November 30, 2011

Learn to Fly with Angel Wings!

By Inigo Montoya

If you are tired of living a life that just seems to keep getting harder and harder with fewer moments of joy and happiness then you will want to read this article on How To Grow Your Own Angel Wings and Fly. I'm sure you have seen all the books and movies about how to attract joy and prosperity and have figured out by now that they left some important things out. Here are some of the real secrets.

Some of these things I am going to mention may seem simple and not very magical. Don't worry about that. Just DO THEM. I am here to tell you that any big movement in your life is always made up of small steps put together.

With these suggestions the goal is to raise your personal vibration. We are all made up of energy and we all vibrate at a specific frequency. What we hope to accomplish is to raise our vibration to match up with those things we want to bring in to our life.

STOP watching all Newscasts and Political Programs immediately. I am aware that this goes against everything you have ever been taught. Most news is completely or near completely negative by nature. You will never be able to raise your vibration if you are filling your mind with all that negativity that really has nothing to do with you. If you were to interview Multimillionaires they would tell you that the only news they watch is financial that relates to their business interests.

Finding a book, movie, or course that will teach you how to develop your own intuition is something that everyone should do. There was a time in my life when much like George Costanza on Seinfeld every decision I made seem to be the wrong one. I can't emphasize enough how much your life will change for the better when you can access that part of yourself that knows the right path to take and decisions to make.

When you have started to grow your own Angel Wings and want to manifest something make it as easy as possible for spirit to do it's work. Money is not going to magically show up in your freezer! Have several possible avenues for money to show up at. The more possible income streams you have the easier you are making it for the Universe to help you out. Magic is not about throwing out logic. It's about opening your eyes to the most possibilities.

Stay in the present moment as much as possible. If you start watching yourself you will find that you are almost always daydreaming about some future action or event or thinking about something that happened in the past. You need watch yourself and become aware of how much time you are not spending in the here and now.

I hope you found this article on Growing your Angel Wings informative as well as entertaining. If you made it this far you definitely have shown that you are committed to changing your life for the better. Read everything you can on this subject and keep moving forward. I believe in You!

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