February 24, 2012

Dishonesty away you from your private development (II)

By Elkin Arriero

The simple way to stop lying

Tip 1: Accept accountability for your actions, do not blame others

Latterly there had been a corruption scandal in the UK and many politicians have defended their position to acceptable public funds, justifying that they did it "because everyone else was doing." Somehow the lying and cheating has become an accepted and even anticipated in society. If you know that integrity and truth of a person , are the basis of a truly personal, then be honest for you, whatever the culture of duplicity widespread.

Tip 2: It's easier to tell the truth

The writer Mark Twain claimed, "Always tell the truth, so you do not have to remember what you said." Lying needs much effort. There are many details to remember no matter how elaborate and make a lie tangled in the final analysis always it is understood. Get shot of the lies (even white) and straight away see how your life becomes less stressed.

Tip 3: Be aware of what means lying

A man who discovered his cheating girlfriend, he asked to her since when occuring that? And he found out that she was being disloyal 5 years, when asked why she had not related before about his cheating?, She replied:" You didnt ask ". Just as the girl in this story, do not come up with excuses to yourself, to hide the truth when you know you're cheating on someone is lying," lie by omission. "

Tip 4: Stop lying to get the approval of others or lack the courage to speak the truth (Ley de Atraccion)

The truth is always looking out for a way to reveal to others, then when you lose the trust of the people, and there's no point trying to gain approval or avoid facing the truth if end everyone refuse you and/or will discover what you did and never trust you again, like happened to the boy who cried "Here Comes the Wolf" can you remember the tale?

Also, if you do not cut the root causes lie that you can never overcome this bad habit, so if you lie because you lack confidence in yourself and you mostly need the approval of others, perhaps before propose avoid lying, you must learn how to worth yourself without relying on the opinions of others, exercise in the art of being real, without telling stories that never occurred and have more belief in yourself and your abilities, so shortly as you achieve this will stop lying. EduynLabino

If you lie because you do not know how to deal with the issues, learn to deal with them. So as to overcome a fear fear you have to face repeatedly to beat it, face your issues with courage and learn to disentangle them without lying.

Research the reasons that lead you to lie and attack the base of the difficulty, if you can not only seek pro help. Truth provides you a better standard of life, you can sleep soundly each night and each day you'll be nearer to reaching your full potential, going the way of your personal development.

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