May 17, 2011

Dream Abundantly

By Nick Bogatin

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

As important as your knowledge and credentials are, there are things far more precious and life giving then those. Imagination and dreams are what drive life even if they are undervalued in society today.

Intellectually comprehending whatever we as individuals can is the cause of limitation on knowledge.

Dreams have no limitations. They tap into everything there ever will be to know and understand. You can think of dreams as windows into a new world without limitation. In this post, we'll explore both types of dreams ... those that occur when you are sleeping and those that occur while awake.

People around the world place different meanings on dreams. Some believe dreams are mere images that cross your mind's eye. Some believe that dreams are divine experiences. Others believe that dreams predict the future. The scientific community believes they are instances of chemical activity and nothing more. The theories about dreams are as endless as dreams themselves.

It is imperative to know which of these you believe.

That is not entirely accurate to ask of you because the fact of the matter is, they are all true. You can believe a dream is whatever you want to believe a dream is.

Perception dictates our entire lives and dreams are a part of it. If your perception (belief) is that dream is a divine vision then all your dreams would be guides in your life whereas if you believed dreams to be just flashes of random images then dreams would simply be a slideshow for your amusement.

There is an inconsistency with confirming one view over another when it comes to your dreams. Simply assuming one is completely right and the other completely wrong leaves a lot of value on the table. If a dream is of divine origination in your belief then you will take heed in those dreams ignoring other parts of your life's indications. On the other hand if dreams are just mere chemical coincidence then you miss the levity from being more open and aware of even the slightest of possibilities.

Understanding a dream to be like a window into a new world leaves us open to receive what benefit we might gain. You are raised in awareness of possibility but ALSO grounded in the fact you can still decide on what actions to take in your life day to day.

If the dream is a glimpse into another world how can we assume there are limitless possibilities?

There is one person we all know who truly demonstrated his understanding of a dream. When he first proclaimed his dream to the world it was truly a vision of world unknown at the time. The fact that his dream is still unfolding today is a testament to how a dream cannot just inspire us individually but people as a whole. That dream was expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King.

Imagine a dream so great that it could affect every person on the planet. A dream that literally has zero proof of viability prior to it being dreamt. To be taken from the dark ages into the light with one individuals passion for realizing the dream he had. Thomas Edison persevered through amazing feats to bring his dream to reality against insurmountable odds.

You may be asking yourself, "Is there a difference between dreaming during your sleep and dreaming while your awake?"

The fundamental difference is dreams that occur while we sleep are totally unfiltered expressions of our subconscious minds. Notice that sleeping dreams are oftentimes, much more vivid, have less of a base in what you believe to be possible, and are often a little more difficult to remember later in detail. This is because these dreams are not filtered by your limiting beliefs, so when we try to recall the dream, we are doing so through our conscious mind. It is our conscious mind that contains our limiting beliefs.

Setting aside our limiting perceptions and beliefs is what typically happens when we find ourselves dreaming while awake. Something comes in our thoughts that we have a deep desire to have or achieve and our mind breaks loose of its conscious limitations. We feel expanded and more aware of what is possible for us. This is typically followed by our conscious mind forcing its way back and we end up asking ourselves, "How in the world could I think that was possible for me?". Any of this ringing a bell for you?

Give your dreams the chance to inspire you in every way. It is only a drain of life to give contemplation to what might happen, why this possibly couldn't work, or really anything negative. Energy in these places is trading your life for that time spent, utterly useless.

Expanding into a life of your dreams that is different from the life you are living will give you great opportunities. These opportunities may likely come in the way of an obstacle to overcome that we refer to as stepping stones. These are the way life gives you the path to living the life of your dreams. Overcoming them is the ONLY way to live that life so be grateful for them. Stay close in heart and mind to the dream you have and even the largest of stepping stones can be overcome.

Action is required to make things happen. Being grateful for the opportunities that come your way whether covered in repulsion, misfortune or cloaked in dire situations know that they are all necessary in order to achieve the dreams you have in mind. See them not as stopping stones but stepping stones and be happy to have them under your feet.

Love has many interpretations and when you are growing far outside your comfort zone you shine a light on how your loved wants aren't. Be aware that when you are striving for your success those around you, who truly do love you, might become the wolf in sheep's clothing. So as to not look upon their own lives they will tear you down and attempt many times at stealing your dream. Be steadfast in your knowing and believe even that is a stepping stone to a greater life.

If you have a choice to let someone take something let it be a "thing" and not your dream. Your dreams are irreplaceable.

Abundance in life is through abundance in your dreams. Thinking small gives you small thoughts. Live to be fuller, more expanded and dream an abundant life for it takes no more effort to dream big than it does to dream small.

Do these things ... and your life will be greater than your wildest imagination could have ever conceived.

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