May 31, 2011

The Secret to Creating Success - Do it the Easy Way

By Paul Jenkin

Are you not satisfied with your life right now? Do you want a promotion or plan to open up a business? Are there things that you want to buy but can't seem to have it? Are you in a relationship with someone that you really want?

If the answer is yes, then you can call your self a very successful person. But if you are having trouble breaking through to success in all aspects of your life, you have probably not learned how to translate the secret of creating success to other areas; it is unlikely that you would have never created success in your life. Creating balanced success is not rocket science, it is actually simple and very easy - if you just follow these steps you are on your way to achieving success.

1) Meditate - sit on a comfortable chair in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and breathe slowly. Clear your mind of all the distractions outside. Go on and meditate for 10 minutes.

2) Set a Target - The secret to a successful life is to know what you want. This will set your subconscious mind to focus, work, and guide you towards your desires. You will be surprised that you will actually encounter people, places, and things that will lead you to your dream.

3) Plan Specification - If you want something, don't just be general in your objectives, specify what it is, define it and how you can get it in complete detail so you know your exact target.

4) Take Note of Your Objective - Aiming to get your goal starts by putting it into writing. It is like establishing a contract for your self and confirming to achieve it. This will give you more drive and direction as you have agreed to get it no matter how difficult it may be.

5) Take action - the most important step of creating success. You must act on what it is that you want whatever the cost. You will for sure experience roadblocks and failures, but it is part of the process of creating success.

Now you are now ready to take that step to create the life you want and achieve success. Keep this in mind if you want to reach a goal. For 21 days, try to take action on your goals, you will then form a habit that will definitely take you to success.

About the Author:

May 30, 2011

How to create the life that you want - Achieve your Dreams

By Paul Jenkin

Are you not happy with your present life? Is it not going the way you want it to be? You are not the only person who feels this way. Survey says that about 90% of the people today are not satisfied with their life. However, things will turn out the way you want it by knowing the steps outlined in this article

The following are 5 easy steps to help you get the life that you want.

1) Try to weed out the things that you don't want in your life - The easiest way to begin creating the life that you want is by knowing what makes it worse. Once you have discovered what you don't want in your life, you can eliminate or avoid it. You should guard your acts and your thoughts so that these certain things you don't want will not happen in your life.

2) Know what you want to have in your life - The most essential part of the law of attraction is to find out what you want to have in your life. By doing so, you are aware of your goal and determined to reach that goal. Your desires could be a person, place, or a job that you want to have. It is by knowing what you want that gives your life a sense of direction so you don't wander off doing things that you are not even sure of.

3) Make affirmations - Making statements and affirmations on the things that you want to have is very essential. It programs your subconscious mind and you will notice within a few days that you will attract the places, things and people that will deliver you to create the life that you want to have.

4) Be grateful for the things that you have - Although life may feel too hard on you, you should still be thankful for what you currently have. You may never know that appreciating and making use of the resources you have around you could be the key to acheiving the things that you dream of.

5) Put your plans into action - Having the life that you want is not waiting for someone or something to help you. You have to get started on it yourself, this is a very important principle of activating the law of attraction. Having the aim and the drive to reach your goal is what makes the law of attraction effective.

You can have the life that you want as long as you have the dream and the drive to work on it. Don't wait for time to pass you by, act now and you will reap what you sow very soon.

About the Author:

May 29, 2011

The Best Spiritual Coach

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

The best spiritual coaching programs will meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the appropriate transformational modalities for your personal growth. These spiritual coaching modalities will be accessed to provide you with all the tools, techniques, and psychology you'll need to realize your mental, physical, and spiritual objectives.

The best spiritual life coaching programs will apply the modalities of ego transcendence, shadow work, pain-body work, holistic wellness, heart-brain intention, the law of attraction, and the power of presence. One-on-one coaching sessions with will help you forge a path toward personal transformation.

Transformation is an art. And so is life coaching. No degree or license can bestow a spiritual life coach with the knowledge and wisdom that can only gleaned from life experience. The best spiritual life coaches have garnered most--if not all--of their knowledge and wisdom from a personal transformation. How else can you be coached from the heart?

Life is not meant to be endured. It's meant to be enjoyed. If you've been living in a chronic state of emotional and/or physical suffering, then a spiritual life coach can help get you "unstuck" and forge a path toward mental, physical, and spiritual healing.

The best spiritual life coaches can teach you how to remove the mental obstacles that are preventing you from realizing your potential as a divine being. Suffering is the result of your identification with your egoic mind and your physical body. Your ego is not who you are. And neither is your body. The body takes orders from the mind, not the reverse. And the mind takes orders from your heart. The best spiritual coaches can help you to become heart-centered via your heart-brain and can teach you how to feel, sense, and think with your heart. Then you'll be accessing the true power of intention. Shift your emotional body from your right brain to your heart-brain and you'll change your life. It's that simple.

When you fully realize that you are a spiritual being at your core, you open a door to limitless possibilities. The best spiritual life coaches can teach you to love life--and every moment in life--unconditionally. This is harnessing the power of presence. By honoring the "is-ness" of each moment, no matter what it brings to you, you will no longer be reacting to or resisting what the universe is trying to teach you. The best spiritual life coaching programs will help you to live each moment in the eternal Now.

The best spiritual coaches will analyze in detail every aspect of your life so that you can become conscious and attune your frequency with your heart-brain. He or she can help you see what you are missing, avoiding, ignoring, reacting to, and resisting in your daily life so that you are empowered to end the negative cycles. Then, instead of asking, "Why does this keep happening to me?" You'll be asking, "What have I done to create this reality?"

The best spiritual life coaches will also be skilled in life path astrology or life path numerology. It is well worth the time and effort to find an spiritual life coach who can help you discover the your perfect vocation. When you are dissatisfied or unhappy with your career, you'll never be successful at it. As Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your bliss." The best coaches will be able to determine your life path by interpreting your astrological birth chart and/or numerology life path number.

