August 20, 2010

Apply This Shocking Technique To Your Life To Manifest Desires

By Felicia Fillmore

After people get to know the law of attraction is all about, they begin focusing on earning more money, and fulfill their physical lives. Nevertheless, the results are not what they expect to be, and they begin to seek for help. The following little secret is a great way to use the law of attraction to make your dreams go from mere fantasies to the reality you want.

After studying on the law, you may begin to notice that visualization is greatly needed in order to manifest desires in your life. However, if you are trying to build a beautiful palace on top of a foundation of sand, you're going to have problems. Even applied to the law of attraction and visualization, this rule makes sense. If you try to bring wealth into your life, but you feel deep down that you don't deserve money, then you're in for some trouble. Align your thoughts and desires, then it will start working.

This might be a bit depressing, but just write down what life will truly become if you continue to limit your beliefs. Describe how poor, lonely, and tired you would be as specifically as possible. Living such a miserable life, what feeling will you have? What a cruel thing it would be if it really happens. I' v tried, and I could not help crying.

Next, write down on another piece of paper on what your desires are. Put as much positive energy and enthusiasm into it as you did with the first step. This activity will make you feel good. Imagine how great it will feel to move into your dream house, have the perfect relationship with your dream partner, devote your life to fulfilling work, or anything else you might want. You can't get too specific in manifesting your desires.

Then you should decide which life you prefer. Take the sheet of paper you don't want to become a reality and burn it. Watching your limiting beliefs burn away will help you instantly feel freed and relaxed from it becoming a reality. Keep the second sheet of paper, re-read it every night before you go to bed as well as reading it in the morning when you wake up and you'll be well on your way to manifest desires written down.

I cannot emphasize how powerful this little secret is and the huge impact it can have on your life. So, please sit down and take the time to do this. Remember, your limiting beliefs can be outside of your conscious awareness and you may not be aware of them. Want to make your dreams happen in a better way? This tip will help you.

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