June 25, 2011

What is the Art of Allowing with the Law of Attraction?

By Ceri Jaison

The "art of allowing" with the Law of Attraction means being ready to receive the abundance, love, well-being, or anything else you've been trying to attract. But there's more to it than just being ready to receive - you probably think you're ready to receive right now, but are you ALLOWING your abundance to flow?

Being in a state of allowing means that you are aligned with the essence of your goals. Whether you've been trying to manifest abundance, a committed relationship, a better job, or great health, you probably spend a few minutes a day visualizing them. That's a great start, but that's not the complete process.

Now you need to practice the art of allowing by moving your thoughts and feelings into a state where you already HAVE the things you're trying to attract. You may think you can't do that until you actually do have them, but that's not true. If you close your eyes right now, you can deliberately practice feeling as if you already have all the money, love, success, and happiness you desire. If you haven't been doing that, chances are you've been telling the universe over and over that you don't have these things, and the universe just keeps manifesting more situations where you don't have them.

To change this, you need to apply the art of allowing by communicating a message of ABUNDANCE to the universe. In other words, communicating to the universe that you already have plenty of money, your soul mate, better health, and so on.

And how do you communicate these things to the universe? By how you FEEL. Feeling abundant allows you to receive abundance. Feeling loved and secure allows you to receive the life partner you've been searching for. Feeling healthy and vibrant allows you to start receiving the physical well-being you want. When you move into the mental and emotional state of already having these things, you are practicing the art of allowing! When you keep complaining and fretting about not having them yet, you are in a state of resistance and they cannot come to you.

Practicing the art of allowing simply means adopting the mental and emotional states that you will have once your desires have already manifested. Will you feel abundant, happy, and free when you have plenty of money? Will you feel cherished and secure when you find the love of your life? Will you feel invincible when your body is strong and energetic?

Start practicing feeling that way NOW! The key word there is "practice" - you can't make the leap instantly. Just spend a few minutes a day practicing feeling like you already have the things you want to attract. Pretend you've got tons of money in the bank. Pretend the man/woman of your dreams is holding you close. Pretend that you feel energetic and healthy. After a few days, perhaps a week, you're going to feel a major shift taking place within you. Even better, you're going to start seeing the proof in your outer life that this technique works.

About the Author:

June 22, 2011

Spiritual Life Coaching - Healing a Heavy Pain-Body

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

If you have a heavy pain-body, you'll probably be attracting mental bullies to you in like a bar magnet to steel. They will seek you out, come up to you out of nowhere, yell at you from across the street, send hateful emails to you, and this will all happen despite the fact that you do everything in your power to keep out of sight and "fly underneath the radar."

The more abusive strangers you attract, the more you'd wish that no one would notice you. You simply want the world to leave you alone. But it won't matter how much you try to lay low because like a wolf that can pick up the scent of a rabbit a hundred feet a way, the mental bully will inevitably seek out its prey for it to feed on. If you have noticed a pattern like this in your life, where people whom you may or may not know consistently make negative, derisive comments that hurt you deeply, then you are truly ready to heal. Your emotional body has become raw and super sensitive to the abuse and that is a good thing. Becoming aware of this negative pattern of attraction is the first step toward healing the pain-body.

The specific resonance of the pain-body can only attract to it the same like resonance. This is a very important lesson to learn. If you are attracting these hurtful people into your life then it is not simply by chance. There is no such thing as chance. There is a reason and that reason lies in your own resonance of energy.

So, how do you change this negative vibration? The solution is simple but not effortless. It is acknowledging the negative patterns of your own mind and the negative thoughts that replay in your mind that are directed toward other people. Once you can identify these thoughts as they surface, you will begin to become conscious of your own judgment toward others at its origin. It is this incessant oozing of negative thoughts toward others that is the smoking gun for your own abuse and the reason for your attracting the mental bullies into your life.

When you become cognizant of your own angry thoughts toward others when they surface, you will no longer be judging others. Instead, you'll be watching your pain-body parasite in action. This will mark a turning point in your spiritual awakening. As the thoughts come and you observe them, you may want to ask yourself, "Do I still want to be an angry person?" Letting go of the negative thoughts that you've had since you experienced your primal wound in childhood is they key to transcendence. Forgiveness toward those who have hurt you is your spiritual challenge now.

