April 21, 2010

How The Law Of Attraction Documentary Has Become Mainstream

By Rich Thorne

Few people anywhere in the world would not have heard of the secret law of attraction now after the global smash hit "The Secret". This movie has taught people everywhere about how they can control their own destinies by using their power of thought to attract the things that they most want into their lives.

The premise of The Secret, is that we can use the law of attraction in order to encourage good things or bad things into our lives. The movie has a number of different people from scientists to spiritual leaders and gurus about the law of attraction and the effect that your thinking has on your reality.

The way that it works is that when you envision things occurring your are facilitating them to become a reality. So if you think positively about something, then you can help it to become an actuality. However, conversely you can affect negative things to happen to you when you think in a negative way.

If, however, you can harness the power of your mind to be positive and imagine good things happening, then the thinking goes that this is what will happen to you.

It is put forward in the movie that the natural law has been used by many people throughout history either consciously or unconsciously and it is something that both religion and science can generally agree on. Since the movie was brought out, there have been follow up books, documentaries and tours by the people in the documentary to spread the message further and wider than it was the first time.

The secret law of attraction has become a global phenomenon thanks to the movie The Secret. Many people are now consciously and successfully using it in their every day lives to make more positive things happen to them and allow them to achieve more than they could have thinking in their old way.

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