April 30, 2010

If The Laws Of Attraction Work Why Are You Still Broke?

By Rosie Douglas

I am a divine being that is trapped in this physical body and I am living the laws of attraction. I am wealthy and have all my needs met. I attract wealth and prosperity everyday. This is an example of several affirmations people use that are supposed to bring the laws of attraction into play. Just by saying these affirmations over and over wonderful things will manifest in our lives. If it were this easy then why are most of you still broke and unloved?

It is common knowledge that for most that use the laws of attraction they have failed to manifest anything more than what they currently have and believe they deserve. It is a matter of conditioning and your preconceived beliefs that keep you from attaining your desires. You are so attached to your current way of thinking that for you to accept abundance in your life is too difficult to imagine. Like an old pair of shoes you hold onto because of the comfort level you have developed you are attached to these possessions because it now defines you. You have to see what you really are for the laws of attraction to work. You are not your body. You are not the bio-chemical machine that you see everyday in the mirror. That is not the real you. You are a divine soul and it is this realization you must accept unconditionally.

Unless you are able to peel away the layers of illusion that keep you trapped in an endless cycle that keeps you attached to your material possessions you will never know true wealth. The true wealth of love and abundance beyond anyone's physical imagination is what we should be striving for. Once you can experience this energy beyond a merely physical sensation you will attract wealth and happiness. This is the laws of attraction in action.

How do you feel when you repeat affirmations? Does it feel sincere? Does it feel right? Is there a little voice in the back of your mind saying "this is not me" "I will never be wealthy" "I will never find love". This is the voice of conditioning. This is the voice that we must remove before we can begin to experience miracles in our lives. It is this voice that keeps the laws of attraction from manifesting in our lives. It is deep rooted and will take a lot of hard work to remove. For some it will take lifetimes, for others it may never happen. But for some it will happen seemingly overnight because they have realized that they are not this physical body. As if in a dream they experience an epiphany, a realization that they are limitless and not bound by these physical constraints. It is felt deep within your soul. It is called awakening.

So why are you still broke and unhappy? How do you make the laws of attraction work for you? Open up your mind to the reality that you are more than just this bio-chemical machine. At first you will begin to shift in a subtle way. Things will look differently to you. The things, which held so much importance in your life, will begin to hold less appeal. You are beginning to peel away the layers of illusion that you have used as a self defense mechanism for so many years. You may experience an emotional roller coaster as you fight to hold on to your old self. Let go and see what beauty shines beneath. You are a diamond in the rough. You are divine. You are pure energy and light. You are the laws of attraction.

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Weight Loss and Law of Attraction

By Calie Austin

The concept of vibrational frequency in relation to the Law of Attraction can be a confusing subject for many people. Even if they understand that the Law of Attraction will keep sending more situations like those they focus on most often, they struggle to grasp how their vibrational state emits a signal to the universe.

Have you also felt confused by this concept? Don't worry, it's actually very easy: Each of your thoughts is resonating on a certain frequency of vibration and will start attracting more thoughts that are also resonating on the same vibrational frequency. In other words, thoughts of a negative nature will attract more negative thoughts. Thoughts of a positive nature will attract more positive thoughts. This is usually a gradual process, not immediate. You start with one thought, then more thoughts like it come to you, which draw even more similar thoughts to you, and eventually those thoughts will start manifesting physically.

How does this relate to your body? Believe it or not, just one little negative thought about being fat will immediately start attracting more thoughts of "fatness". And the more you think thoughts like this, you actually start manifesting extra pounds on your body. Oh yes, physical actions play a large role here too. As you keep thinking negatively about your body you start feeling ashamed, depressed, frustrated, so you start craving foods to soothe your negative feelings, so you eat more than your body really needs, which adds more weight. Over a period of time, you have created a cycle of gaining and keeping extra weight on your body.

And now the battle begins. You start a diet, or exercise like a crazy person, but it seems like a major uphill climb. You have to push yourself hard to take any action steps, and that is due to your thoughts still being focused heavily on the energetic frequency of "fatness". You can still overcome the negative focus and shed the pounds, but you will find that it takes a ton of persistence and determination.

On the other hand, if you would start by changing your dominant thoughts about your body, you would find the physical parts of the process much easier. As you focus on feeling healthy, strong, fit and active, you begin to resonate on that vibrational frequency - just like a slender person would, and even more thoughts along the same frequency will be attracted to you. If you keep this up over time, you should notice that you no longer desire to eat a lot of "junk food" - or you may naturally eat less than you did before, or you might even start wanting to become more active.

The more you stay focused on these positive, "thin thoughts", you will continue to transform your mind and body. Occasionally some people may encounter a few challenges like underlying limiting beliefs - but the bottom line is that just changing your dominant focus about your body can go a long way in attracting powerful changes. And as you witness your transformation, you will be convinced that your vibrational frequency is an important aspect of using the Law of Attraction to lose weight.

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April 29, 2010

Manifesting Weight Loss with the Essence of Desire

By Calie Austin

Manifesting weight loss with the law of attraction first starts with a deep, strong desire for that beautiful body you want to create. How do we define "deep, strong desire"? Many people who have extra weight on their bodies may "wish" it would go away, but they don't really tune into the outcome they want to experience instead. So even though they are thinking about losing weight, the emotion isn't strong enough to jumpstart the process. To manifest a thinner body, you need to be focused on a thinner body - not your condition of overweight.

Do you know what you want regarding your ideal body? Think about the type of clothes you would love to wear, and the size you would look and feel best in. How much do you want to weigh? Which physical and emotional qualities do you want to experience in relation to your thinner body? Do you want more energy, stronger muscles, slimmer hips and thighs? Do you want to be graceful like a dancer, or lean and strong like a runner? Keep these preferences in mind for several minutes and consider how your life would change if this was already your reality.

Would you have more confidence and better self esteem? Would your social life improve? Would you enjoy positive changes in your career and income? Would you feel happy and carefree more than you do now? As you focus on these pleasant images, allow strong feelings of enthusiasm and eagerness to flow through you. As your desire for your ideal body grows even bigger and stronger, you will automatically start drawing powerful energy from the universe and flowing it to the manifestation of this new reality.

Just from doing this exercise once you may notice a big difference in how you feel, but doing it on a regular basis would be even more effective. One of the biggest problems that people often have with manifestation is that they spend much more time and energy focusing on things they don't want rather than things they are trying to create. And when they inject negative emotion into this constant negative focus, they only strengthen the current reality.

They focus a lot of thought and emotion on the fact that they hate their excess pounds, which only reinforces their current reality. If this has been a struggle for you too, be sure to start working on a new habit every day! Make time to tune into the vision of the body you want to create. See it clearly and connect to it emotionally, enjoying a pure flow of excitement, love, and joy for the outcome.

Intend that this body is already yours. Intend that your new reality will soon overwrite the old. Keep building up your belief that your body can change easily and quickly. Before long you should notice that positive changes are taking place in your body. You may lose a few pounds spontaneously, or you may even feel inspired to make a few physical changes like adjusting your eating habits, cutting out junk food and sugar. You may suddenly be inspired to join a dance class or take long walks in nature. Pay attention to these hunches because usually they are "inspired actions" from the universe, helping you to reach your goal more easily.

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The Law Of Attraction: Your Money Follows This Law

By Trevor Johnson

The Law of Attraction regarding money is already at work in your life, whether you realize it or not.

You may feel like taking issue with me for saying that this Law is already at work. After all, if it was, you'd be awash with cash. But hear me out.

If you think this describes your relationship with finances, you are not alone. You may be surprised to discover that you can improve your cash flow by using the Law of Attraction to bring money your way.

Are you constantly telling yourself that you do not have enough money for your needs? Do you lie awake at night, making lists of all the people you know who seem to be so good at getting the cash they need?

