By now everyone has probably heard of affirmations, maybe you've tried them, and you probably found they didn't work as well as you expected if they even worked at all. This is what a lot of people find when they try to use affirmations to change their lives. I'm not saying affirmations don't work, I'm just saying you have to use them in a way that is going to work for your brain.
Your brain is basically made up of two parts. The conscious brain, and the non conscious brain. The conscious brain is where we make decision. It's where we decide to lose weight on New Year's Eve, it's where we decide to make 10k a month by the end of the year. It's all done on a conscious level. This is also where we use affirmations.
As powerful as your conscious brain is, it doesn't hold a candle to your nonconscious brain. Your nonconscious brain controls 96-98% of your perception and behavior. This is pretty impressive. This is the part of your brain where your habits, both physical and of thought and your beliefs live. If you are not changing you nonconscious mind when you try to change your life you are going to fall flat.
You will fall flat because your conscious brain just doesn't have the power to work on this stuff with enough consistency and repetition for it to sink in and create new neural pathways ~ which create new habits and beliefs. Your nonconscious brain remembers everything you have ever seen, heard, tasted and even imagined forever! This incredible power of the nonconscious mind makes it an essential part in the process of change.
If affirmations haven't worked for you in the past you might be wondering how on earth they are going to work this time. You have to pull your nonconscious brain into the process. You are not going to say them at a conscious level, but go past that and deliver them straight to the nonconscious part of your brain. This is known as subliminal affirmations. Subliminal affirmations are flashed for but milliseconds in front of you on a computer screen. Your conscious brain doesn't have the ability to read them that fast, but your amazing nonconscious brain grabs every one. Bypassing your conscious brain makes them very effective.
You can also use subliminal affirmations through audio. You conscious mind and ears will not hear them as they are recorded at a subliminal level, but you can be sure that your ever powerful nonconscious mind is picking up every single one.
So how do you really make changes in your life? It takes a few steps. You need to get really clear on what you do want. You need to create a living, breathing vision of this change, and what it is like as if you have accomplished it and have it already. Once you can hold that vision you need to create some affirmations that support that vision. This will probably be some affirmations that contradict some of the things you currently believe, which is perfect because we are creating new beliefs here. You want to build an arsenal of imprinting materials to send this new message to your nonconscious brain. This can be a vision board, imagining your vision regularly and of course you can use subliminal affirmations. Then begin using these things on a regular basis, it doesn't take a lot of time, but consistency is key.
When you talk about imprinting people can get nervous and don't really know what all that means. It's really quite simple. You can do a few things very easily to start imprinting on your nonconscious mind. Create a vision board and display it where you will see it all day. Your conscious mind may not notice it very often, but your nonconscious will be taking it in all day. Take a few minutes a couple times a day to daydream about your vision. The nonconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagination, so each time you do a little daydreaming you are imprinting your new vision on your nonconscious brain and building new beliefs. You can also use subliminal software to play your subliminal on your computer screen and through your speakers. This will give you great repetition of your new beliefs and will send those messages to your nonconscious mind throughout the day.
If you want to really see change happen in your life, no matter what area you are going to have to get past your conscious mind and get your nonconscious mind in the game. IT is only when you use your nonconscious mind to build new beliefs that you will see the results of these new beliefs become a reality in your life.
Your brain is basically made up of two parts. The conscious brain, and the non conscious brain. The conscious brain is where we make decision. It's where we decide to lose weight on New Year's Eve, it's where we decide to make 10k a month by the end of the year. It's all done on a conscious level. This is also where we use affirmations.
As powerful as your conscious brain is, it doesn't hold a candle to your nonconscious brain. Your nonconscious brain controls 96-98% of your perception and behavior. This is pretty impressive. This is the part of your brain where your habits, both physical and of thought and your beliefs live. If you are not changing you nonconscious mind when you try to change your life you are going to fall flat.
You will fall flat because your conscious brain just doesn't have the power to work on this stuff with enough consistency and repetition for it to sink in and create new neural pathways ~ which create new habits and beliefs. Your nonconscious brain remembers everything you have ever seen, heard, tasted and even imagined forever! This incredible power of the nonconscious mind makes it an essential part in the process of change.
If affirmations haven't worked for you in the past you might be wondering how on earth they are going to work this time. You have to pull your nonconscious brain into the process. You are not going to say them at a conscious level, but go past that and deliver them straight to the nonconscious part of your brain. This is known as subliminal affirmations. Subliminal affirmations are flashed for but milliseconds in front of you on a computer screen. Your conscious brain doesn't have the ability to read them that fast, but your amazing nonconscious brain grabs every one. Bypassing your conscious brain makes them very effective.
You can also use subliminal affirmations through audio. You conscious mind and ears will not hear them as they are recorded at a subliminal level, but you can be sure that your ever powerful nonconscious mind is picking up every single one.
So how do you really make changes in your life? It takes a few steps. You need to get really clear on what you do want. You need to create a living, breathing vision of this change, and what it is like as if you have accomplished it and have it already. Once you can hold that vision you need to create some affirmations that support that vision. This will probably be some affirmations that contradict some of the things you currently believe, which is perfect because we are creating new beliefs here. You want to build an arsenal of imprinting materials to send this new message to your nonconscious brain. This can be a vision board, imagining your vision regularly and of course you can use subliminal affirmations. Then begin using these things on a regular basis, it doesn't take a lot of time, but consistency is key.
When you talk about imprinting people can get nervous and don't really know what all that means. It's really quite simple. You can do a few things very easily to start imprinting on your nonconscious mind. Create a vision board and display it where you will see it all day. Your conscious mind may not notice it very often, but your nonconscious will be taking it in all day. Take a few minutes a couple times a day to daydream about your vision. The nonconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagination, so each time you do a little daydreaming you are imprinting your new vision on your nonconscious brain and building new beliefs. You can also use subliminal software to play your subliminal on your computer screen and through your speakers. This will give you great repetition of your new beliefs and will send those messages to your nonconscious mind throughout the day.
If you want to really see change happen in your life, no matter what area you are going to have to get past your conscious mind and get your nonconscious mind in the game. IT is only when you use your nonconscious mind to build new beliefs that you will see the results of these new beliefs become a reality in your life.
About the Author:
Using subliminal affirmations is a key way to get messages to your nonconscious mind. Don't know which software to get? Read my subliminal software review is at
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