As you go throughout your life, you will find that you make many investments. You invest in school, you invest in relationships, and you invest in financial investments, all with the hopes of getting back more than you put in. Of course, if you want to have personal success, you need to invest in yourself.
If you dont change anything, of course you can expect to get the same results! Thats a claim that can be supported by science.
We can learn a lot from a philosophy thats quite prevalent in personal development circles, called NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming. The idea is that we can change certain negative characteristics about ourselves and lead fuller lives. We can have more success by behaving as successful people do. Thats great news, because that means that by observing the lives and behaviors of successful people, we effectively give ourselves a blueprint to success.
Okay, but how do we do that? How does this have anything to do with our own personal development? Well, one important thing to realize, as stated before, is that successful people all share common characteristics. They think of themselves in positive ways. They see problems as challenges to be converted into learning experiences, not as something to be avoided. This kind of behavior leads to courage, and courage leads to change in behavior. Its a self-feeding sort of procedure.
Another good example of successful behavior, and one that ties in very well with the last point, is problem-solving behavior. People who have achieved this in their personal development dont run away from problems. They run THROUGH them, which serves to strengthen their confidence. People who run away from their problems tend to have a very low sense of self worth, and as a result, they let their problems overwhelm them.
Dont be that person. Always remember, the definition of success is the overcoming of adversity. That means that in order to be successful, by definition, you are going to solve some problems. Probably a lot! There is no success without resistance!
To help keep you motivated in this way, a good idea is to practice an attitude of gratitude. This means that you take time each day to be thankful for what you have. This allows you to believe that good things are in fact possible for you, and that with a little more effort, youll be able to achieve even more! Practicing an attitude of gratitude is very important for your own personal development, especially early on, when you may feel that you just havent been getting anything out of life.
One way to alter this negative view you may have of yourself and to further your personal development is to practice an attitude of gratitude. Practicing an attitude of gratitude means taking the time to be thankful for what you have. People who do this, even as the recession deepens and the economy gets worse, are going to look at themselves in a much more positive light, and as a result, they are going to attract even more good fortune. Think of all that you have. Your friends, your family, your talents, your interests.
So remember, in your personal development, the first and most important successes are going to be mostly mental. Stay focused on these tips in the beginning, and you will find that you too are capable of success!
If you dont change anything, of course you can expect to get the same results! Thats a claim that can be supported by science.
We can learn a lot from a philosophy thats quite prevalent in personal development circles, called NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming. The idea is that we can change certain negative characteristics about ourselves and lead fuller lives. We can have more success by behaving as successful people do. Thats great news, because that means that by observing the lives and behaviors of successful people, we effectively give ourselves a blueprint to success.
Okay, but how do we do that? How does this have anything to do with our own personal development? Well, one important thing to realize, as stated before, is that successful people all share common characteristics. They think of themselves in positive ways. They see problems as challenges to be converted into learning experiences, not as something to be avoided. This kind of behavior leads to courage, and courage leads to change in behavior. Its a self-feeding sort of procedure.
Another good example of successful behavior, and one that ties in very well with the last point, is problem-solving behavior. People who have achieved this in their personal development dont run away from problems. They run THROUGH them, which serves to strengthen their confidence. People who run away from their problems tend to have a very low sense of self worth, and as a result, they let their problems overwhelm them.
Dont be that person. Always remember, the definition of success is the overcoming of adversity. That means that in order to be successful, by definition, you are going to solve some problems. Probably a lot! There is no success without resistance!
To help keep you motivated in this way, a good idea is to practice an attitude of gratitude. This means that you take time each day to be thankful for what you have. This allows you to believe that good things are in fact possible for you, and that with a little more effort, youll be able to achieve even more! Practicing an attitude of gratitude is very important for your own personal development, especially early on, when you may feel that you just havent been getting anything out of life.
One way to alter this negative view you may have of yourself and to further your personal development is to practice an attitude of gratitude. Practicing an attitude of gratitude means taking the time to be thankful for what you have. People who do this, even as the recession deepens and the economy gets worse, are going to look at themselves in a much more positive light, and as a result, they are going to attract even more good fortune. Think of all that you have. Your friends, your family, your talents, your interests.
So remember, in your personal development, the first and most important successes are going to be mostly mental. Stay focused on these tips in the beginning, and you will find that you too are capable of success!
About the Author:
About the author: Ina Hikmatullah utilise Law of Attraction techniques to create wealth. Get involve in the great booming business and visit herSelf Help Business here
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