yourself and other peoples opinions hold no power over you, then you can truly love without condition. You find that your approval and acceptance is the only validation you need and little by little, your attachments to how other people respond to you melt away. You find that it makes no difference whether your love is reciprocated; you love because you feel love for yourself and nobody can take that away from you. You find that it feels wonderful to share yourself and your love with whoever will receive it, in whatever form it shows up; whether it is helping a stranger with groceries or being present with your kids or giving yourself over to your lover fully and completely.

When you release the need for external approval, you find your own validation and approval is the only one you need. You find that your love is expressed in everything you do and you free yourself to be completely and steadfastly true to yourself. You also find that in loving yourself, you cant help but love every aspect of your life because you see and express your own Love of Self in everything you do.

About the Author:

April 6, 2009

Diet - Thinking Off the Scale

By Stefann Jobim

The latest offering from Disney Pixar, Wall-E, paints a rather bleak portrait of the future. Piles of junk lay about waiting to be cleaned up, and society has fled the planet to live instead on giant spaceships, bed ridden and obese and drinking liquidised food through a straw. I found the whole thing so depressing; I had to switch it off. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves seem a million miles away.

We are, as a society, bombarded with pictures of fat people, told that obesity is going to accelerate and become a worldwide health disaster. Children are now becoming obese too, as news of poor food choices filters down into their world, and affects their thinking. So governments and health organisations lash out at junk food and refined sugar products, blaming them for the problem. The warnings increase and the situation gets worse and worse.

The majority of people need to rethink the issue. When they observe the world and how it is changing, the cause and effect (according to the latest study), they think these thoughts chronically, form beliefs, and then end up living those beliefs, as the world responds to match their beliefs.

When you were young, you may have known someone who grew up in a family whose parents never discussed money, always felt good about it, and didn't worry about not having enough, even if they weren't what you might call rich. A child in this situation will learn a good money vibration, which will serve them well for the rest of their life.

It may also be true that other subjects in the family were less beneficial. If your parents relationship was not good, or their feelings toward each other not good, you may find yourself unknowingly picking up those vibrations and carrying them into your adult life. The reason I suppose they say we marry people like our parents.

We take our cues from the world around us. Our caretakers, peers, friends, social circle, and the aspects of society to which we are exposed, all contribute to our beliefs. No two people have lived the same experience and hold exactly the same beliefs on all subjects.

So it is astonishing that in the 21st Century, so much attention is given to diet, to healthy lifestyle, to subjects such as smoking, obesity, pregnancy, the huge list of dos and don'ts which tends to change from one week to the next.

There is no great big manual in the sky to tell you how to live your life and get what you want. Every individual has lived a unique set of life circumstances, and therefore holds an individual set of beliefs. No one can tell you whether this diet, or that pill, or that treatment, or that religion will benefit you. Only you know whether it is good for you. Some people think Scientology is for quacks, but if it works for Mr Cruise, good for him.

Your feelings will guide to the most appropriate course of action. Consider them your internal guidance. They will tell you whether what you're thinking, and to a lesser extent doing, is in line with your beliefs, and therefore whether it will benefit you. You are living what you believe on all subjects in your life. While you may think that you formed these beliefs from observing the world around you, actually you formed your beliefs and then the world responded to match them. The same thing applies to your body and your relationship to food.

I am not advocating that a mars bar is better for you than an apple, but the demonising of the various food groups doesn't serve anyone, because what you think of the food is far more important than the food itself. Your body is very adaptable, and will make the most of whatever you give it, unless your beliefs get in the way, in which case the body struggles to process what you feed it.

We are told that foods contain too much salt, carbohydrate, protein, fat, saturated fat, wrong type of fat, etc. As this list includes most of the things that you enjoy eating, what happens? You eat them all anyway, and as you believe they are bad for you, they are bad for you. Their advice is well meaning, but based on flawed reasoning and extremely counter productive.

