November 17, 2010

Law Of Attraction-Napoleon Hills' Contribution

By John Smith

Napoleon Hills is a rather common name in the world today. The man is an established author as far as the majority of people the world over are concerned. Not only is he an established author, he is a strong advocate of the law of attraction. He had made this point through several of his books that are now very popular all over the world.

Napoleon Hills wrote a book in 1928 and the book was titled "the law of success". If you had ever gone through the book, you would have discovered that the book was actually advocating the ideas of the New Thought movement about the law of attraction. The book comprises of sixteen great lessons on how to become successful.

Later on, the book was modified to something simpler than what it was initially. Not only did it come in simpler form, it also came in far smaller form. The modified form was also given a different title from the older version; it was titled "think and grow rich". This was in 1937. The book explained the law of attraction in great details.

This could be measured by the number of copies that were sold by the author. It was common knowledge that up to sixty million copies of this book was sold. This number only helps to propagate the belief of the new thought movement about the law of attraction.

The book was said to have angered some people who are member of the "elite class" (unconfirmed claim). Henry Ford became wrathful against Napoleon Hills. He was said to have accused Hills of revealing the hidden secrets of the elite class through this trail blazing the book; thereby making it public to all and sundry.

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