January 27, 2010

A Guide to Understanding the Attraction Law

By Barbara Marr

It is widely believed there are a few universal laws that govern the universe. For instance, the law of vibration states that everything in the universe can be broken down to a pattern of pure energy or light. The law of cause and effect states that with every action, there is an equal reaction. The law of growth says that creation is constant and is determined by the quality of the seed that is planted. The law of abundance says that abundance is determined by the kind and quality of seed or energy projected. The law of polarity says that nothing can exist in this world without its direct opposite. The law of reciprocity says that a favor is given whenever a favor is received. The law of resonance says that everything in this world has a resonance field that affects beliefs and emotions on a subconscious level. Lastly, there is the attraction law.

It is believed that a person can get what he or she desires, acting as a living magnet, attracting energy to bring in positive results. While the concept may sound abstract, many people have found ways to visualize and become a law of attraction gateway.

One problem that individuals frequently face with the attraction law is that they think they are concentrating on their desires, but they are in fact sabotaging themselves. For example, someone might say, "I want to meet the ideal mate... but he likely does not exist" or "I want to buy a home... but I'll never have the money for a down payment." Before the universe can respond to the individual's request, the energy is cut off by the source and the wish never even gets off the ground. Rather, the individual must release positive emotions of desire and visualize success, instead of anticipating disappointment. This is key to comprehending the laws of attraction.

According to the attraction law, an individual must ask, believe and receive. One must first ask the universe for what he or she wants. The source will then say "Yes," and the asker must allow him or herself to receive. To be clear on the desire, the individual must focus on the outcome -- sending all positive energy toward it, visualizing it and feeling good about it.

The attraction law is another maxim of the New Thought movement (1904-1910) that focused on the notion of thought manifesting reality. The book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill captured widespread acclaim in 1937. In their law of attraction books, authors like Wallace Wattles, Robert Collier and Helena Blavatsky applaud this concept as the quintessential truth to health, happiness and fulfillment. In 2006, The Secret re-popularized the idea with the release of The Secret DVD and book.

About the Author:

January 25, 2010

Finding Focus Through Vision Boards

By Braden Genese

During the New Year, when people are seeking to change their lives, life coach Bonnie Bruderer, the creator of Vision Boards, acknowledges that there's increased interest in her life-changing product. Vision Boards, which can be useful at any time, are also in demand when people are going through rites of passage such as birthdays, a marriage, and a change in job status.

A Vision Board is an amazingly simple, forthright concept that focuses on resolving complex questions, such as who, what and where do you want to be in the future? In many ways, a Vision Board is a picture of one's future. It's not just about what the future can be, these tools are focused on the active and positive transformation of an individual and even groups.

Along with revealing one's goals and dreams, a Vision Board can also bring about change in one's life. Once constructed by the individual, whose dreams it represents, it carries the positive energy of the individual that created it. These devices help transform people within and they can be instrumental in changing people's daily lives and helping them achieve their goals. Here are Bruderer's seven keys to creating and utilizing a Vision Board.

First, you need the correct supplies. These include poster board, glue stick, scissors and a collection of magazines. Next, participants must schedule time to create their board. Somewhere between two and three consecutive hours are required.

The third part of the process involves ensuring that you have the right space in which to make your board. When putting a Vision Board together, Bruderer notes that it should be done in an atmosphere that is affirmative and constructive. A clear and clean area warmed by natural light and/or augmented with candle light and filled with soothing, buoyant music works well for most people.

The first thing that one has to create for their Vision Board is their "soul sentence." If Vision Boards are Bruderer's expertise then helping others create their soul sentences is her mtier. The soul sentence must be connected to your innermost being.

It's then time to create individual goals in four primary areas: health, relationships, finances, and time management. Just before building the Vision Board, people utilize Bruderer's "Remember Forward" technique, which is designed to reveal any desires that are buried deep within a person.

Once created, the Vision Board is to be used every day as the creator reviews it and feels the positive energy that made him/her make the Vision Board in the first place.

About the Author:

January 23, 2010

Top 10 Ways To Honor Yourself

By Lori Hamann

Often times it's easy to forget to "honor thyself". It's an important part of the process of personal transformation and creation... if you want to create a life of joy, happiness and TRUTH then do not forget YOU.