The best spiritual life coaching programs will help you to dissolve your anger, anxiety, worry, and depression through shadow work, pain-body work, and ego transcendence. You will also be coached how to love whatever the present moment brings. The best spiritual life coaches can teach you how to stop turning your challenges into problems, how to stop attracting mental bullies, and how to stop resisting and reacting to whatever life brings. The best spiritual coaches can also help you discover your true life's purpose.

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The Best Life Skills Coaching & Tools For Transformation

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

Life Skills Coaching is designed to meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and implement the tools tailored for your individual growth. The following transformational tools for Life Skills Coaching will provide you with the methods, techniques, and psychology you'll need to actualize your unique life skills objectives:

Self Transcendence: The ego is not your true, eternal Self, but rather is a construct based on whatever you identify with during your time here on Earth. The more you try to convince yourself that the ego is the true sense of who you are, the more you will suffer because of it. Therefore, transcending human suffering requires transcending the ego. Self Transcendence Life Skills Coaching can help you to create a space of awareness between your true Self and the ego.

Shadow Work: Do you blame others or life in general for your own emotional sufferings, your own problems? In truth, when you blame someone or something for anything, no matter how little or how large, this blame will always be rooted in repressed issues that have nothing to do with "him" or "her" or "them" or "it," but everything to do with your shadow. Projecting on to others what we secretly despise in ourselves is what the shadow is all about. Shadow Work Life Skills Coaching can provide you with the tools you'll need to become aware your hidden shadow. This will help you to heal your repressed trauma and awaken to your true Self.

Pain-Body Work: The more you repress this negative self, the darker and denser it becomes. Left unaddressed, these darker shadow emotions inevitably manifest themselves--beyond our control--as addiction, abuse, obsession, hatred, rage, and violence. Spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, believes in a psychic parasite that he calls the "pain-body." Many pain-body hosts incessantly stir up debate, drama, and conflict in their daily lives. The emotional reaction that they receive as a result of this drama is pure energy for the pain-body to "feed on." A Pain-Body Work Life Skills Coach can provide you with the healing tools you'll need to dissolve your pain-body and begin living a drama-free life of peace and tranquility.

Heart-Brain Circuitry: Neurocardiologist, Dr. J. Andrew Armour introduced the "heart brain" concept in 1991. His work revealed that the heart has the ability to act independently of the cranial brain, i.e. to learn, remember, feel, even sense. The emotional body of the current human species is not in the heart. It is in the right brain. Because the brain is polarized, mind-based creativity is possible but comes with a price: You will also get what you don't want. Heart-Brain Life Skills Coaching can teach you how to get out of your head and into your heart. By accessing your Heart-Brain, you will be harnessing the true power of intention.

Life Path Astrology & Numerology: If you're not passionate about what you do, you'll never be successful at it. As Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your bliss." Most people are unhappy with what they're doing and this alone can have a detrimental effect on their well-being. It can also be frustrating when you feel that you were meant to be following a very different path from where you currently are in life, but you just can't seem to articulate what that particular path is. A Life Path Astrology or Numerology Life Skills Coach can determine your most compatible vocation and true life's purpose by analyzing and interpreting the data from your time, date, and place of birth.

The Law of Attraction: Because everything in the universe has its own frequency or energy vibration, if we resist against the present moment armed with anger, frustration, or defiance, then we will inevitably be giving what we don't want more power. Contrarily, if we accept it with unconditional love, then we change the frequency of our response. In this way, our frequency does not empower what we don't want. This subtle exchange of energy is known as the Law of Attraction. Law of Attraction Life Skills Coaching can help you to put this natural law on your side.

Power of Presence: Think of someone you love unconditionally, no matter what they say or do. Now, I ask you, if you can love this person unconditionally--why not life itself? Why not everything that life brings to you? Learning how to love life unconditionally puts the Power of Presence on your side. When we are fully aligned with the Power of Presence, we become awakened to our limitless, transcendent, indistinct and formless Self. A Power of Presence Life Skills Coach can provide you with all the tools you'll need to live every moment in the eternal Now.

About the Author:

May 28, 2011

Online Life Coaching: You Are Who You Attract in Relationships

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

The current human's emotional body is not located in the heart. It is located in the right brain. Mind-based attraction as explained in the best-selling book, "The Secret," is possible but comes with one caveat: You will also get what you don't want. Because the brain is polarized, mind-based thoughts will always stem from conditional love and therefore produce the results we intend but with consequences to those results. The admonition, "Be careful what you wish for," is intended for those using the power of the egoic mind to attract their soulmate. Law of Attraction online Life Coaching with Heart-Brain Intention can help you to get out of your head and into your heart.

Heart-based attraction, on the other hand, is selfless. There is no "little me" involved, and therefore the divine power of the universe is at your command. The Self Realized will be accessing their emotions directly from the heart. This is an entirely different frequency of emotion altogether. It is pure love expressed unconditionally. The ego is taken out of the equation. When you learn to tap into this new emotional body, you will be accessing limitless power. By directing these new heart-based emotions outwardly with intent, whatever your "heart desires" is literally within your reach. This is the true power of intention.

Currently, around 90% of all relationships are co-dependent. Co-dependency is a relationship that is formed with the mind-based intention of a partner fulfilling specific needs that the individual believes are necessary for him or her to be complete.

Co-dependency is rooted in the attachments or conditions to the love given. It's as if the ego says, "I will love you if you make me breakfast," or "I will love you if you support me," or "I will love you if you are faithful to me or treat me this way or that, and if you fail to live up to these conditions then I will not love you back." When love stems from the emotional body of the right-brain, it's all about; "what you can do for me." And so the relationship is formed with particular expectations and if the partner doesn't meet them--the relationship is terminated.

