July 5, 2011

How to Develop an Abundance Mentality

By Ceri Jaison

It can be challenging to create abundance when you are struggling with a lot of negative thoughts about money. You are probably already aware that you need to stay focused on abundance in order to create abundance, by taking control of your thoughts and developing an "abundance mentality" to replace your old "scarcity mentality".

But exactly how are you supposed to do this? When those old, scarcity-focused thoughts keep popping up in your mind, how should you handle them?

One of the best ways to develop an abundance mentality is by sheer repetition and persistence. Many people miss the "persistence" part and give up after a few days. They think it should be easy to change their thought habits, and it truly IS - but at first it seems difficult because you have to overcome the momentum of those negative thoughts. Only after you've worked on it consistently for a little while does it get easier.

To get you started, here is a simple two-step plan for developing an abundance mentality:

For starters, being applying the power of repetition. On a sheet of paper or an index card, write this statement: "I am abundant in every way." Now carry the card with you and be sure to speak the statement aloud dozens of times each day for the next few days. As you say the statement, make sure you really tune into the FEELING of the words. What does it feel like to be truly abundant in every way? How would that make you feel? Probably you'd feel uplifted, happy, inspired, free, and contented. Try to feel that way each time you say the words, for a few minutes each time.

At the same time, make sure you don't contradict your new abundance mentality.

Stop complaining about money; stop feeling frustrated about money; and avoid investing your energy and attention into negativity about money in any way, shape, or form! That won't be easy at first, because you'll be so used to doing it. If you've got strong habits in that direction, you'll have to start breaking them immediately. If you don't, you'll end up splitting your focus between your old scarcity mentality and your new abundance mentality, which will make your results less than good.

So, if you catch yourself starting to complain about money, stop and say your abundance mentality statement again: "I am abundant in every way." If you start worrying about money, stop and say the abundance mentality statement again: "I am abundant in every way." If you start to feel jealous or resentful about someone's abundance, say the statement yet again. Just keep saying your abundance mentality statement as many times as you have to each day until it starts to sink in.

Does that seem too simple to you? It really IS simple! You'll have to put forth some decent effort at the beginning, but in a short period of time you'll start to see the results. Just keep in mind that when it comes to creating abundance, you have to be consistent and persistent. If you aren't, your results are going to show that lack of commitment.

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