If everything is energy, that means YOU are energy - and you must take care of the foundation that is resonsible for creating your world your world.

Here are 10 Ways To Honor Yourself

1. Got Intuition? One of the best ways to honor yourself... listening to your intuition, your gut feelings, hunches, higher power and trusting yourself is essential. When was the last time you tuned in? Nothing more honoring.

2. Live your truth! Be true to you... it's about living your truth and no one elses. Are you willing to be honest with yourself, even if it hurts? Are you willing to make your life a reflection of that?

3. Give yourself permission...Permission to heal, forgive, ask for what you need, say no, see the good in you, be self-ful, and love you totally. Where would you like to give yourself permission in your life?

4. Space...would it honor you to create a little space? How about some quiet time, or space in your heart for you? Creating a space is the vibration of receiving, can you feel that? Create space, command the vortex of good, and honor you.

5. Choose good peeps. Take a look around... who's in your life. Are they honoring you? Are you honroring yourself by staying in relationships that don't? Develop new standards and boundaries in your relationships that are a reflection of the life that you want to create!

6. Be the love you honor. Nothing is more honoring than this.

7. Wherever you are at in life...be there FULLY. Passionately live your life like a one year old...Even if all you can muster up is a nap, then nap fully, passionately and love it.

8. Can you imagine what it means to choose to be at choice? Remember that you are in every moment. We forget this...we forget that we have the choice, free will, to choose our experience at anytime.

9. Choose to evolve consciously. It seems like when we are growing our gardens in the spring they seem to be healthier and fuller with a little conscious gardening. Same with our lives.... We will evolve naturally, of course, but why not evolve with a little TLC in our personal garden of evolution?

10. Tune into what feels best, and "know" what's best for you. Honor yourself by paying attention to who you are and what you need. Keep growing this list...do what feels best for you.

About the Author:

January 19, 2010

Tips For Attracting Wealth And Prosperity Into Your Life

By Trevor Johnson

If you never seam to have enough money you must do something about it. Your mind and positive attitude can start attracting wealth into your life. Use your powers to have the financial situation you need. Few people are aware of the fact that they have the power to make a change.

Some people are doing better than others - that much is obvious just by looking around you. The biggest mistake is to consider that you have less qualities than other people. Everybody is the same and you can do your own luck in life. With a negative attitude you will find it more difficult to achieve your financial goal.

Most people have no idea about what they really want. They might think that having a luxurious life can bring them happiness. This is not always true. Try to analyze your needs. When you know what you wish you can start working for your goals. Probably you will be happy to pay your bills in time and to be able to afford a few family vacations. Prosperity is a very relative term. It can differ for every person.

Picture yourself succeeding to achieve your financial goals. Try to imagine how would that make you feel. You must be able to feel the joy. Once you do that you will have lot more motivation to work for it. Focus to feel the happiness you might experience when you have enough money.

Write down all the things you wish to have within one year. Writing them down helps your mind to focus better. Calculate how much money you need. It's possible to have to cut down on some expenses. If your plan is realistic you have big chances to succeed.

Anybody can have enough wealth and prosperity. It all depends of your motivation and self confidence. Do your best to transform your life.

About the Author:

Laws of Attraction Do They Work ?

By Martha Fischer

Good day, how often do you say that throughout your day? Now tell me how often you tell yourself good day. Just do it get out of bed, and give yourself permission to have a good day. In fact demand yourself to have a good day. This is what is commonly referred to as a positive affirmation, or the laws of attraction. You have now begun your day on a positive note.

There are steps you can take to influence the laws of attraction and create positive changes in your life. Positive affirmations is the most preferred label ascribed to these steps. Designate any label on it you desire. But the reality is no matter what you label it our innermost thoughts are laboring overtime and mostly in a negative way all day. Broadcasting negative thoughts within us. We then send them out into our universe, negative out negative in. We need to retrain your subconscious to send out positive messages. Positive out positive in.