When the Self Realized enters into a relationship, at the point of attraction, wholeness and independence will have already been achieved. As a result, the relationship will be harmonious, intimate, and joyous. This is because the Self Realized are already happy and live each day in a place of joy, inner peace, and tranquility. Their entire being is firmly rooted in the heart.

The Self Realized are not dependent on external situations, material forms, or other people to bring them happiness because they are already complete. It's not that they don't have needs, it's that they've already learned to satisfy those needs on their own, by themselves. A Law of Attraction online Life Coach who is also an authority on Heart-Brain Intention can provide you with the tools you'll need to dissolve your co-dependency and forge a path toward emotional independence.

For the co-dependent individual, however, what is initially perceived as true love frequently turns into resentment, anger, even hatred. This is because co-dependency is, by its very nature, an unnatural state of being. It is an inner compulsion to be with another person, rather than a choice to be. When you feel as if you have to be with another because of a "lacking" to be complete, then the universe can only send you the same resonant frequency of "lacking" in a mate. It's as if the universe says, "Here you are. This is your mirror self."

On the flip side, when you become the person you wish to attract first, i.e. someone who is spiritual, non-egoic, heart-centered, self aware, and non-judgmental, then you will naturally attract those same qualities in a mate.

The word "soulmate" is both overused and misused in today's vernacular. Individuals who are non-spiritual or non-soulful are misled into believing that they are going to find their soulmate if they join an online dating service or follow the guidelines laid out in a particular book. But it doesn't work that way. It begins with realizing that you are a soul first, then you can attract another Self Realized individual to you. Law of Attraction online Life Coaching with Heart-Brain Intention can help you forge that path toward Self Realization.

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Finding the Best Online Life Coach

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

The best online life coaches should meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the appropriate tools for your healing. The transformational tools that are implemented by your online life coach should empower you to achieve your mental, physical, and spiritual objectives. When looking for the best online life coach for you, it is wise to investigate whether or not he or she is an authority on the following healing modalities:

Ego Transcendence: When the ego reacts, it is ultimately motivated by one thing; power. More specifically, power over the other. As a result of this basic yet potentially dangerous "prime directive," the egoic mind stems from only one emotional frequency; fear. When you observe the fear reactions that the ego plays out on the world stage, you can begin to notice the iron grip that it has on the collective mind, and how just about everyone is consumed by the ego, and therefore reacts mainly from a fear-based reality. Ego Transcendence online life coaching can help you to create a space between your true Self (pure consciousness) and the ego so that you can stop reacting to life from a fear-based reality.

Shadow Work: During the ego development in childhood, we were all at some point deemed worthless, inferior, unacceptable, or inadequate. Consequently, the shadow manifests as a cover up process, to prove to others that we are, in truth, not these horrifying things. And so the shadow acts as a mask, a false persona that is created by the wounded ego to hide whatever it deems too painful to accept. Shadow Work online life coaching can help you to reveal your hidden shadow and help you to heal your repressed trauma.

Pain-Body Work: Bullies who thrive on hurting people both emotionally and physically are unconscious carriers of a psychic parasite called the "pain-body." The pain-body feeds on emotional and physical violence. But pain-body hosts can also be people who do not hurt others overtly. Instead, they suppress their pain and keep it hidden. Over time, the pain-body intensifies and weakens the body's immune system, creating disease. Sometimes it forces the host to turn to drugs or alcohol to escape their pain. A Pain-Body Work online life coach can provide you with the tools you'll need to you heal your pain-body and dissolve your emotional pain.

Heart-Brain Intention: In the embryonic stage, before your brain was created, you were nothing but a heart. The brain came out of the heart, not the reverse. Scientific research demonstrates that the heart's magnetic field can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body and is more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain. Heart-Brain online life coaching is designed to help you get out of your head and into your heart. By learning how to access your Heart-Brain, you will be tapping into the true power of intention.

Life Path Astrology: If you're not passionate about what you do, you'll never be successful at it. As Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your bliss." Many people are miserable with they're current career and this alone can have a detrimental effect on their health. It can also be frustrating when you feel that you were meant to be following a very different path from where you currently are in life, but you just can't seem to articulate what that life path is. A Life Path Astrology online life coach can determine your most suitable career by analyzing and interpreting the data from your natal birth chart.

Law of Attraction: Think of the universe as an echo-chamber to your thought waves. These waves of energy are reflected back to you in the exact same frequency of energy received. The more emotionally charged the thought is (positive or negative), the more powerful the result. This subtle exchange of energy is known as the Law of Attraction. A Law of Attraction online life coach can counsel you how to put this powerful law on your side.

Power of Presence: When you surrender to each moment as it comes to you, you are allowing the present moment to be as it is. It's as if you are saying to the universe, "I trust you, I respect you, and I honor whatever it is you bring to me right Now." This is the way you love life unconditionally. Power of Presence online life coaching will provide you with all the tools you'll need to live every moment in the eternal Now.

About the Author:

May 26, 2011

What a Cat Can Teach You About the Law of Attraction

By Saskia Roell

When I get impatient and begin to doubt if the Law of Attraction really works, I simply look at my cat. She reminds me daily that when you believe in divine timing, the word 'impatience' doesn't exist.

For years I had waited to get a female kitten, believing that our five kids and five animals were more than enough. I even surprised myself the day I declared out loud, "It's time to get another cat!" My kids were ecstatic. After expressing my wish out loud, I opened my laptop to check my email. My mouth dropped open as I read an email from my friend Judy with the subject line: Baby kitten for you. The Universe and Kiki's destiny must have been aligned. The timing of Judy's email was nothing short of divine. She asked if I wanted a female kitten to pick up in a few weeks.

