December 31, 2010

Living In Abundance

By Jan Cooper

The term abundance means profusion or an overflowing fullness. The condition of being in abundance is something that every man seeks, its something that they all aim towards, work all their lives for. 'Being in abundance' as a condition has been the cause of almost all the wars of the world, almost all the policies that gets formulated and infact all the decisions and actions that humans undertake.

If living in abundance is the main aim of a person, then why is it that he always thinks about the diametrically opposite concept? Why is it that a person's mind only revolves around the issue of scarcity instead of abundance? If you notice, it is actually not abundance that we think about but the scarcity that plagues our mind. Since childhood it has become a bad habit to think about what we don't have or what other people have in abundance as compared us.

If we try to analyze the reasons behind a person's situation in life and the reasons behind it, one must talk about the Law of Attraction.

Your mind is the only tool that will result in manifesting the abundance that you have ever dreamed of. The law states that if you focus all your attention on a specific want, and truly believe that it is going to happen, visualizing yourself basking in the glory of abundance and charging that vision with your physical and emotional energy, then the power of your thoughts will lead to actual manifestation of your want in reality.

So, if that is the case then isn't it only natural that thinking about scarcity all the time will manifest more scarcity in our lives? It is said that like attract likes. So if dissatisfaction is what we always feel due to the lack of resources that we face, isn't it natural that more feelings of dissatisfaction is coming our way? It is precisely this very reason why men humans are never happy and always yearn for more. The reason behind why abundance never comes our way.

For making abundance come your way, the only thing you have to do is think and focus all your attention and energy on abundance. Start with avoiding all negative thoughts about scarcity and start thinking about abundance for a change. The first step towards this is getting a stock of all that you have and being grateful for it.

The more joy you feel and the more grateful you are, remember the more of these feelings will get manifested in your life in future. Secondly, focus your attention on and direct all your energy towards abundance. Visualize yourself as a person living with abundance without any worry at all.

Visualize yourself living in abundance and start believing that abundance will be coming your way soon. Charge up this vision with your physical and emotional energy and truly believe from the core of your heart that this vision is true. You will find that your thought would affect the universe and attract abundance in manifesting itself in your life.

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Do Celebrities Know The Cosmic Ordering Secrets?

By Janette Stretens

More and more, people are realizing the importance of the cosmic ordering service. All you need to do is to place your order with the universe and then get it! Many celebrities publicly put their success down to cosmic ordering.

Check out all the people in the world who are getting what they really want. You already know, though that it doesn't work for everyone. What are celebrities and other successful people doing that the rest of us not? Does the cosmic ordering service really exist?

Think about the last time that someone you know got a promotion or won a great prize. Whether you know it or not, you were placing an order. Disdain and envy at anothe's success tells the universe that you are someone who welcomes poverty and misery, and that these negative emotions are in fact your status quo.

Consider going to dinner at a nice restaurant. What do you do if you see someone there with a lovely meal? You don't get angry about not having it, you just get excited and order it for yourself! You'd hope that they loved their dinner and you would be happy for themselves.

With that in mind, why not be happy at someone else's success? You'll find that you can take happiness in their success and understand that your own is just as sweet. Don't be angry or bitter or disappointed because that reinforces what you already have; you are essentially planning for failure.

Lots of religions tell us that prayer and thought can bring us anything we want, but they don't tell us there is a catch. Belief is something that needs to be a part of this equation. More and more scientists have found that if you apply the principals of quantum physics to belief, it comes out quite the same. Many tenets of religious dogma show up to be quite true indeed!

The truth is that the application of the application of the mind's power and energy can make it happen. This is honest, simple proof.

There are too many things that can make you fail if you are just looking at positive affirmations. If you have had problems in the past, this can be reinforced and it can take away a lot of the good that you have created. Some affirmations do stick, but it takes time if the old beliefs are still around.

What do the cosmic ordering secrets have to do with this? Start with a through house cleaning of your mind before you move forward. Remember that it is okay to accept the gifts that the universe wants to give you and start with a clean slate.

Various methods help you to clean out the old. Just like a vacuum sweeper is more effective than a small toothbrush to clean the carpet, so are newer scientific ways more effective in making your mind available to accept the new way of life you desire.

Look at self-hypnosis, subliminal affirmations and binaural frequency waves to help you move forward. These tools are great when it comes to helping you get the results that you want, and when you use them, you can understand your own subconscious a lot better. This will help you avoid sabotaging your own attempts at success.

Remember that your mind hates change. It will fight tooth and nail to keep you at the same place, so make sure that you use the cosmic ordering system to get your needs met. You'll even find that you can "trick" your mind into going along, to becoming more dissatisfied with things as they stand.

The cosmic ordering system can give you whatever it is you want. Pick out your order and then find a way to make it a reality!

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December 30, 2010

Tips On Activating The Law Of attraction

By Felton Seagroves

Have you ever noticed that negative people seem to be immersed in lousy situations?

On the other hand, you then realize that those people who are positive about life seem to have all the luck.

Actually, it's more than good luck or bad luck. You may even notice and realize that our lives are the product of our actions and thoughts in life.

You have no doubt heard of the Law of Attraction. This law states that what you give and offer to the world is what you also attract towards your life. This law of attraction is also called the law of faith. You attract the things in life through your attitude towards life and the world as a whole. The words of Napoleon Hill applies to this - "think, and grow rich". We are even taught about this in the bible, and we are told that, "as a man thinks, so is he".

Your faith is consciously and unconsciously expressed by your thoughts and words. If what you want is something that will make you wealthy and rich, do not tell the people in the world that you do not have money. You have to be consistent in your desire, words, and also your actions.

What we are thinking can be shown by what we are saying and doing. Positive or negative, you have control over your final outcome. It is a place of blessing, abundance and growth. The universe only waits for you to claim the glory.

During those times that you think that your life is not going as planned, just look at the heavens. There you will see that no matter how dark the clouds are, the universe is still so bright. As we all know, the sun keeps on shining every day, and it represents warmth and light.

Always think positively and you will surely get through even during your darkest times. Do not allow them to control your words and actions. You just have to consider your attitude as it is the one thing that matters and it is what determines you blessings in life.

o Watch your thoughts. When you suddenly feel that you are thinking negatively already, you should convince yourself not to do it and force yourself to think positively.

o In every situation, consider only the positive things.

o Celebrate whenever you did something good in life. Congratulate yourself when you notice an attitude adjustment.

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The Laws Of Attraction And Your New Life

By Heather Berry

In your life, you will meet a variety of different people. Some of these people will be smarter than others; some will be kinder than others. Some will possess the highest qualifications in their field. However, any of these factors may or may not determine the success of these people. What separates them is the use, knowingly or unknowingly of the laws of attraction.

Many people feel the success is an ephemeral quality that cannot be grasped, but only bestowed. These people, regardless of their other qualifications, will probably never be successful. This is because success is not only something that you can grasp, but something that you must grasp if you ever truly want it. The best way to grab success and make it your own is through using the laws of attraction.

Your self-perception is created through all the experiences you have gathered in your lifetime. Unfortunately, for most of us, these experiences have taught us that we are not qualified enough or smart enough or lucky enough to achieve our goals. In some cases, a single bad experience as far back as our school days can color our self-perception for the rest of our lives.

