May 31, 2009

Can You Really Control The Law Of Attraction?

By Trevor Johnson

Have you ever wondered how to control the law of attraction? A lot of people have, even if they do not know what it is. A lot of you may have heard of it without totally understanding the idea. Do not worry. Not only will this article discuss the law itself, but it will indeed teach you the techniques needed for controlling it.

First of all, let's discuss the actual law here. The law of attraction is essentially your ability to attract the things you want out of life. Now, granted, that sounds easy. And really, it is - we all have the ability to utilize this law and to control it. You just have to follow the proper steps, one of which is remaining positive.

One thing that you need to make sure that you are doing is staying positive. If you do not stay positive, you will not see any results. Also having complete and total faith in what you are doing key. If you experience any negative thoughts, you need to make sure to keep them back and let the positive ones come forth.

You also have to meditate. Doing so will keep you relaxed and your mind will stay peaceful. You cannot allow any doubts, negative thoughts, or disturbing ones to enter your mind. You have to focus and concentrate.

Practice is also very essential. Everything requires practice and this is no different. After all, learning how to properly meditate and remain possible takes time, faith, and determination. You also have to practice controlling the law of attraction. You have to be very determined.

This is not easy for everyone. However, if you are willing to follow the aforementioned steps and to practice them, then this control is well within your powers.

About the Author:

Can You Really Manifest Extra Wealth?

By Trevor Johnson

Learning how to manifest wealth is something that everyone in the world can do, you really just have to know the tricks and tips of how to do use this incredible power. The manifesting power is something that everyone possesses, but you might not know how to weld it and bend it to what you need to do. That is exactly what we are going to explore in this article, how you can gain wealth by manifesting it!

While it might be quite a surprise to learn that you, yes you, have the power to manifest pretty much anything that you want, it is not uncommon. Most people who possess this power though will never ever work and meld it however, they do have it. You just need to learn how to use the power and it can definitely benefit you!

The very first thing that you need to understand whenever you are attempting to manifest anything is that you need to be positive. That is the only way that you will be able to get whatever you want. So stay positive and you will absolutely begin to see a difference in your life.

The next step, after you have adjusted your attitude is going to be making a suggestion out in the world. That is what is going to put it into the universe that you desire something. When that happens, you are going to learn to affirm, confirm and come up with the truth. Just remember, the most positive that you truly are, the better the manifesting powers will work.

Another key part is to believe that you have this power. If you do not have believe or have any faith, the power is not going to work at all and you will not be able to manifest anything at all!

Believe it or not, that is all you have to do. It really is not very hard to learn. The real work lies in believing that you can do this, that you can acquire wealth this way. When you believe, changes occur seemingly overnight. Before you know it, you will be manifesting everything you could ever want.

About the Author:

The 11 Forgotten Laws Review - Scam Or Legit?

By Christopher M. Castillo

The 11 Forgotten Laws was created by Bob Proctor. Mr. Proctor began his career at the Chicago based firm of Nightengale-Conant where he gained the confidence to begin his own company specializing in motivational speaking and seminars. He created various materials, based on the Law of Attraction, that he formatted into a multi-volume program, The 11 Forgotten Laws.

What is the Law of Attraction?

Most people who are familiar with the Law of Attraction were introduced to it via the book and movie, The Secret. The concept of the Law of Attraction has been taught throughout the world for thousands of years and has even been featured on the Oprah Winfrey show. It is based on the notion that positive thoughts attract positive materiality and situations. Basically, that a thought has the power to materialize if focused on in the correct manner, bringing about ones ideal life or individual desires.

What about The 11 Forgotten Laws program itself, is it legitimate?

The 11 Forgotten Laws is available for purchase over the internet, phone and can also be seen on television commercials as well. I believe that the problem with these commercials is that they are misleading in regards to their promise to provide a way for an individual to make more money. The advertisements imply that the program will provide a step-by-step way to earn money, but it does not. It provides ideas on making money but does not actually give actual instructions to follow. I believe that it falls short of its implied message. The program may do a good job of motivating an individual to want to try and make money, but does not give actual instructions on how to do so.

Does it really present a way to achieve financial prosperity?