We brought Kiki home shortly after. From the very start, our dream for her was to have kittens. However, in nine years in our neighborhood, we'd not seen, smelled, or heard a male cat. "How would Kiki ever get pregnant?" my friend asked. I had no idea and began to worry. But Kiki wasn't concerned about the 'how'. She went into heat one day knowing the Universe would support her (and my dream). She was absolutely in tune with nature.

When we heard Tom (our name for the male cat) that same night, my worries disappeared. He sang a serenade in his husky voice and seduced Kiki to come play outside with him. I suddenly felt like an over-protective mom. His timing was divine, I must admit, but I made him wait. The next morning I opened the kitchen door to find Tom patiently waiting on the deck. Apparently, he'd found the deck's secret entrance and climbed the ladder to greet his bride.

With teary eyes, I let my little Kiki go. She looked approvingly at her well- groomed Angora friend. Tom was a man of few words. He turned around and Kiki followed him without hesitation. My son Gideon said, "He's taking Kiki on a date!" We called her several times that afternoon. After all, enough is enough. But Kiki didn't come. She was gone. That night I was concerned how or if she'd find her way back home. She'd never been outside for that long. It snowed and stormed that night. I reminded myself to surrender and let nature runs its course.

After dropping her off at our doorstep the next morning, Kiki's Persian lover walked proudly away, and Kiki came inside. All of us bowed to Tom Cat, a true gentleman. None of us could have picked a better date for our cat. Their meeting couldn't have been more divinely timed or effortlessly in the flow. So let me ask you...

Are you in tune with your nature? What is your dream?

It's clear that, like Kiki, you'll never have to be concerned about the 'how'. If you just go with the flow, magic happens. The Universe will support your greatest dreams. And regarding our dream, our cat is four weeks' pregnant. That's how life works!

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Losing Weight With The Law Of Attraction

By Shelly Paige

Why does dieting have to be such a struggle? If you have at any time been on a diet, you know this is a legitimate gripe. But, it doesn't have to be this way. Do you realize that you can use the law of attraction to promote weight loss inside your body. All you do is transform the recent vibration you have about your physique.

Think about your weight loss objectives and where you wish to be. How do you feel when you think about it? Are you having negative thoughts about your progress? Your ability to attract a thinner, fit body is dependent upon way you handle your thoughts and feelings. This is mainly because the law of attraction uses your dominant views and emotions to manifest what you desire. What you choose to focus on is your dominant belief. Have you ever witnessed that what you concentrate on is that which you get in life? Take a moment to consider great things that have happened in your lifetime. What was your state of mind at that time? You'll soon realize that good times only occur as you think consistently positive thoughts.

But what about when you might have bad feelings? Let's talk about your weight since this article is about weight loss. Do you think about fat? Do you think the foods you eat are what makes you fat? Do you feel it really is impossible to lose bodyweight? Well, it's crucial for you to understand that whatever you experience, believe, and imagine is specifically what you get. In the event you answered an affirmative yes to these questions, then you now know why you continue to struggle with your weight loss goal. If you need to improve the outcomes you're seeing, you need to change your focus.

It takes the same amount of effort to concentrate on what you do want as it does to concentrate on that which you do not want. Try something different. Pretend you achieved your desired bodyweight. How does it feel to obtain your goal? How would you feel once you look in the mirror? How does looking at your toned body feel? Concentrate on the results that you desire so your feelings will adjust your dominant vibration.

Practice daily to deliberately handle your thoughts. Cease stressing. Every time you have a damaging belief about your body, stop and consider the section of your body that you like at that moment. Then look for even more items that you like about yourself to concentration on. Next, take into consideration what it would feel like to have your suitable body now. Imagine yourself in the ideal outfit that you would like to wear. Really experience the emotion as if it's legitimate. As you focus on the things that you like, you are changing your vibration and attracting your slimmed body. The law of attraction will work naturally to generate your weight loss goal.

About the Author:

May 25, 2011

Online Life Coaching Programs

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

The best online life coaching programs will meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the appropriate transformational modalities for your personal growth. These life coaching modalities will be implemented to provide you with all the tools, techniques, and psychology you'll need to actualize your mental, physical, and spiritual objectives.

The best online life coaches will apply the modalities of ego transcendence, shadow work, pain-body work, holistic wellness, heart-brain intention, the law of attraction, and the power of presence. One-on-one sessions will help you forge a path toward personal transformation.

Transformation is an art. And so is life coaching. No degree or license can bestow an online life coach with the knowledge and wisdom that can only harvested from life experience. The best online life coaches have garnered most--if not all--of their wisdom from a personal transformation. How else can you be mentored from the heart?

Life is not meant to be endured. It's meant to be enjoyed. If you've been living in a chronic state of emotional and/or physical suffering, then a spiritual life coach can help get you "unstuck" and put you on a path toward mental, physical, and spiritual healing.

The best online life coach can teach you how to remove the mental obstacles that are preventing you from realizing your potential as a spiritual being. Suffering is the result of your identification with your ego and your physical body. Your ego is not who you are. And neither is your body. The body takes orders from the mind, not the reverse. And the mind takes orders from your heart. The best coaches can help you to become heart-centered by accessing your heart-brain and learning how to think with your heart. Then you'll be tapping into the true power of intention. Change the way you think and you'll change your life. It's that simple.

When you fully realize that you are unconditional love at your core, you open a door to limitless possibilities. The best online life coaches can teach you to love life--and every moment in life--unconditionally. This is harnessing the power of presence. By accepting and honoring what is in each moment, no matter what it brings to you, you will no longer be reacting to or resisting life. The best online life coaching programs will provide you with the tools to love each moment as it is and live in the eternal Now.

The best coaches will examine in detail every aspect of your life so that you can shift your consciousness and attune your frequency with your heart. He or she can help you see what you are missing, avoiding, reacting to, and resisting in your daily life so that you are empowered to end the negative cycles. Then, instead of asking, "Why does this keep happening to me?" You'll be asking, "What have I done to create this reality?"