It is harder than you think. Most of our life is taken up running errands, meeting deadlines, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and - of course - sleeping. If we do get a few moments to ourselves, we generally turn on the television and turn off our brains. In order to get to know yourself, you have to take time to spend alone.

Go through an inventory of your physical, mental, and spiritual characteristics and try to describe each and every one of them in a positive light. Don't gloss over anything and don't forget anything either. Even a single negative self-perception lingering on your psyche can ruin the effects of the laws of attraction. Take all the time you need, days, weeks, months, or even years to convince yourself that you are a great person who deserves wonderful things.

When you have crafted your self-perception in an entirely positive light, it is now time to put the law of attraction to work for you. Approach every new situation with a positive attitude. By now you should know that you are a talented and likeable human being. Project that positive energy outward. If you are confident about your abilities then the people around you will also come to trust you.

Once all of your negative qualities are rephrased so that they can be in the positive quality column it is time to move onto the next step of the laws of attraction. Take your newfound positive self-image and project it outward. Act as though you are successful and confident. Surprisingly, if you truly believe all those positive traits you found out about yourself, the people around you will also view you in a positive light.

So what are you waiting for? Now you know that if you can create a positive self-perception you will also be able to create a positive image of yourself in the minds of others. The laws of attraction are all about recreating yourself in an affirmative light.

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December 29, 2010

The Real Key To Manifest Wealth

By Graham Summer

We all are successful in our lives in one way or the other. But we can always use the advanced law of attraction to manifest more wealth and get more happiness in life.

You can see that there are various exercises for the advanced law of attraction which can be effectively used to manifest health, get success and to be happy in life.

The first exercise would be is for a person to meditate. A person needs to focus on a concept which is about the existence of all the possibilities of life. He also needs to think that all the possibilities of reality that he dreams of owning it are already present around him. And his task would be to simply choose among them.

This law is not a new age claim and is not a recent discovery, it has been a proven theory of physics. This law came to existence in 1920s and is based on the work of the quantum physics pioneer Mr Nils Bohr.

Dr. Bohr has challenged the traditional view of reality. Based on Copenhagen School of Quantum Physics, he expressed that there are infinite number of "potential universes". All these universes are present at the same time and one just has to choose among those realities.

The Second exercise is based on the law of attraction which focuses on the abilities of the human beings. This exercise which is also known as the transmitter exercise focuses on a person's abilities to transmit strong vibes into the universe. This simply means that if you are sending out strong vibes about manifesting wealth, you are in turn attracting wealth into your life.

If an individual takes this thing seriously and literally works on it effectively then he is sure to see positive results, he can also manifest the wealth easily when compared to others. But then he also needs to make sure about the conscious effort to send out strong vibes about manifesting wealth. This can be done by getting a strong image of a person who is already very wealthy. This will surely help to attract more wealth into ones life.

The key rule to manifest wealth and prosperity is to send out very strong and positive vibes about being wealthy. Similarly, one can use the advanced law of attraction for his many other desires and purposes as well.

The other exercise in the advanced law of attraction is known as the gatekeeper exercise which is completely reverse of the transmitter exercise. This exercise mainly focuses on the vibes that a person would take in.

For this particular exercise, a person needs to fix up a time. At the fixed time, he must be focusing on all the things in the environment. Think of all the things that is surrounding you and only allow those things that you want in your life to penetrate through you. Try to completely move away from thoughts that deny you from giving you any positive energy.

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The Law Of Attraction - Is There Any Truth Behind It?

By Cheryl White

The Law of Attraction is a pathway to acquire your wishes. It is an alternative for the brave. Our thoughts are potent magnets to whatever we want in life. The human mind is till date the most powerful magnet, the most powerful way to induce things we desire into our lives. At first, all this may seem a figment of our imagination, but it is nothing but the truth!

Simply put, the law of attraction states that if an individual identifies an object of desire of his life and asks it from the universe truly believing in the fact that it is coming his way and will happen in reality in the near future, then the power of his faith, belief and thoughts will affect the universe into manifesting the object of desire in reality.

If it is yet too hard to comprehend, let us take an example. Say, your sole aim in life is to become the richest man on Earth. Now, according to the law of attraction, if you ask the universe to make you the richest man and thereafter truly believe that its coming your way, strongly visualizing yourself in the final stage of having attained that want, the power of your positive thoughts, feelings and energy will affect the universe and attract your object of desire causing it to manifest in reality.

Our thoughts are the 'magnets' which help attract things we want into our lives. The Law of Attraction can only work when we stop thinking about what we do not have or what we have not achieved. Always have positive thoughts about the attainment of your want. Since, thoughts create destinies, thinking of what is deficient and missing from life just escalates a feeling of lacking and attracts this feeling more in your life.

Visualization is just an image creation, a picturing or a conception. You should visualize that you have already achieved what you want. The Law of Attraction is such that by visualizing that you are the richest person in the world you drive the forces of positivity to make it happen quicker than ever. Through a combination of belief and powerful visualization, your object of desire will certainly manifest in reality.

Usually, the steps to successful implementation of The Law of Attraction are just simply 'Asking', then truly 'Believing' and lastly 'Receiving' gracefully. But it is essential to focus on what you want. When you have deciphered that well, go ask the Universe to get it for you. If you ask with full faith, then your prayers will definitely be answered. Yes, It Will Happen.

It is highly essential to put total faith in this law. Disbelief or doubts in the Law of Attraction can really hamper its course. Popping thoughts which surge uncertainty may stop it from working completely. Constantly, one should count on the universe to give him what he wants. When it works, make sure you can accept it through and through into your life.

Too many times, one is put in a position to ask 'how long is it going to take to actually work?' or 'when will I get what I want?' Your blind-belief in the process is the only key to this question. To never lose hope is crucial. Doing away with all pessimistic thoughts is quintessential. Finally, when the time is right, the universe will alter the course of things to grant your wish! Remember, You Get What You Believe In. Try it, The Law of Attraction won't let you down!

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December 28, 2010

Real Secrets Of Manifesting

By Claire Skaysbrook

We have all heard many new age gurus tell us that life is what we make it. If most of us spent a few moments and thought about it, we heard those sentiments before. Perhaps it was our grandmother that was trying to encourage us when we were down and out. It may have even been a Jiminy Cricket as he sang when you wish upon a star.

At some point in our lives, we have all heard someone say that we are the masters of our own destiny. We can make our life just as we want it to be. It is within you to manifest abundance, only you can manifest abundance in your own life.

You need to face the fact that the reasons for your life being the way it is right now is due to your wanting it to be just as it is. Yes, all those dead end jobs, mounting bills and unhappy relationships were all your making all by yourself.

You need to realize, it is you who has created the life you live. Then you need to know that the power is within you to make a change. You can begin right now to manifest abundance in your life. You simply need to change your way of thinking.

Your thoughts are the most powerful thing you have. The way you think and what you think about creates the life you want. Do you realize that all of the thoughts that you have about how you are going to pay your bills has brought more bills into your life. Every moment that you spend worrying about money means that you are going to continue to have money problems. If you are focusing on all of the bad things that are happening in your relationship then that is all you are going to experience in your relationship.

The key to manifesting abundance will depend upon your positive thinking. You need to concentrate on the good things in your life. Waking up this morning and breathing on your own, having a roof over your head, something to eat and clothing to wear are all good things to concentrate on while creating abundance. You need to realize you are fortunate right now and then be thankful for all those good things. Being thankful for these things opens you up to manifesting more good and worthwhile things.

