November 30, 2011

What Have in Common Law of Attraction and NLP? (II)

By Elkin Arriero

As we saw there are several basic ideas that combine the Law of Attraction with NLP and best of all is that to mix them we can achieve more dynamic and an incredible speed!

Here's an example:

The Law of Attraction is completely full of exercises to "program" our mind with positively empowered thoughts and visualizations, making us vibrate and thrill us with what we want to attract and leaving apart what's not. Now, what if discover a way to enter that state of positive vibes when you would like, with no regard for time or place? Imagine may feel you full of joy and happiness, and wealth fully existing with just the click of your fingers, would not it extraordinary?

Well, NLP to explore ways of communication between people has one or two exercises that will help you with that. The 1st exercise in nature is the "anchor". The "anchor" is an exercise that allows you like the name announces "anchor" mark your subconscious a desired emotional state. It could be a state of joy, attainment, happiness, security, you need to switch a psychological state lacks resources to an emotive state that gives you the tools to get closer to your wish. (Ley de Atraccion)

Now, the best way to do it? Really Easy:

1. Choose your "anchor" When visualizing your affirmations or needs to manifest you select a place in your body to touch yourself which will serve as "anchor" physics which will remind you that state. Can be your ear, elbow, chest, wrist, whatever you want. The important thing is to make it easy to spot, something than to do it you realize you are using your "anchor".

2. Make your affirmations : Begin with your routine confirmations, please recreate situations and emotions within you as you're feeling when you get what you crave. AtreveteAVivir

3. Create the "anchor": When you get the maximum out of emotion, to top energy of vibration and touch you where you decided that going to be your anchor. Do it for a few seconds, pressing firmly. It's important that you register it your mind.

4. Repeat it: Ends with your confirmations, take a break and start again with exercise. Do two or three times to set the anchor well.

The goal is that by simply touching the body part you've come to a decision, you can recreate your feelings and positive emotions, and the best is that it is a tool that is totally at your fingertips, if you need to feel that way with just invoke your anchor, they succeeded.

Actually I invite you to try and share with us your experience!

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