Of course, our thoughts play a very important part in our lives. Our actions spring from our thoughts and if we want to reach our goals, if we want happiness and success, we need to look at our thoughts and reprogram them even the subconscious ones. One way we can do this is through daily positive affirmations. We must teach our subconscious. Render unto ourselves the kind words we so freely give to others. Voice them clearly, with felling, to ourselves, and repeat them frequently. Your subconscious will accept the directive.

In reality, one of the many deterrents we have that hinder us from achieving what we want in life is our being negative about so many things and the frequent negative thoughts we have regarding others. We need to trust ourselves, and learn to think positively about our daily endeavors.

Pick a goal, what do you really want? Money, well don't say i wish i had more money. That's just another way of saying you don't have enough that's just negative reinforcement. Say i have plenty of money to do whatever i want. Money comes to me easily. Before you realize it, the laws of attraction are working in your favor, and you will have an abundance of money in your life.

I want to be happy, that's you saying i am not happy, that's just negative. Well decide what will make you happy. Just saying i am happy is to hazy. Choose what you want. Think and talk about as if you all ready have it. It will then manifest itself into your life. Believe and receive.

Here are some further perks of doing daily positive affirmations.

* It's appropriate not just for changing one part of your life but in all things you want to improve. From your health, to making good relationships and improving your finances.

* Daily positive affirmations build self accursedness. One of the elements that cause damage to our self-confidence are the negative thoughts you have about yourself and the many other uncertainties, that you may have and positive affirmations can change the way you look at yourself.

* Positive affirmations build energy and influence the laws of attraction. They start your day on a positive note and keep you focused on positive things and thoughts that will lead you to a happier life.

If you want to practice daily positive affirmations, here is a simplistic guide to help you sharpen your skills.

* Start with your goal. Establish what you want to in life. Do you want to lose weight and stay healthy. Do you want abundance and prosperity in your life. Do you want happiness in your relationships or good career perhaps. This will then be the ground work for your positive statements.

*Design your affirmations. If you lay out your intentions, you can then compose your own affirmations and make sure they are positive, and they do not contain negative words. Instead of saying, I want a life free from worries, you have to say, I have a life of abundance and prosperity. You have to state your statements as if your goals are already there and are already true.

* Recite daily, stating these positive affirmations daily is an important part of reformulating your subconscious and positively influencing the laws of attraction. Repeating and regular practice are indeed essential factors in making your affirmations work. You can also record your affirmations so you can listen to them wherever or you make a list and tell it to yourself loudly every morning. Saying it loudly is said to be more effectual as you get to hear it as well.

So are you ready to start changing your life now, then start writing your own daily positive affirmations.

Martha wants to share some resources, that can help you stay positive and use the laws of attraction to get what you want out of life. For a great resource to help you practice positive affirmation, check out The Secret, an exhilarating book about that and can help you materialize your ambitions.

About the Author:

January 12, 2010

The Best Books on the Law of Attraction

By Barbara Marr

Is there such a thing as coincidence? Why do bad days always seem to get worse and worse? Isn't it funny when you hit a streak of good luck and everything you want just seems to fall into place? These questions are all addressed in books and movies about the law of attraction. According to various authors, the universal laws of attraction have been in place for centuries and these laws are the secret to life. If you can learn to harness the power of your mind and create your own destiny, then there's no reason why you can't have everything you want.

In 2006, Australian television producer and writer Rhonda Byrne launched "The Secret," a motion picture which immediately attracted a cult-like following. A year afterward, Byrne published her book by the same name to enlarge on the points made in her movie. The Secret book is basically a new age, self-help book grounded in ancient ideologies that claim, "If you imagine it, you can own it."

The power of positive thought has been helping individuals achieve riches, wellness and joy since the days of Ludwig Van Beethoven, Sir Isaac Newton and Victor Hugo, the book claims. Modern day teachers talk about concrete ways to reorganize your thinking to bring desirable consequences towards you. Since its release, The Secret has sold in excess of two million copies and has captivated celebrities such as Ellen Degeneres, Oprah Winfrey and Paris Hilton.

Some law of attraction book authors were featured in The Secret, such as Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield. Their books feature law of attraction tips, tools and stories to help you learn more about the law of attraction. For instance, you might be wondering, "What is the difference between thinking about something, wishing for something and creating a pattern of positive thinking that will make something happen?" You may be wondering what changes you can make to your life that will turn around your most destructive, negative thoughts. These books will give you more points to ponder and help you apply the laws to your own life to get what you desire most.