Obesity is running rampant because people have beliefs which say to them that as the eat this they will get fat, or as the drink this they will get fat, or as they reach this age they will get fat. Even though there are millions of examples to the contrary, the propaganda prevails, and people suffer the consequences of poor choices in what they give their attention to.

We are told that disease is caused by lack of exercise, smoking, bad diet, and excessive drinking, all considered bad lifestyle choices. In fact these are indicators of a bigger issue which lies, ruminating, beneath the surface; namely how the person feels. People naturally want to feel good, have healthy good feeling, beautiful bodies, and when they don't, they don't feel good, and tend to gravitate towards activities such as these. The real cause is negative emotion, or dis-ease. That is what causes disease. The external factors are merely indicators.

No one else will ever be able to give you an answer of how to become the body shape you want. Only you can know. It begins with gravitating towards feeling good, and then following along with actions that keep you there. Eat food that makes you feel good, take actions that feel like a good idea. If it doesn't feel good, then know that it will not be serving your body well, and it will likely get in the way of your body's functions which, left to their own devices will thrive. What lies at the root is not the things you eat, but only how you feel about them. Make friends with your food.

About the Author:

About HHHNews

By Andrew Goodman

Is it really important that you know? When you watch the news and read the papers and you feel awful. Can any of that stuff be actually helpful to you? If you stopped reading the papers and watching the news, do you think that your life would go downhill? Are you even able to imagine doing such a thing? Is being 'informed' all it's cracked up to be? The press would have you believe so, but more and more people are realising that their lives are not improved by the press, but rather diminished instead.

A news amnesty was my starting point. 18 months with no television news, no newspapers, and after the initial shock and lack of filler conversation, I realised how little it had impacted my life. More explicitly, how little it had positively impacted my life. There's a lot of stuff that happens that really has very little to do with me, it's not that I don't care, but really I can't do much to change it. I'm sure the newspapers want to bring you stories which sell papers, and when they can't find local news that is shocking enough, they trawl the rest of the world for the very worst that is happening. I can understand why, they are just trying to maximise their profits, and if people didn't buy papers, then they'd have to give them away, oh hang on.......

The UK press, caters to the demands of its readers. If we didn't read it, they wouldn't print it. OK, but we're reaching a critical mass, and anywhere bad things happen frequently, it is reported out of proportion to what's really going on. London newspapers are full to the brim of terrible stories of rape and murder and abuse, even though the majority of the capital has had a wonderful day. It's disproportionate, and gives you the impression things are worse than they actually are.

Bad news sells, there's no doubt about it. We just seem to love the drama of it all. But this drama does come at a price; it makes us feel lousy. People often forget that life is all about feeling better. Everything that we want is for no other reason than we think we'll feel better when we get it. Whether it be money, relationships, fame, love, it's all about feeling better. Which begs the question; why would you do anything that made you feel worse? Granted, you're always going to encounter things that you don't like in life, such is the variety and such is your personal preference. But why would anyone deliberately focus their attention on something that made them feel worse, given a choice?

So this collection of Happy News Stories will be a small but sure voice in a million naysayers, but that voice will grow stronger as people start to see the benefits. Happy News Stories for all. In fact, if you want to contribute an article to the site, something you feel would be in keeping with the site ethos, email mrhappy@happyhappyhappynews.com with your ideas.

I swiftly came to the conclusion that, despite what the papers would have you believe, there is literally no reason to worry about anything, ever. Life just does not and cannot jump up and bite you on the arse for no reason. It just doesn't work that way. More and more people are coming to the realisation that the better they feel, the better life goes for them. It kind of makes sense if you think about it. Your emotions exist to guide you in the right direction; If you feel good, your thoughts are on the right track. If you feel bad, no problem, just find a way to feel a little better about your situation, and then you're back on track. Nice to know!