Transcendence takes time, however, because the patterns of negativity has been there your entire life. You haven't noticed the thoughts before because you were one with them. As you separate yourself from them you will find them emerging less and less. Then you'll begin to notice that you will no longer be bothered by mental bullies. Instead, you'll be attracting loving, caring, and compassionate people to you. And I think that this is probably where you would prefer to be.

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Spiritual Life Coaching - Learning Self Respect

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

In the workplace, pain-body bullies will seek out pain-body victims amongst co-workers or subordinates. Sometimes it happens when the bully is a boss or superior who feels that they have earned a "free pass" to mentally bully subordinates. Whatever the case, the bully will act as a pain transmitter who garners temporary relief from their own pain by transferring it on to a receiver, i.e. victim or prey. If you have been a victim and you are truly ready to draw healthy boundaries, then you will benefit greatly from Spiritual Life Coaching.

No matter how much you try to hide your hurt, the pain-body predator will instinctively know when you've been hurt and this is why it keeps coming back for more. Like a vampire that requires the blood of its victim to nourish its own life, the pain-body of an abusive boss or co-worker will return to the source of its food so that it can feast again and again until the victim begins creating healthy boundaries. If that victim is you, and the abuse has culminated to a point where you are suffering frequently because of it, then this is a situation that must be confronted head on in order to prevent further bullying.

As you learn to see your Self as sacred and divine, your sense of Self-respect begins to emerge. This is not ego-related, however. Ego esteem is not the same is true Self esteem. It's about creating healthy boundaries of respect around your Self that no one is allowed to cross. No one.

So the next time you're mentally bullied by a boss or co-worker, instead of allowing yourself to continue to be a victim, I suggest confronting your boss or co-worker by communicating their abuse to them in a non-confrontational manner. Either talk to them peacefully in a soft tone of voice or send them an email with a calm yet firm message that conveys how you've been hurt and that you would appreciate it if they could be kinder to you in the future. If they become confrontational and continue to bully you, which they may very well do, then be prepared to walk away. And I mean out the door. But don't do so in a huff, giving them the finger on the way out. Leave the workplace peacefully, with no resistance, and by all means after you've secured employment elsewhere. Otherwise, you'll just attract another bully at your next employer.

Know that you're dealing with energy that becomes volatile if triggered. So you have to be very careful when dealing with pain-body hosts who vent their pain by abusing you, especially when they are your superior. It's hard to do, but know that underneath the bully's hardened exterior is a very sensitive, suffering soul that is unconsciously acting out their own pain. Perhaps they were abused as a child, which is often the case. But whatever the reason, if your reading this now then you're definitely ready to transcend the life of a victim. The only way to do this is by knowing that these people are unconscious of the pain that they're inflicting.

You also might try by being completely present and not reacting in any way whatsoever to your abuser. This is very challenging for most people but a Spiritual Life Coach can help. If you can learn to do this successfully, it is usually more than enough to put a moratorium on the abuse. When the pain-body bully realizes that there's nothing left for him or her to feed on, i.e. no reaction from you, then the abuse will stop. But this can't be faked. You have to be completely present and non-reactionary to accomplish this. It requires non-judgment and a complete detachment to the abuser on an emotional level. If you don't feel comfortable attempting this, then I suggest the aforementioned peaceful confrontation.

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June 20, 2011

Dissolving Blockages That Hold Back Abundance

By Ceri Jaison

When it comes to attracting abundance, there are a lot of possible blockages that can hold you back. You probably already know that you need to keep your thoughts focused on abundance rather than shortage; and you need to keep envisioning the life of abundance you want to live. However, you might not realize that there are a few common abundance blockages that can hold you back, even if you're careful to keep your thoughts focused on what you want. Below I've highlighted three of the most common abundance blockages that will need to be cleared before you can allow abundance into your life.

