April 15, 2009

Will Your Thoughts Lead You To A Prosperous Life?

By Chanel Rose

At any point in time you have many thoughts going through your mind. They will be a combination of thoughts you are choosing to think and thoughts that are running on auto pilot. The power of those thoughts will without fail bring your to an experience that is a close match to them.

By using your thoughts you can bring yourself into alignment with wealth. It is easy. Just think about wealth. Think about the wealth you already have that you are grateful for. Bless others for the wealth that they have in their life right now. You deserve it and so do they.

You may have to do some mind weeding if you are living a life experience that is less than what you desire. There may be so past beliefs or conditionings that you to remove before you can move forward. We have picked up the thoughts of many people around us as children, but that does not mean we need to keep those thoughts running. They are no longer useful and can be replaced.

Television is also a medium that you will have adopted as a way to create thoughts. particularly the news. Try to avoid the news and reports of disaster and stress, whether they are economic or otherwise. You want to look for and reach for a place that stimulates you in a positive way.

Keep a daily diary of some of your thoughts for a week or so. It can be an interesting experience to bring unconscious thoughts into a place where you can reflect on them. Remember that your thoughts do dictate what you will be doing in a minute or in a decade. There is no difference between the two. It is all thoughts leading you somewhere. Where do you want to end up?

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