Everything is always working you for you, just relax, feel good and let life give you everything you want. Just take a moment to consider the well being of this magnificent planet we live on; food grows year after year, the sun rises every day, the water supply replenishes itself, the air regenerates itself, we have an abundance everything that we have identified that we need. We have never run out of anything that we want. The planet is a resource-full, incredibly stable platform for us to live and create upon.

Do anything and everything you can to feel good. And if you must watch the news, make it happy news

About the Author:

April 4, 2009

Is It Wrong to Want To Be Better Than I Am?

By Angee Bart

Why does it seem that everybody else is making a fortune on the internet and you cant even make a dime? They seem to make money and you cant. What is wrong with that?

Are you thinking that nothing ever works for you, so you might as well give up? Well don't give up. Step back and look at how you are where you are and why all those things did not happen the way you thought they should have and how you can change the effects in the future.

Some time ago, you tried something. Probably you read a really great recommendation or one of the testimonials that are on products so you knew it must work. You had never tried it before so you believed what someone said was true.

So you tried that awesome product that you read about and were seriously disappointed. Did you give it a day, a week, or even a month before you threw up your hands and shouted to the heavens "This doesn't work?" If it was a diet product, is your body just like theirs? Or do you have the internet skills that the internet super star had, or do you ___ (well you fill in the blank)?

By declaring, "This doesn't work," you created the reality of it. It didn't work for you. But maybe the time wasn't right for the results to work for you. You start to look at all the events that didn't work right for you and think that is now the truth. Nothing will ever work. And nothing could be farther from the truth.

If you constantly compare your results to the results of others, it almost becomes a competition (you gotta be better than they are, or if they can do it, you can do it better), and I can almost guarantee you that wont work. You are already working against yourself! You may not yet automatically expect failure, but you have it as an option, and perhaps even a probability based on your previous experiences. And once you let the thought of failure in, it grows and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If your parents were like mine, they wanted to prepare me for the "real" world. The world where nothing good ever comes of trying to "better" yourself. Talk about defeatist! I'm surprised I ever became a success with that groundwork. But I learned. Just because "bettering" myself and becoming more than I started out as didn't work for them, sure didn't mean that I had to stay where I was. I could get better and become a success. Things actually worked for me when I tried them!

There is nothing so hard to do as to really believe that you can "Do it!" After all, it has never worked before. But that is a pattern; and all patterns " call them habits " can be broken. But you have to pay attention to what you are thinking. Every time you hear your mind say, "I can't," "It won't work," STOP. Rewind that defeatist tape and start over, "I can," "I will," and "Wow, that wasn't that hard!"

Give yourself permission to succeed. You have been giving yourself permission to fail for years. Don't expect the same results as everyone else. If they lost 100 pounds on that diet, be happy and SUCCESSFUL if you lose 10 pounds. Did you really follow the directions in that step-by-step guide or did you fudge here and there and think you knew it better? Go back and try it, step-by-step, give yourself permission to feel elated if you make $20. If you do, that $20 will grow! So will you!

About the Author:

April 3, 2009

Happiness Breeds Success

By Andrew Goodman

Sir Alan Sugar has suggested Thursday be a National Happy Day. Speaking in a GMTV interview about the new series of The Apprentice, he called for optimism in the UK press, at least one day a week, for the next few months.

Viewers who enjoyed the previous offering from The Apprentice will be tuning into the show for the next 12 weeks to see how the contestant fare with their tasks, set by their master and mentor, 'Sir Alan'. Mr Sugar also spoke of his opinions of the economy and offered advice to viewers of how to best cope with the situation.

Sir Alan was asked whether he could spot immediately which of the shows contestants would shine through long term.

"You get an immediate impression of someone, but you dont really get to know somebody until they get stuck in and start working for you for a bit. Its the same in real life. You can only really tell what theyre like once they start working for you. One shouldnt do things on first reaction. As you start to see them youll warm to somebody, youll dislike somebody, and then as the weeks go on, youll change your opinion."

Sir Alan was asked whether he was going to follow the shows producers' guidelines by being funny and compassionate, sweet and lovely in the 5th series?