Most people buy books about the law of attraction not just so they can grasp the concepts, but also so they can understand the living law of attraction and how to apply the lessons to their lives. It's one thing to hear a story about how a man wished for his dream house -- and received it -- but it's another thing to translate the secrets of the law of attraction to help get that ideal relationship or raise at work. A good way to find these books is to visit www.amazon.com, type "law of attraction books" into the search engine and choose "Sort by Bestselling" or "Sort by Customer Rating."

About the Author:

January 9, 2010

"Free Crystal Wealth Power Secrets Imparted From Accomplished Authority Stephen Richards

By Stephen Richards

The big screen film that depicted a quartz carving and a man swinging through the jungle on the end of rope while holding a whip is about fictional character Indian Jones! The film is about a quartz skull that holds a secret and has energy to make changes happen. Although a fictional film, it is actually based on some truth, although some of the film's plots are a little far-fetched.

The British Museum houses one of the most famous of all crystalline skulls, purchased by the Museum from Tiffany and Co, New York in 1897 it is on display in the Welcome Trust Gallery. People have become spellbound with these carvings, many of which are in personal and public possession.

A piece of crystal made into a skull-like shape from a single block of rock crystal (a clear, colourless variety of quartz) is believed to be a powerful object in bringing things about. The hypothesis behind this is, basically, that because most things are made up of a crystal composition that to use such a piece to attract your desires then it is on the principle of like-attract-like.

The law of attraction relates to consciously making your desires happen. When a quartz skull is brought into use then remarkable things can happen. Before you are able to deploy the power of the quartz, first you have to unlock its abilities by means of activation.

The contours of how such a piece is carved hold the answer to how it works so well. The quartz acts as an attractor, using the principle of the law of attraction. By a set process the skull sends your desires out into the cosmos. Industry has used quartz because of its qualities to keep time is so accurate. Quartz also has the ability to emit electrical impulses when in compression.

In producing the finished product with all of its specific angled cuts, it is the talent of the craftsman that breathes life into it. The item is then able to convey vital information or become a repository of wisdom.

When you have your own crystal skull you are merely its custodian or caretaker. First you have to activate it, this is a term used to describe what you need to do to augment the inherent power of a crystal skull. The intention of this is to empower you, the crystal skull caretaker. When you work with a newly owned skull, this will increase the information stored. In this way a crystal skull becomes an increasingly valuable asset on your path of transformation.

Skull activation is carried out in a specific way. Some suggest various methods that are more akin to the mumbo-jumbo of theatricals! Forget this, get it right to start with and it will go on to faithfully serve you for many years. If you live in a sunny climate then simply leave it out in the warmth of the sunshine for a day. Place it so that it is in direct sunlight. The other activation method for not so sunny climates is to leave it out under the moonlight for a night. Once activated then you can find a bright location in your home for it and set your palm on its crown, leave it there for a while and consummate your connection.

When it comes to picking the right skull for you there are some tips which can help you become attuned to the right piece. Wherever possible, always seek out an unused carving, as a 'used' one will need clearing of 'old' information stored within it and may not be fully cleared even when you think it is! Ensure you seek a new skull out from a reputable source, that way you will find you have no 'history' to clear from it.

Today, thousands of skulls, made of various types of stones and metals, are to be found. Ensure your skull is made from 'pure' quartz crystal. There are many fake pieces of so-called quartz crystal about, many originate from China. There are only a handful of the largest, life-size skulls in existence, possibly of Mayan or Aztec origin. They have inspired awe for generations.

Anyone coming into possession of a skull is called a 'custodian', that is because it, the skull, has found its way to you. Of course you will want to name it if it hasn't already got a name. When considering naming it you will find the name will come to you. I have a life-size skull, 'he' is called Pakal. The name Pakal means 'shield', although I named him after the Maya ruler Pakal who ascended the throne at age 12 on July 29, 615.

About the Author:

January 8, 2010

How Can I Improve My Life?