Do not blame others, since in reality it is the way you think and say is that which creates your current life. You may say that you want happiness, success and wealth; however, you must focus your thoughts and words on being happy, successful and wealthy.

I urge you to try one of these experiments. They are going to show you how simply changing the way you think can change your life. Stop thinking about wanting money, or worrying about how you are going to pay your bills, starting right now. Instead what you need to do is think about how much money you have. You have enough money to pay for everything that you have in your life.

You need to think and believe that you have all the money you need. Pay close, conscious attention to your thoughts, so that they do not slip away and allow your old thinking patterns to sneak back in. You have to think that you already have everything you want in your life when you want to manifest abundance.

Like attracts like, which means if you are focusing on the good it is going to bring more good in your life. You can improve your life, you can have the life you want you and only you can manifest abundance in your life.

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Manifesting Money by Channeling your Positive Thought to Actions

By Stuart David

Success comes to those who want it. Asking for it is not enough rather you must pair it with your utmost dedication and hard work. Before manifesting money and success, one must recognize the necessary attitudes and skills he needs to possess.

Abundance will come to those who deserve it. It is not determined whether you are born wealthy or not rather everything will come out as a result of your efforts and determination. Nothing is impossible to someone who never stops dreaming and very eager to fulfill his needs. If you convince yourself what you ought to do then you have no reason to fail.

People always seek for positive things and manifesting money is one of them. Why do you think so? Well, money can buy a lot of things from toys, jewelries and gifts that your loved ones long for. However, money can't buy genuine happiness.

You have shaped your life from a momentous beginning from the time you were born up to the present day that you are breathing life to its fullest. Every person has the capabilities in manifesting abundance close to reality.

Success speaks of being true to the word wherein you need to set something as your goal and work towards it. Never rely to someone just to attain success in your life. It's a different feeling if you worked for it will all your hear and efforts in it.

Always stay positive in everything you do. Let the spirit guide you in manifesting money and attracting abundance in life. Never forget to be inspired and motivated in everything you do.

Every person is born with luck but one must not rely to luck alone to experience success in life. He must luck to his advantage by matching it with optimism and perseverance. Everyone deserves a chance to succeed but each one of us is also left with an option to either do it or not.

A kind heart is always endowed with luck and you must be thankful that you have the capacity to give rather than asking for your needs. Manifesting abundance is just like saying to live your fantasies in the world of reality. It will make you happy more than anything else.

Have in mind positive things as your inspiration. Well, it's hard to work if your mind is not set with things you ought to do. Never get distracted rather stay focused towards the attainment of your goal. Remember that in manifesting money you must put your 100% in everything you do.

Treasure every experience whether you did it alone or with companion. Each experience will teach you a lesson so make sure not to miss each experience without appreciating the lessons behind it. You are now a grown up individual and you need to be responsible with your actions. Manifesting money is not all about competition rather it's more working hard for what you deserve.

One must work to identify his strengths and work on it to strengthen the chance to be successful. In manifesting money, one must also realize that he is not perfect and he had his own flaws and weaknesses. However, these shortcomings must not hinder a person to attract abundance and enjoy a youthful life. It would be best if people realize how lucky he is to live a successful life.

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December 27, 2010

What Exactly Is The Law Of Attraction?

By Giles Jordan

Any type of vibrations is bound to cause attraction of some form. The facts behind such a proposition are actually summed up in the Laws of attraction. The laws of attraction put forward the theory that we are actually emitters of energy and that we are emitting energy to the universe. In fact the type of energy namely positive or negative helps us to construct or destroy our own lives respectively.

The Laws of Attraction highlight the power of our mind and thought process. We more then often do not realize the importance of out thoughts and that they are responsible for many experiences in our lives, be it good or bad. They are known to directly affect our fate in the long run. The laws of attraction says that if we think positively, good things are bound to happen in our live and similarly if nurture negative thoughts in our mind, the results are bound to be negative and will effect our life in unwanted ways.

Often, the exact opposite of what we want takes place because in our heads, instead of focusing on what we want, which is the positive aspect of it, we spend more time thinking about all the things we DON'T want, thus attracting that to ourselves and our lives.

Another important aspect of the laws of attraction is the role of human feelings in shaping ones future. Feelings directly influence things we attract. The easiest and the most effective way to avoid any negative feelings or thoughts and get whatever we want is by being a complete part of all the things we desire and crave for.

The Law of Attraction is what a happy life is based on. To adopt it, it is necessary to completely change your life and the way you think. It's not something that can be put into application overnight. It needs time.

However the effective practice of the Laws of attraction needs time and cannot be grasped very quickly. We need to grow some changes inside and our thought process should follow a positive path. Then we also must learn to keep faith in whatever good we think. Moreover he or she must adjust to the desired world .

An essential element is gratitude. Everyone has something in their life for which they should be thankful. Instead of taking things for granted, look around you and be happy for what you have. Once you start appreciating what's around you, life will seem to get better. At all cost, and at all times, the focus has to be on the positive aspects.

Karma is an essential part in the Laws of Attraction. The former states that our experiences and future depend on the work done in the past or present. We need to do well and think good for others. Then only can we be happy as the positive thoughts and actions will always come back. We must do our best to receive the best.

The universe has some very enigmatic ways indescribable by theories put forward by science. It is believed that the universe always works in a complete and complicated way. Energy as it is never gets destroyed and in reality passes from on place to another. As a result the more we pass negative energy to the universe, the more will it come back. Thus the laws of attraction teaches us to think and do good so that the same comes back to us and helps us to achieve what we desire.

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How To Draw Cash Into Your Life And Get Rich: Cash And The Law Of Attraction

By Vyomesh Patel

A lot has been said in reference to money and the law of attraction over the years. There are many scientific theories that have been advanced, which try to explain how it is possible to get rich. According to this law, you must first draw it towards you. This powerful force acts upon your thoughts to make richness happen. Actually the law is believed to be in action constantly in our lives, only that you may not be aware.

If the faith you have in your dream is strong enough, then it can manifest itself in your life according to this law. The law revolves around everything you do, including your career, relationships and education. In other words, this means that if you tailor all your energy towards getting rich, then wealth will come to you. However, if you think small or negatively about wealth then you will attract failure.

According to the law, there are two things that people attract, wealth or poverty. If you dream of getting rich then you will. However, this does not mean that wealth will automatically fall on your laps just because you dreamed big. It is true that it is one's desire to get rich or to travel around the world. What makes one different is the amount of energy they put into their dreams.

It is said that if your dream does not wake you up at night, then you are dreaming too small. What this means is that, you must be specific and definite in your dream, just let it be a vivid dream. The desires must be coherent enough to be attracted. You cannot get wealthy by simply sending out vague desires. It must present itself in everything you desire and not just in the mind.

One of the steps in attracting money is forming a mental lucid picture of the desire. The next step is to change perception and line of thought. If your dream becomes a frequent one, then definitely it will be apparent in everything you do. Your actions must change and all energy be geared towards getting rich. Note that you must want this to happen badly enough, that it should become a guiding thought.

Your desire to get wealthy should be strong enough to get rid of laziness. Remember that thought is a powerful means. Without thought there wouldn't be anything in this world. One must visualize the dream to make it happen.

Before television set came into existence, someone must have thought about it. The inventor created a mental picture about it then tailored all the energy towards making it.This example is relevant to acquiring money. First you must attract the thoughts of getting a lot of money.