Sir Alan replied with a wry smile Well, I wouldnt hold your breath for that one,

When talk naturally moved onto the recession, Sir Alan was asked how best to cope.

"First of all, we should all stop moaning, and if possible stop reading the newspapers, who continue to report doom and gloom. Were in a tough time, theres no question of it. The good news is, having seen these things happen over the course of 40 years of business, is that we will be getting out of it, and well look back on what weve gone through in the last few months and think well how did that ever happen?.. No Panic, lets hope the banks have learned their lesson.I think that things will stabilise."

"The good news is having seen these things happen over the course of 40 years of business, we will be getting out of it, we will come out of it, I dont know when. And well look back on what weve gone through in the last few months and think, 'well how did that ever happen?'"

"Not the sort of advice I thought youd give me", replied Kate. "Well, theres no point moaning all the time. You asked me earlier on whats it like getting up in the morning. Well, I always get all the national newspapers and have a quick look and flip through them, and if you want to get depressed, you read the headlines there, because it seems to me thats the kind of journalism that weve got in this country. Perhaps we can have a National Happy Day where the newspapers are banned from reporting depressing headlines in them. Perhaps we should make it Thursday, National Happy Day for the next few months?"

The Apprentice runs for the next 12 weeks on BBC1 Wednesday 2100hrs

About the Author:

April 2, 2009

Can You Understand the Universal Law of Attraction?

By Vlad Stivenson

Think about the word "Attract" and what it means to you. Do you wish you could attract good things into your life? You can do this. The Law of Attraction is as real as gravity and can be used to get the things you want.

Chances are you have had some experience with the Law of Attraction and heard it discussed. It is discussed in many ways including the following:

1. Reaping what you sow.

2. Getting what you give.

3. Like attracts like.

4. Supply and demand

5. What goes around comes around.

6. You are what you believe in.

7. The Law of Compensation.

The Law of Attraction is described by Catherine Ponder who wrote about the Law of Prosperity as the experience of attracting things in your life that you are focused on and think about often.

Simply put, like attracts like. So what does that have to do with your life? You will bring things into your life that you spend a lot of time and energy thinking about whether these are things you desire or that you do not want in your life. Think of yourself as a magnet that draws things that are similar to your thoughts into your life. The things you desire are magnified in your life in many ways.

To attract good things into your life, download and use Subliminal Flash program. It imprints positive affirmations into your subconscious mind, and you become a magnet attracting prosperity, success, money and love.

You might have experienced the Law of Attraction yourself when you desired something so strongly that you used your passion and dreams to bring that thing to life. No one was going to get in your way. You truly believed you deserved this thing and you would have it and it appeared in your life. It was your positive thinking that did this.

You probably have experienced the opposite as well when you just could not get something that you really, truly desired. Often, money is the unattainable thing for people. You want and need more money but it never seems to come to you. You express your desire for more money but then throw in negative thoughts about how you cannot pay your bills, everyone else has more money and you will never have enough money. As much as you work towards getting more money you never succeed because you are thinking more about the negative than the positive.

Think about the phrase "like attracts like". This means that if your focus is on how you don't have enough money and never will than you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. By thinking about the things you do not want to come into your life you are actually releasing energy into the Universe that will reflect your negativity and bring you more of the very things you are trying to avoid. The Law of Attraction says we attract those things we focus on so if you keep saying "no" instead of yes that is going to be the answer the Universe brings to you.

You should instead spend your time thinking positively and thinking about what you want in your life. You need to realize the strength and power of your thoughts and focus on controlling them and keeping them positive. Being happy is the best thing you can do. When you are happy, you send happy thoughts into the Universe and get good in return.

There is enough good in the Universe for everyone - it will never run out. Your perception of what you do not have is what fuels your lack of these things. If you ask and truly want things you will get them in your life. We can all have everything we dream of if we know how to ask for it. The Universe wants us all to be happy and successful and live our dreams.

