Your body and all its organs run on a frequency. Because everything in the universe is made up of its own energy. Sickness and illness is a result of the energy channels becoming blocked in its own system of energy. However, if our energy is free from any obstructions, we can maintain great health and wellness.
Reiki, a universal energy clearing method, can be used to assist in balancing the bodies aura or energy field. Not only that, but it also helps to balance the bodies primary energy channels called chakras. These areas of the body, once flowing freely, is able to heal itself naturally.
People who practice Reiki are able to either hover their hands over the client's body or lay hands on the body to initiate the session. Reiki helps to balance the body, mind and spirit. There are also practitioners that are able to perform this session remotely.
Benefits of Reiki
The following may be experienced during a session: the feeling of energy throughout the body, tingling sensations, an out of body experience, an alleviation of pain or other symtpoms, and possibly communications with the Divine.
Detox side effects can include nausea as the body is trying to flush out toxins. Try to drink plenty of water after the session.
When having an alternative health treatment done, the practitioner should never suggest that you should discontinue seeing your physician.
Aside from all the physical advantages, many people can really benefit from the emotional clearance of any unhealthy cycles or patterns. Most physical issues stem from some type of fear, anxiety or stress that is held in a certain location of the body. Many massage therapists can attest to this. You can feel the tension it leaves in the muscles which later on manifests into physical issues if not cleared.
Reiki, a universal energy clearing method, can be used to assist in balancing the bodies aura or energy field. Not only that, but it also helps to balance the bodies primary energy channels called chakras. These areas of the body, once flowing freely, is able to heal itself naturally.
People who practice Reiki are able to either hover their hands over the client's body or lay hands on the body to initiate the session. Reiki helps to balance the body, mind and spirit. There are also practitioners that are able to perform this session remotely.
Benefits of Reiki
The following may be experienced during a session: the feeling of energy throughout the body, tingling sensations, an out of body experience, an alleviation of pain or other symtpoms, and possibly communications with the Divine.
Detox side effects can include nausea as the body is trying to flush out toxins. Try to drink plenty of water after the session.
When having an alternative health treatment done, the practitioner should never suggest that you should discontinue seeing your physician.
Aside from all the physical advantages, many people can really benefit from the emotional clearance of any unhealthy cycles or patterns. Most physical issues stem from some type of fear, anxiety or stress that is held in a certain location of the body. Many massage therapists can attest to this. You can feel the tension it leaves in the muscles which later on manifests into physical issues if not cleared.
About the Author:
If you would like to try a complimentary 10 minute session of Reiki for only $5, then see Kenya, the creator of Many people hesitate to get this treatment done because they are not familiar with it before paying for a full session. Kenya has also developed the online course Chakra & Aura 101 and the free guide Psychic Awareness 101.
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