The best online life coaches will also be skilled in life path astrology or life path numerology. It is well worth the time and effort to find an online life coach who can help you discover the your perfect vocation. When you are dissatisfied or unhappy with your career, you'll never be successful at it. As Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your bliss." The best coaches will be able to determine your life path by interpreting your astrological birth chart and/or numerology life path number.

The best online life coaches will provide you with the tools to dissolve your anger, anxiety, worry, and depression through shadow work, pain-body work, and self transcendence. You will also be taught how to honor whatever the present moment brings. The best online life coaches can teach you how to stop turning your challenges into problems, how to stop attracting mental bullies, and how to stop resisting and reacting to whatever life brings. The best coaches can also help you discover your perfect vocation.

About the Author:

May 24, 2011

A Problem with The Law of Attraction

By Saskia Roell

Sometimes it's just plain humorous to see how the Universe gives you precisely what you ask for.

After four years of cleaning our big Victorian house by myself, I wanted a cleaning lady. Would I find someone who matched my expectations?

My past experiences in Holland with cleaning ladies made me believe that even if I found someone, she'd probably have some unacceptable flaws that I couldn't fix. At the same time, I knew that unless I gave up my preconceived idea about this, I'd attract exactly what I believed.

Let me take you back in time so you can see how The Law of Attraction reflects our beliefs without delay.

Looking at the mess one in Holland one morning, I burst out, "I'll find a cleaning lady today." My desire is sincere, and the Universe answers to my request meticulously.

That day, I find a cleaning lady. However, I forget to state that I want a cleaning lady with cleaning qualities. I get what I ask for: a cleaning lady without cleaning qualities. Anita loves her job as a cleaning lady in my house. Of course she does. All of Anita's problems come to the coffee table as she explains why she can't be helped.

She gets a free half-hour of therapy during coffee break (in Holland, you have to sit with your cleaning lady and drink coffee), and she can even bring her noisy child, who's allowed to ride a bike in my living room.

Typically, I clean alongside Anita. But after a while, I begin to hide in my bedroom in order to avoid her erratic energy. I find myself anxiously anticipating Thursday mornings when she and her clamorous child enter our sacred castle.

Anita doesn't last long with us. She cancels five times in succession], and then justifies with a story about her cat jumping into a pan on the stove, and how she burned herself and broke her arm trying to save it. I know it is past time to locate someone else.

This time I ask the Universe to give me a cleaning lady to whom I don't have to give therapy. No kids allowed, either, during cleaning hours. I get what I ask for. Myra follows Anita. She doesn't bring her kid, but she's a pregnant lady from Morocco who's expecting her sixth child.

It's obvious that she isn't the the most spotless cleaning lady out there, but she doesn't want a therapy session over coffee, either. She hardly speaks a word of Dutch. It's convenient and awkward at the same time. Sign language works well between us. We spend a lot of time smiling at each other. I'm happy.

I do almost anything for her convenience, and often yield to her unusual desires. I'm willing to pick her up and drop her off at house because she can't ride a bike with her long robe, and she doesn't own a car. When Myra is seven months' pregnant, she can no longer come to clean. I agree it's time for both of us to move on.

I've been taught my lesson at this point, and I pledge to myself that I will state my intent very clearly the next time I put out my request for a cleaning lady. This time I pray for a combination of no therapy, no talking, and good cleaning skills.

Little did I know that the last two words of my intent would backfire on me. (Why did I ask for no talking?) We should careful what we wish for! Keep reading...

It takes years to get back my courage to resume the search for a new cleaning lady, but after four years of cleaning our big, old Victorian house in the States, I again put out my request to the Universe.

Three days later my prayers are answered, and my life changes when Nina walks into my house. I'm amazed at how good she is. She cleans the house like a fairy with her magic wand. I love her dearly, but Nina doesn't speak English. Even sign language is not in her repertoire. She gets utterly confused if I try. Therefore, the house is cleaned in "her way." And that's okay.

To give you an idea about the accuracy of the Law of Attraction, every Thursday morning (for the first three months) when Nina arrived at 8:00 AM in our home, I welcomed her with "Good morning." She answered back: "Good night." Do I need to say more?

About the Author:

May 23, 2011

The Next Human: Self Transcendence

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

As we approach the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, a small percentage of humanity is evolving from an egoic, mind-centered, self-destructive state of suffering into a heart-centered, selfless and creative state of being. Intricately connected to Gaia--our Mother Earth--this burgeoning New Species of humanity will actualize the protective and balancing nature of the feminine divine.

There is no way out of the problems that we are currently face as a species, only a way through. Non-conflict, non-violence, and non-resistance both individually and collectively is what is needed now if we're going to move beyond the incessant wars that pervade our planet and evolve into the Next Human species.

As Albert Einstein said, "We cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." It is true that the problems that we're facing today cannot be solved by the brain because this is the same level of thinking from whence they originated. The time has come for us to look to solutions from higher levels of consciousness, higher levels of intelligence. When we learn how to think from the heart, we will naturally manifest cooperation, compassion, and peace for all mankind.

We are currently living in tumultuous times. World peace is no longer an option, a luxury. It is now a necessity if we're going to survive as a species. Global warming, whether man made or not, is upon us. Man continues to spew deadly toxins into the environment, killing the fish, polluting the air, soil, and water, and upsetting the delicate ecosystem of the earth. Natural disasters, domestic violence, disease, famine, poverty, and war continue to plague our beloved Earth.

The next stage of human evolution is upon us. The current human species is ready to evolve. The current human species is ready to evolve. More and more people are becoming Self Realized and knowing that they are Divine. This is what is called "Source Consciousness."