This is because the Law of Attraction is a very simple one. Whatever your mind thinks about gets increased in your reality. Think about being broke and you will be broke. This is what is sabotaging your dream of dollars in the bank.

If you show the world a big chip on your shoulder about money, the world will react to that and agree with your assessment. Resist the urge to let yourself moan about having no dough. You need to counter this tendency by thinking and talking only of the things in your life that inspire gratitude.

Look upon your little money supply as a gift. Think of it as being exactly enough for your needs. Try to love the money that comes your way instead of hating it for not being enough. Nothing grows well in a hateful atmosphere.

It is never a good idea to show ingratitude for gifts. If you gave someone a small gift and he whined that he really was expecting more, how would you feel? You probably would not feel like giving him anything else!

Try concentrating on being grateful for what money you have. If you continue to allow your mind to dwell on how little cash you have, the Law of Attraction for money will continue to work as it always has. But the results will be the continued development of lack in your life.

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April 28, 2010

Envision How Eliminating Negative Self Talk Can Free You

By Brandon Boshnack

For some of us, it may seem easier to disregard a complement or make a joke about it, rather than just saying "thank you." You may even get to the point where you make excuses for participating in activities or going somewhere because you have negative self-talk talking yourself out of it. "I look like a stuffed sausage in spandex," may be something you tell yourself to keep from having to go to the gym. Or "She's way too pretty to ever date me," may be something you've concocted in your head so that you don't have to ask anyone out for fear of the dreaded rejection.

While to some, this self-talk may seem like you're just being humble or funny, it is actually very damaging to your self-esteem. This type of talk is called "negative self-talk" and gives us really no benefit or value. People who use this type of talk often find that they are constantly talking themselves down rather than focusing on what they can do. However, this can be combated and converted into positive thinking and reassurance to move yourself forward, rather than repeatedly holding yourself back.

Like any road to self-improvement, your first step is to realize what the problem is. After you know and understand the problem, you can begin to recognize why it is harmful. Consider the words that you use, if they seem more negative than positive, then it is time to make a change. Once you understand what you have been doing to your self-esteem you can begin to understand why it is harmful.

Once you've come to understand your own behavior, take the initiative! Start to change your attitude from a Negative Nancy to a Positive Percy. When you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk, try and stop that thought and replace it with something more uplifting. When you find yourself thinking you're too unattractive to land a date, start listing your positive qualities to yourself. Maybe remind yourself how you're an excellent cook, or hilariously funny. Whatever your strengths, in no time, you'll find that you have plenty to offer and your own brain will no longer be the enemy, sabotaging your self-esteem.

Sometimes, it is important to stop simply blaming yourself for being unintelligent and start thinking about solutions. Even something as simple as a poker game can require a change in thinking. Whether it's a big hand of Texas Hold 'Em or a botched project at work, don't just say "Well, I'm no good, that's why I always fail." Take the time to come up with reasons why things didn't work out and take the steps to change for the better.

Changing the way you communicate with yourself will take some time. It will take time to practice and use these tactics before you see recognizable changes. However, with commitment and a new, empowered attitude; you will begin to notice a change. After you make these changes you may begin to feel better about yourself and others may notice and reference a change in you as well, which will give you the ammunition you need to continue.

Here are 3 simple steps for eliminating negative self-talk:

1. Recognize negative self-talk

2. Use positive talk, where you would usually employ negative talk

3. Practice patience, as this process takes time and effort.

Negative self-talk has the ability to destroy the foundation of a positive mind. If you find yourself being weighed down with a negative attitude, give your life the boost it needs and follow this simple program for a more positive, productive and successful you. A brighter, less negative future awaits you! These changes could spell a renewed life and a new you. Don't wait. Change your life today.

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Proven Ways To Reveal Your Desires Through Law Of Attraction Manifesting

By Brandon Boshnack

New Age concepts have become more popular recently with increased interest in books such as "The Secret" and "Law of Attraction". The public is becoming more aware that both our positive and negative thoughts have the potential to profoundly affect our daily experience and reality as we see it. Self-improvement was once considered slightly "out there" - abstract concepts that provided little more than entertainment and confusion.

When the book "The Secret" became a bestseller and went on to become a movie, public interest increased, along with a voracious appetite for more information on the subject. The Law of Attraction and concepts on focused thinking were proving to have real value and merit, helping numerous individuals change their lives for the better. Michael Losier took this concept to another new level when he wrote the book "Law of Attraction".

The book was written to help those who were still unclear as to implementing the law of attraction in their own lives after reading "The Secret." Losier said that before he wrote the book, he struggled with being creatively stifled due to a dead-end government job that he refused to leave because he needed the income. Once he learned about the Law of Attraction, he asserts that his whole life changed for the better.

Because he was so passionate about it, Losier eventually left his job and began hosting seminars to share all he knew about the Law of Attraction. He then penned the book to reach more people on the benefits and how to use the law to manifest the deepest desires of the heart. Because of his teachings, Michael Losier has since become known as the "how-to" guy for the Law of Attraction.

Detailing and breaking down the way that our thought processes affect change in our lives is the primary objective behind Law of Attraction. It asserts that both conscious and subconscious thoughts and impressions dramatically affect our reality - for better or for worse. However, it does suggest that you must actually believe that you can have something in order to achieve it. If there are things that you really don't want, yet you focus upon those things, that will be what you get, according to the Law of Attraction. The idea of manifesting the things we want is something that should be focused on both a conscious and subconscious level.

One of the clearest examples of applying the Laws of Attraction would be someone pursuing a new job or career. If there is a position that you are seeking and you don't believe you are qualified for one reason or another, you will likely not get the position. Then again, if you are applying for a position that you may not really be qualified for, but truly believe in your heart that you belong in the position, and you are the person that will be hired, regardless of your qualifications, you quite possibly will get the job and manifest that reality for yourself.

Be careful what you think about, because according to the Law of Attraction, the universe is always listening. Think of it like a boomerang - whatever you put out there might just come right back at you. Negative thoughts draw negativity towards you and positive thoughts will draw positive things towards you. If you consistently have positive thoughts, you will be surrounded by a positive reality and life will become more effortless. Through this boomerang effect, we see that one's thoughts directly relate to the outcomes within our reality.

Do you feel passionate about life or are there elements, such as your career or a relationship, that you feel could use some improvement? If so, why not start applying these principles today? Everything your heart desires could be just a thought away!

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How To Control The Emotion Of Anger

By Rich Thorne

Anger is one of the most natural human emotions. It is usually a healthy one, but sometimes it can turn into something destructive. When this happens, people may do things they would otherwise not do. There are different levels of this emotion, ranging from minor irritation to a fierce rage. It is therefore important to know how to control this emotion before it becomes a controlling feeling.

This precise emotion has to be dealt with in the proper way. Holding it in is not good enough. Holding in anger can result internal havoc, which can then result in a number of other troubles. This may involve medical conditions like clinical depression.

Self-talk may be one of the most effective ways to deal with this. Since most feelings are the result of reactions to events in life, one way to handle anger is to improve the way a person thinks about and reacts to annoying events. A person must understand how to distinguish between thoughts that heighten his rage and change over to thoughts that calm him down. Self-talk reduces the desire to outwardly release emotions.

Utilizing silly humor is another management method to control rage. Silly humor requires some creativity. Angry individuals will have their own versions of humor. The important thing is for this humor to be directed toward the realization that an angry person must not take himself so seriously.

On occasion, some anger is helpful. If directed in the right way, it can help people assert themselves to get something done. The angry person must learn how to communicate his plans and its details in a respectful manner. In this manner, the outward expression of their emotions can actually be constructive.

