July 15, 2010

"Leading Mind Power Professional Stephen Richards Shows You How To Be Successful"

By Stephen Richards

Self-doubt is one of the main reasons why people fail to manifest what they desire out of life. There is no other way around it than to go forward, you have to face your doubt head on in order to overcome it. Self-belief can be instilled, although it is what we were born with. Over the years self-doubt sets in and then we have fear of failure taking control. So naturally this is the first step in getting what you want, be self-assured, but not pushy. Become too pushy and you will find yourself filling up with over-confidence, and that is as bas as self-doubt. Once you have found the confidence to tackle new things in life then this is the time you should focus in on your desire, ask specifically that this desire be manifested.

When you want something there is a beginning, middle and an end. You firstly decide what it is you want, and then you get it and then finally think about how you will pay for it. The main thing is that you have got it, and once you have it in your possession you will do all you can to keep it. Now go get it!

In order for you to go forwards you have to release the past, and that means forgiving those who have wronged you. You do not need to verbally go up to them and say you forgive them. Just say it in your head and mean it, this way you are releasing yourself from the past and are no longer a prisoner to it. This way you are freed from the shackles that once held you back ... now move on in life.

Have you noticed how some people are successful without even trying; they seem to glide through life. What is their secret? Simple! They are focused! This is what you must do if you want what you desire. Do not waste your time on the detail of it, just go for it BIG time. Successful people have the ability to change direction without any warning. Adopt this methodology and become flexible to life around you so that you can become a winner. This is what sets winners apart from losers.

Never be afraid to accept a helping hand if someone offers it, no matter how old or young that hand might be. Another secret of success is the ability to delegate tasks, so don't try to do everything yourself, well not all at once. From your vantage point of having delegated the lesser and more menial tasks you will be able to maintain control while doing the more important jobs. Also, never allow a failure to get in your way. Use that failure as an example of how not to do something. That way you will be well able to adapt in the future.

Accept the encouragement and support of those around you, and always be thankful of it. There are those with negative minds that may well seek to discourage you, these are not supportive people, avoid them as they are dead weight.

Be thankful for what you have, give praise and never hold back in lending support where you can give it, as this will be returned to you tenfold and more. Make your dreams a reality by being clear and precise about what you want, stop being vague.

Look at what you have and give praise for it, as it is easy to lose sight of what is around you. See your loving family and friends as allies. Feel good from not having hunger in your life, feel good for the life you have. Never despise yourself for failing, as you are far from that. If you see yourself as a success now then that is something that will stay with you. Work towards a larger success, build on what you have. If you live in a shack then see yourself living in a mansion. If you ride a boneshaker of a bicycle then see yourself driving a limousine! Right now that second class boneshaker is better than third class walking! Be clear about what you desire, see the new car with all its whistles and bells ... you get the idea!

Do you notice how some people take to luxury like a duck to water, see how they accept lavishness and extravagance with ease. This is because they feel worthy of it. If someone bought you an expensive gift then don't look awkward in accepting it, be thankful for it by all means and show gratitude, but do not fall to your knees in thankfulness. You must have a sense of self-worth and certainly shoot for the stars in what you want, but not after trying out those smaller test orders and building up to the larger ones first. Think about it, no one is going to come along and shove bundles of money through your letterbox! You have to use the means to attracting the wealth, and in doing so it may be that you have to go about it in a round about way. Maybe you dream of opening a big business, but it cannot happen just like that. You have to start it off and build up to the BIG dream, but stay with it and never lose track of that dream because you will bet there in the end. Feel comfortable in thinking big, never listen to the negative people who put you down for having these big ideas.

Do you ever see big tycoon business people in the news mixing with losers? Of course not, usually you see pictures of successful people mixing with other successful people. So when someone is pulling you down, sapping your energy because they are what is known as a 'psychic vampire' then you have to close yourself down to them. They feed off you, and the more they do this then the more you become weakened in your resolve to be successful. How you go about shutting them out is to stop entering into conversation with them, stop answering their questions and eventually they will get the message.

Spend time with like minded people, you will find you succeed even more at what you want to have happen. A group's dynamic is more powerful than that of an individual. The power created is in the unity and it has to do with attitude. However if you sense bad vibes within such a group then you may have a wolf in sheep's clothing amidst them, so do be careful. Learn, also, to give yourself some 'me' time, this is when you can go into yourself and find some valuable answers that you were not able to do when doing the everyday chores of life. This is when you can reinforce your desires and instil a more positive outlook into your life.

Remember the song about smiling, well that is true ... the whole world smiles with you. Your smile is an outward sign that you are a happy person, and successful people smile, they do not have worry etched across their faces. Try it, smile at a stranger and see what happens, of course be sure to do it in the right environment. When you get a smile in return it is making you feel good and adds to your depth of energy reserves. So go around and collect smiles and charge your tank to overflowing with energy. You will find you become more popular and soon you will attract luck in whatever you do.

With all of hat I have revealed to you I hope you can now put it into action and make it work for you, in fact I know this is your first real step towards success. Go for it in a BIG way.

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