November 27, 2009

Transcending The Corporate Culture To Become "You,Inc."

By Bob Proctor

Let me share to you a secret that can transform the way you live today-there is extraordinary power that lives inside of you. Flip through the pages of history and find stalwarts of culture changers that shake the world by the force of how they live-examples like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Galileo and Oprah are individuals who make things happen.

How does this apply to me, you may ask. Maybe you're not planning to change the world-but you can change life within your sphere of influence, at the very least.

We understand that culture is the set of ideas and doctrines that a group of people adhere to. Culture doesn't necessarily mean the world or national setting we know it to be. It applies to smaller clusters of people like our family, the society we move in, or the work we find ourselves in. This article will show you how to purpose life improvement in a corporate culture by creating your own.

There is a story in the'50s about an insurance company wherein this person would give motivational messages to his staff every week. As you know sales jobs were pretty stressful even then and the weekly dose of motivation quotes meant a lot for the employees. As it happened, the owner was to go for a vacation; so to compensate for the time he won't be there, he pre recorded the weekly motivational talks to be played when he was gone.

It worked so well that the staff kept the recorded messages to inspire them. These motivation quotes were so powerful that it began to spread and more than a million copies of it were eventually sold. This is a true story. More importantly, this can happen to you.

Do you want a significant life? What dreams and goals are you cherishing in your heart today? Write it down as well as the other ideas that you associate with your goals and make it specific. These are your paradigms. Think of which of these mindsets you want to improve on and find out the causes that have formed them throughout your life.

We come to the most important part of all-what are you going to do about it? You can either be a victim, a participant or a creator of culture as shaped by your paradigms. I suggest you choose to be the creator and change life to one that you want through the attitude that you choose to take and the words you decide to speak.

It doesn't matter if you are making a difference in people's sales jobs or the world-purpose life by creating a culture that you want. Unlock the power within you and be amazed at the incredible journey that lies ahead.

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