To sum up, anger is a very natural emotion. It is one that most humans experience and have to learn to deal with. The most important way is through self-talk, as well as the use of silly humor. Sometimes however, the emotion can be useful and can lead to good outcomes if the person knows how to communicate well.

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April 27, 2010

Discover Quantum Physics For Dummies To Create Wealth

By Brandon Boshnack

Perhaps at the last cocktail party you were at, you heard some hot-shot talking about quantum physics. "So basically," he said, "this scientist, Schroedinger, put his cat in a box with a vial of poison gas. The vial was set to break in an hour. Until you open up the box, you can't say "the cat is alive" or "the cat is dead." The cat is, as quantum physicists would say, in a state of quantum indeterminacy. Therefore, the breaking of the vial doesn't kill the cat, the conscious observation does."

Still with me? Disgruntled physicist Stephen Hawking, decades in the future, retorted, "Whenever I hear about Schroedinger's Cat, I reach for my gun." But because guns don't kill people, it's actually the conscious observation that kills, this leads to a whole new set of fascinating questions. If conscious observation has the power to change our reality, what does this mean for the world?

We Are Made Of Energy

With his famous equation, E=MC2, Einstein showed that matter and energy were interchangeable. In quantum physics, the smallest unit of matter is not an atom or a proton - it is a quantum. Quanta are elementary particles of energy. Everything we consider to be "ourselves" is simply energy - quanta - whose interactions are ruled by the laws of quantum dynamics.

Everyone, from you to your perpetually positive friend, to your boss, to the annoying know-it-all at the party, is just a collection of quanta. This world view, taken seriously, leads to some fascinating conclusions. Mainly, treating everyone as energy gives us power, freedom, and allows us to have a lot of fun in the world.

We Can Predict And Control How Energy Works

Through observation, you create reality. It's a very useful tool; pay attention to that physics hot-shot at the party, then turn your back and move out of earshot. Poof! Completely unobserved, his quanta no longer exists. So convenient! You don't even need your gun.

This is supported by the ground-breaking Two-Slit experiment. A fixed electron gun fires electrons through a wall with two slits at another wall behind. The particles go through the slits, but then land willy-nilly all over the back wall, as if they were waves of light. Only when photons are shot at the electrons, illuminating them, do they behave like particles should. This proves that electron guns don't kill people; it's the act of using them in ridiculous experiments to prove confusing hypotheses that does.

Thought Equals Power

The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle states that when we observe an object's speed, we can't know its position. We can only observe one thing at a time. To put it another way, when we're worrying about how much work we've been assigned, we can't pay attention to our boss putting the moves on a potential significant other a few cubicles over. The world is one big quantum indeterminate state; what we choose to observe determines what is. This is because everything is energy; thoughts are also energy, therefore thoughts control everything.

As a business-owner and writer, I know I'm not a scientist. I don't quite understand quantum physics, nut do find it interesting. Of course, that doesn't really matter. I could be as dead as Schroedinger's cat, for all you know. Quantum physics is not about me, it is about you, and whatever illumination you can get out of it. The next time your boss asks you why you didn't turn in your report on time, you can say, "Pardon? I don't see any scientific proof that you exist." On second thought, maybe just keep that as a thought experiment. "Schroedinger's Boss.

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April 26, 2010

The Secrets Of The Law Of Attraction

By Laurie J. Brenner

Are you as amazed as I am at how many people have instantly become masters at teaching others how to use the law of attraction?

Ever since the movie, The Secret debuted in 2006 -- suddenly websites sprang up all over the internet talking about the Secret and the Law of Attraction.

I think it's funny that most of these sites were created by people who watched the movie and became overnight experts.

And while I do know more than most, I don't consider myself a guru, I don't know everything there is to know (though I know a lot) and I am always learning something new about the law of attraction every day. The funny thing of it is, this alleged "secret" information has been around since the 1st century.

They might have written about it in different ways, but all in all the meanings are the same.

From Wikipedia (referring to the fabled Emerald Tablet):

"The oldest documentable source for the text is the Kitab Sirr al-Asrar, a compendium of advice for rulers in Arabic which purports to include letters from Aristotle to Alexander the Great. This work was translated into Latin as Secretum Secretorum (The Secret of Secrets)."

You can wrap up an old idea into new packaging, but the information doesn't change. Even in the beginning of the last century, several authors have written about this subject.

Depending upon which self-help guru you subscribe to, they all tell the story of law of attraction a tad differently.

Some even talk about the 11 laws of the Universe or the 7 laws of the universe. It can get pretty confusing. Which laws are you supposed to follow?

If the basis of your being and personality is happiness, you don't really need to do anything. Maintaining a happy heart will grow the desires of your heart -- this is your natural state.

Sadly, most people don't operate from a place of happiness. Most of us live unconsciously with only about 5-10% of our "awake" time operating from our conscious thinking selves. These numbers are not made up. While the percentages may vary based upon which study you read, the information is the same.

Yep, you're asleep at the wheel, most of the time.

What we experience in our lives is a result of whatever got stored in the unconscious realm of ourselves. So this is why, even if you try to change your thinking, for every positive though you have, four negative ones counter it.

You Can Change Your Life

Try wearing a rubber band around your wrist and snapping every time you have a negative thought.

A little trick to help you overcome your negative thoughts is to wear a rubber band around your wrist. Every time (and I mean every time) you catch yourself having a negative thought, zap yourself with the rubber band.

It's a form of Pavlov's conditioning that will more than likely take 30 days of constant practice to make it work, but it will work.

Or try this, it's much simpler...

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April 25, 2010

All Of The Chores That Your Subconscious Mind Can Do For You

By Rich Thorne

Much has been stated about the subconscious mind. Also called the unconscious mind, it plays a very important role in your well-being. Most of the time, you will not be aware that it is there. There are good reasons for that. It can better protect you without your conscious thoughts getting in the way.

Your unconscious mind oversees your conscious mind, all through the night and day. One important feature of this mind is memory. Suppose something happens to you that is too painful for you do deal with. This mind may block your conscious mind from accessing those memories. It may keep them from you, until you are better able to deal with them.

These may be referred to as repressed memories. Here is a good example. A child witnesses the death of someone close. The event may be too painful for the child to cope with. It is easier to pretend that it did not happen. The child may not remember the event for many years. As an adult, something may trigger the memory. If it has been long enough, the memory may return.

The unconscious mind also protects your conscious mind by performing many tasks. It controls your heartbeat and respiration. If you had to continually tell yourself to breath, you may not have time to do much else. Breathing happens, automatically. However, there must be an intelligence to perform the task.

This unseen mind protects you in time of danger. Once it senses that you are in trouble, it springs into action. It tells your adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline. This speeds up your breathing and heartbeat. You can run faster. You are also stronger than normal. Without this feature, your ancestors could not have survived.


Your subconscious mind protects your conscious mind in many ways. It handles tasks that help to simplify your life. It also governs you vital organ functions. It supervises your memory. In times of great emotional pain, it may protect you. Those memories may disappear until you are able to cope with them. It will also protect you in times of personal danger.

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April 24, 2010

Are You Ready For The Awe Inspiring And Powerful Conversational Hypnosis?

By Rich Thorne

You hear a lot of discussion involving conversational hypnosis these days. It is not always in a positive light, either. People tend to focus on how it can be used for selfish purposes, like; getting the upper hand in a negotiation, making sales, getting someone to do your dirty work, even getting something to agree to have sex.

On the surface, it makes these tools look dubious, at best, and downright sleazy, in the worst light. Yet it should be noted that the tools themselves are like any tool, and it is how they are used that determines their morality. Actually, many people use these tools to help others; not to take advantage of them.