In my opinion, I feel that one good way that income can be derived is from being able to follow a specific process that will continually bring in money. The 11 Forgotten Laws can increase your motivation to make money but it does not provide you with the step-by-step assistance to actually do so. If you hope to make income from the 11 Forgotten Laws, I advise against, however I do think it is interesting and may help you focus better on your life long goals.

There are other more systematic, and proven, ways to make money online from your own home. These avenues provide easier way to create a comfortable living for yourself and your family.

About the Author:

May 27, 2009

Using Intention to Manifest

By Ron Knowles

Back when I was in the U.S.Navy with the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class we finished up our tour as station ship in Yokosuka, Japan and sailed back to our home port of San Diego, CA. It was when we arrived back in the States that I told some of my shipmates of my intention to return and work in Japan. I must say that nearly all of them thought I was a fool and laughed at me. They and certainly I had no real idea as to how the power of intention could result in the manifestation of my desire.

Prior to my ship's departure from Japan I informed my Japanese friends of my intentions to return as well. Although they were polite about it I could see that they thought I was a dreamer and that I was deluding myself. Be that as it may I stuck to my guns and nourished my intention to return.

After separating out of the Navy I constantly visualized myself back in Japan with my friends going to familiar places and seeing clearly in my mind the sights, sounds and smells of Yokohama where I planned on living. Within a year I was actually back there. My daily visualizing was manifested in the form of an apartment and work; a testimony to the power of intention.

During my twelve year residency in Japan I met and married my Japanese wife. She bore me two beautiful AmerAsian children who are the love of my life. As wonderful as my life was I was still ignorant why the things in my life had come to pass. The power of intention had manifested my situation but I was to stay oblivious to its workings for some time to come.

The Manifestation of a New Job

Years later after bringing my family back to the States I found myself in a position of wanting to get a better job because the one I had was proving to be inadequate. Anyway, I picked up a copy of the local Yellow Pages and began thumbing through it. I just knew I could find a job that would meet my family's needs.

I saw a display ad for an overhead door company and couldnt for the life of me understand what an overhead door was. So I called the company and asked the guy who answered the phone what one was. He explained that it was a roll-up door like on a garage or commercial building. Then he asked me why I would call and ask such a question.

I told him that the Yellow Pages was about as good as the Employment Office and that it was my intention to land a job by that Friday. Impressed by my attitude and determination he invited me to visit him at his office that day. Anyway, I went there and we had a friendly interview.

I noticed and liked the working uniforms of everyone and visualized myself wearing the same. By this time I really wanted a job there and my intention to work there must have been really powerful because the boss created a position for me and had me start right away.

I didnt really understand how I got the job so fast. I didnt understand the power of intention and how it changes lives. But it worked! As it turns out, much has been written about the power of intention and how it is so closely related to the law of attraction. I had been using it again without that knowledge.

Negative thinkers I've known have said my life is a concoction of coincidences. Fortunately I have learned the importance of the existence and the need for utilizing the power of intention and the law of attraction which has had and continues to have a great impact on my life. I read books on this subject, listen to CDs and watch videos continuously.


I'm going to continue working my Internet business from my northern Panama home and making it even more successful. I also intend to write more and help others attain their online goals. I'll enjoy the visits of friends and family and the sweet presence of my granddaughter who I love to play with. I definitely intend to be a good friend to people, an improved father to my kids and a better person overall.

About the Author:

Using Intention to Manifest

By Ron Knowles

After a 6-month stay in Japan when I was a Petty Officer 3rd Class in the U.S. Navy we returned to our home-port in San Diego. I told most of my Division shipmates that it was my intention to return to Japan to live and work. I was laughed at and ridiculed. Few people (including myself) actually knew that abundance or dreams could be manifested through the power of intention.

Before our ship left Yokosuka, (where we were a station ship) I also told my Japanese friends the same thing. I couldnt understand why they all smiled politely at me with doubt in their eyes. Most, Im sure, thought I was kidding myself. But I kept that intention alive.

Back home as a civilian I continued to visualize the sights, sounds and even tastes of Yokohama. I saw myself and friends going to all our favorite places and returning to my apartment afterward. So, after a year it came as no surprise when I ended up where I had been living in my mind all this time. I had the apartment of my visions and work, too. The power of intention was indeed powerful and working strongly in my life.