By Andrew Goodman

Life is really quite simple when you understand the rules, and quite baffling when you don't. If you have the presence of mind to learn the rules and apply them, you will stand out above the rest as everything clicks into place. Before we get started, ask yourself why you want anything in life. What do you think it will give you? If you search your feelings you have to come to the conclusion that it is because you think that it will make you feel better in some way or other. You also know, deep down, that unless you follow your life dreams and goals, you will never be truly happy.

The bad news is that you can never regress in life and be a happy person. When you have identified something that you want, you have to move towards that goal or you will feel not feel joyful. Life causes you to expand, to want more, to become more than you were before. You may keep up with this expansion and you may not, it is really up to you. Some go along with the expansion willingly, and live happy lives as a result. Others are more reluctant as they feel the tension between their desires and the life they are living, and they inherently know they should be the expanded evolved person they want to be. If you have powerful desires in life, and fail to keep up with them, you may choose to numb out the pain with some kind of behaviour or substance, or you may choose to end the pain and your life, by checking out early.

Some decide that they are incapable of keeping up with their own personal desires, and so they manage the distance between their present life and their desires by trying to limit their desires, by finding and participating in an organisation that agrees with them. But this is never really satisfying, and in any case, life is designed to provoke new desire in you, so you're going against a powerful force (besides, being a hermit isn't really that much fun).

It is fair to say that your average Joe doesn't understand how he gets what he gets in life, and so he seeks to control the physical world around him, coming up with laws and rules and regulations to protect himself from things he doesn't want. If Joe were self-empowered, he wold feel no need to do such things, indeed he would realise the futility of such actions. He would stop trying to think what to do, and would start to feel his way along the path.

Furthermore, the only way you can ever come into your own power is by letting go of control of the outside world, its people places and things, and look inside yourself instead to seek control of the way you feel. Many great teachers throughout the ages have spoken of unconditional love, and this is what they meant. Unconditional love says "I will love (feel good) regardless of what the conditions might be. I will be who I really am and love you, even if you are feeling bad and blaming me or my behaviour for the way you feel". Conditional love says; "I will love (feel good) when you behave in a way that pleases me, but if you don't please me, I will disapprove of you and feel bad. It is your responsibility to behave in a way that makes me feel good." So how can we practice unconditional love? By focussing in a way that makes us feel good. Seeing things in a kind, loving, gentle light, giving people the benefit of the doubt. By knowing that nobody's done anything wrong and that all really is well. By demonstrating the loving person that you really are to the world, and feeling the true nature of your being.

Sadly the majority of people get socialised into listening more to others than to their own inner voice and strength, as those who surround them look to control the behaviour of the outside world so they can feel better. This is unfortunate, because the only truly important thing for you to do whilst you're here in this physical life experience is to stay feeling good. How you feel is crucial; it determines everything that comes to you in life. In order to get to the point where you can control the way you feel, and therefore what comes to you in life, you need to have a greater understanding of your emotions, and why they are so important

What are the rules of this game we call life? Page one: How does life relate to you? Are you getting what you want in life? What determines one person's success or personal achievement over another's? How do some people live charmed lives while other struggle and seem to get nowhere? Is life all about luck or chance, and do we need to redistribute the world's wealth to make things more even? How is it possible to make sense of such a large and complicated system?

There are so many questions. Where to begin? We need to stop thinking, and start feeling the way to go. Emotions are the key to your life's guidance, and few understand the power or the incredible subtlety with which they guide. A correct understanding and use of one's guidance will lead to your life's desire. Before we talk about emotions, we need to consider what causes them, that's right folks, it's Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction orchestrates everything, everywhere. Not just here on planet earth, but everywhere in physical and non-physical realities, of which there are vast numbers. So if you're going to have a joyful life, you probably need to know about it so you can play life by life's rules. Law of Attraction matches up like and like things. You may have heard the expression "Birds of a Feather Flock Together". What this means to you and me is that we attract to us things which match who we are. Match who we are? In what way?