The modern father of conversational hypnosis, (& convert persuasion), is the late Dr. Milton Erickson. He was selfless in his use of these powerful tools and they helped his patients attain true personal growth in surprisingly short spaces of time. He started out using conventional hypnosis, but ultimately left it to create his own personal protocols.

In a conventional hypnotherapy session, the patient realizes, quite consciously, what is happening. She hears the voice of her therapist, who guides her into a trance state of enhanced suggestibility and relaxation. When suggestions are made to the patient while in this state, she experiences them stronger and more lasting than when in a normal state of mind.

Erickson noted that his patients were resisting his instructions quite a bit, despite the fact that they were trying to be accepting. He knew that people often go into trance states throughout the course of a day. Think of how many times you have driven a car and been deep in thought and then realized that you could not recall anything about the last several miles?

Erickson believed that resistance could be avoided if he was able to induce the trance without the patient's knowledge. He went on to create a protocol that worked by first establishing a sudden rapport, and quickly changing it into confusion.

Erickson developed many methods to confuse his patients, including encouraging them to do more of what they were seeing him in an effort to stop. He would also trick them into resisting their own negative, limiting beliefs.

Doctor Milton Erickson developed a series of trance induction handshakes that worked beautifully. He certainly is the ultimate example of how conversational hypnosis is a tool that can benefit humankind in dramatic fashion.

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How To Quickly Attain Law Of Attraction Success

By Rich Thorne

If you have ever heard of the law of attraction, it is likely that you have heard of the fact that like attracts like too. Before you start using the law of attraction though, you should be aware of the fact that you can just as easily attract failure as you can attract success. The following paragraphs will talk about how to develop law of attraction success and completely avoid failure.

As you can see, it is very important to not focus on what you do not want. If you focus on what you do not want, you will attract what you do not want just as quickly and as easily as you can attract what you do want into your life. In order to avoid attracting what you do not want into your life, simply direct your attention into the direction of what you do want.

Many people become worried about the fact that the thought of failure consistently enters their minds. You should not worry about any thoughts that you don't want though. In fact, giving acknowledgment to thoughts that you don't want will actually add to their power. In order to negate the attraction that negative thoughts have, simply adjust your point of focus to the results that you desire to achieve.

Success can be achieved with ease. In fact, success is just as easy to achieve as failure is. If you wish to achieve success, simply keep your mind consistently focused on what you desire to achieve. As you focus on the good feeling thoughts you have in your mind, you will be able to consistently move your life towards successful outcomes.

There are ways you can increase the amount of success you attract into your life too. By thinking about the subject of success itself, you can easily attract more success into your life. By focusing on the results you wish to achieve, rather than the results you wish to avoid, you can easily attract success into your life for any venture you may be involved in.

If you are like most people though, it is likely that you will consistently find yourself focusing on the worst possible outcomes. Many people consistently focus on the worst possible outcomes, and they consistently find themselves experiencing the worst possible outcomes too. If you wish to achieve more success than the average person, you should definitely move your focus away from the worst possible outcomes, and give your attention to the best possible outcomes.

The easiest way to keep your attention focused on success is by only giving thought to the outcomes you desire to achieve. The best part about giving your thoughts and focus to the goals you wish to fulfill is the fact that you will attract more thoughts and experiences that relate to your success by doing so. So, as you consistently to maintain your focus on your success, it will become easier and easier to keep your focus on the subject of success.

Many people feel that they can simply offer a few thoughts that relate to positive outcomes in order to achieve their goals. In order to truly move yourself towards success though, you should keep in mind that practice is the key. As you continue to practice giving thoughts and attention the goals you desire to achieve, you will begin to find it to be much easier to keep your focus on your goals. You will also begin to see more experiences that relate to your goals enter your life as well. On top of this, you will attract far fewer thoughts and experiences that relate to the opposite of success as you continue to practice giving attention to the outcomes you desire to experience.

Basically, in order to acquire law of attraction success, simply give your thoughts and your attention to the outcome of success. As you consistently give your thoughts and your attention to the outcome of success, the outcome of success will become inevitable.

About the Author:

April 23, 2010

Applying Law Of Attraction Affirmations To Focus The Mind On Your Goals

By Rich Thorne

Use law of attraction affirmations to focus on the things you would like to manifest in your life. It is easy to say I want to be wealthy but are you thinking the thoughts and feeling the emotions that will bring it to you? Are you trying to make it happen or are attracting it? The law of attraction states that what your mind is on most is what you'll attract to you. These thoughts have vibrations and those things that vibrate at that same frequency will be attracted to that thought and feeling. If you are vibrating wealth you will attract it.

We often focus our energy, time and mind on what we don't want. Most of the time without even realizing it. When we do we are literally asking for those things to appear in our lives. This must be recognized and corrected. What is wanted must be fixated in the mind.

So instead of thinking I don't want to be alone, you would think more like I want to be in a warm loving relationship. Affirmations take it one step further. They are positive reinforcement for what you wish to do or become. You may recite them daily as a constant reminder of where you want to go.

It cannot be repeated enough that it is not just the thoughts that create an attraction. It is not all in the mind but the heart, the feelings must be engaged. The greater the emotion the stronger the attraction. Absolute belief in your goal is essential as well. If belief and the law of attractions are not in sync there will be no manifestation.

To get affirmations they can be found in books, online or you can make your own. They must be in the first person, must invoke a feeling and have the end goal as part of it. Use post-its to place it in all the places you frequent. If you have an hour long commute put it on the dashboard and keep repeating it. In the morning when you brush your teeth have it on the mirror and repeat it.

You will read your law of attraction affirmations over and over throughout the day and feel the emotions you would feel having received what you wanted. Feel it as if it is happening now. This will help you keep it in your mind and help you attract and receive sooner.

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Advice For A Person On Building Confidence

By Rich Thorne

Many individuals think of confidence as merely the belief in the ability of the self to make what they want to happen. However, what these individuals do not understand is that confidence also includes the ability to look further than an actual situation while weighing up the pros and cons and coming up with the courage to go through with the plan despite the limitations and hazards. Confidence comes from within. Here are some guidelines on building confidence.

Discover your strengths and weaknesses. Doing this is useful for distinguishing between arrogance and timidity. It is best to list these strengths and weaknesses down.

Weaknesses delineate how far a person can go at a time. Knowledge of these helps a person relax because there is no more unknown. Strengths, on the other hand, support an individual to get started on something.

Trust the persons in the environment. This does not mean get personal relationships with everybody. Trusting the people in the environment permits the person to be more comfortable and act more naturally. This makes it easier to give the best that one can give.

Trust yourself. Most individuals are too afraid to trust themselves. However, if they cannot trust themselves to accomplish something, then nothing can be accomplished. Trust in the self is the first step to start accomplishing. It is all right to be jittery. Individuals should just think of jitters as the natural hormone making process of the body and that it is not an obstacle to accomplishing what they set out to do.

These guidelines may seem too hard to follow, but anyone who really tries should be able to do it. Confidence is not confined to powerful, rich, or beautiful people. Confidence is there for everyone who has the proper state of mind. As a last reminder, always smile and congratulate oneself even when no one else does. Building confidence is helped a lot when people appreciate their own selves.

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April 22, 2010

Secrets Of Manifesting

By Simone Walker

The meaning of the term manifesting is to make something perceivable by the senses. At least that is what the dictionaries tell us. In simpler words it means materializing things or makings something happen in reality.

So if we talk about manifesting one's dreams, it would mean making the dream happen in reality so that people can see and feel it.

In manifesting your desires, the primary steps are those of unlearning and relearning. You need to first unlearn what you have been made to believe since childhood and then relearn about certain truths which were never taught. Our parents and teachers have always told us that one's aims in life or dreams can only come true with the correct opportunities, luck and of course hard work. But did anybody ever told you about the infinite powers your mind has. That you could manifest any of your desires by the sheer power of your thoughts and the focusing your positive energy in that direction? Yet the answer is no.