During my twelve year residency in Japan I met and married my Japanese wife. She bore me two beautiful AmerAsian children who are the love of my life. As wonderful as my life was I was still ignorant why the things in my life had come to pass. The power of intention had manifested my situation but I was to stay oblivious to its workings for some time to come.

The Manifestation of a New Job

Shortly after returning to the States with my family I remember picking up the Yellow Pages and going through it to find a better job. The job I had just wasnt cutting it and my mind was made up that I could do better. I was set on finding one that would adequately support my family.

One of the Yellow Page ads was for an overhead door company. Not knowing what an overhead door was (being in the Navy meant it was a door on the ceiling) I was pretty confused. Curious, I called and asked the owner of the company what it really meant in civilian terms. He enlightened me about garage doors and roll-up doors and the light went off in my head. Then he asked why I had really called.

I told him that the Yellow Pages was about as good as the Employment Office and that it was my intention to land a job by that Friday. Impressed by my attitude and determination he invited me to visit him at his office that day. Anyway, I went there and we had a friendly interview.

I noticed and liked the working uniforms of everyone and visualized myself wearing the same. By this time I really wanted a job there and my intention to work there must have been really powerful because the boss created a position for me and had me start right away.

Not understanding how the power of intention had gotten me the job so quickly I was still happy about it. It really does work! Now of course, there are a lot of books on the subject of intention and the Law of Attraction, too. Ignorance is bliss I guess because I was benefiting by that power again.

Negative thinkers I've known have said my life is a concoction of coincidences. Fortunately I have learned the importance of the existence and the need for utilizing the power of intention and the law of attraction which has had and continues to have a great impact on my life. I read books on this subject, listen to CDs and watch videos continuously.


I'm going to continue working my Internet business from my northern Panama home and making it even more successful. I also intend to write more and help others attain their online goals. I'll enjoy the visits of friends and family and the sweet presence of my granddaughter who I love to play with. I definitely intend to be a good friend to people, an improved father to my kids and a better person overall.

About the Author:

May 24, 2009

Self Help Books For Assistance

By Jeremy Gislason

Everyone will be having the desire to be rich, and it is quite natural. However, there are only few who will experience this wonderful feeling of having enough wealth. We often work hard believing to make it in life only to end up disoriented and discouraged. Did you know that the secret to owning your destiny is in you? Yes, it isa little self improvement and a change of your mindset, can change a lot of things that seem static in your life. Self help books are a great way to help you in this.

People who have overcome a lot of struggles and then decide to share their experiences to help others author these kinds of books. The authors usually aim to develop passion in the readers therefore exciting them to achieve greatness.

The books also offer you strategies on the way to get to that point in your life. The format used is often clear and easy to read for all because no jargon is used. There are also guidelines that come with the books that will help you in your Internet business. This is on of the areas that are covered because it is one of the ways that people make money online.

Once you start reading self help books, you will realize that you can achieve anything. It will teach you how to optimize your potential. They give you ideas of services you could offer online and get paid for it. Whatever your passion, find a self help book that focuses on that.

By the time you have read a self help book, you will realize that everything is possible given that you have what it takes in achieving your goals. Self help books will teach you how to optimize your potential and how to maximize on the available time. Furthermore, they give you ideas of services you could offer online and get paid for it. Look for a self help book that focuses on exactly your area of interest.

They are books that build your self confidence. This in turn will make others believe in you and that in itself is a mark of success. Self help books are easily available at bookstands, but for even rare finds which contain valuable information, you can search through the internet. A big advantage of buying your self help books online is that you are likely to get them at discounted prices.

About the Author:

Know About Electropositive Thinking

By Jeremy Gislason

Positive thinking is what brings inner peace, success, good health, felicity and healthy relationships. It gives meaning to life, creating an illusion of perfection, where everything seems bright, smooth and brilliant. Never before have people been keener in self growth than now. Everywhere you look, people are involved in some effort at self improvement.

Motivational speakers are having a field day talking about these two very important topics. This is a clear sign that people are turning inward to find their hidden strength and attempt to solve the many problems that accost them. Many others are looking for new information and techniques that they can employ to better their lives. They have clearly understood that self improvement and self growth greatly improve one's quality of life.