It you consider your brain as a radio receiver and transmitter, with the ability to tune in to unlimited frequencies. Good feeling happy high flying thoughts have high frequencies and bad feeling, sad, depressing thoughts have low frequencies. When we tune into these frequencies, law of attraction will match us up with the frequency to which we are tuned. Tune to love and see the love in the world. Tune to beauty and see how much beauty there is in the world. Tune to abundance and see the natural abundance in the world. Of course the same goes for the negatives of all of these things, but I wouldn't recommend you look for those. It's not that these things have been created by your thoughts. They were there all along, it's just that you can see them now that you are tuned into their frequency. You have rendez vous'd with them.

In the real world, how does Law of Attraction work? If I copy successful people, will I become like them, successful? It depends. If the imitation of that person makes you feel like a successful person, then you will eventually achieve success, because law of attraction is only responding to the way you feel. If you act successful and still feel a failure, then the success you seek will continue to elude you until you feel better about your situation. Stop acting, and feel the way you want to feel and let the world respond to your thought vibration.

About the Author:

January 7, 2010

How To Raise Your Prosperity Vibration

By Eric Johnson

Carol Look is a leading voice in the energy psychology community and an EFT master. She passionately inspire change in her clients' lives, enabling them to attract abundance using the Law of Attraction coupled with meridian tapping techniques which are used to clear out old limiting beliefs and release inner resistance to build a prosperity consciousness.

Carol is trained as a clinical social worker and has a doctoral degree in clinical hypnotherapy. She is well know for her four seasons as internet radio show host and as the author of the popular books Attracting Abundance with EFT ad Improving Your Eyesight with EFT. Her popular DVD programs include a vibrational approach to healing pain and illness and attracting success and abundance with EFT and the Law of Attraction. Carol's primary professional focus is teaching workshops and retreats around the world on the topic of using the Law of Attraction and EFT to attract abundance, relieve pain, and clear addictions.

Carol's Prescription for Prosperity is in the form of tips for raising your vibration, which causes you to light up energetically. When you are energetically bright the universe sees you and gives you more of what you want. Following are the first four tips of Carol's prescription:

1. Make the best out of every situation. Whatever happens in your life, think about what positive thing you can take from it and what you can learn. When you are making the best of it and searching for something positive, the Law of Attraction responds. Every time you are presented with something negative, take one step forward; just turn the corner and move in the direction toward something positive. We're not asking for a change in attitude, we're just asking for one step toward the positive.

2. Choose your focus now. This is a good tip for when something negative happens. Ask what you can do about it. People think they don't have any power, but they do. One way to express that power is by choosing your focus. Your mood and vibration change when you choose your focus.

3. Mind your own business. This one is sometimes the hardest tip to follow. It's really easy to become embroiled in someone else's life drama. Buy why? All it normally does is envelope you in the same negative or hostile emotions the other person is feeling, and it can amp them up while draining you. Instead of doing that, choose to nurture your own internal energy. Be an observer, not an absorber - by ignoring external energy and noise you can keep your vibration clear and strong. After all, you need all your energy and focus to stay on top of your own life and business.

Minding your own business also means minding your own present business, not minding your old emotional conflicts. If you are walking down the street and suddenly notice an old heated argument being played back in your brain, release that beast! Forgive yourself for old conflicts (and forgive the other participants, too), and free yourself from those old, negative emotions.

4. Heal your relationship with money. Think about seeing your back account tomorrow with an extra $2 million in it. Are you scared a little bit? Being scared of big changes, even if they're good big changes are natural but not beneficial. You must openly accept money and be ready to receive vast amounts of it if that's what you desire with no strings attached. Remember that money is an exchange of energy that can lead to a feeling of well-being. If you still have any negative feelings about money, bills or debt you can release those through energy psychology and EFT.

About the Author:

January 5, 2010

Learn Abundance Secrets To Gain Prosperity In Life

By Karen Cochran

All people are craving for that state of abundance; in fact, even the rich are never contented thus they end up looking at those written records about abundance secrets. The truth of the matter is that none of these write-ups are successful enough in teaching people how to get a "good" life.

Despite these books, ebooks, videos, or what you want to call them, people still complain about how much they are lacking with-"I want a new skirt", "I want to live in a warmer place", "I wish to travel outside the universe, "I want a new house" etc.