This does not mean that you create spare time to think hard. What it entails, is that you should be guided by the desire. Money and the law of attraction go together. Getting rich is only possible if the right signals are sent to nature for the powerful force to act upon them.Therefore, think positively, if you want to get a good outcome.

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December 26, 2010

Understanding The Secret Law Of Attraction

By Stuart B Clark

It seems now that everyone is finding out about the power of the secret law of attraction. The reason for this is the success that people have experienced through using this power. Many people became aware of the secret law of attraction after the release of 'The Secret' movie. However the concept has actually been around for thousands of years. This article is a brief guide to what the secret law of attraction is.

Many of the most successful people in the world, use the law of attraction. People use this power either consciously or unconsciously. It allows a person to get anything they want, as well as be the person they want to be, through the use of the mind. The way we think is what determines our fates and how we live.

The full development of soul, mind, and body is contingent to the material things that we possess in life. From those things we contain the ability to give to others we love. We become happy ourselves from the happiness we bring to others. Material things are important not only to our comfort but to our full development as human beings which is why the secret law of attraction is so important.

To utilize the power contained within the law of attraction, a person must free themselves of certain ways of thinking. You must master the idea that whatever you think about, you will evenentually experience. Thinking in this way allows the creation of the life and lifestyle that you really desire.

Reaching the things in life that you want is dependant on how much you really want it. Writing down the things you want in the present tense is something that will help you to achieve it. Every day you should look at the thing that you want and think about it, and imagine that you have it now.

When thinking about it, you should make sure you are specific and clear about what you really want. The thing that you want, should not only be a desire, but something that can make things in life better for you. Using meditation will help you attain concentration and focus on this process.

While concentrating on the things that you want, you should be in a place that is quiet to allow yourself to go into a state of relaxation. This way you can get in touch with the subconscious mind in order to access the universe. After you ask, you need to believe that it will come to you and that trust will make it more likely to work.

As you are asking for what you want, you need to visualize it clearly. See yourself with the things that you are going to have. Use your imagination throughout this process so that you can give the universe a clear picture of the things that you want. You should show gratitude afterward, since you know that you will receive. Every day you should feel grateful for the things you have now and not see anything in a negative light.

After you make the request, do not hold onto it. Just have faith and trust that the universe has heard your request and will deliver. Faith and trust is the real secret law of attraction.

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The Laws of Attraction Explained

By Olivia Jenkins

The Laws of Attraction is all about the power of your thoughts over chance. Thus, it stands in direct contrast to what we have forever been taught and made to believe since our childhood. All these years we have learnt that one can only make his/her dreams come true with handwork, struggle and luck. But what if someone told you that it can be possible by the sheer strength of your belief? The power of your mind? That you can become the best painter if you truly believe that you are becoming the best painter?

For example, according to the Laws of Attraction if supposing you want to become the head of your department at work, and you strongly believe in that and infact see yourself in that position, then your thoughts will influence the universe and you will get promoted to the head of the department position.

The two most common questions regarding the topic of Laws of Attraction are that 'How can one make the Laws of Attraction work for himself?' and secondly 'How long does it take to see the results?' Answering the second question first, it can be stated that the answer to it solely depends on the intensity and power of your thoughts.

For getting the laws of attraction to work for you, you need to focus on the sole object that you want, ask it from the universe, believe that it is coming your way and then receive it when it actually does.

Firstly, ask the universe for that something which you want in life. Go right ahead and straightaway ask for it. Do something that is convincing to yourself. You can concentrate and ask for it in your mind or might even scream at the top of your voice where nobody can hear you, but ask for it from the universe. After you have done so, starts the most crucial and the difficult stage. Believe in the fact that the object of your will is on its way towards you. Have faith and believe from the core of your heart that whatever you have asked for is going to happen soon. Visualize yourself attaining your aim and charge this vision with your feelings and emotions. The sheer strength of your thoughts and the energy will result in attracting it and manifesting it in reality.

The universe sends signals that you are on the right track and that your dreams are getting closer to manifesting themselves. Hence, look out for these signs from the cosmos and receive your self made destiny with open arms when it finally comes.

Remember that there is infinite strength in human minds. Positive energy or the power of thought can do miracles only if exercised with determination. The truth is that your thoughts attract energies and create your destiny. The more negative thoughts you have, the more negative energies will you attract in your life.

The power of positivity in your thoughts along with the power of the feelings and emotions of your visualization of your self will go on to create the energy which will attract the event to you and create your destiny as you want it to be.

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December 25, 2010

Recognize Abundance Secrets To Live Life To The Fullest

By Karen Cochran

All people are craving for that state of abundance; in fact, even the rich are never contented thus they end up looking at those written records about abundance secrets. The truth of the matter is that none of these write-ups are successful enough in teaching people how to get a "good" life.

A lot of people are always complaining about what they have that they forget to appreciate what they are bestowed with-"I want hot pink colored car", "I want a bigger breasts", "I wish to have a whittler skin wife" and the rants goes on.

Instead of complaining, there are times when we should stop our rants and focus on the things that we have. We should be grateful for everything that we are given with. Think about those people who are struggling during their entire lives for something to eat when there you are, you have every convenience that life can offer but you still want more.

The abundance secrets are not factors to learn because these are things that are already deep inside us. We can potentially unveil it by the time when we start to realize that life is actually better as we divert our thoughts from the negative aspect of counting what we actually lack.

If we pursue in allowing our mind to just focus on our struggles and those problematic situations that we find ourselves in, it is likely that we will feel discouraged then again we will fail to recognize the real beauty of life.

This is the time for you to open your eyes to see that there are actually many people out there who were able to potentially overcome these obstacles thus they are now enjoying a life which is overflowing with money, love, happiness, and joy. If you just divert your thought, it is possible for you to have this life as well.

The process of abundance will start as soon as you begin to shift your focus from the problems you have to the goodness of life that you actually take pleasure in. Every living person is capable of manifesting abundance in their life.

Bear in mind that there will never be a time when you have everything that you could ever want; you will always crave for something more and you will never be contented. Because of this, true abundance is when you take your time to realize how much blessing you actually have.

The abundance secrets are sometimes compared to mature branches of a tree which should be taken away as to allow something new and better to come. So in order for you to attain success, you should first bear the difficulties that life has to throw.

So next time you see yourself in a difficult situation, never become scared instead remind that yourself that you are at your pruning stage. By being able to successfully get out of this phase in life, you can appreciate success much more. Hence, never be discouraged each time you fall because this is the only manner for you to appreciate the feeling of standing tall and proud. Everything is about positive thinking no matter if you are in the most trying moments in life. Don't give up.

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The Law Of Attraction - Is It Part Of Your Life Already?

By Mark Argent

Every human being has lots of wants and desires. We all want to have things or experience things which would make us happier. But not every wish is fulfilled. The law of attraction provides a way for us by which we can fulfill our deepest wants and desires and thus we can lead a much happier and better life.

The law of attraction says that- you can attract anything you desire towards yourself, if you give your complete focus, attention and energy for the object you desire. It simply means that if you have a optimistic attitude towards everything and give your total attention and focus to success, then nothing can stop you from getting that.

