April 4, 2010

How To Release Yourself From The Burdens Of Debt

By Eric Johnson

The first step in becoming debt free is mending your broken relationship with money. To do this you have to reflect on your feelings about money and debt by examining your debts and seeing what feelings come up.

Your feelings could include anger, stress, anxiety, or even headaches. The feelings you have when you think about debt then become the issues you need to use for tapping. Now you can see you have four issues or feelings that are preventing you from being debt free (anger, anxiety, stress, and headaches). When you tap you can say things like "Even though I'm angry about this debt...," "Even though I feel a lot of anxiety...," "Even though I feel stressed about my debt...," and "Even though I get headaches from thinking about my debt...." These sentences reduce the charged emotions and allow you to have the clarity you get from tapping. You unclog your energy pathways and begin moving in a positive direction. Your debt now feels more manageable and you can begin addressing ways to correct your debt problems.

Start Slow

Everybody would love to be a millionaire overnight but that simply isn't how it's done for most of us. We have to start out slowly and be willing to take steps to change our vibration one increment at a time. It is possible to change your level of vibration so much that by the next day you are a completely new person. You can be empowered by the feeling of being free from worry about your debts. You will understand that you have them but you will no longer be sickened by them. You'll begin to have ideas on how to fix your indebtedness whether it means selling something or consolidating your debts or devising a new budget. You will find ways to make positive steps that keep you motivated to continue on your path, like paying off your lowest balance credit card so that you only have seven cards to pay off instead of eight. That is progress and it lifts your energy and propels you onward to make more positive changes.

Listen To Your Ideas

You naturally have great ideas in your mind that are floating around all the time. You have ideas about your work, your debt and a slew of other things; however, you can't hear them because those ideas are being drowned out by all of the stress and anxiety you are having. You need to rid yourself of those negative emotions, be concerned with only your affairs and nobody else's, and use the Law of Attraction. Explore your inner self and find out who your true self is. Then you can know who you are, what you have to offer to others, and how you can benefit other people. Start in increments and make achievable goals for yourself. You may not be able to make $10,000 this month but maybe you can increase your income from $2000 to $4000. So wait for the large income in favor of smaller, incremental steps.

Appreciate What You Have

Be sure to pay attention to all of the wonderful things in your life. Focus on the things that you are grateful for as a way to reduce your stress. The problems you have can be about anything - just be sure to highlight the positive aspects of your life. You can make a list of these things. Even the smallest positive thing is good because it is positive. Because debt can take so much out of you, you need to examine how it was that you got into debt in the first place. Are you a shopaholic, a gambler, a bad investor? Do you take the responsibility for the debt you acquired or do you blame others? How and why do you spend more than you have? What need are you trying to fill? Normally, you don't go into debt in one day. It is a process just as coming out of debt is a process. No matter what your situation is, you need to examine it in order to learn from it so you can be more successful in the future.

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