March 2, 2011

Bob Proctor and the Law of Attraction

By Darrel Marion

The Secret, after its release, was able to light up a fire in people. It was the center of all talks and even debates and has opened the eyes of the masses to what is actually a philosophy that has been around for many years. People who have seen the film may feel like it's a new way of improving your life. However, the Law of Attraction has been used by people way back in the days.

The Secret discusses mainly about the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is actually something that exists around us everyday. We can compare it to that of gravity, we know it exists and it is working in our lives even if we do not fully understand the whole process.

Bob Proctor, one of the key speakers featured in the movie, is a firm believer of this philosophy and even lives by its principles. He even shares that all the success that he is experiencing right now he can attributes to the Law of Attraction. Without it, he would never have mastered how to personally attract the things that he desired in life.

The Law of Attraction is explained in detail by Bob Proctor and other speakers in The Secret. The Law of Attraction is basically all about properly attracting your goals or anything that you desire in your life. The Law of Attraction can somehow be explained in this example: oftentimes when we come out of the house feeling bad or irritated, you will most likely see come across people who are in a bad mood too. However, if you start with being positive and a enthusiastic mood, you will also come across happy people.

Bob shares that though being a positive thinker is a big part of this philosophy, it is only a part of the whole picture. To truly master the Law of Attraction, you need to make it an everyday habit. You will need to train yourself in order to properly attract the things you desire in life. The Secret and the speakers in this movie will help you in your way to mastering the proper way of applying the Law of Attraction.

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