Self Realization is the coming to consciousness that you are the epicenter of all creation, a divine being. When you awaken to this truth, you realize that every One else is also at the center of their own universe. Therefore, this is not an egocentric perspective, but one that is egoless. It is the attunement of your Self with Source Consciousness and is the difference between knowing the path and walking the path to spiritual enlightenment. Anxiety, depression, and stress are replaced with inner peace and tranquility. A mission for helping others becomes your new focus in life.

As you begin to shift our "little me who means nothing to the universe" perspective to the "I am the center of all creation" perspective, your whole life transforms overnight. You begin to understand your relevance, your significance, and your duty to Life. You realize that the universe cannot grow without your input.

The time has come for us to become united as One People of One Planet, and to once again, as a human race, inwardly and outwardly, realize that at our core, we are all One.

About the Author:

May 19, 2011

The Benefits of Law of Attraction Life Coaching

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

Because everything in this universe has its own frequency or energy vibration, if we rebel against what already is armed with anger, frustration, or defiance, then we will inevitably be strengthening what we don't want. Conversely, if say "yes" to it unconditionally, then we change the frequency of our response. This allows us to use heart-focused intention to take action through non-resistance or non-reactivity. In this way, our frequency does not empower what we don't want. This subtle exchange of energy is called the Law of Attraction. Summed up, the equation is as follows:

ego-based resistance + reaction = strengthening what is

heart-brain intention + action = creating a new reality

Law of Attraction Life Coaching is designed to educate you and counsel you on the power of this equation and how everything in your reality originated with a thought. You will be coached to change your reality by changing the way you think. You will also learn how to stop rebelling against the present moment by saying things like, "I hate this damn computeror I hate bulliesor I hate being poor." This is because this attitude frequency will only strengthen what is and guarantee a replay of it. The universe observing you "hating something" only recreates you "hating something" because it echoes the frequency that you've already created.

Think of the universe as an "echo-chamber" to your thought waves. These waves of energy are reflected back to you in the same frequency of energy received. The more emotionally charged the thought is (positive or negative), the more powerful the result. In this context, you have actually commanded the universe to recreate the energy of "you hating" whatever the universe brings you. So, naturally, the universe must obey your command. A Law of Attraction Life Coach will help you you realize that you are the one who is always creating "what is." It all stems from a thought.

When you surrender to each moment as it comes to you, you are allowing the present moment to be as it is. It's as if you are saying to life, "I trust you, I respect you, and I honor whatever it is you bring to me in this moment." Law of Attraction Life Coaching will help you realize the importance of loving life unconditionally.

If you want to change what is, by all means do so but without an emotional tether. Accept what is first, then take action. By behaving in this way, there is no increase in blood pressure, no anxiety, no hyperventilating, no dopamine or adrenaline rush, and no harm to your body. You remain calm and at peace. And you are transmuting the energy of the action into a much higher frequency. Law of Attraction Life Coaching will provide you will the tools you'll need to harness the Law of Attraction. Then you'll be exercising free will and heart-brain intention.

When the spiritually enlightened individual enters into a relationship, wholeness will have already been achieved. As a result, the relationship is harmonious, intimate, and joyous. For the co-dependent, however, what is initially perceived as true love frequently turns into dissatisfaction, regret, even hatred. This is because co-dependency is, by its very nature, an unnatural state of being. It is an inner compulsion to be with another person, rather than a choice to be. When you feel as if you have to be with a partner because of a "lacking" to be complete, then the universe can only send you the same frequency of "lacking" in a mate. It's as if the universe says, "Here you are. This is your mirror self." On the other hand, when you become the person you wish to attract first, i.e. someone who is spiritual, non-egoic, self aware, and non-judgmental, then you will naturally attract those same qualities in a mate.

The term "soulmate" is both overused and misused in today's vernacular. Individuals who are non-spiritual or non-soulful are convinced that they are going to find their soulmate if they join an online dating service or follow the guidelines laid out in a particular book. But it doesn't work that way. It begins with becoming soulful first, then attracting a soulful person in the other. A skilled Law of Attraction Life Coach will provide you with the tools, techniques, and psychology you'll need to become the person that you want to attract.

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May 17, 2011

Dream Abundantly

By Nick Bogatin

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

As important as your knowledge and credentials are, there are things far more precious and life giving then those. Imagination and dreams are what drive life even if they are undervalued in society today.

Intellectually comprehending whatever we as individuals can is the cause of limitation on knowledge.

Dreams have no limitations. They tap into everything there ever will be to know and understand. You can think of dreams as windows into a new world without limitation. In this post, we'll explore both types of dreams ... those that occur when you are sleeping and those that occur while awake.

People around the world place different meanings on dreams. Some believe dreams are mere images that cross your mind's eye. Some believe that dreams are divine experiences. Others believe that dreams predict the future. The scientific community believes they are instances of chemical activity and nothing more. The theories about dreams are as endless as dreams themselves.

It is imperative to know which of these you believe.

That is not entirely accurate to ask of you because the fact of the matter is, they are all true. You can believe a dream is whatever you want to believe a dream is.

Perception dictates our entire lives and dreams are a part of it. If your perception (belief) is that dream is a divine vision then all your dreams would be guides in your life whereas if you believed dreams to be just flashes of random images then dreams would simply be a slideshow for your amusement.

There is an inconsistency with confirming one view over another when it comes to your dreams. Simply assuming one is completely right and the other completely wrong leaves a lot of value on the table. If a dream is of divine origination in your belief then you will take heed in those dreams ignoring other parts of your life's indications. On the other hand if dreams are just mere chemical coincidence then you miss the levity from being more open and aware of even the slightest of possibilities.

Understanding a dream to be like a window into a new world leaves us open to receive what benefit we might gain. You are raised in awareness of possibility but ALSO grounded in the fact you can still decide on what actions to take in your life day to day.

