December 3, 2009

Law of Attraction is Simple, Not Easy

By Sam Palin

Have you heard of the Law of Attraction? Do you know what it could do for your life, to make it better? You've probably heard of it by now (almost everyone has), and it truly is tremendous and magnetic. People everywhere are absolute proof that the Law of Attraction is really true, really powerful, and it really works.

That can be true for you, too. If you're not living the life you want to right now, there are probably things going on that are preventing it from happening. You can have the life you want, no matter how out of the realm of possibility might think it is. First, however, you'll need to take care of the obstacles that are preventing it.

First of all, stay focused on your dreams and goals. One of the best ways to do this is to just go out and buy a notebook so that you can write them down. The notebook should have multiple sections for subjects, so that you can write down different goals, dreams, and areas of your life you would like to change. In the first section, you can write down, for example, just how you would like your life to be right now. It's best when you first start out to set small goals, because you will want to see immediate results. The Law of Attraction is its most powerful if you take small steps.

Now, read over what you've written so far. For example, you may have written that you want to get a better job, you want to lose 20 pounds, or you want to get a new car. Now, think for a minute. What could be preventing those things from happening? Negative thinking is a truly powerful obstacle that can prevent the Law of Attraction from working for you. So one of the first things you should do is to work on changing negative thoughts to positive ones.

What is so great about the Law of Attraction is that if you begin to believe something is going to happen, you'll actually set events in motion that will make it come true. And in fact, once you get started with this, you'll probably find that you're not going to have to work as hard as you thought you did to make what you want to come true actually come true. Simply changing your thoughts so that you actually believe something can happen is enough to set those things in motion so that they begin to come to you. It's true that you're going to have to put some effort into it, too, but that effort will be carried along by the positivity of the Law of Attraction, so that it doesn't seem like you're working that hard.

It is as if you will magically know what to do in order to obtain what you want from life. Besides just writing down what you want in your life, take time out to envision that it has already occurred. For example, if you are desperately seeking a raise, pretend that you have already received it. It may seem like you are being a bit delusional, but believing is what the law of attraction is all about.

Now, see what happens. All of a sudden, it will seem perfect job opportunities abound, and they'll just appear. Or, your boss might give you a raise that you've been wanting but never thought would come. If you need to lose weight, it will suddenly seem like an easy thing to do, such that you'll change your life so that you eat healthier and exercise more, and weight will simply seem to disappear. Again, remember, because the Law of Attraction works by focusing on what you put out, staying positive is going to help things along. The better you feel, the more good is going to happen to you.

Now, that doesn't mean you have to fake self-confidence about things, and in fact you shouldn't actually do that. That's because "faking" is what the Law of Attraction will pick up on, not the "self-confidence" that isn't really there. However, what you can do is to begin to take baby steps to do things so that you really do develop self-confidence. As you develop self-confidence, you'll begin to attract those things that reflect that self-confidence. As you work to develop those characteristics within yourself you want to see more of, the Law of Attraction will support and reflect that. Remember that if you're negative, you can't achieve big dreams no matter how hard you try. Staying positive is key even as you work to fulfill those "steps" that seem to pop up from nowhere but that will nonetheless get you to your goal. That is the Law of Attraction in action. Meditate daily on your goals and dreams, too, so that they always stay at the forefront.

Remember, the Law of Attraction attracts you what you think about most, so keep the right attitude. As you begin, focus on what you want in life, on baby steps, and you'll see those obstacles that seem to keep you from doing it begin to simply fall out of the way. If you want to buy a car, think about ways you could do that. If you want to make more money, think about where you may have limiting beliefs about money that could getting in your way and then change those. When you first begin, it's helpful if you focus on one thing at a time so that you don't get overwhelmed or get discouraged. Simply watch it happen; before long, you'll see the life you always wanted begin to blossom before you.

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