February 9, 2013

Learn How To Get Girls Using The Law Of Attraction

By Adam Wells

According to the Law of Attraction, whatever we set our mind on, whether it is positive or negative, we can achieve that goal. Does this same concept apply to people when it comes to love? Can we get a specific person to love us?

We are only in control of our own reality and destiny. We do not have the power to create another person's reality. If they do not want what we want, we must accept that.

For example, let's say you are a single guy and you see a girl that you are attracted to. But she won't give you the time of day even though she is standing right next to a clock. Or, she likes you just as much as you like her but you two can't get connected for whatever reason.

If you two were on the same thought patterns, there wouldn't be any problem getting together. It shouldn't be an issue getting together with someone if they are a perfect match for you.

In this all-too common example, this girl is not your ideal match. If the universe can't get you two connected, you don't have a snowball's chance in H-E double hockey sticks.

But hold on keep on reading, all is not lost. The universe may not be able to make someone love you but it can tell you what kind of vibrational energy you are putting out in the world.

Whatever beliefs you have, so will the universe. For example, you really like this certain female and she seems to like you but your vibrational wires keep getting crossed.

Sometimes our energy or vibrations aren't really clear to the universe. So, the universe will return hazy results that may match what you are looking for. The universe is asking you," Is she the one you want?" Or "How about this one, or that one standing near the potted plant?"

And then you would say, "Yeah, I like her over there, but I want her to live near me." Or you would say, "she's nice but I want her to have big boobs," You get the idea, don't you?

Although this girl isn't the perfect match for you, she's a good indicator of what your vibrational match is. So, if she's a great gal, your vibrational energy must be great as well. The type of women you attract mirror the type of person you are.

So what happens next? I have outlined a few guidelines:

I know it's hard, but you must accept that the girl you want, isn't meant to be. Your mind must remain open to the fact that she is only the beginning to who you will be a perfect match for.

Ask yourself this question, "Why are you attracted to her?" What is it exactly you like about her? Concentrate on those specific traits you like about her. And the Universe will get a clearer picture of what you are looking for.

You have to remember that you know nothing about who this girl is. The truth is, you don't know if she is a perfect match for you or not. But the universe knows; it sees the big picture of what is happening.

If you two can't get together for whatever reason, there's a good reason for this. You can't force it. Frustration is a negative emotion. If you are feeling this way, you are trying too hard. This is the job of the Universe not yours.

Stop obsessing about this girl and being single. You should find something fun to do that makes you a happy chappy! If you focus on how lonely you are, you will find yourself in situations that make you lonely.

Put this piece of advice into action right now, concentrate on what you love about your life instead of what you hate about it.

Tomorrow might be the day you find the girl you have been waiting for. What it really boils down to is this, do you really want to spend your time with someone who is all wrong for you? In a year or two, you might end up hating each other.

So, now you might be wondering, "What if my perfect match never comes?" Isn't having an imperfect something better than having nothing at all? I understand what you are going through. I've been there myself. The fear of being alone forever is scary.

Newspapers, magazines, and even our closest friends tell us we should find someone in our younger years to settle down with for if we don't we will never find that person.

The world we live in teaches us that we are not complete if we are single. In order to be complete, we need to be with someone; and we need to find that someone while we are attractive and young.

To be honest with you, true love and attractive youthfulness have nothing to do with one another. If this were true, only young people would find love and older people would never experience it.

Your better half is waiting for you too. Whatever emotional energy that you are putting in the universe is the same type of energy your perfect mate is giving off. If you are dysfunctional, she will be also. If you are kind and gentle, she will be too.

Love should find you, you shouldn't be searching for it. Until the right woman comes along, you should do two things, love yourself first, and second, you need to know who you are as a person. This will make a more successful relationship when she does come walking through that door.

Meanwhile, pay close attention to what you really admire about the women who are already in your life. Don't let the fear of being alone force you to settle for less than what you want. You should enjoy the single life because there is nothing wrong with being single.

When you come to a point in your life that being single is OK, the universe will capture that positive energy and see that you are content with who you are.

This will cause your circumstances to change because you are sending out positive vibrations. And just like that, your perfect princess will appear. She will be the vibrational match you have been waiting for; and she will be worth it.

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