There are four points that you must keep in mind while applying the laws of attraction. Firstly you must have a clear idea of what you want. Secondly, you must begin a thought process regarding that desire and continuously ask for that to happen. Thirdly, you should visualize a situation where you have already got what you wanted. Fourthly, you must never think that what might happen but always think that you would get what you want.

Another important thing to note down while following the law of attraction is to balance the inner and outer selves. The time you will be able to strike the correct balance between the inner and outer selves, only then the law of attraction will work at its best.

The inner self is actually the consciousness that you possess, the way that you think and behave in this world. This is the place where the law of attraction comes into effect, and starts to manifest itself.

Our actions or what we do is the main characteristics of our outer self. It is actually the way how we act, the work we do or how we implement our thought processes.

If you want to utilize the law of attraction for changing your life then you must know how to keep balance between your inner and outer selves. It is important to turn your desires into actions at getting them. If you want to be rich and you just sit and don't do anything, nothing is going to happen. But if you have strong thoughts and beliefs and devote your focus and energy to that, your desires will be granted.

The law of attraction can also be used to heal you. If ever you are ill then remember what you felt like before you were ill. Fix your focus on that thought. Focus on the actions that will help your body. If you think that exercise is necessary then take actions to make that happen. Try to let go of the pains in you body and think that you will be well again in no time.

The law of attraction can work wonders for your life and also affect people around you. But for that you also need to play your part well to make it all happen for you. Only with increased control on your mind and with power of belief, faith and positive thinking, can you attract and manifest all that you desire in life.

About the Author:

December 24, 2010

The Law Of Attraction And You

By Simon Cray

Do you know that everything that happens or anything that has ever happened in your life is, without exception, an almost complete response to your thoughts... And especially to the emotions behind those thoughts? Take a look at your life. There are probably few areas that make you are really happy, and other areas that keep disappointing you. Similarly, it is possible that you believe to be the victim of the circumstances of your life. I am here today to tell you that you're not a victim! It is simply to understand how to play the game of life - by understanding the law of attraction.

It seems that the law of attraction works for perfectly for millions of people around the world, who can talk you for hours about miraculous changes that took place in their lives. Most of them were able to solve problems, to find love and to heal themselves. The secret lies probably in the power of autosuggestion.

Here are the principles of the law of attraction, which you can apply to attract luck in all areas of your life, as many others do:

Every thought you have is a form of energy that emits a vibration, a signal. This signal attracts the same rate of vibration on the same frequency. Your thoughts are messages to the Universe, becoming a form of energy. This is what we call the law of attraction, one of the most powerful laws of the universe and the basis of creative visualization. In the same way a magnet attracts metal, your mind attracts energy. Unfortunately most people care more about what they don't have or about what they want to change in their lives, wondering why nothing goes well. The law of attraction ignores the nature of your thoughts. So if your thoughts remain stuck on the fact that you have can't have a certain thing, your energy will focus on failure and not on success.

Start by thinking about what you really want. You must focus on what you desire and to forget about lacks. You should always read and write positive affirmations, avoiding expressions like 'I don't want' or 'I can't have'. Your statements are detailed images that you project to the universe.

Many of you are probably thinking that 'I focused my attention on money for years, so why am I not prosperous?' The law of attraction is simple and clear. However, our thoughts are usually poorly targeted, being influenced by external factors. For example, you can say 'I want a new relationship.' At this time, the universe prepares circumstances and events to bring a new relationship to you. By saying 'I'm feeling alone', you stop the flow of positive energy. Love yourself and have trust in your powers, because you're the only one who can make a difference.

Everything around you has a different effect on your life: books, magazines, music, people and information that feed your mind and spirit. Start doing things that make you feel relaxed. All these facts influence your way of thinking and feelings, being in fact, your messages to the universe.

Luck and bad luck doesn't exist. You're not a victim of life or a victim of the vengeance of a higher power, a God or gods. Only you have the ability and strength to build your own life, stone by stone, solidified by actions, faith, tenacity and perseverance.

A journal is a good tool to make you realize how many beautiful things are in your life. Amazing sunsets, birds singing, wild flowers, the laugher of a child, a walk in nature, the smile of a another person- these are all examples that melt your heart. Be grateful and enjoy everything you. Many people have lost the loved ones or don't have the possibility to enjoy the world around them. Try to see the best part and stop thinking that something bad can happen to you.

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Looking At Manifesting

By Simone Walker

The term manifesting means making things visible, noticeable or perceivable, that can be perceived by the senses. Thus, the word can also be interpreted as making something happen so that it can be perceived by the senses.

So if we talk about manifesting one's dreams, it would mean making the dream happen in reality so that people can see and feel it.

Manifesting is an art which is drawn on the canvas of a human mind. Human mind is a place of infinite power and energy. It is something which can manifest anything and everything that it so desires provided it wants to use the energy or the power it has in doing this.

However the fact remains that if you focus your entire attention on your desire, think of it so emotionally and strongly that you can see it happening and believe in it's occurrence from the core of your heart, then, your thoughts will affect the cosmos and your desires will manifest into reality.

Everything in the universe is energy. If you seek the explanation of the ultimate truth or the origin of the universe, whichever path you choose be it science or spirituality, ultimately you will come to the concept of energy. Energy can be present either as a wavelength or in a particle form. In case of energy in a particle form, it is perceivable with your five senses. You can see and touch it. But in case of energy in the wavelength form, it is free flowing and has full potential with all possibilities attached to it.

If one wants the realm of possibilities to manifest itself into reality then one needs to focus all their attention and energy on it.

The three things that you need in manifesting your dreams are those of attention, energy and time. Firstly, focus all your attention on that one desire of yours. Direct all your thoughts and focus on to it for connecting to the energy wavelength. Next, think about your desire, believe that it will be manifested and charge up this vision with the energy of your emotions so that the amplitude of the energy increases.

Visualize yourself attaining the object of your desire and charge this vision or image with the energy of your emotions. Lastly increase the frequency of the energy by repeatedly and constantly doing the above. Thus, the power of your positive energy, faith an belief would ultimately result in the manifestation of your desires and shape your fate the way you want it to be.

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December 23, 2010

Advanced Cosmic Ordering And Celebrities

By Khristy-Belle Strand

An exciting new concept that many celebrities have started to endorse is known as 'cosmic ordering'.

Many people know this as 'the law of attraction' but cosmic ordering is far more specific than this.

Suppose for a moment that you had access to a cosmic ordering service and if you wanted something, all you had to do was think of it and it would appear before you. That would be amazing, wouldn't it? The incredible thing is that every one of us can already do this - but most of us, even with limitless options continue to choose the same thing over and over again.

Look at life as a menu containing every possible food - but you just look at one line of that menu and keep ordering the bread every time! Maybe you just haven't bothered to investigate the possibilities; or you feel like you only deserve what you already have.

Now picture yourself with limitless wealth. You can do everything you've ever wanted. You spend 11 months of the year traveling in your private jet. Life is like an unending vacation.

If you can hold this image in your mind for a few minutes, you are already on your way to making it happen. Most of us have difficulty even visualizing this - let alone the idea of cosmic ordering, which seems entirely out of reach to many of us. So just what is cosmic ordering?

Advanced cosmic ordering is really for the majority of people who have not yet been successful at cosmic ordering. It basically means reprogramming your subconscious mind to clear all the negative programming which you have been subjected to since you were a child.

Most of us simply internalize this negative thinking and as a result hold the belief that it is just not possible for everyone to live the good life. Feeling like you don't deserve success is terrible; and envying others' success only makes it worse.

