January 30, 2012

Law of Attraction for Relationships

By Jill Gonzales

There can be nothing more important in life than finding the perfect person to spend it with. But there are times when looking for that special someone seems elusive. Maybe you've tried every way you know how and just can't seem to meet the prefect mate. The old advice of hanging out at the local grocery store isn't working, the nightclubs aren't working, and even those blind dates have left you feeling that it's a lost cause. If that's the case, it may be time for you to try using the law of attraction. With a little bit of time and effort you may find your current situation changing drastically.

To begin using the law of attraction in your current relationship you must first understand how the law works. If you are negative in your thoughts about your partner, you must change this outlook. When you are negative, that negativity can grow and manifest itself, which will in turn repeatedly interfere with the emotions of each person involved. For any relationship going through hard times, beginning to change your behavior may be the most difficult step. It might seem as if you are the only one willing to change and it may seem like that for the first couple of weeks. Don't give up and remember to stay positive.

Begin to use the law of attraction by thinking in positive terms. Don't think the right person for you doesn't exist; think that you will soon meet the right person. This may be hard at first, but with a little effort you will be able to do it easily. Follow these thoughts up with actions. You obviously can't meet anyone new and interesting if you're sitting in front of the TV every day. Be thankful for the relationships you have already, and don't forget to nurture those.

The universe operates by giving each person in life certain things. When we are thankful for the things we already have, the universe rewards us with more things, be they monetary, spiritual, or otherwise. So when we say or think that we aren't getting what we want, the universe doesn't give us what we want. For example, if you were to say, "The right person for me just doesn't exist," the universe might reply with, "You're correct, the right person doesn't exist." In order to change how the universe perceives your needs and goes about helping you it is crucial to change your mindset and how you talk about things. Begin by thinking positively instead of negatively and allow your words and actions to follow the example.

Another way the law of attraction works is by rewarding those who are thankful for what they have. Maybe things could be better in the relationship, but only you know how special and right your partner is for you. Things may be on rocky ground right now, but you can still be thankful for this special person in your life. If you need to remind yourself of this, just take a quick trip down memory lane. Remember how and where you met, and how magical it felt back then. Remember the early days and the love and romance you experienced together. Remember the things you had in common and how much fun you had. When you bring up fond memories, your mind tends to feel better about things and it can help you to reconnect. If you are concerned about using the law of attraction or telling your significant other about it, know that you needn't tell anyone. The law of attraction will certainly work faster if both parties are involved, but it can also work with just one person practicing it. While it may take longer for one person, that's not to say that results won't be far behind. With dedication to using the law, it is only a matter of time to see the results you want. As you begin seeing results, make sure to be thankful for those results which will lead to more of the same. The law of attractions can be used successfully by anyone willing to put in the time and effort.

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