If the dream is a glimpse into another world how can we assume there are limitless possibilities?

There is one person we all know who truly demonstrated his understanding of a dream. When he first proclaimed his dream to the world it was truly a vision of world unknown at the time. The fact that his dream is still unfolding today is a testament to how a dream cannot just inspire us individually but people as a whole. That dream was expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King.

Imagine a dream so great that it could affect every person on the planet. A dream that literally has zero proof of viability prior to it being dreamt. To be taken from the dark ages into the light with one individuals passion for realizing the dream he had. Thomas Edison persevered through amazing feats to bring his dream to reality against insurmountable odds.

You may be asking yourself, "Is there a difference between dreaming during your sleep and dreaming while your awake?"

The fundamental difference is dreams that occur while we sleep are totally unfiltered expressions of our subconscious minds. Notice that sleeping dreams are oftentimes, much more vivid, have less of a base in what you believe to be possible, and are often a little more difficult to remember later in detail. This is because these dreams are not filtered by your limiting beliefs, so when we try to recall the dream, we are doing so through our conscious mind. It is our conscious mind that contains our limiting beliefs.

Setting aside our limiting perceptions and beliefs is what typically happens when we find ourselves dreaming while awake. Something comes in our thoughts that we have a deep desire to have or achieve and our mind breaks loose of its conscious limitations. We feel expanded and more aware of what is possible for us. This is typically followed by our conscious mind forcing its way back and we end up asking ourselves, "How in the world could I think that was possible for me?". Any of this ringing a bell for you?

Give your dreams the chance to inspire you in every way. It is only a drain of life to give contemplation to what might happen, why this possibly couldn't work, or really anything negative. Energy in these places is trading your life for that time spent, utterly useless.

Expanding into a life of your dreams that is different from the life you are living will give you great opportunities. These opportunities may likely come in the way of an obstacle to overcome that we refer to as stepping stones. These are the way life gives you the path to living the life of your dreams. Overcoming them is the ONLY way to live that life so be grateful for them. Stay close in heart and mind to the dream you have and even the largest of stepping stones can be overcome.

Action is required to make things happen. Being grateful for the opportunities that come your way whether covered in repulsion, misfortune or cloaked in dire situations know that they are all necessary in order to achieve the dreams you have in mind. See them not as stopping stones but stepping stones and be happy to have them under your feet.

Love has many interpretations and when you are growing far outside your comfort zone you shine a light on how your loved wants aren't. Be aware that when you are striving for your success those around you, who truly do love you, might become the wolf in sheep's clothing. So as to not look upon their own lives they will tear you down and attempt many times at stealing your dream. Be steadfast in your knowing and believe even that is a stepping stone to a greater life.

If you have a choice to let someone take something let it be a "thing" and not your dream. Your dreams are irreplaceable.

Abundance in life is through abundance in your dreams. Thinking small gives you small thoughts. Live to be fuller, more expanded and dream an abundant life for it takes no more effort to dream big than it does to dream small.

Do these things ... and your life will be greater than your wildest imagination could have ever conceived.

About the Author:

May 10, 2011

The Good Effects of Positive Attitude to Your Life

By Michael Plumstead

Do you believe in the saying "Reap what you sow"? This is true with having a positive mental attitude.

Positive attitude is not something you can buy or ask from someone to give it to you on a silver platter. It is an attitude that you can learn to have if you really want to.

It doesn't offer solutions but it helps greatly in preparing your mind to find solutions. This attitude is a learned attitude; you cannot fake it or force it.

Life is about making choices. If you choose to be happy then you will be happy. It has its ups and downs but it is then up to you if you choose to feel negatively about things.

Here is how you can develop it; We are rational beings; we were created superior from all the other living things in the world. Therefore we have the ability to think and reason, come up with resolutions to our problems.

Picture in your mind how you want things to happen and do the things you need to do to make it happen. I don't see any reason why you can't succeed. If you let fear of losing rule your mind then you are bound to fail.

You can never have a clear view of things around you and be positive if your mind is full of worries and anxieties. Adopt positive attitude, dream big and make plans. Start the day right by setting the right mood for the day. Condition your mind that what will be ahead for you the whole day are things that will make you happy. Look and feel good inside and out.

Read inspirational books or funny stories that will set your mood right. You would want to do this first thing in the morning to set the mood right for the rest of the day.

Stay focused. Always remember that you are your own boss when it comes to your life. Do not be so melodramatic about all the misfortunes coming your way; instead face them with determination and say, "I can if I think I can".

A positive mind foresees good health, joy, success and peace of mind. Whatever a positive mind expects happens. Be in control of your life. If you can control your attitude, so does your dispositions and eventually your life.

Life is a constant battle, a battle between you and trials in life. It is just a matter of being constantly armed with strong faith and patience. This will allow the brain to think clearly to arrive with better solutions for a better life.

Nobody said life will sail smoothly all the time, life isn't normal if there are no trials that will rock our boat of life. Just remember that complaining will not make it better, planning will, with a positive attitude that you can do it.

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May 5, 2011

Methods Of Using The Law Of Attraction

By Aubrey Chen

To use the law of attraction in the right manner, first embrace positive thinking. We live in a world that can have a tendency to focus on the negatives and make us worry all the time and this makes it difficult to be positive. Your energies must be properly focused upon getting all you want. When the right steps are then taken the universe rewards you in a host of ways.

This is a principle which has been with us for many years and has had the right effect for people who have managed to reach the pinnacle of success in their work and personal lives. Those who have that level of success are aware of what lies behind it and have managed to succeed following a law which anyone can master. Try to approach this without cynicism. If you are doubtful in nature this cannot work for you.

The basic principle which is the basis centres around taking a positive attitude. This is one of the necessary requirements which must be embraced. There is little time for us in this life to question everything and take a negative stance. Being faithful and positive are prerequisites for this to be a success and to benefit you long term.