When you think that you don't deserve to do well, you shouldn't be surprised when you don't do well.

Quantum physics is a scientific field which has opened new possibilities for thinking about the Universe. The rules are different than in the physics you remember from school and can be used a s a way to think about why some are more successful than others.

The brain emits powerful energy that can direct and change the smallest particle known to man, and those we haven't yet discovered. If a quark jumps a level, it is called a quantum leap. Just changing one level affects the structure of the atom and subsequently matter. If you could guide that change, anything is possible.

Most people don't believe that changing your mind changes your circumstances. That's because they tried it once and watched and waited, half-heartedly believing. In the laws of quantum physics, the observer changes what they observe just by watching it. If you watch a process and don't believe it works but continue on out of duty, the process never turns out the way you want. You are the observer and changed what you observed, but not in a positive way.

With instruction and practice, you can use the cosmic ordering system to get what you want; this is something which the ancients knew. The cosmic ordering system is a part of every religion in the form of prayer. But most of us listen to neither what religion or science has to tell us and instead continue to lead unsatisfying lives.

Training your mind to order the best for yourself is the right thing to do but you need help to clear away years of negative and poverty thinking. There are many aids today to speed the process and help you eliminate the failure pattern of the past and make room for the success of today.

Advanced cosmic ordering uses new audio technologies, including binaural tones. These sounds help attune your brainwaves to the correct frequency to communicate with the universe. This is the very state which Buddhist monks spend years in meditation to reach.

Combined with self-hypnosis and subliminal affirmations, the new technology allows you to clear out the old patterns faster so you see the results at a more rapid pace.

Advanced cosmic ordering works. Once you have mastered it, it is an incredible tool and everything you desire truly can be yours, but it needs just a bit of effort from you as well!

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Is The Law Of Attraction Bogus?

By Reginald Dixon

The Law of Attraction states that we attract towards ourselves whatever we think about in life. The thoughts that we emanate attract similar thoughts, and positive or negative thoughts are reflected back to us depending on our own emotions.

Sometimes when a mishap takes place or a natural calamity occurs, the concept of the Law of Attraction is questioned and doubted. As most of us has watched the movie or the book called 'The Secret'. The concept revolves around the idea of optimist thinking. An individual creates their own life by every thought that triggers in their minds.

The subject is drawn by the senses of smell, touch, sight, hearing, taste, sixth sense or memory. Once a thought enters the mind, it sends certain vibes in response to the thinking that is being done at the moment.

The book 'The Alchemist', an allegorical novel by Paulo Coelho, echoes a similar idea. A quote from the book says - "When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

As the creation of the thought gets your being to think, the vibes are already on its way getting attracted to making it happen, and we will attract the response.However, one can't just want something and wait for a miracle to happen. They also must work hard enough for it and feel positive and confident about achieving it constantly.

For example, one wants to eat ice creams. They could check out pictures of ice creams and different varieties of ice creams and appreciate it visually. Food for thought. This positive feeling will reach out to the universe and in response to that within some days they will get the ice cream they have longed for.

Two students, Cheena and Leena are in the same class. Both are hard working and get good marks. Cheena studies 10 hours and gets a ninety percent and keeps hoping Meena will get less than her, which does not happen. Where as Meena studies 8 hours a day and gets a ninety five percent and she is just into her own ways of working on optimism within herself. And she believes in herself.

What happened here was- Cheena was already generating a pessimistic attitude on herself. The fact that she had a comparison in her mind already undermined her and uplifted Meena's abilities. The negative energy generated had a very demoralizing effect back on her.

Once, If all individuals could take out time from their busy schedule to introspect as to whatever has happened in their lives is because of their thoughts and feelings within them. It is also stated that the law of attraction is the strongest law in the entire universe.

This concept can broaden the perspectives of people in general and spread the word so the entire community of the human race can practice of optimism preaching and that in return will change the effects of mishaps and calamities. This is just a belief. But the Law of Attraction is believed all over the world.

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December 22, 2010

Why We Need Personal Growth

By Drew Innes

Do you sometimes think about why we need personal growth and its significance in your life? Then you are one of the many people who want to achieve personal growth in their lives. You may already have an idea why we need personal growth, however you haven't experienced the impact it can have in your life.

This may be the right time to ask ourselves why all of these violence, illness, hatred and prejudice are happening around us. Is there anything that we can do to make all these things better? Don't you think this is enough reason to answer why we need personal growth? So, it might be possible that we can do something to change our environment.

It is indeed impossible to change other people, it is even impossible to change the world. Perhaps you have tried changing someone close to you, a spouse, a close friend, or even your child. So did it work? Has that person changed? No, certainly not. You may have been left feeling hopeless and frustrated from expecting something that is quite impossible.

However, the only person you can change is yourself, and who knows, maybe that change can affect everybody around you. You may be a bit skeptical about this idea but there is proof. This proof is from a scientific study known as Quantum Physics and The Law of Attraction. So the question why we need personal growth can be answered by the Law of Attraction. Actually the laws of Quantum Physics prove that all things are made of energy. Hence, your desires and thoughts are just energy. They are nonphysical realities that are not yet visible in the physical world.

Therefore, what becomes your reality are the thoughts that you focus your mind on. However, there is a downside to this. When you think about the things that you do not like or things that make you scared, you create thoughts that attract negative things in your life. On the other hand, if you set your mind to the things that you like, things that can make you happy, you attract those things in abundance. This is the reason why we need personal growth.

Like certainly attracts like. To put it simply, when you set your thoughts on good things, that energy will also attract the same kind of energy. if you set your mind on positive and happy things, you draw the same kind of people towards you, people who are happy and optimistic. Therefore, people who are miserable will likely go away or change the way they think towards a more positive one. So, this is why we need personal growth.

Each one of us may have different reasons why we need personal growth. Needless to say, we all want to be happy and be surrounded by people who think and feel the same. When you are around happy and optimistic people who are moving further in their lives, you also tend to feel happier and inspired. You may also feel comfortable and at ease with yourself.

On the other hand, focusing your mind on the negative will most likely bring forth the same kind of energy in your life. And before you know it, people around you are also affected by it. For instance, you are with a person who constantly criticize and complain about almost anything. How would you feel? Perhaps this kind of situation is already familiar to you. This person may have made you feel miserable. That is why we need personal growth.

Clearly, the world can only be a better place if people change their thoughts and behavior into a more positive and healthier one. Cultivating this positive energy is essential to make this world better making it free from conflicts, anger and hatred. This is the primary reason why we need personal growth.

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Manifestation, Abundance And You

By Tina Eastman

You have the power of manifestation even if you don't realize it. You can make it happen but you're going to have to train your mind to recognize how strong it really is. Throughout your entire life you have been challenged to let go of your mind's abilities and powers, and it has not served you well. Skeptics and conformists run the world and thus they have all told us that we are not truly in control.

Sometimes this is because we are told outright that we have no control and other times it is because life's weight bears down on us from a very young age and we just don't realize that we have more power than we know. Yet, even under the various matters that weighs down our minds we still have the power of manifestation and anyone who wants to start tapping into it can do so with discipline.

As very young children, we had very powerful minds. As we grew we were told repeatedly that we had to give up the power we found in our minds. It was childish, according to the grown ups we were surrounded with, and so little by little we allowed our minds to falter in their own abilities. Fortunately, we can take back that power if we want to.

