February 10, 2012

Neuro Linguistic Programing: Re-framing system (I)

By Elkin Arriero

The History of the Pig, Where Have Your atention Today?

Today we are going to talk about the strategy of reframing, a particularly dynamic strategy that we use in NLP, but first I'd like to begin to tell a little story.

NLP: The Story of the Pig

There in the mountains is only a way to raise and lower it in truth hadn't yet wholly paved and some pieces were still mud and rocks. It's a perilous road, especially if you aren't from this area.

Mr. Lopez was having a tricky day, was making a delivery to a farmer, was running late and the road conditions didn't permit progress, indeed, was at a point where hi didn't know if he was on the right track or not and if you arrive at your destination or not.

Walking up the road, howdy intersects with a blue automobile coming down, coming at speed, it was a girl driving. Mr. Lopez stepped apart and passing the blue car he listens to the girl screaming: "Pig!" (regalos de empresa)

Mr. Lopez was in a bad mood, it got worse. "Who did she think she's? How could scream something? The girls are all crazy!" He repeated. "Luckily I don't have any time because I will go trying to find her". His neck was turning red while he cursed in a low.

When turning in a fairly steep curve, Mr. Lopez that he was really busy woman cursing blue auto hello collides with a pig that was in the middle of the road. The farm that hi came to visit was only 1 side.

NLP: The easiest way to change the way to see things EduynLabino

What are we able to learn from this story? What do you mean? Fundamentally as we are saying in NLP, the result is feedback, a response of what occurs abroad, is neither good nor bad and serves to make choices. Now the issue is how to translate this result, how we have a look at things.

For Mr. Lopez, the word "pig" insult recommended, for the lady it had been a way of warning of what was on the road. So I ask, Where have you attention now? Remember that the way in which we look round us depends upon us alone.

Each one of us has a method to see the world, a "map" by which we move in this "territory", but our maps are not always correct, there are times we need modified them. Language is what permits us to operate in the environment, why NLP is so important and cause much impact. And wherever we are, we all have the resources needed to implement any changes you would like to do. The trick is to transform how you communicate.

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