July 13, 2010

With Cosmic Ordering There Is No Need To Sacrifice!

By Stephen Richards

The advances in technology have, without doubt, made life a lot easier and comfortable for us to live. We cannot imagine our world without the electrical gadgets that we use in our homes or at work. If you ask people what they find is the most indispensable object in their household many would point to their dishwasher! Is this a Cosmic Ordering desire or just every day consumerism?

Right, what was it? Ah, ha! I see. Okay, I admit, I couldn't get by easily without my beloved dishwasher, a domestic Cosmic Ordering goddess she is, too. (Sorry for giving it a feminine slant, as I suppose it wouldn't have that ring to it if I called it 'a domestic god.')

My reason for asking you the question relates to how some are claiming Cosmic Ordering to be a spiritual journey. I mean, can you imagine his Holiness the Pope running around without his Popemobile. Such a thing would be frowned upon. Can you imagine the Archbishop of Canterbury living in a caravan at the side of the cathedral?

For a long time, spirituality meant renouncing all physical pleasure and luxuries of life. But these were framed in the days where even owning a donkey was a highly luxurious thing! For some this abandoning of pleasures is unthinkable and they were ready to forego their spiritual journey if it involved giving up their luxuries. Well, with Cosmic Ordering there is no need to give up every day luxuries to be able to manifest the bigger items in your life!

It is, indeed, amazing how some people adhered to the established code of sacrificing their pleasures to realise life's true meaning. Though they had success in their journey they had to give up many things that mattered a lot to them. \When you use Cosmic Ordering then you can forget about sacrifices!

One such tale involved a man who had given up all his worldly pleasures when he was taken seriously ill. He undergoes a very difficult journey to the Himalayas where he is imparted with the wisdom of life and the seven gems he received from the Himalayan gurus are:

1. Keep your thoughts focussed on positive and pleasant things.

2. Follow life's mission

3. Cultivate self-discipline

4. Behave boldly and with daring in whatever you do.

5. Always remember every second is precious.

6. Build positive relationships and nurture them.

7. Savour every minute of your existence. Enjoy life to the fullest.

You would have understood from these pointers that renouncing worldly Cosmic Ordering pleasures to attain spirituality is not a necessity at all. Luxury is intended to be enjoyed and I think every one of us would agree!

The life that has been gifted to us through Cosmic Ordering is meant to be lived to the fullest. There is no meaning in leading it in anguish. You need not suffer and deprive yourself to reach the spiritual plane.

But don't forget to keep in mind that greediness and spirituality never go hand in hand. They are paradoxical and always at odds.

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