The first common abundance blockage is having a "victim" self-image. If you've spent most of your life struggling and being wronged (financially and in other ways) you may not be able to see yourself as a person who is blessed with great abundance. Even if you really want to allow more abundance into your life, you aren't aligned with receiving it, so you block it. Instead of more money, you just keep attracting more financial disasters and problems that keep you feeling powerless and victimized.

Overcoming a victim mindset requires you to acknowledge and embrace your own power. That doesn't mean denying that you have been victimized in the past - it just means no longer identifying who you ARE with the things that have happened to you. You have to learn to see yourself as you really are; a brilliant, lovable, empowered, limitless being. Once you've truly embraced this new vision of yourself, you'll start feeling less victimized and more empowered - and your financial conditions will start reflecting that new belief.

Still another common abundance blockage is the fear of what other people will think of you if you become abundant. You might worry that your family, friends and coworkers would be jealous or resentful of you, or that they may even reject you altogether. You might also worry that some of the people you know would become demanding, asking for money all the time, and you want to avoid being in that situation, so you block abundance from coming to you. To your subconscious mind, being broke and safe feels better than being abundant and vulnerable!

This kind of abundance blockage reveals a fear that you won't be able to handle the pressure of being wealthy. To dissolve this blockage, you need to start seeing yourself as a confident person who doesn't need validation from other people; someone who doesn't really care what other people think. You need to start believing that you can handle large sums of money responsibly and easily deal with the situations that may come along with having more money. To help dissolve this fear, you may even want to start visualizing some of the situations that make you uncomfortable. Visualize yourself managing your money easily; see yourself feeling strong and capable even when other people are judging you. As time goes on, your inner strength keeps growing and eventually you stop feeling intimidated about the idea of having more money.

The next common abundance blockage comes from being invested in strain and struggle. You may WANT to allow abundance to flow easily to you, but deep down inside you believe that money can't come easily; you have to work really hard, struggle, strain, and sacrifice for money. As long as you are holding this belief, you simply won't allow abundance into your life - unless it comes in a difficult, strenuous way.

Overcoming this blockage requires you to start developing a belief that money CAN come easily to you. You won't be able to adopt this belief instantly; it takes time and consistent reinforcement. But one good way to start working on it is by constantly repeating to yourself, "I believe in EASY ABUNDANCE. I believe that money can come EASILY to me. I'm looking forward to allowing more money in EASY, FUN ways." As you keep saying these things and focusing on the essence of easy abundance, you start dissolving your belief that money can't come easily. And of course, once money DOES start coming to you in easy, fun ways, you start believing it a whole lot more!

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June 14, 2011

3 Steps to Manifest Financial Abundance

By Ceri Jaison

If you've heard about the Law of Attraction, then you probably already know that you can use the power of your thoughts to manifest financial abundance. If you've tried to use this power before, you know it's not as easy as it seems. You might visualize, say affirmations, create vision boards, and try endless other manifesting techniques, but still make little progress. Why does this happen?

If the financial abundance you are trying to manifest hasn't shown up, you might be forgetting one or more of these important steps:

One of the first important steps to manifest financial abundance is to be consistent and firm about improving your thoughts about money. It's important to keep improving your thoughts about money, but in a very deliberate, firm way. If you instead keep focusing on things that bother you and worry you about money, or the many things you wish you could manifest but can't seem to make progress on, you'll just keep creating more of the same in your life. You may think you're focusing on "money" but you may actually be focusing more on the LACK of money! Big difference. Every day, be vigilant in focusing your thoughts on the positive aspects of money and abundance (having rather than lacking), and firmly turn your focus away from things that bother you about your financial situation.

The next important step in manifesting financial abundance is to create a healthy relationship with money. Do you have a healthy relationship with money already? Do you and money get along well? Do you fight and struggle with money, or do the two of you get along great? These probably seem like funny questions, but it's important to note that money is simply a form of energy. The way you think about it and treat it will determine how it reacts to you. Do you expect money to be scarce, hard to find, and hard to hold onto? Start loving it, treating it with respect and appreciation, and expect it to come to you often and stay with you longer. You will absolutely start seeing a difference in your outer life as you heal your relationship with money!

