January 20, 2012

State of Allowing

By Glenda Feilen

Being in a state of "allowing" means being available to receive your heart's desires. That might sound a little vague because you probably think you're already ready to to receive them - you need them, you're attempting to manifest them, you're desperate to receive them, but why haven't they shown up?

A state of allowing truly means being in a state of energy alignment with the essence of the things you are attempting to attract. For example, if you're looking to draw in money, you need to become energetically lined up with the essence of prosperity.

It works the same no matter what you are trying to attract; money, love, success, good health, weight loss, and so on - you need to be aligned with the essence of these things before you can receive them.

You might have been visualizing one or more of these things daily; perhaps you even created a vision board to look at daily; or you have a list of affirmations to recite. Those are all excellent first steps, but that's just the beginning!

Now it's the perfect time to begin switching your thoughts and feelings into the state of already possessing what you're attempting to attract. That's practicing the art of allowing.

Does that seem impossible to do if you don't yet have the things you want? It's vital to do it because if you don't, you can't allow those things into your life.

Given that you don't have them yet, you've most likely been connecting a powerful message of scarcity and lack to the universe: "I don't have enough money; I'm too heavy; I'm depressed." Whenever you think and feel those things, the universe can only keep sending more of the same type of experiences to you.

To turn it around, you need to start sending messages of abundance to the universe. You need to start communicating that you have plenty of money, the love of your life, a slender body, as well as whatever else you want.

And how do you communicate all this to the universe? Through your emotions. Feeling abundant enables you to receive abundance. Feeling loved and secure lets you come across the life partner you've been searching for. Feeling healthy and radiant allows you to start receiving the physical well-being you want.

When you move into the mental and emotional state of already having these things, you are exercising the art of allowing! If you keep complaining and fretting about not having them yet, you're in a state of resistance and they cannot come your way.

Practicing the art of allowing essentially implies changing your dominant thoughts and feelings so they resemble how you will think and feel once you have your heart's desires. How will you feel when you are involved in a loving relationship with the right person? How will you feel when you are earning 10 times the salary you earn now?

Practice feeling that way as often as you can right this moment! The key word here is practice. You can't leap directly from where you stand to where you wish to be and have everything change instantly.

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