November 7, 2011

Patience: the path to individual growth (II)

By Elkin Arriero

Responding to the varied life situations in a thoughtful and calm, showing the best of us, however when we get always react hastily out the very worst of our personality. Eagerly rarely we get the results what we need, serves only to get caught up in irritation and dissatisfaction, personal expansion slowing significantly.

Impatience can also be a sign of something much deeper, not only keeps to our mind distracted from the current time and takes away the opportunity to experience individual expansion, but occasionally becomes us being concerned and even highly-strung.(Ley de Atraccion)

Giving up our sense of urgency and to the attitude of "I need it now" is the way of attaining a cool awareness; we are able to offer much in terms of appreciating all that life has to give.

In our culture is starting to become more present to find solutions and quick results, which don't have a period of time for reflection, which closes our potential to entirely explore all probabilities, and we do not provide any option personal growth.

In this postmodern and technologic world, where we live even perturbed by PCs that are quicker growing, we run the risk of losing this valuable lesson that's waiting.

In the natural world there is no hurry, the sun never announces to the moon to hurry to complete its cycle, as it is busy and needs more time to do things, just follow its natural course and slow, waking us each morning, according to the laws established naturally.AtreveteAVivir

Maybe we should learn a lesson from nature, which we are all integral part, and let everything goes as should do it. Nature has its own pace, but that's not the same rhythm of the ticking of the clock or digital readouts, and the packed schedule is the time of the seasons, where everything and everyone has their own way of living and we don't have any right to change, simply because we don't be patient to be there and wait.

Patience is deeply set in nature, by it is logical for we, humans being is cultivated it. Next time you want to retort to a situation, think very on the final results that your actions could lead and predates accordingly, responsibility and patience, for the good of all.

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