January 23, 2012

Abundance Attitude: Seeing Your Life Full of Abundance

By Ceri Jaison

If you are like most other people, you have probably gone through a few periods of scarcity and financial struggle. Maybe you needed to buy something but didn't have enough money for it; or your income wasn't enough to cover your bills; or you just couldn't make progress on your financial goals. As a result, you probably felt overwhelmed by frustration and stress.

Periods like these may seem to be caused by external circumstances, but they always begin within. "Abundance" is not just an external condition; it is actually a state of mind that you can adopt any time you want, and when you adopt a mind-set of abundance regularly, your outer conditions will shift to match your mind-set. How? When you have a true abundance mind-set, money flows to you more easily and more often; opportunities find their way to you; and financial challenges work themselves out with very little effort on your part.

One of the easiest ways to create an abundance mind-set is by choosing to see "more than enough" as often as you can. When you get stuck in a scarcity mind-set, you are used to focusing more on what you DON'T have; what ISN'T working well for you; and the money and abundance you are still LACKING - but you can easily shift your perspective to start focusing on what you DO have; what IS working well for you, and the money and abundance that is already flowing into your experience right now.

Start by noticing every time you focus on scarcity. How many times each day do you feel frustrated about not having enough money? How many times do you worry about your bills? How many times a day do you wish bitterly that things could be easier for you? These negative thoughts and feelings are definitely normal, but they only keep the trend of scarcity going strong!

Every time you become aware that you are thinking negative thoughts like these, start turning your focus to thoughts of abundance instead. Okay, it may indeed be true that you have a lot of bills; or your income is smaller than you'd like it to be - but do you also have a decent home to live in? Do you have an abundance of books to read, DVDs to watch, clothing to wear, food to eat, electronic gadgets to play with, and other things to be grateful for?

When you start shifting your focus this way, you will be amazed as you remember just how much abundance you really do have! You have "more than enough" of so many things. Start feeling grateful about that! Say to yourself, "My life is FILLED with abundance! I am so grateful for all of the abundance I have. And I know that much more abundance is on the way to me now."

Do this multiple times a day, every day, and you'll start to notice something interesting happening: you'll start feeling that inner frustration melting away. You'll start feeling uplifted, inspired, and happy about your life. That doesn't mean everything in your life will transform overnight, but in time it will if you keep this abundance focus going. The more you focus on abundance rather than scarcity, the more abundance you will allow into your life! Over time, this can result in dramatic positive changes in all areas of your life. How fast it happens depends on how committed you are to adopting your new, abundant focus as often as possible.

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