Another crucial step in manifesting financial abundance is to enter into a consistent state of allowing. How do you usually feel each day? Worried, pressured, exhausted, agitated? And not just relating to money either, but in most areas of your life. Come up with one or two words that would accurately describe your emotional state most of the time. If you picked a "negative" word like "tired, frustrated, annoyed, angry" and so on, it's a clear sign that you are NOT vibrationally aligned with receiving abundance. To allow abundance, you need to feel wonderful, happy, grateful, joyful, and loved. Allowing really means being open and receptive to money and abundance, rather than blocking it. It means trusting the universe to provide for you, and believing fully that abundance is available to you always. And you can't focus on these things just mentally, you need to FEEL them deeply.

When you're in a state of allowing, abundance just flows to you consistently and easily. You never have to strain or struggle for it. It just flows!

About the Author:

June 10, 2011

Keeping The Aura Clean With Salt And Water

By Kenya Lynem

Negative energy and situations may be affecting your aura. If this is so, it may be a great time to cleanse your aura. Have you ever noticed a person walk into a room but felt their presence first?

Your aura is your protective energetic field that reflects your light outward. When someone walks into a room, have you ever felt their presence first?

Your aura can act just like an energetic magnet. As it collects debris, it can get to a point where it is not as proficient.

The Reason We Attract Energy Debris

Your aura could be broken down and weakened just by smoke-filled rooms and pollution. It can also be affected by computers, the Internet, cell phones, chemicals, as well as negative behaviors and thought patterns that all tend to lower your frequency.

These negative behavioral patterns come from built up unwanted energy that can keep us emotionally unbalanced if we do not let it go or cleanse it. A supreme way to handle this first is to ask the Divine to assist you in letting go of these patterns. This will help you to break the old cycles of behaviors that no longer serve you.

Saltwater Bath

Water and salt are great cleansing and purifying agents when it comes to energetic debris.

Fill up a tub with warm water and dissolve two scoops of sea salt or bath salt in it.

Relax in the warm water bath and create the intention of cleansing your energetic auric field.

Allow yourself to enjoy the process and add candles or light music to go along with the meditative moment.

Cold Water Showers

This is a refreshing way to cleanse the auric field along with the chakras. But it does not just do that, it also does the following things:

It helps to detoxify the body. Improves the circulation. Speeds of the bodies recovery process. Boosts up energy levels in the body. Clears up patterns of negative thinking. Uplifts the mood.

If you have not built a tolerance for cold water, it may feel sort of uncomfortable at first until you have allowed your body to get used to the feeling. Next time you take a shower, try it cold and enjoy all the health benefits it creates!

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Tracking Down Success, A Few Essential Concepts

By Jimmy Surrey

There is no point in reinventing the wheel of prosperity. Instead, we can take the wheel and roll toward the accomplishment of our goals. The principles of success give us two types of activity to focus on. The first is nourishing our creative side. The second, to communicate our inspirations effectively.

It is common knowledge our physical health depends on the kinds of food choices we make. Likewise, In order to obtain the energy necessary to keep our goals moving forward, we must put information into our minds that increase productivity and mastery of specific skills.

Be prepared to boost sagging motivation by having inspirational learning materials at hand. By building a library of success, completion of goals will be easier to accomplish. Collections of good material from the internet, written or audio books, a journal of quotes, and pump-up videos are options for an achiever's personal library.

Just as it makes sense to learn what other successful people have done, it is wise to spend time with like-minded people that can share their experience. Community business organizations, social media sites like Linked-In, and active forums on the internet will provide support and encouragement for materializing even the biggest plans.

Though other people can be an inspiration and show the way, everything you have to work with is seen every morning, in the mirror. The way we think about that person in the looking glass can help us move forward or negatively impact the journey. Comparing your ideas and progress to others, who are also working to get ahead, will never produce anything to push your agenda forward. If anything, comparison holds people back.

Inspiring success through inspiration and connections takes people halfway to their finish line. Pay attention to how achievers express their idea or product. Learning the language of success and habitually using it is a necessity. Leaders in their field all say the same thing: you have to sell people their dreams. Customers want to know that the service or product offered will better their lives, or help them get closer to their own goals.

