February 12, 2012

Reprogram Your Consciousness for abundance (I)

By Elkin Arriero

NLP can be horrifying to many, either because many ideas, because some rare sound or as it have many uses, it can infrequently appear insurmountable. Today we'll make a very straightforward exercise and very effective "program" your mind for success and abundance.

This exercise I appear great. It's a step-by-step guide to help create the attitude of profusion and achievement in your life, to live a life with decisions and opportunities. It is an exercise that helps you revise your principles and reprogram your mind to have more positive perspectives and abundant in your life.

This guide is very basic and as I pointed out formerly actually is way more about NLP you can learn, but this exercise can help to take your first steps. Shall we start?

Checking your Beliefs of Excess and Success with NLP

Step 1: Undeniable Convictions

First, think about something that you strongly believe. There has to be something crucial - in fact , something as straightforward as the assumption that you can walk is enough. So long as you cannot reject enough to start. Can be: "People talk," "Whenever there day comes the night", etc..

Now, when you think of this belief undeniable, note where it seems when visualizing psychologically.

Notice where basically located in the space of your display.

Is a left, right, near you or far away?

Are you aware about the voices in your mind that you are saying it's an certain belief?

Is a clear and pointed or blurred?

take Psychological notes of all of these details in NLP called "submodalities". (programacion neurolinguistica)

Once you're done, think of something completely different for an instant - anything to help you empty your thoughts. Something that can let you return to your neutral mental condition.

Step 2: Beliefs debatable

Now think about something you are not sure. You can choose something you don't care truly like what Peter and Anna (yes, regardless of if you do not know any Pedro and Ana in your life) have eaten for breakfast this morning. For example, "Peter breakfast coffee with milk."

Then note where you put this concept into your display. EduynLabino

Once more, is to the left, right, nearby or far from you? Is it a big image or small? Clear or blurred?

Make a mental note of these details or "submodalities".

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