Manifestation is still a part of our daily life. It is just a very small part and it is covered up under the word 'attitude.' We get sick and people remind us that healing is also a mental process. We chase down our goals and all the helpful people who told us to let go of our mind's capabilities now remind us that we have to stay focused. On a mundane level, this is a 'safe' form of manifestation that is acceptable in our normal circles.

Yet we have so much more inside of us if we choose to develop it. We can take the garbage that clogs our minds and remove it and allow our brain to tap into our life. We can turn over our power directly to our senses and develop the idea that our mind can literally control the outcome of many different aspects of our life. We have this power if we want it.

For instance, if we spend all of our spare time gaming, we are feeding our minds the material for the game. We are clogging it with game information instead of tapping into its ability to help us focus and learn how to tap into our own abilities. Yet if we spend our time reading and learning and practicing, we are feeding our minds information that will help us with our manifestation skills. It's all relative. The more aware of the skill you are the more apt you are to focus on it. The more you focus on it the more apt you are to tap into its power. The more you are able to tap into its power the more you will continue to develop it.

However, if we take the time to develop our ability to clear our mind and tap into our own sense and ability we will find that we become literally much more focused and capable of completing what we are looking for.

Being able to tap into our own mind and grab our own senses becomes a lifestyle, not just the occasional endeavor. We are all able to develop our mind the way we want to but it does require a certain amount of chronic discipline. If it was an overnight process, we would all be able to think our life into a better place.

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December 21, 2010

To Become Happy Requires A Good Mental Attitude

By Dom Chan

How many times have you told yourself that you weren't good enough? Do you feel like a failure because you don't have that great big home, drive that expensive sports car or even have that gorgeous partner? I bet right now your life is far from being the way you want it to be if you think this way. This kind of negativity can prevent you from ever being happy and also hold you back from achieving your goals or dreams.

When you only think of negative things on a day-to-day level, you start to bring those unwanted events into your life. It's funny how in life, we tend to attract the things we don't want more often than not. This in itself is a clue on how you should lead your life.

To turn things around, you have to firstly quit being so hard in yourself. The next thing you have to do is stop beating yourself up because you don't have what other people possess. You need to create your own expectations of yourself and not consistently measuring yourself to your friends or people that you know. If you continue to do this, you will never be happy no matter how much you have in your life.

So why is having the right mental attitude so important? It is with the correct attitude that produces results that we so desire. If you want your life to change today, then you will need to start thinking differently from this day forth. Instead of focusing on the negative things, start thinking positively by being grateful for all the things you have at present. Stop chasing that rainbow for now, and learn to appreciate your life as it stands, right this minute.

Many self-help guides constantly harp on about how positive thinking is crucial to attaining your goals. There is nothing else further from the truth. When you're excited and when you're happy, you tend to achieve more because you become more energetic, and a lot more productive than if you were to be depressed all the time.

You also have to understand that in most cases where things never seem to go well for you, is more your negative mental attitude than bad luck.

Change your life today by doing the following. Get a piece of paper and jot down the top five things that you can be grateful for. It can be anything from winning a contest, getting that long awaited promotion from your boss, or even having a family that's all in good health. Read this to yourself daily in the morning and before you go to bed, for one week. After that add one extra point to the list once a week and in time you will see a gradual shift in your attitude towards life.

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Living A Life Of Abundance

By Alexis Kale

Abundance is a word which takes us to our world of dreams, a legacy of resources available, where scarcities do not exist. Starting from an array of sports cars, a palace of the highest stature, a multimillionaire business and everything that a person dreams of including himself being the most handsome of all may be said to fall under the scope of abundance.

Yes, having in abundance refers to a situation where you have everything you need or aspire in life, everything available in plenty. The one and only aim of a person is abundance. To think of it, the reason for which you have studied, or persuaded a career, starting from the smallest decision you have taken or the kind of behavior you have displayed at your workplace, is all towards achieving everything in abundance, specially wealth.

'Destiny is created by thoughts', this is one saying which is distinctly perceived in real life. For example, the thought of illness often leads you to sickness or suffering, but on the other hand the thought of being in a state of abundance or attaining the same is something impossible and out of one's reach.

From childhood we have being taught to think only of scarcities in life and not about abundance. The bank balance one possesses or the job one has, or everything one can think of, our minds are taught to think only of scarcities or the things which are not there in existence, it compares with relatives and friends instead of thinking about abundance. So thinking about scarcities all the time will only induce the same in reality, isn't it?

Hence, the answer to this question is, in order to incorporate the state of abundance in reality one needs to start thinking of the same. One needs to get rid of all the negative thoughts in their mind and start concentrating about the important things one posses in reality, like a clear mind, a healthy body, the present job and a healthy family and thereafter be thankful for it. So if 'thoughts create destiny' then the same thankfulness will induce in things and instances that will lead to more of the same feelings.

If we go deeper into the concept of abundance, the question arises that how do we induce the same in reality? For example to achieve abundance of wealth, the question arises that what is the path which will lead to this goal in reality? The answer is that, it can be achieved based on the concept of the 'Law of Attraction'. So it is believed that the human sub conscious is so powerful that it can achieve everything one aspires towards.

The Laws of attraction states that if you focus on the specific object of your desire, whatever be it, and truly believe that it is going to happen to you, that is, it is coming your way then the power of your thoughts will attract the energy of the cosmos in manifesting the object of your desire in reality.

Thus, say you want to become the head of your organization, you have to truly believe from the core of your heart, without any shred of doubt that you will attain this position in the near future. Visualizing yourself in it, charging this image with all your emotions and energy and truly believing it to be your destiny will attract the event and alter the energies of the cosmos in manifesting it in real life.

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December 20, 2010

Benefits of Abundance Meditation

By Kingsley Hurd

It is a popular belief since many thousands of years ago that both meditation and spirituality go together. Nowadays we make use of meditation in order to heal our mind and body and it is also true that our chakras get opened up with the help of meditation. There are various factors for which people practice meditation like for instance some may practice meditation for peace and tranquility, some for material wealth, etc.

With the help of meditation you will be able to achieve almost anything that you desire, provided it is carried out in the correct fashion. You will also see better results with meditation as your chakras get more balanced with this.

With the help of abundance meditation you will attract almost anything in your life desired by you. The moment a feeling of abundance is created inside you, you are in possession of all that you desired. So naturally if you wish to create abundance in your life, you must create feeling of abundance in your thoughts, surroundings, and aura. When you actually create this feeling, a belief that everything around you that all the things are real will encircle you and eventually you will be in possession of all that you desired. The most important point is to create that feeling of abundance and possession in us.

Your thoughts will actually manifest into your life. You need to think in a positive way to attract positivity and similarly avoid negative things to avoid negativity entering your life. So if you desire for a perfect relationship, start imaging that as being perfect first. To achieve abundance meditation please read the following paragraphs.

Whatever your thoughts will be you will eventually see them manifesting in your life. So if you desire wealth for a comfortable living, or an ideal relationship with your family and friends, the practice of meditation will help you achieve that gradually. Abundant things will get created in your life with abundant meditation. Another important thing is that have a list of things wanted by you written down where it is visible. Meditate keeping those in mind. So with abundant practice and concentration see your dreams getting fulfilled.