Affirm what you want by using it to make improvements can be effective in numerous ways. Write down some statements in a journal or on a piece of paper. You can also repeat them aloud in front of your mirror. This ensures the idea becomes concrete. The more you go over it the greater the likelihood of having good fortune. This will draw it or attract it to you.

It's important to find the right ways to express intentions. Try keeping a journal and repeat positive affirmations in front of a mirror. Interactions with different people is nothing to be afraid of. Let them know what is required by you and express this clearly in order to witness changes occurring.

Ask yourself what you really want in my life before you embrace these techniques. If you do not believe that personal wealth will bring you happiness, for example, then don't ask for it on a whim as things won't work out long term.

You deserve the best from life and can get it if you use positive energy to your advantage so that you get the most from your actions. It helps to always maintain a character that is straightforward and honest.

About the Author:

May 4, 2011

Details About The Law Of Attraction

By Aubrey Chen

The law of attraction is something you can use to make your life better. In making that choice you will see things improve almost immediately. It can be applied to personal wealth, family matters or even emotions and matter of the heart. That is how much of a positive influence it can prove to have on your life.

This is because it is an age old principle which has proven effective for many people who have managed to reach positions of great wealth and power. Those who have achieved their goals know the secret to success and by following a basic law this is a possibility for you as well. Do not be cynical about the possibilities. If you are the sort of person who doubts everything this will not work for you.

The law of attraction means that you have to let the universe know what you want and send out this positivity and enthusiasm in order for it to happen. This means that success will be drawn to you because it knows your true intentions and sees you are striving towards a goal. This is something you may have experienced before but haven't really thought about but it's definitely something which needs to be carefully considered as you work towards success.

Put out what you want to get back. It sounds basic but it really can have an incredible impact on your chances of succeeding where otherwise you would have failed. You can do this by creating a mental picture of your ideal circumstances or by writing down positive affirmations in a journal. Find some way for them to expressed. Choose something that you enjoy doing to create the right sort of mood needed to facilitate the sort of changes you want for your life.

To ensure this is effective it is important to analyse your intentions. It's not good enough to simply want more money and success. You have to be goal oriented in order for this approach to really be of value to you and the people around you.

Before embracing these techniques it will help if you really analyse what it is your heart truly desires. For example personal wealth does not make everyone happy so don't wish for it on a whim as this will have no effect in the long term.

It is about getting what you deserve using positive energy and thinking and to get the most out of this it will help if you are honest and forthright in how you communicate.

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Information On The Law Of Attraction

By Aubrey Chen

You can use the law of attraction as just one way of improving your life. By making this choice you'll see benefits occur quickly. This may be applied to the money you have, issues with family or even emotional and potentially romantic relationships. This is the extent to the influence that may be felt on your every day life.

This is due to an idea that has been with us for centuries and has been show to work for several people who have become wealthy and influential. People who have managed to attain their goals are aware of what it takes and they follow some basic rules which you can also follow. Try not to approach this in a cynical manner as if you are one of those doubtful kinds of people there's no way for this to work.

This is based on a basic idea where everything is focused around being positive. This is one of the core things you will need to get behind. There's no point in wasting all your time questioning everything and taking an approach which is negative. Faith and being positive are what you need if you want real answers to long term questions.

This also applies to others. When you surround yourself with others who are well intentioned and have focus then you often respond accordingly. In choosing to embrace this you'll notice how people respond differently to you an this will influence positively a range of areas in life that will begin to work better straight away.

Try thinking about spreading this intent around. Let other people know what you are aiming for so that you have a much greater chance of getting to where you need to be. Interaction with others ensures that your intentions are always up top and revealed for the world to witness.

Before you choose to properly use these techniques you need to know what it is you actually want. Personal wealth for example may not serve to bring you happiness so do not simply wish for this just because as this means you'll witness no effect in the long term.

You can make sure that you get what you deserve by using energy that is positive. When doing this it is best to do with honesty in your heart and try to communicate in a straightforward manner.

About the Author:

May 1, 2011

Learning the Law of Attraction through Technology

By Luke Chinchpoklee

The Law of has surfaced in the mainstream as one of the methods to make the universe in favor of what you intend to be or what you desire. There are however misconceptions to this idea. Some people think that using the law of attraction is justlike a light bulb that one could turn on and off. It doesn't work that way. The law of attraction needs consistency for it to operate in support of you. It should not be used to answer an unexpected burst of emotions. You will find law of attraction techniques which need to be regularly applied to be a little more effective.

The essence of the techniques for the law of attraction revolves around knowing yourself and being one with the universe. To apply the techniques you have to be relaxed at all times considering that a tense body will not work for focus. Next you need to be very clear with your desires and what you want to make it more specific. One more thing to consider is to truly feel it. Whatever you need or want you need to feel the essence of it then you must trust the universe that it'll be given to you. You also have to put a bit gratitude into everything that you do to provide something back to the universe and lastly, you have to make all this a habit for regularity.

So now that we understand the strategy we can then welcome the tools that may work for us by using technology. There are plenty of law of attraction tools but as technology is at our side then we must use it to its full extent. There are already computer based Law of Affirmation tools and software available on the market today. Computer based tools can effortlessly be set up in your computer. These include positive affirmations combined with music and visualizations to assist you achieve a relaxed state of mind. Programs vary from relaxation by means of affirmations to even writing programs to shell out your limiting beliefs.

However, Law of attraction software come in sound files that one could easily transfer to your portable player. This method can help you understand much more about the law of attraction and affirmations as you go about your everyday tasks.

On the whole, if you think of it, the Law of Attraction is quickly available for all of us too understand by means of Law of Attraction tools available for our use. The world could be a optimistic place to stay in when we can work to really make it as one.

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