Often people use the Law of Attraction without knowing it and bring negative things into their life. Turn this around and use this magnetic power to get the things you truly desire. You need to realize that you have the power to do this and use that power to bring good things into your life.

About the Author:

April 1, 2009

Find The Secrets Of Law Of Attraction

By Jeremy Gislason

One of the most important laws in the world today is the law of attraction. This law can be said to lean on a simple concept which states that one is attracted to whatever he or she sets the attention on. Some people say that the like attracts its like. This can be thought that if you have a bad aspect in life, you are bound to attract the negative. However, this need not be the case.

Great people all over the world are often quoted as referring to this law of attraction as the secret to life. In essence, it's the power of carving your destiny. What makes it work is the simple fact that it's neutral and nothing can influence it.

Even though we may not be aware, this very law is always in action in everyone's daily life. The fact is that you can actually learn on how to apply this law of attraction through positive thinking and then notice the difference. By finding ways of applying this law, you can raise your general self esteem.

Create a desire: This will start wit your mindset. Your may want to set a clear desire for a given thing and be excited about it. If you combine it with faith then in deed you will get what you want. Your emotions should be placed at par. This means that there is no way you will have negative feelings and disbelief about whatever it is that you desire. These positive feelings that you have towards your desires are seen as a sign of your commitment and readiness to get them.

It is said that there is not point in words without some form of action to back it up. Put into action your desires for these will reflect what we are thinking. Basically our actions are based on our thoughts. One doesn't dream to be wealthy yet he hasn't but any action in place to ensure they get that wealth. Always keep in mind that by concentrating on what you thinking of the higher the chances of achieving it and so it applies as much as you are determined to achieving, the hurdles will be eliminated one way or another.

The law of attraction can be used in the creation of a balanced life and help to shape one's future. This is basically having life's greatest virtues the general achievements one has always desired to accomplish in life. Generally people want to associate themselves with success and not failures. Thus you will be regarded as being a mentor and an example of success.

The law of attraction can be applied in changing fears, doubts or failures into success, health, wealth and a good lifestyle. This will help you to balance your life and define your future. This means you will have some great virtues in life and achievements. Many will want to associate with you and some will see you as their mentor. You will be happier and feel more fulfilled through learning how to apply the law of attraction effectively.

About the Author:

Self Improvement Is The Best Way To Improve Your Life

By Jeremy Gislason

Many people will be looking forward for drastic changes in their lives and the time will not just allow. Maybe you are one among them and wondering how to lead your life in a better way. There are many challenges that come along with self improvement and knowing these challenges is a good step in the right direction.

You may be having a passion for business and you are hoping to be successful in life, but these two alone does not guarantee you to live your life to its fullest, to make change or to be genuinely happy. To succeed financially is not a guarantee to a rewarding life, this only bring poverty of the soul. Self growth is not measured in terms of the money or material things one has, but rather it is measured on the quality of life or the general happiness of an individual.

To succeed in life an entrepreneur is required to have a right mindset. This is an important thing that all aspiring entrepreneurs should posses. If only your mindset is focused on success, all that you have been dreaming for will come to fruition.

There are a wide variety of resources that you can refer to so as to improve yourself. Such resources include self help books and information from the internet. They will help you have the know-how of hitting your targets and making quick accomplishments more easily in regard to wealth and general life. The greatest fear of life is fear.

Some of the self help books will help you learn on how to achieve your goals and ambitions and guide you on the simple techniques in your everyday life. You discover how to meet your targets and accomplish your highest potentials and more so you will think like somebody has already acquired wealth and success. People don't succeed because there is a fear holding them back therefore these books are use in getting rid of this fear.

The reason why people do not succeed is that there is a fear holding them back and that is the reason why these books are available just to make you think positively about everything. You will unlock the potential of your mind and translate your dreams into reality. For you to succeed in life you have to be confident on everything you are doing and realize that there is no limitation on what you are about to do.

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