You will see a manifestation of things in your life naturally by practicing abundant meditation and the reason why we practice abundance meditation is to produce abundance in one's life. With correct practice and concentration level, there is nothing that can stop from abundance of things getting generated in your life.

If you wish to manifest abundance this actually boils down to moving with the flow and allows the cosmos to give you all that you desire. There are people who have the capability to instantly desire things for themselves and see those happening. Now we would be wondering how this is possible.

The main concept behind this is to manifest your goals, objectives, and other materialistic wants and requirements. It will be absolutely possible to achieve all of this then. So for creating abundance in your lives, you need to practice meditation with full concentration and consistency.

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How To Achieve Mind Manifestation

By Louise Dolan

To manifest your dreams you can make use of power of the subconscious mind. Our mind has structured layers and the different features of the mental world are influenced by this when these structures combine together. Some of the names that are given to the mind are unconscious, subconscious and conscious minds.

The weakest amongst the mind is the conscious mind which barely has any influence over your mind. The strongest amongst these is the unconscious mind and it is also considered as most powerful. If there are any changes that take place at this level, a major influence will be seen in your life.

If you wish to fulfill your dreams and desires, then your mind must be manifested in that way. All the three parts of the mind, the conscious, unconscious and sub conscious minds should be arranged in a certain way with the help of your thoughts and events to shift towards your dreams. When this structuring of mind takes place then real changes in the mental world are created as it is the mind that becomes the starting point to permit the change to happen.

Any kind of change begins with the mind and when our mind permits these changes to take place things begin to move. Your passions should be followed in order to manifest your mind. This will allow a connection to be created with the unconscious mind. Once this connection is established, your life's direction and purpose gets shifted under the Laws of Mind system without your information.

To begin with you must be clear about your goals and desires. List them down and work towards fulfilling one goal at a time. You cannot possibility achieve all the goals in one go. Hence they must be worked towards one at a time. When you do so then gradually you will see an improvement in your life and things beginning to move towards fulfillment of your desires. You must follow your passion vigorously and continuously make a conscious effort in your desire fulfillment.

You must make use of every moment in your life. Don't let the time be lost, so use every hour effectively. The most powerful thing that you need to do towards mind manifestation is to make every possible movement towards your goals. Your actions should be consistent and when this happens you make it into a habit. This action of your further permits you to become more creative, well-organized and improves the chances of your goal achievement.

You will observe your life improving gradually by following what is detailed above. Not only your past behaviors will see a change with the consistent effort and manifestation of your mind, you will also see a corresponding change in the mind layers which has an affect on the mental reality. Gradually there will be healthier changes seen in your life.

In a nutshell your wishes and desires should be clear. Once this clarity is sought and you begin working towards those, a gradual movement towards the goal fulfillment will be seen. With this you will also see an overall change in your past behaviors.

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December 19, 2010

A Few Means On How To Attract True Love

By Sonia Patel

Evidently there are lots of misleading facts on how to attract true love. Unfortunately there is no known technique for it. It is a natural emotion that pops up in the least expected place and time. Stop frustrating yourself searching for the one. This can only lead to desperation. So breathe. Love can find its way despite the thorns that is blocking it. Surely when it comes it will be magical.

Relax. You are not for sale. So stop being superman. You do not need to save the world to impress someone. This is not a job offer so stop sending him a resume. Stop pretending to be perfect. When that special someone comes around, he intends to see the real you and accept it even if it means bending all his standards and swallowing his pride. He thinks it is cute to wake up in the morning seeing you in curlers and a face mask.

Let love come to you. Of course you need to prepare. The law of attraction states that birds of the same feathers, flocks together. This also applies for love. You attract people who have the same views, desires, needs and prospective. If you intend to find someone attractively handsome, rich and intelligent, try transforming into that. However if you feel that he deserve better, at least have the common sense not to take much of his time by overly demanding and pretentious.

Get a grip of yourself. Being nervous around someone can definitely make anyone run towards the next exit. Stop drooling over that person. Learn to speak his language. Gone are the days that cavemen clobber their prospect just to claim her respect. Take a deep breath and say hello. If you are serious in seeking the one, he might as well see the real you, right? We do not want them to get disillusioned.

Do not awaken the dead. Stop living in the past. Do not commission him in living in the shoes of your former boyfriend. They are not the same person. Stop offending your current partner. He is definitely a better man than your former lover.

Go an extra mile to learn more about that person. Make him feel special. Start with having a conversation. Do not just talk about yourself. He might have something interesting to say. Get to his interest, preference and desire. If given a chance, take the lead of giving him a surprise. Cook his favorite dish or knit him a scarf. This would be a wonderful surprise for him. At least he would have something unique to show off.

True love is just lurking around the corner. Start with a smile. Anybody can be a prospect. He might be in the neighbourhood for a cup of coffee or browsing the internet to find you. Whatever he is doing be prepared. Give him a chance to prove himself. However be discreet. Not everyone who propose to you is the special someone. It would be a good idea to simply take it slow. Anyway, if it is real it shall wait until you are ready.

Desire is not the basis of true love. Ironically it tends to attract our opposite. We often fail to lower down our standards entrapping ourselves in failed relationships and desperation. We tend to seek perfection when there is none in this world. Keep in mind that once you are committed you have to work it out. A relationship has its hurdles. Do not mistake for a dream. If love is true, you would be able to get over it. But if it is not, do not get scared of loving again. As they say, it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved again.

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How By Applying The Law Of Attraction Can Change Your Life

By Vic Patel

You will be surprised just how much the Law of Attraction can be used to change and improve your way of life, and your quality of well being. It's a great way of being able to influence events to your best advantage and to achieve end results that you always wanted, but never seemed to get previously. In order to do this you must first think about your normal choice of actions, particularly in matters that are of importance to you. It is these key matters where you need to focus the use of the Law of Attraction. By doing this you can be certain that you will be centring your attention where you need it to be, and that you are furthering your chance of staying on track to achieve your goals.

The Universal Law of Attraction is a force that is available to anyone who knows how to harness its energy. It is a powerful and positive energy, and by applying it to your thinking process, you will find that it makes you consider everything in a much more positive frame of mind, which greatly enhances your progress to achieving the goals you seek.

It doesn't matter what type of circumstances you're in when it comes to the Law of Attraction. Whether it's the workplace, at home, in a relationship, or anything else; all is possible. Maybe you would like to further your career or live a better or more glamorous lifestyle. Whatever the case may be, if you begin applying the law of attraction you will see positive results. You will soon realize that you're a more complete person, even in a spiritual sense.

We understand you might have heard about the Law of Attraction before, but you're here because you want to make a change. Everything you've done up until this point isn't working, and sometimes doing something you wouldn't normally do is the answer. In fact, most people usually want to learn law of attraction when they've hit a wall and all else fails. Law of attraction can put you back on track and re-affirm your commitment to everything around you.

We understand there are several people out there who don't believe in the power of these Forgotten Laws. It's also possible that some of these people will criticize you while you're learning law of attraction. Listen, don't mind them. When it comes down to it these are the individuals who cannot reach their goals and have this self-induced negativity surrounding them 365 days a year. See, if you don't allow the Law of Attraction to enter your life then it's not going to work. However, if you have a positive attitude it will allow you to stay on course and reach your goals. Best of all you will lead a much happier life.

If you want to learn law of attraction and change your life for the better, it's time to take control of your future. It will allow you to control all matters surrounding you and enjoy every minute of it.

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