Instead of complaining, there are times when we should stop our rants and focus on the things that we have. We should be grateful for everything that we are given with. Think about those people who are struggling during their entire lives for something to eat when there you are, you have every convenience that life can offer but you still want more.

The abundance secrets are not something that we should really need to learn because they are already deep inside us. We will be able to unveil it at the moment when we realize that life is actually better once we focus on the things that we have instead of spending our time trying to figure out how much we actually lack.

If we continue to allow our mind to focus only on our struggles and those unfair situations we are trapped in, it is easy for us to become discouraged and we then fail to see the beauty of life.

This is the time for you to open your eyes to see that there are actually many people out there who were able to potentially overcome these obstacles thus they are now enjoying a life which is overflowing with money, love, happiness, and joy. If you just divert your thought, it is possible for you to have this life as well.

The abundance secrets will come by the time when you begin to transfer your focus into the goodness of life. How about the beautiful daughter you have or the son who never fail to make you laugh? These are simple pleasures of life that is worth a million. Every living person is can manifest abundance once they just learn to look at the right place.

The time when you will enjoy everything that you could ever get from life will never come because the more you get something, the more will you crave for more. In view of this, true abundance is that time when you start counting the blessing so you can have it right now if you just keep your focus.

Some people would compare the abundance secrets as being like mature branches of a tree which should all be taken away in order to give way to something which is new and better. People who really understand it however see it more as the mature branches needing to be pruned in order to grow younger branches. Think of a grape vine that increases its produce each year with the help of intensive pruning. Without pruning, the ground will weaken and the crop will start to diminish.

So each time you are in a difficult situation, especially something that concerns your finances, do not be scared because you are at your pruning stage. You will be able to appreciate success much more by changing things gradually and focusing on the positive. Always have faith in your heart and trust your intuition and you will have a great life!

About the Author:

Can Abundance And You Meet?

By Giles Meredith

Many individuals are on the search for ways that will allow them to manifest abundance although most of the time; they find themselves raising the white flag because they were defeated in the battle. In view of this, it is likely that you wonder whether it is feasible for abundance and you to finally come with each other.

Money has always been a big factor in determining success in a person's life. Everyone is craving for more finances although they are already surrounded with a lot of wonderful things which some people would envy about them. If only we could realize just how blessed we are then there wont be any room for complaining. Money is not sole thing which will spell abundance because there are other factors to consider as well.

It is probable that you keep on dreaming about the moment when you will become rich. But the sad thing is, if we focus everything in hoping then we wont be able to achieve anything.

Again, abundance and you can meet because it may manifest itself in wide range of factors. For some, this can mean a loaded bank account but what we should realize that abundance may come in the form of: friendships, opportunity, freedom, love, and more.

Everything will lead us to ask the question: "how can we manifest abundance?" The answer to this question is as easy as being ready for it once it comes knocking on your door.

So you can be ready, you must be prepared for the worst. Almost all people would think that the coming of abundance would be in a form of winning a lottery or getting a lover from blind dating. This is not the case because for you to experience abundance then there is a must for you to start working really hard just to attain it.

It is wrong to dwell for example on that momentous monetary abundance of winning the lottery. Although this is an option, this is not the best thing to dwell on.

The same is true with dating agencies because the mere act of submitting your picture as well as your resume will never allow you to gain abundance in love. You should be wise not to dwell your life in these mere fleeting things.

In order for abundance and you to meet, it will boil down to the need of having a firm foundation in the mind. You should look at the hay rather than focus yourself on the needle. This connote that you need to focus on those factors that you have rather than actually diverting your thoughts on those things that you are lacking. This is the trick that you must learn to acquire.

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January 4, 2010

Must-Have Attitudes in Manifesting Money and Success

By Stuart David

Every individual deserves the right to dream what the heart desires. Try to make a survey with regards to what is the ultimate wish of a person and money would be on top of their list. It's reality that we all want money for us to live a convenient life especially these days since everything goes with a price. Manifesting money is just like wishing everything for yourself.

Abundance will come to those who deserve it. It is not determined whether you are born wealthy or not rather everything will come out as a result of your efforts and determination. Nothing is impossible to someone who never stops dreaming and very eager to fulfill his needs. If you convince yourself what you ought to do then you have no reason to fail.