Everyone has this power in their minds but it is something that they do not exercise since their minds have been trained to belief in the fact that manifesting dreams is solely dependant on chance. That you can make your dreams come true only by hard work, struggle and a dash of luck. But the truth is that dreams get manifested by the power of your thoughts and the driving force of your positive energy.

Energy is present in the universe in two forms. The particle and the wavelength forms. While the particle form is perceivable by the senses, the wavelength form flows freely having full potential to act in the realm of all possibilities. If you can focus your attention and energy on this wavelength form, you can manifest it into any kind of particle form that you desire. This being said, it must be added that the concept of energy is the source, core and ending to everything in the universe, the universe itself. The potential or the power energy has can result in anything. The extent to which it can be explained is called science at presence. Beyond that it is called miracles.

If one wants the realm of possibilities to manifest itself into reality then one needs to focus all their attention and energy on it.

In discussing how one can manifest his desires into reality, apart from its wavelength, two other aspects of amplitude and frequency needs to be talked about. While amplitude means the amount of energy present, frequency refers to the no. of times it is repeated. Hence, in chalking out the steps in manifesting your desires, it can be said that manifesting can be done in three steps. Firstly, reach the energy wavelength by focusing all your attention on the thing that you want the most. Direct all the power that your thoughts on it and ask it from the universe. Secondly increase the amplitude of the energy.

Remember, more than 50% of the word attraction is action, hence in attracting the object of your will for manifestation; spending time for repeated action towards it is required. Get rid off all the negative energy by avoiding negative thoughts and experience the power of positive energy with the power of faith. The power of your thought and the positive energy radiating from you due to your attention, belief and faith will lead your desire to manifest itself in reality.

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Prosper From The Seven Laws Of Spiritual Success And Create Freedom

By Brandon Boshnack

Renowned speaker and M.D. Deepak Chopra, founder of the Chopra Center for Well Being, has authored fifty-five books on achieving health through mind and body wellness. Merging the concepts of spirituality and body, Chopra has written a book where he presents The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. By implementing these laws, every person can lead a life of happiness and success.

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality

Every human, each one of us, is made up of energy; we are all part of nature, part of each other. We are made of unbound consciousness, capable of being anything. We are pure potential. This energy surrounds us, it penetrates us, and it binds our universe together. Sound familiar? If so, then the force will be with you, always. This law forms the foundation of the other laws.

2. The Law Of Giving

This law is really about giving and receiving. The energy of the world must continually flow, otherwise it becomes stagnant. That is not to say that you have to give your money to every vagabond you meet, or let your sister have your pearl earrings. It does mean that you should have a kind word, a smile, an understanding glance, for everyone that you meet - passing on the swine flue does not count.

3. The Law Of Karma

Karma is an age-old idea that basically, what goes around comes around. With karma, when you put positive energy out into the world, then positive energy returns to you. So the next time you are so self-involved that you cut someone off in traffic, be afraid, be very afraid. Because sometimes what you send out to the world, can come back to you stronger, and it might not be your car that gets cut off.

4. The Law Of Least Effort

Don't worry; be happy. Always try to take the road with the fewest obstacles. For example, it is easier to simply move to the right lane, and let an aggressive driver pass us, than it is to engage in road rage. This law is not about you sitting on the couch, watching B-movies all day, eating bon bons. This law is about understanding that letting things simply happen around us is the least effort, and puts you in such an accepting state that you will be able to achieve all that is important to you.

5. The Law Of Intention And Desire

If your energy is made up of positive intentions and a strong desire for something, then you send that thought, in the form of energy, into the universe; the universe, in turn, will provide. This idea is similar to The Secret, which talks about the Law of Attraction. Now, that does not mean that simply wishing for a new motorcycle will make a Harley appear in your driveway, but it does mean that by focusing your intentions in a positive way, you can have everything that you desire.

6. The Law Of Detachment

Though it is important to focus on positive, desired outcomes, we need also not be too attached to any specific outcomes. If you are too attached, then you end up projecting negative emotions - you find fault in what you have, you doubt your ability to achieve, you covet others - you come from a place of fear. Thus, all that will manifest is more fear, doubt and craving. Instead, detach yourself from the outcome, basking in the idea that our universe will give you what you need. Now, if you are crazy in love with the girl next door, to the point of peeking through her windows all day, checking your mail every hour in the hopes of running into her, you may need more than the law of detachment. You need help - maybe a shrink, or even a restraining order.

7. The Law Of Dharma

The final law is the Law of Dharma, with "dharma" being the ancient Sanskrit word for "purpose in life." Here, we must recognize that each of us has a special gift to share with the world. Dharma tells us that we each must discover our true Self, find a way to express our own special talents, and use our talent to serve mankind. Your purpose might be to heal people, write a great American novel, save the whales - whatever it is, through discovering your purpose, will you experience a more fulfilling life.

These laws are guidelines to live by. If you focus your energy on being positive, visualizing what you want out of life, working towards it in positive ways, that add to the world - if you regularly apply these 7 laws to your life - then you can achieve all that is important to you. Visualize yourself happy, in love, and wealthy. Of course, just visualizing yourself with the body of a god or goddess isn't going to take those love handles away, but if you employ these strategies, you can make steady progress on developing the body that you want to have, and the life you want to live.

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April 21, 2010

Explaining The Laws Of Attraction

By Olivia Jenkins

The Laws of Attraction is all about the power of your thoughts over chance. Thus, it stands in direct contrast to what we have forever been taught and made to believe since our childhood. All these years we have learnt that one can only make his/her dreams come true with handwork, struggle and luck. But what if someone told you that it can be possible by the sheer strength of your belief? The power of your mind? That you can become the best painter if you truly believe that you are becoming the best painter?

The Laws of Attraction exactly tells you this. According to this law, if you believe that the object of your will is coming your way, visualize yourself attaining it and truly have faith from the core of your heart that it will happen, then the power of your thoughts will affect the cosmos resulting in the object of your will to actually happen in reality.

While analyzing the way to make the Laws of Attraction work for you, two aspects are to be considered. Firstly the time duration required for your thoughts to influence your reality and the exact way to go about it. In case of the time duration, it can be said that it entirely depends and thus varies on the basis of the kind of thoughts you have and the intensity with which you think and believe in it.

For getting the laws of attraction to work for you, you need to focus on the sole object that you want, ask it from the universe, believe that it is coming your way and then receive it when it actually does.

The process of the Laws of Attraction starts when you ask the universe for something, the sole aim of your life. It may be to make you the richest man on earth, to make you famous in the line of work that you do or make you happy in a relationship. Whatever might it be, ask the universe to make it happen. Once you have given your command, believe that it will be given to you. This is the most crucial and hence the most difficult stage. Visualize a picture of yourself after attainment of your aim and strongly believe that it will be happening soon. There cannot be even a slightest shadow of doubt in your mind. Only if you can strongly believe in the occurrence of it, will your dream actually occur in reality.

The universe sends signals that you are on the right track and that your dreams are getting closer to manifesting themselves. Hence, look out for these signs from the cosmos and receive your self made destiny with open arms when it finally comes.

Remember that there is infinite strength in human minds. Positive energy or the power of thought can do miracles only if exercised with determination. The truth is that your thoughts attract energies and create your destiny. The more negative thoughts you have, the more negative energies will you attract in your life.

So get rid off all negative thoughts and emotions and you'll find that whatever you aim towards and believe in strongly, will get manifested in your life in reality.

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How The Law Of Attraction Documentary Has Become Mainstream

By Rich Thorne

Few people anywhere in the world would not have heard of the secret law of attraction now after the global smash hit "The Secret". This movie has taught people everywhere about how they can control their own destinies by using their power of thought to attract the things that they most want into their lives.