It all begins with the mindset that you have. The sub conscious part of your brain is involved in the growth and improvement of yourself. When you decide to change what is in your sub conscious, you will see a difference in your behavior, habits and even attitudes. Just reading the many self-help books that are available will not help you. It is also necessary to practice what you have read. This is the sure way in changing the way you live.

Reading self-help books alone will not do much to improve your life if you do not resolve to change from within. Practicing what you read is what makes the difference. No immediate results are to be expected though. It takes some time as what you are doing is basically learning new values.

Just because you have figured out what you need to do does mean you should sit back and wait for things to change miraculously. You should be able to recognize the opportunities that are available for you and maximize on them. Be ready to act and follow the steps that will make it possible for you to succeed. The wealth will not just find you in your home you will have to work hard to get it.

Wealth does not just happen. It needs plenty of sacrifice and hard work. Look around and see how people behave in different circumstances. Pay attention to how they talk, walk and react to circumstances and other people. Notice also people's reaction to them. The key to self improvement is in knowing who you really are, how you would want to be and what you really want.

About the Author:

May 21, 2009

Become a Magnet for Success With The Help of The Law of Attraction

By Vlad Stivenson

The following information will assist you in figuring out what you truly want and help you overcome self-doubt while working towards your goals. Here are the steps:

Say in a clear way what you want. Visualize what you want. Be open and ready for your vision to become reality.

Say in a Clear Way Want You Want

Figure out what you want in your life. It does not have to be specific. You can wish for the person who will be your soul mate, freedom from money problems, a healthy life, to be a published writer, or a home that is perfect for you. You may have more success if you incorporate helping others into your desires and goals.

Visualize What You Want

The best way is to download and install Subliminal Flash program. It will help you accept positive thoughts on subconscious level. Subliminal Flash includes hundreds of predefined affirmations, related to success, sexuality, money, health, etc. So after 3-4 days of using the program you will become a magnet for success.

Be specific about the details of your desired outcome. It is a good idea to say exactly what characteristics you want in a mate, for example, like funny, attractive, loves adventure, etc. If you can only think of your desired outcome in the negative as in what you do not want it to be like use the negatives to create a list of positive attributes. For example, if you know you do not want to have to drive into the city for a job you can say you want a job near your house. Make sure you have positive thoughts and positive details to focus on for your desired outcome and don't think negatively. Turn any negative thoughts into positive ones. Visualize what your life will be like with your desired outcome and imagine every little detail of how your life would be and how you would feel.

Be Open and Ready for Your Vision to Become a Reality

Don't let your self-doubt get the best of you and start you thinking negative thoughts and doubting your dreams. Try staying busy to keep the negative self-doubt out of your mind. You can go for a long walk, play tennis or play a computer game. Do something you love and you will find yourself staying positive and ignoring the negative. Don't listen to your negative voice.

One way to overcome self-doubt is by focusing on everything you have to be thankful for. You can find beauty in every day events and situations and even record them so you can look back at them later. Some people make a list of things they are thankful for every day in a journal. It is helpful to look back at this journal when you are feeling negative.

Be open to and take advantage of opportunities provided by the Universe. Deliberate attraction requires you to do more than say you want something and wait for it to show up at your door. The Universe will give you the opportunities you need and send people into your life who will help you on your journey to achieving your goals.

You need to follow the steps described above for this to work. Good luck and may you achieve all your goals.

About the Author:

May 19, 2009

Personal development: the key to success

By Ina Hikmatullah

Many people who are not successful fail to consider the most important component to personal success: the individual. Without going through some sort of self-improvement process, people are going to find that they experience the same results over and over again in the world of work, no matter what it is that they do.

If you dont change anything, of course you can expect to get the same results! Thats a claim that can be supported by science.

We can learn a lot from a philosophy thats quite prevalent in personal development circles, called NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming. The idea is that we can change certain negative characteristics about ourselves and lead fuller lives. We can have more success by behaving as successful people do. Thats great news, because that means that by observing the lives and behaviors of successful people, we effectively give ourselves a blueprint to success.

How can you apply this to your own personal development? How about we think about it? Part of the theory of neuro- linguistic programming is based on the idea that certain extremely successful individuals, (particularly those involved in sales or communications) share a common set of attitudes, skills, and temperaments.

It emphasizes the potential for a person to be successful, to overcome their negative beliefs about themselves in such a way that they actually change their own self image, which then changes their experiences in the real world for the better. Their own personal development lead them to success.