In manifesting money, you must take everything seriously especially if it requires careful attention on your part. However, you must also take time to enjoy and relax from time to time. For one to attract abundance, one must also identify strengths and turn weaknesses into positive attributes.

For one to attract abundance in life, he must work hard and possess necessary skills and attitude to make it on top. No one has the right to claim success if he denies the fact that he needs to work for it. In manifesting money, you must speak to yourself that you can make it.

Everyday experiences make our life worthwhile and it will serve as your stepping stones towards the ladder of success. Abundance comes to those who desire it with burning passion in their hearts. You will never have anything if you do not work for it.

Positive attitude is one of the best qualities for a person to attain triumph in every activity that he is in. Manifesting money is just one of the many advantages of success. In some cases, it is listed on top since it can buy a lot of things that we wish to have.

Be humble despite your acquisitions and you will enjoy every bit of what you have. Don't be too selfish for it will affect your thoughts and will reduce the positive energy that runs in your system. Remember that positive thoughts attract good life and the same thing with abundance. Don't be afraid to share something to other people for it will reflect you as a person.

A kind heart is always endowed with luck and you must be thankful that you have the capacity to give rather than asking for your needs. Manifesting abundance is just like saying to live your fantasies in the world of reality. It will make you happy more than anything else.

You need to have a positive outlook and be wise enough to see beyond the future. Never settle for what will bring out the best things good for today rather work with what's best for the next couple of days.

Treasure every experience whether you did it alone or with companion. Each experience will teach you a lesson so make sure not to miss each experience without appreciating the lessons behind it. You are now a grown up individual and you need to be responsible with your actions. Manifesting money is not all about competition rather it's more working hard for what you deserve.

One must work to identify his strengths and work on it to strengthen the chance to be successful. In manifesting money, one must also realize that he is not perfect and he had his own flaws and weaknesses. However, these shortcomings must not hinder a person to attract abundance and enjoy a youthful life. It would be best if people realize how lucky he is to live a successful life.

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Enjoy Abundance Prosperity in Life and Business

By Liam Chen

The world is filled with so much creations that we need to be thankful of. We have nothing that is worth to be questioned. Everything is given to us yet we need to search for things that we desire in life such as abundance, prosperity and success in life.

We always wish for the best things in our lives and this is very healthy. However, just mere wishing is not enough and it will not change a thing if you forget to act on it. Why do you think people mostly fail rather than succeed in life?

You need to stop being negative to achieve everything. Somehow, you can't seem to get these negative aspects out of your mind. You are worried about your daily expenses but you hate your job and your salary.

First, you need to grab every opportunity that comes in your way. Don't be picky at first for you will grow along with your experience. However, if you want to concentrate with you chosen career then look for opportunities related to it.

Always have the positive attitude towards work to attract abundance prosperity in your like. Always think that you can do it and you have the capacity to withstand any hindrance that will come your way.

Accompanying your daily breakfast with a morning mantra will keep yourself in good spirits. You don't need to limit yourself with material gains. Sometimes it is nice to have more power, you might think about gaining your own spirituality and relationship as well.

There is a simple and effective way of alternating habits and creating new subconscious programs. One way is to use self-hypnosis and guided visualization to take control and re-program your subconscious mind in order to bring about lasting change in a short period of time. Physical and mental relaxations are what this is all about. Authorizing direct access to the subconscious where suggestion can be utilized to maximize the effect.

Here are some principles of gaining abundance and prosperity in life. First, stop complaining, blaming and worrying about money. It is a process of focusing on the past and fear of the future. In fact, worry actually keeps money away by making a negative field.

Abundance and prosperity are some of the fruitful outcomes of hard work and kind heart. Don't be selfish after achieving success for you will not enjoy triumph if you don't share it. Remember that there are people behind your success and you did not do it all by yourself. In one way or another, I am sure you have asked help from family and friends.

Third, think before you do your actions. Appreciation and gratitude for the abundance that you already have gives more comfort and peace than shopping with comfort.

A jealous heart will only create conflict with other people and material gains are not the best things in life. Always live a life with a pure heart that will make you truly happy every minute that you live.

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