The premise of The Secret, is that we can use the law of attraction in order to encourage good things or bad things into our lives. The movie has a number of different people from scientists to spiritual leaders and gurus about the law of attraction and the effect that your thinking has on your reality.

The way that it works is that when you envision things occurring your are facilitating them to become a reality. So if you think positively about something, then you can help it to become an actuality. However, conversely you can affect negative things to happen to you when you think in a negative way.

If, however, you can harness the power of your mind to be positive and imagine good things happening, then the thinking goes that this is what will happen to you.

It is put forward in the movie that the natural law has been used by many people throughout history either consciously or unconsciously and it is something that both religion and science can generally agree on. Since the movie was brought out, there have been follow up books, documentaries and tours by the people in the documentary to spread the message further and wider than it was the first time.

The secret law of attraction has become a global phenomenon thanks to the movie The Secret. Many people are now consciously and successfully using it in their every day lives to make more positive things happen to them and allow them to achieve more than they could have thinking in their old way.

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April 20, 2010

Tips On How To Use The Law Of Attraction On Weight Loss

By Diana Simone

Why does dieting need to be such a struggle? For those who have at any time been on a diet, you understand this statement to be correct. But, it doesn't have to be this way. Did you know you can use the law of attraction to promote weight loss. All you must do is transform the current vibration of your body.

Think about your weight loss objectives and where you wish to be. How do you feel when you think about it? Are you having negative thoughts about your progress? Your ability to attract a thinner, fit body is dependent upon way you handle your thoughts and feelings. This is mainly because the law of attraction uses your dominant views and emotions to manifest what you desire. What you choose to focus on is your dominant belief. Have you ever witnessed that what you concentrate on is that which you get in life? Take a moment to consider great things that have happened in your lifetime. What was your state of mind at that time? You'll soon realize that good times only occur as you think consistently positive thoughts.

But what about when you've got damaging thoughts? Let's talk about your weight since this article is about weight loss. Do you think of yourself as fat? Do you think the foods you eat daily are what makes you fat? Do you feel it really is impossible for you to lose pounds? Well, it is important to realize that whatever you experience, believe, and consider is precisely what you get. If you answered an affirmative yes to these questions, then you may continue to struggle with your weight loss objective. If you choose to change the effects you're seeing, you should improve your thoughts.

It takes the same amount of effort to concentrate on what you do want as it does to concentrate on that which you do not want. Try something different. Pretend you achieved your desired bodyweight. How does it feel to obtain your goal? How would you feel once you look in the mirror? How does looking at your toned body feel? Concentrate on the results that you desire so your feelings will adjust your dominant vibration.

Practice daily to deliberately handle your thoughts. Cease stressing. Every time you have a damaging belief about your body, stop and consider the section of your body that you like at that moment. Then look for even more items that you like about yourself to concentration on. Next, take into consideration what it would feel like to have your suitable body now. Imagine yourself in the ideal outfit that you would like to wear. Really experience the emotion as if it's legitimate. As you focus on the things that you like, you are changing your vibration and attracting your slimmed body. The law of attraction will work naturally to generate your weight loss goal.

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Educating Yourself On How Hypnosis Works And How To Hypnotize Anyone Easily

By Rich Thorne

Hypnosis is a healing technique that has been practiced in different civilizations of the world for centuries. The healing treatment is initiated while a person is hypnotized. Scientists have not figured out the exact method of how hypnosis works but they are beginning to understand some of things that happen to the brain while a person is under hypnosis. The process of how to hypnotize people is easy.

Hypnosis is the foundation for the styles of intervention used by psychologists today. Scientists have accepted hypnosis as an altered state of mind where a patient experiences heightened mental and physical relaxation. This state intensifies communication between the conscious and subconscious minds. Hypnosis is also fully acknowledged as an effective treatment for healing and reaching one's inner potential.

Scientists are still attempting to comprehend how hypnosis works, from different studies they have concluded that the left side of the brain which controls the ability to judge, analyze and synthesis, stops functioning. At that point, the right side which is the non-analytical part of the brain starts working harder. This causes the conscious mind to withdraw and the subconscious mind to awaken. With the subconscious mind alert, the patient can change their physical and behavioral state easier.

Hypnotized people are in a heightened mental state of mind. The person's subconscious mind is highly open to suggestion but this does mean they lose their free will or moral judgment. Studies have shown that they actually become aggressive problem solvers.

It is easy to hypnotize a person if they want to be hypnotized. These are some steps to follow to put a person in a hypnotic state. Ask the person to lie down. Talking in a slow, soothing tone, have them take deep breathes and ask them to relax each area of their body. Say things like "Feel your arm, now relax your arm." Use positive reinforcement as they relax their body.

Some people will take longer to be put in a hypnotic state. When they are, you will be able to tell because their breathing may change constantly, their arms or fingers may twitch or their eyes might flutter. Once you can confirm they have been hypnotized you can make suggestions for them to follow. When you are ready to bring them out of the trance just begin to count backwards and tell them to wake up when you reach a certain number. Hypnotizing people is that easy if you follow these few steps describing how to hypnotize someone.

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April 19, 2010

Manifesting Money Under Pressure: Shifting Out of a Scarcity Mentality

By Kylee Dionne

Manifesting money with the law of attraction can only be accomplished if you learn how to control your thoughts so that you are focusing more of your attention on abundance, and steadily turning away from examples of scarcity and lack. Even during good times this can be tough to do, but it seems downright impossible when you seem to be stuck in big financial challenges.

Is it even possible to keep your mind focused on abundance when you are surrounded by chronic lack? Is it possible to feel prosperous when you don't have enough money to cover all of your financial obligations? Is it possible to overcome feelings of doom and dread and put your trust in an abundant universe? Absolutely!

Before you start working on the mental aspect, consider if there are any physical actions you can take to help remedy the immediate problems. Can you sell anything to get some money quickly? Can you take on a part time job in addition to your regular income? Can you cut back on unnecessary expenses like cable or dining out? These small changes won't solve everything, but they can definitely help you feel less stressed so you can focus on changing your focus and attracting more money from other sources.

The first step in improving your thoughts is to start releasing any negative and all feelings of stress and anxiety. It is virtually impossible to manifest money when you feel stressed, simply because when you feel anxious or tense, you are not aligned with the essence of abundance - only the essence of scarcity and struggle. The more relaxed and happy you feel, the faster you will be able to manifest money and financial solutions.

How exactly can you get into this relaxed state of mind?

Meditation is one of the easiest ways to start. Believe it or not, just sitting quietly, taking deep breaths and releasing negative thoughts for a few minutes each day can go a long way in making you feel better. And the better you feel, the more money and abundance you will allow to flow. This flow of abundance may start with small sums of money at first, but the more you work at it, the bigger they should get.

Spending time doing activities you love is another great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Read books that make you feel inspired and uplifted. Spend quality time with friends and loved ones. Watch television shows and movies that make you laugh. The more you laugh and smile, the more positive you will feel, and the less energy you will be giving to your problems. Even better, you will start resonating on the same vibrational frequency as solutions, and those solutions will likely be things you never even considered - they just pop into your mind spontaneously because you are now open to receiving them.

In the end, it doesn't matter how you release stress and feel more positive; it matters only that you do it somehow. Over time it will have a big impact on your overall financial situation. Remember that it probably won't happen in one fell swoop, but rather little by little. Even so, just one or two small results will go a long way in making you feel more optimistic, which will then continue to attract even bigger changes over time.

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Using Energy and Intention to Attract Wealth

By Catelyn Benard

Attracting wealth requires a strong focus on keeping your intent and belief strong. This is one of the best ways to become magnetic to money. Even better, you will find the process to be very simple and even fun, you just have to be consistent.

