June 4, 2010

Law Of Attraction Money Made Easy

By Trevor Johnson

What do the books by Esther Hicks about a spirit named Abraham and the bestselling book the Secret have in common? They both teach you ways for getting Law of Attraction money. Read on to find out precisely how to do this without making the mistakes that many beginners make.

The world is a land of plenty. There is enough for everyone, so why do some people suffer from not having money? According to the Law of Attraction it is because we get what we think about and far too many people think about what they do not have.

According to the Law of Attraction, the current economic crisis and poverty in general is caused by people having a negative mentality. If you think I am going to lose my job or I am broke and things are never going to change, this will become your reality. However, if you think I am going to achieve great wealth, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In order to apply the Law of Attraction to get money, you need to do the following: first, change your thought patterns to eliminate the negative. Every time you wake up, think today I will attract great wealth. You have to keep saying this to yourself until you really believe it, and that can be difficult for most people, so to circumvent disbelief, you can also phrase it in terms of specifics that you can believe. Today I will become a millionaire or today I will win the lottery is hard for most people to believe. However, if you say today I will get a new customer that will result in $3,000 of revenue you may be able to believe that.

Repeat this process over and over again until you honestly have conviction in the positive thoughts. Say the words out loud or write them on a piece of paper until you get the Law of Attraction to work for you through your belief.

Be warned that stating your intentions negatively will cause you to draw those negative things into your life. The words no or do not are not recognized by the creative power behind the Law of Attraction. All it recognizes is the intense feeling behind the wish and the object. So when you are creating your intent, formulate it as I will receive lots of money today, not I will not lack money today.

Once you have stated your intent clearly and let go of any emotional attachment to whether or not it will happen, the Law of Attraction starts working for you and Law of Attraction money comes in easily. When it starts to work it becomes much more easy to think positively.

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