June 4, 2011

The Easy way to get over stress

By Paul Jenkin

In this day and age, things are a lot more complicated and very more intoxicating. As a result, people get stress out and live unhappy and unhealthy lives. You get older than your age, you lose or gain weight, and you're body deteriorates. If you want to beat out stress and live a happy and healthy life, follow this simple and yet effective tips to beat out stress.

1) Meditate - go and look for a very quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Breathe slowly and clear out your thoughts. This will clear out your mind and let you weed out the toxins. Do this for 10 minutes a day, one in the morning and before going to bed. You will feel relaxed, refreshed and feel better than before.

2. Eat the right food - Eat lots of vegetables and fruits as much as possible. This will give you antioxidants and vitamins that will nourish your body. This will make up for the lost energy that you have used and abused. Refrain from eating junk foods and fatty foods. You will not get nutrients and will definitely slow you down. Your body is your temple, and you must watch what you eat.

3. Establish a consistent sleeping pattern - One reason why we feel stressed is because we lack rest and stable sleep patterns. If you have not been sleeping right for the past few days, spare at least a day during the weekends to revitalize and regenerate your cells. Having naps for about 10 to 20 minutes are also helpful in making you more alert and productive.

4. Establish an exercise regimen - You can workout by just jogging, walking or running. It does not need to be rigid. You can spare half an hour doing simple routines which do not require you to go to the gym. Exercising is a good way of improving your entire system. Besides that, your hormones are discharged such as the endorphins which help you stay happy and alert.

Don't let stress take the best of you. Have time to relax and enjoy by using the aforesaid tips. You can be sure that you can beat and overcome stress.

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