With passion and enthusiasm behind your words, people will remain curious and listen to your message. That is why it is frequently recommended to do something you love to do, something you enjoy. It helps maintain inspiration and motivation. Though some people can sell space heaters in a tropical forest, most need the energy of their true interests to propel them forward.

Some form of meditation, or quieting the mind, is practiced by many high achievers. It allows them to gestate the plans they have written down and gives them opportunity to imagine a project's completion. Using the imagination, or imagineering, is a widely accepted technique that gets results. It takes practice but is well worth the effort.

The path to prosperity requires effort but the compass directions have been recorded. In order to be innovative and productive, acquire actions indicated by the principles of success. Always have supportive material and people at hand, and always work on effectively communicating ideas to yourself and others.

About the Author:

June 6, 2011

Developing A Rich Mindset

By Aubrey Chen

Getting rich is probably on the top of your goal lists. Having a luxurious life is the thing that you dream of living. A lot of us would go buy lottery tickets in the hope of getting rich instantly, however, this not the key to making your dreams come true.

You need to learn how to dance in your own music, and play by your own rules. Rich people impose their own music for other people to dance to. They go with their own rules, and benefit from it. You need to step up a little, and not follow of orders. You will not get rich when you just go with where the river will take you. You need to think independently and break away from it. If your job now is not giving you the success that you want, then, you need to remember your goal. If your present job now is taking you to that goal, then, it is ok to keep it. You need to take charge of your life and make money for your own.

You should regard time and money as something valuable. The importance of knowing what to buy and should not be bought can lead you to an amount of saving. This will be your guide later on when you are a millionaire. Millionaires do not buy things when they don't have money. They only spend money that they have, usually, the extra profit that they gain. Time is also of the essence. Time, when given values, can help you stay on your goal. You need to understand how time could work to your advantage.

Learning the value of money will also give you a better scope of understanding how to be rich. Spending money would not be a problem if you know how to invest on things well. Saving would be easier if you know how to control and value money. Being frugal is ok as long as you can buy everything that you need, then, there would not be a problem.

Lastly, do not be afraid to take risks. Learn to see a window of opportunity, if you fail to see one, opportunities might be difficult to find once you are ready to take a risk. Be ready and try to keep that goal within your sight.

No matter how big your goal is, you can do it just by having the rich mindset.

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June 5, 2011

Fulfilling Your Destiny - How to Manifest your Destiny

By Paul Jenkin

Has life have been hard on you? Do you feel that you know that there is something out there that is for you to fulfill? Do you want to the life that you want?

We are human beings and we are blessed by the Almighty with the free will to choose the life that we want to live and the destiny that we choose to have. The only issue in getting your destiny is that we don't know the ways to get it. At present, about 90% of the people do not know how to create a life that they want. If you have answered yes to the previous questions, then you're lucky to know the secret to getting your destiny. But if you said no to all of it, then this article will guide you.

Here are quick and easy steps on how to manifest your own destiny.

1) Start meditating - If you find a place that is quiet and peaceful, it helps relax your body and mind. Find a place just like this and look for an area where you can sit comfortably. When you have found that certain spot, gently close your eyes and breathe slowly for 10 minutes.

2) Ask for what you want - You may have been doing a lot of hard work for the things that others want for their lives. It's time for you to think for the things that you want for your life. What is the living that you want? What kind of home that you want to live and where? What brand of car do you want to drive? How much money do you need? Make a long list of these on a sheet of paper.

3) Specify what you want - it is very important that you must state the exact description on what you want. A bull's eye will never be considered a bull's eye if the target is not hit in the middle. You must state the exact description. The reason behind this is that your subconscious mind will receive the message and it attracts you to things, events and situations.

4) Create a vision board - make cut-out pictures of the ideal things that you want to have and your ideal life. Post it in a wall. Take a peak every day. This gives you a mental picture on what you want in your life. Your mind will be consumed by it and those pictures will become clearer as the days go by.

5) Put it into action immediately - Do not wait for the opportunity to come. Run after it if you can. According to Joe Vitale in 'The Secret,' "the Universe loves speed. So don't delay in taking action." Do not let the chances of reaching your new destiny pass you by. You have to work and grab it as soon as you see it coming.