Dont be that person. Always remember, the definition of success is the overcoming of adversity. That means that in order to be successful, by definition, you are going to solve some problems. Probably a lot! There is no success without resistance!

To help keep you motivated in this way, a good idea is to practice an attitude of gratitude. This means that you take time each day to be thankful for what you have. This allows you to believe that good things are in fact possible for you, and that with a little more effort, youll be able to achieve even more! Practicing an attitude of gratitude is very important for your own personal development, especially early on, when you may feel that you just havent been getting anything out of life.

One way to alter this negative view you may have of yourself and to further your personal development is to practice an attitude of gratitude. Practicing an attitude of gratitude means taking the time to be thankful for what you have. People who do this, even as the recession deepens and the economy gets worse, are going to look at themselves in a much more positive light, and as a result, they are going to attract even more good fortune. Think of all that you have. Your friends, your family, your talents, your interests.

Everything that has happened to you, from the good fortune to the bad fortune that you were able to learn from. (One big step in your personal development could also be not to look at any experience as completely negative.) What you have is a recipe for what makes you a unique individual, especially equipped to fulfill your own potential. Youre undoubtedly going to have a list that makes you happy, to realize that within you is the ability to take charge of your own personal development and move forward. Thats the first step in healthy personal development, the kind that creates success.

About the Author:

May 16, 2009

Making Money While In Between Jobs

By Ina Hikmatullah

In difficult economic times, especially in a climate as tough as the one that exists today, any attempts to embark on a new financial endeavor can seem challenging. However, with the advent of the internet, there exists more avenues for income than ever before, such as residual income. Residual income refers to steady income that requires little to no maintenance, such as rent or royalties.

If you have the right mental attitude, then there is no wrong time to start out on a new journey. What you have to decide is whether or not you have the motivation to pursue a new goal. If you want to achieve the reality of making money, then you need to devise a clear cut plan that you can both see and believe in. It doesnt matter if you are attempting a new business opportunity or simply want to apply for a new job. To see extra money start rolling in, you must pursue residual income opportunities seriously and with a focus in mind.

There is NoTry

It can be difficult to work up the motivation for any new project, financial or otherwise. This is compounded if you are dealing with other factors, such as financial or personal troubles. Remember that the biggest obstacle that you will face is you. This has been a refrain of many of the most popular self help books and life coaches recently, but it is a valid point.

In fact, some of the most popular life coaches and self help books deal with this theory successfully. Consider the law of attraction, as promoted by "The Secret." According to this belief, if you want to have a desire realized, then you have to do more than just ask the universe for it " you must also believe that the desire will really come to pass. Philosophers throughout the ages have quoted similar ideas. To be successful, you must not only decide on what your goals are, but you must work to achieve them. If you go about it only halfheartedly, you will only see halfhearted results.

Motivation and Innovation

Many of those that seek the wisdom of sages are looking to achieve one main goal " the creation of residual income. If you are open to the consideration of new business opportunities, then the possibilities are endless. For instance, real estate investment is a proven method of earning residual income if you have enough startup cash and desire to get started in the market. Finding the perfect rental is not easy, as it requires time and money. But if you choose your investment wisely, you will be able to earn a steady monthly income.

Now if you do not have startup cash, real estate investing may not be the best option for you. However, you may find that you have a wealth of other assets, including your passions, knowledge, and experience. Think of any money making projects that you have put off, such as writing a book or looking into pay-per-click advertising or even marketing a new invention. Whatever you choose, put your heart into it to help you to achieve real residual income. If you have the energy and the desire to pursue new opportunities, then the world is limitless. In todays struggling economy, you need to be the one to put your ideas and skills together into a plan that will generate a constant stream of income for your future.

About the Author:

May 14, 2009

Six Minutes to Success

By Dr. Matthew Loop

Bob Proctor is the mastermind behind the "Six Minutes to Success" Program, and if the title sounds too good to be true, Bob will prove you six minutes flat. People across the nation are using the law of attraction to utterly transform their lives in no time at all, and Bob takes it a step further in his program. Not only are you going to transform your life, but if you have six minutes a day, you will catapult your life into new dimensions.

