June 1, 2010

How To Transform Your Body With The Law Of Attraction

By Calie Austin

If you understand how the law of attraction works, you are aware that the more you focus on the essence of something, it will keep manifesting in your life experience. When you focus your attention on something, corresponding emotions are activated within you, and you begin vibrating on the same energetic frequency as the essence of your focus. In very basic terms, that means: focus on good, attract good. Focus on negative, attract negative.

When it comes to weight loss, how exactly does this work? On a very basic level, the more you focus on fat (hating your fat, resisting your fat, fighting against your fat) the more persistent the fat is going to be. On the other hand, focusing on being slender immediately starts drawing that essence back to you. But there is more to it than that. You may be obsessing about making those numbers on the scale drop down, but that is not really your goal. Your goal is the final outcome you desire, the slender, beautiful, sexy body you want to have.

Just focusing on that beautiful body probably makes you feel really excited. Conversely, when you focus on your body as it is today, you probably don't feel as good. If you can turn that around and start finding ways to feel good about your body now, you will start resonating on the same energetic frequency as the body you want, and therefore start attracting it. The hard part is actually figuring out how to feel good about your body right now.

This exercise should help: Take a few minutes to sit quietly, clear your mind and relax your body. Then focus your attention on one part of your body that you truly love and appreciate. It could be your legs or feet for allowing you to move through your days easily. Perhaps your eyes for giving you the gift of sight. Maybe you feel grateful for your hands because they help you get so much done every day.

Focus on one or more of these aspects of your body, and feel grateful for all they do for you. Now the tricky part: do the same exercise on a part of your body that you don't like so much, like your belly, butt, or thighs. However, pretend that these parts of you are already perfect. Pretend that you have already lost weight and you truly love these parts of yourself - allow the feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation to flow to them.

You may need to practice a few times before you will really feel the positive emotions, but it gets easier the more you do it. And the more you do it, the stronger the "signal" you will be emitting to the universe about how beautiful and wonderful these parts of you really are - and the universe returns more positive results back to you.

Positive results might be that you first start to feel better about your body, less obsessed with flaws and more focused on the positive aspects. Physical changes are also possible, like noticing that your clothes are getting loose, you have more energy, or you seem to be looking slimmer when you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror. And the process continues to grow the more you work on it.

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