Below are three steps to help you get started:

Intending to be Wealthy

The first thing you need to decide is that you WILL have more money. Many people think that a decision like this is out of their control. They might believe that they can allow money and abundance through their job or other common sources, but that's all. But just by making a strong decision that you are GOING TO have more money, you place your order with the universe to start sending more money your way. Don't worry if you have doubts that it can happen right away; just focus on feeling as if it IS working and you will see the results physically soon enough.

Asserting your intention is as simple as speaking what you want out loud: "Abundance in all forms flows to me now." Be sure to speak the words with power in your voice; you are not "asking" for this thing, you are intending that it is your truth. Make sure your words communicate your strong belief and intention.

Repetition is Vital

Remember that repeating your intention over and over is important because you want to build up a lot of energy and power behind it. There are two ways to do it; you can either say it all day long as you go about your normal activities, or sit for 10 or 15 minutes a few times a day to say the intention repeatedly during those times. Either of these will work great; but you can easily create your own technique according to what works best for you. As long as you are lending power and strength to your intention with consistent repetition, you're on the right track.

Put Your Belief in Your New Reality

The last step is to believe with all of your heart that your intention is now your new reality. Pay attention to how you feel when you recite the intention; do you feel unsure or nervous? If you notice any feelings of doubt or uncertainty, it just means that you need to keep building up your belief and faith. Recite the intention as much as possible and over time your belief will strengthen naturally.

Be sure not to waste any time or energy worrying about "how" money can come to you - that is the universe's job! Your only work is to keep saying your intention as if it were your rock-solid truth, and the universe will respond as if it were. If it helps, you might even picture in your mind a beautiful "flow" of dazzling energy flowing from the universe down into your life. Imagine yourself happily opening your mind and heart to receive this gift, and know that it is already yours.

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April 18, 2010

Using The Law Of Attraction

By Rich Thorne

The law of attraction may be something to consider. It may be able to help bring change to your life. This law entails many things. However, it is a belief system. Like religions, there is no concrete evidence to support them. However, there are interesting concepts to explore. Consider these things about this law.

Like attracts like. One molecule cannot do much by itself. If it can attract similar molecules, it may turn into a living cell. One cell is not capable of much. After dividing and multiplying, it can become living tissue.

This same feature may be applied to thought. A thought is not powerful, until it joins other thoughts. The more it attracts, the stronger it gets. Strong thoughts can become dominating thoughts. Dominating thoughts can bring about action necessary for their transformation into reality.

The power of thought makes this possible. Thoughts can be called seeds of reality. Look at the room that you are in. Everything there was once a thought. Thoughts can become powerful enough to grow into reality. That happens when a thought attracts other similar thoughts.

How are other thoughts attracted to one thought? One way is through the power of suggestion. When you repeat thoughts over and over they can become more powerful. This is not to be confused with repeating words. Words are not thoughts, they only represent thoughts.

When words are spoken, you should visualize what you want. This helps you to understand your desires. Belief also plays a big role in autosuggestion. You can literally convince yourself of a situation, if you believe and repeat it enough.

It is not easy. It takes hard work and persistence. Thoughts can bring about the necessary action for their completion. There may be for a good reason for the hard work. When you put forth a small amount of effort, it will attract similar results. A great effort will attract monumental results. The law of attraction may attract good things.

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Essential Knowledge About Living In Abundance

By Jan Cooper

The term abundance means profusion or an overflowing fullness. The condition of being in abundance is something that every man seeks, its something that they all aim towards, work all their lives for. 'Being in abundance' as a condition has been the cause of almost all the wars of the world, almost all the policies that gets formulated and infact all the decisions and actions that humans undertake.

But all being said, it is also true that it is that one thing that the human mind has not been tuned to believe in. On the contrary it is scarcity and the thought of it that rules the human mind. Be it your bank balance, job profile, size of your house, the way you look, or anything for that matter, your mind has thus since childhood acquired the bad habit of focusing on the scarcities first. You tend to think about what you don't have or have lesser than your friends rather than what you currently possess.

Remember that a man's destiny is a result of his thoughts. The Law of Attraction is one such principle that prophesizes this.

According to this law, if you focus your attention and energy on an object of desire and strongly believe that it is coming your way, then the power of your thoughts have the ability to manifest the object of desire in reality. Thus, it can be concluded from this law that powerful thoughts attract and manifest the subject matter thereof in reality.

If the law of attraction holds good, it simply means that whatever you think about will get manifested in your life. Hence, when man thinks only about scarcity and what he does not have in his life, it is more scarcity that he attracts. If he always feel dissatisfaction and strongly believes that he has nothing compared to his friends or relatives, then he will only attract more negative energy and the feeling of more dissatisfaction will get manifested in his life. Thus it can be concluded that a person's thoughts and mindset are the sole cause behind his situation in life.

For making abundance come your way, the only thing you have to do is think and focus all your attention and energy on abundance. Start with avoiding all negative thoughts about scarcity and start thinking about abundance for a change. The first step towards this is getting a stock of all that you have and being grateful for it.

The more joy you feel and the more grateful you are, remember the more of these feelings will get manifested in your life in future. Secondly, focus your attention on and direct all your energy towards abundance. Visualize yourself as a person living with abundance without any worry at all.

Visualize yourself living in abundance and start believing that abundance will be coming your way soon. Charge up this vision with your physical and emotional energy and truly believe from the core of your heart that this vision is true. You will find that your thought would affect the universe and attract abundance in manifesting itself in your life.

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April 17, 2010

Beliefs Can Conflict With The Laws Of Attraction

By Rich Thorne

The laws of attraction and your beliefs work together. Beliefs can actually interfere with these laws. These are those beliefs that are deep in the subconscious. The ones learned as a child that are still with you whether you think about them or not. They keep you from having the joy and success you want and deserve.

The kind of belief that keeps you from your destination is a limiting belief. Whatever your deep belief is will come true. If your believe that you are unworthy of love in that deep place within, those who believe the same will be drawn to you. If you happen across someone who does love you wholeheartedly you will never see or believe it. You may even sabotage your own relationship to reinforce your truth. You can concentrate and focus on a relationship where you know you are loved but if you do not address that belief first it cannot work.

Part of the law of attraction teaches you that what you think is what you are a magnet for. What your mind dwells on is what will be attracted to you. How you currently live is a direct result of your current belief system. Take stock and you will see what it is you truly believe. If you do not want to be poor, you will surely attract poor situations. The mind does not recognize no or not. The message that is repeatedly received it poor, poor, poor. Now if the thought was more expansive and was constantly placed on wealth you are more likely to get where you really wish to be.

You will need to change thought patterns. The thoughts of can't do, couldn't do, will never be able to do, shouldn't do, don't deserve to, will limit you. Who is it that truly decided these thoughts for you? Where do they come from? Find the truth behind these immediate responses. Find out what situations in life provoke them.

You may pour your entire self into becoming rich. Or maybe you just need a certain sum of money. If you have a belief that places limits on money, how you obtain it or maybe you have negative feelings toward it, these will be pulling you in the opposite direction. Because you truly don't believe you can attract it. It would be the same for that belief as telling yourself you will fly if you just step off the roof. Your mind simply does not believe it.

The laws of attraction will not bear fruit in your life if there is a limiting belief you hold. Especially if it is the direct opposite of all you are trying to create. Your beliefs and what you wish to attract need to be harmonious.

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Manifest Your Desires With Law Of Attraction Meditation

By Stephen Richards

Meditation techniques for use in law of attraction differ to traditional ways. Now there really is a way to enjoy meditation, not just while contorted in hours of pain.