6) Act consistently - you have taken action, but are doing it on a regular basis? Keep the momentum up by taking action every day. Try to increase your productivity by 1% each day; you will not notice that you are very close to your new fulfilling destiny as the days go by.

The Universe is a very abundant place. There are limitless possibilities for everyone to succeed in life. All you have to do is know what you want and take action. It is very simple, and you must start now.

About the Author:

June 4, 2011

Receive Abundance in 5 Ways

By Paul Jenkin

To become rich, there should be a sense of balance. It does not merely come from working very hard to achieve your goals in life. Sometimes, all it takes is an abundant mental status to keep your head on track towards greater richness. Here are the top qualities of a rich person.

1) Rich men/woman are solution oriented - if they happen to experience a certain situation, they don't see it as a dead end to their goals, they look at it as an opportunity to solve problems. They have a different paradigm compared to most people, and this mentality develops their skills further than those who get stuck after a road block.

2) Rich men/woman take action even when in doubt - they have enough courage to act in spite of fear and uncertainty. Many of the millionaires and billionaires like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, J. Paul Getty, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Oprah and Steve Jobs took risks even though they have fears. As a result, they've placed themselves as one of the movers and shakers in history and they have benefited by receiving riches beyond belief.

3) Rich men/woman focus on what they want - they act on the things that bring value and productivity not only to themselves, but to others as well. They act on their goals and nothing will stop them until they've reached that goal. Wasting time on this and that is not productive.

4) Rich men and women can relate to optimistic people - Success multiplies with success. If you mingle with other successful personages, you maintain the positive vibe even to the less fortunate. It is not a way of degrading the poor, but a chance to work together for a common good. If you take time to be with these people, you can be inspired by their efforts and success that will encourage you to become successful yourself.

5) Rich men/woman give thanks to the blessings they receive - an "Attitude of Gratitude" allows them to receive even more blessings, gifts, opportunities and more success in their lives. They give tithings to their favorite congregation and they donate big money to charities and institutions. If you give thanks for all the blessing you receive, whether big or small, chances are it will continue, for you have told the Universe, "that's a great feeling, I'm willing to receive more blessings."

These positive attitudes will make an ordinary person into a rich one. Do not be dismayed if you encounter so much hurting, sacrifice, and disappointments, for these circumstances mold you to develop such attitudes that will make you very fortunate someday. As long as you maintain these characteristics in your life, the Universe will eventually provide you with the fortune that you have been dreaming of.

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The Easy way to get over stress

By Paul Jenkin

In this day and age, things are a lot more complicated and very more intoxicating. As a result, people get stress out and live unhappy and unhealthy lives. You get older than your age, you lose or gain weight, and you're body deteriorates. If you want to beat out stress and live a happy and healthy life, follow this simple and yet effective tips to beat out stress.

1) Meditate - go and look for a very quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Breathe slowly and clear out your thoughts. This will clear out your mind and let you weed out the toxins. Do this for 10 minutes a day, one in the morning and before going to bed. You will feel relaxed, refreshed and feel better than before.

2. Eat the right food - Eat lots of vegetables and fruits as much as possible. This will give you antioxidants and vitamins that will nourish your body. This will make up for the lost energy that you have used and abused. Refrain from eating junk foods and fatty foods. You will not get nutrients and will definitely slow you down. Your body is your temple, and you must watch what you eat.

3. Establish a consistent sleeping pattern - One reason why we feel stressed is because we lack rest and stable sleep patterns. If you have not been sleeping right for the past few days, spare at least a day during the weekends to revitalize and regenerate your cells. Having naps for about 10 to 20 minutes are also helpful in making you more alert and productive.

4. Establish an exercise regimen - You can workout by just jogging, walking or running. It does not need to be rigid. You can spare half an hour doing simple routines which do not require you to go to the gym. Exercising is a good way of improving your entire system. Besides that, your hormones are discharged such as the endorphins which help you stay happy and alert.

Don't let stress take the best of you. Have time to relax and enjoy by using the aforesaid tips. You can be sure that you can beat and overcome stress.

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