December 18, 2011

Of that the meditation samadhi consists ? (I)

By Elkin Arriero

Samadhi Meditation refers to the attempt to reach a state of consciousness in which being and the meditator's thought becomes one with the object of contemplation. For both Hinduism and in Buddhism, samadhi is an elevated level of concentration in meditation or dhyana. In the practice of yoga, is the 8th and last member identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Samadhi comes from the Hindi language "sam" (complete or integrated) and "DHA" (to obtain, retain), the result might be seen as "the acquisition of integration of all or truth" (samapatti).

A state unified consciousness

Enter the state of samadhi meditation is considered a condition necessary for accomplishing enlightenment in Buddhism. Buddha taught samadhi meditation using 40 different objects, including respiring, the idea of living in balance and various colors or elements. (Ley de Atraccion)

Developing samadhi, the unified state of consciousness allows the meditator to be temporarily free of contaminations. The samadhi is described as to be at peace, being bright and stay calm. Once the subject is able to achieve this forceful form of concentration, discovers the nature of fact and how to get rid of all suffering. EduynLabino

Samadhi is considered as the crowning accomplishment of meditation. Noobs can not hope to reach this rare condition, only very few folk can get, as it requires much preparation. The meditator who has accomplished the state of samadhi can not be affected by the thoughts or normal consciousness. The individual is besieged in this state where you feel overcome by feelings of happiness and infinite peace. Samadhi meditation involves the loss of all identity. Those that reach this special state they feel merged with the divine energy of the universe.

Those looking for the state of samadhi may lose the facility to operate in the normal world and the joy you're feeling in it leads you to lose all wish to join the remainder of existence. According to the thoughts of Buddha, In the existence there's suffering, but samadhi meditation the practitioner manages to reach beyond the experience of suffering and becomes one with the universe, also when leaving the state of samadhi the person realises which has experienced more Lighting, which can seriously affect the way that he or she perceives the world.

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