The ancient methods used do give you a sense of contentment and joy but with this newer method you will see your manifesting powers increasing. The technique explained below will give you an idea of how to meditate amidst a hectic schedule. You will be capable of doing it anytime, anyplace once you master it.

The traditional posture of sitting cross legged is entirely not necessary while doing meditation. You can sit straight or even try lying in a supine position. While sitting you have to keep your back straight so that your neck and spine are in the same line. Keep your chin pulled back in slightly and strike a stiff and straight posture.

Mudras, which are hand positions that are maintained while doing cosmic ordering meditation, are to be followed. Your right palm should be placed parallel to the floor on your lap with the palm facing upwards.

There are, however, certain mudras (hand positions) in Cosmic Ordering meditation: place your right hand on your lap, palm facing up and parallel with the floor, and then gently place the knuckles of the left hand in the palm of the right hand and have the thumb tips gently touching. The palm of the right hand gently cups the back of the left hand.

Breathing during the entire meditation process can be done in different ways. You can either use your nose for both breathing in and out, or breathe in using your nose and breathe out through the mouth. There are people who perform meditation by using their mouth solely for breathing instead of using their nose. Use whatever method you feel comfortable with and adhere to it consistently. During inhaling your abdomen should expand and constrict while exhaling.

Now we will look at the breathing method during meditation. With your back straight in sitting position you have to inhale and hold your breath up to a count of three or as long as you feel at ease. Then exhale through the mouth. The main purpose of this exercise is to let the air inhaled seep into your being.

You have to now practice this constantly, being aware of your breathing every time you inhale and exhale. Start counting each inhalation and exhalation up to ten and then go back to one and begin again. You would have done five full breathing cycles while going from one to ten. Once you get the hang of it, you will start enjoying your meditation sessions.

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April 16, 2010

The Amazing Benefits Of The Law Of Attraction

By Jessica Davies

The law of attraction is an out come of new generation thinking school, they claim based on studies that our thoughts and desires in conscious and unconscious mind can influence the chances in our life. When Shakespeare says character shapes destiny, the same thoughts emerges in to scientific truth after centuries. Law of attraction says we can change things happening around us by applying some law of attraction. We can influence our own thoughts not just by motivation but by other way too.

'The Secret" a famous film released in 2006 by Australian writer Ronda Byrne was a mile stone in turning people around the world thinking about different laws of attraction techniques. And it further resulted in drawing the topic in various national and international debates. The movies supplied abundance momentum to the people running after the tips of practicing law of attraction. So how we can practice law of attraction? That is the question of the hour. Here you have a few simple thoughts that will help you to practice law of attraction in our life and make your life beautiful.

The key concept of law of attraction is you get what you desire. If you desire much, you will get as much as you can. If you desire less you will get as less as you could .It may be wealth or glory, friendships or relationships jobs our attitude only work out. So always focus on big: big digit, big people, and big position. Nature's attitude is the reflection of your attitude. Go and stand in a valley and cry aloud I hate you, the whole world around will reply unanimously I hate you. Change your attitude and shout I love you then the whole world around us will declare I love you. So fill up positive energy in your mind.

A routine desire has nothing to do in gaining the same. Our desires should be indisputable and from the chore of our mind. Load positive power in your mind and broom away the outdated and age-old thoughts. In normal time our minis full of pessimistic and scornful thoughts. Set aside negative thoughts.

Brush up your head to focus on your true desires. Normal mind is full of pessimistic, gloomy and distrustful thoughts. Such a mind can't mirror what you really are. Get rid of from regular hopeless thoughts. Ask yourself how you can bring glory and reputation in your life. You're free and auspicious mind will reply truly to your questions. Spend time every day to practice this meditation and find answer from your own soul.

Value the spirit of others and respect yourself. Don't miserly while you appreciate others achievements. While you appreciate others, a kind of positive feeling will arouse in your mind and that will help your mind to reach in to yours desires.

Start simple: start with something very small and simple that you wish to possess intensely in your mind; for example, a little guitar. Picture what you want in your mind, visualize its specific features in your mind, its color size attractive shape and write it in a paper in distinguishing words in. Spend a little time everyday to recollect the image your lovely guitar and try to remember it in your mind with its smallest details.

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What Is Manifestation Meditation?

By Simon Wakken

You might have read about manifestation meditation in your favorite life style magazine or seen many videos in internet. Have you ever be come suspicious about truth in it? Yes, you have refused to believe those uncommon powers generating meditation. You never tried this meditation in your life is the reason. If you had experienced the power of manifestation meditation that can uplift your soul and wisdom, you would have loved to practice this type of mediation in your daily life. It is all about bringing an idea into form.

The technical meaning of the term manifestation meditation is bringing an idea in to action. People motivate their co workers or co players saying like "man, come on. You are doing well. You can reach there". It means they are manifesting them by giving then new hopes. Planting a form of imagination in their heart and make its growth successful.

We need to get rid of all our negative attitudes and become an optimist to achieve our target. It is the importance of manifestation meditation. While practicing manifestation meditation, you are planting many positive thought in your mind.

Manifestation mediation has a close relation to psychic powers. Although t has been subjected to many debates but no debates could give 100 % convinced conclusion. Because it is directly accessed by unconscious mind one's psychic powers. By practicing manifestation mediation, you will get an extraordinary skill to perceive information in uncommon style from the nature. People practicing this type of meditation get extreme ability to percieve information without sensing by five senses defined by psychology.

While practicing manifestation meditation your brain frequency will automatically slow down to alpha frequency where psychic activities take place. Your unconscious mind starts manifest your conscious mind in that stage. You get good concentration and body balance in this time. When your brain frequency reaches to seven to fourteen per minute your unconscious mind starts wakening and gain control over conscious mind. And free actions will download to your all bodily parts as you want. Thus you gain control all over your body.

Close your mind for a while and make it calm and quite. Be free from stress, busy thinking and negative memories that may hamper your goals. Manifest your goals in your mind, tell your self that your gong to be successful in your life. Download your goals slowly to your heart. Manifestation meditation might not be good at a busy mind because in this stage, you will not be able to reduce your brain frequency. Negative thoughts may disturb your unconscious mind where the paranormal contact and sixth sense. Well, take short leave from your day to day activities.

Manifestation meditation helps to control yourself within your mind. When you incorporate this mediation in your daily routine, you become free from all pains and sorrows. You will start forgetting all the misfortunes you suffered and new seeds of hope accumulate in you.

There are millions of people claim that they got back peace of mind and became successful in their family and business life doing manifestation meditation.

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Putting The Law Of Attraction Into Action

By Trevor Johnson

There are a number of people who may have heard of the concept of this law of attraction. The main concept behind this is that you can make things happen by just thinking. This may sound a bit surreal but the number of people who are supporting this is undeniably increasing. They have claimed that they were able to put the law of attraction in action.

So the main question that has been running in your mind right now is if it is really possible for you to put the law of attraction in action. The truth of the matter is that it is very much possible for you to do it. Take the law of science for example which stated that the matter is related to energy. Since thought is a product of energy, then it is going to materialize.

There are two leading means to how you can possibly put this law to work. Synchronicity is the first. This happens when you think hard about someone and then the person, all of a sudden, remembers you too.

Aside from synchronicity, you can also get the thing that you like through enough motivation. You would need to have enough reason and perseverance in order to get the things that you want. Once you start your day positively, you will bring in positive things in your life.

Aside from people who are dreaming of something, this motivation can also be used in order to achieve the small things that you like. Examples of these are losing weight, winning a game or passing an exam. If you do not have any motivation, there is a great chance that you will not be committed to stay in your program.

So for as long as you keep your focus on your fight and desires, then you will see with your own eyes the law of attraction in action coming true. In this manner, you will become closer to a more progressive and happier life.

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