Bob started out in Toronto, Canada changing people's lives with his genius ideas and teachings, and now "Six Minutes to Success" can be yours. If you're ready to start attracting your every desire, including your dreams of wealth, health, and happiness, then it's time for you to spend six minutes a day with Bob, and watch the success begin to flow into your life.

Isn't it time to fully unleash your power with the program that has already started thousands of people across the nation on the road to wealth? If you had a lot of money to start with, you could spend $12,000 on one of Bob's high profile seminars, or you could get all the same lessons and expert mentoring from the comfort of your own home. The Six Minutes to Success Program is your answer to creating your wildest dreams.

John Assaraf, New York Times Bestselling Author, says, "I had no idea how I was going to build a life for myself that would have meaning and purpose. Well, it's been twenty seven years since I first attended his program and what he taught me then and continued to teach me over the years has allowed me to make millions of dollars for myself and others while living an extraordinary fulfilling life!"

It doesn't matter how much money you have to start with, what kind of business you do, or how crazy your goals are, "Six Minutes to Success" can make it happen for you faster than you ever imagined possible. You don't have to live in a big city or have an amazing IQ to attract incredible wealth, and only Bob Proctor can show you how, from the comfort of your own home in six minutes a day.

Not only are you getting a passport to monstrous success, you're also going to achieve it in much less time than you are working now, and with so much less effort. Did I already mention that these cherished secrets will be revealed to you in the comfort of your own home!

People who have made the great sacrifice of time and money to go to Bob's seminars are never disappointed. In fact, they see a huge return on their investment, but with Six Minutes to Success, the investment is so minimal that the effects are going to seem like magic. Based on the powerful teaching of The Secret, Bob is going to be your personal mentor to unlock the Secret in your own life.

You get all the same results, without having to travel across the nation and stay in an uncomfortable hotel. You get to sit on your couch and watch your life transform! If "The Secret" just doesn't seem to deliver the results in your life, it's because you don't have Bob to personally mentor you.

About the Author:

May 12, 2009

Become a Walking Magnet: Attract Success With The Law Of Attraction

By Vlad Stivenson

The Law of Attraction is very important and affects all of us everyday of our lives. The idea behind the Law of Attraction is that you draw into your life the things that your thoughts and emotions are focused on whether that be something you want in your life or something negative you don't want.

The Law of No Assertion is an idea associated with the Law of Attraction. This law says that there is no way any outside influences can bring something into our lives if it is not in our thoughts and emotions. This means that God, fate, the stars, your friends, your family and all other influences are unable to change your life in a way we are not focused on already.

You can also look at this through the Law of Alternate Realities which puts a physics sort of spin on the idea. The Law of Alternate Realities says that we are responsible for creating our reality by our thoughts and emotions. The three laws are all related and all are trying to get the same point across. It is just a matter of how you want to look at it.

You need to really understand the idea of attracting things both unwanted and wanted into your life.

All of us experience a variety of emotions and feelings in our lives. We can be very happy or very sad. When you have negative emotions you are sending negative vibrations out and will get things that you do not want in your life. Positive emotions like happy, grateful, appreciative, joyful and elated bring good things into your life while negative ones like sadness, fear, anger and depression bring negative things.

The Universe responds to the vibrations we send out in the positive no matter what so even if you are thinking about something you do not want, if it is your focus the Universe will bring it to you. We all need to learn to focus our thoughts on the positive and that way we can attract the things we truly want into our lives. We need to change our emotions in the following way:

Fear to Hope to Optimism to Confidence to Belief

The farther we get to the positive side of the emotional scale the more we will be able to get the things we want in a timely manner.

It is important to note that how you think about the things you want is as important as what you think about. Everything we focus on has a point of attraction that resonates. Consider your feelings about something important in your life - how you feel is where your are resonating to.

Think about something that is frequently on your mind. Maybe it is money. Maybe your first thought is that you do not have the money you need or want. You see things you want to buy but you then think to yourself how you can not afford them. Or maybe you think about how fun it would be to be able to buy it and how much you would enjoy the item.

If you want to experience the power of the Law of Attraction, download Subliminal Flash program. It imprints positive affirmations into your subconscious mind, so you become a magnet, attracting success, love and abundance. After 4-7 uses of Subliminal Flash you will notice that you become more attractive for the opposite sex, more healthy and much more successful.

You have to take action for the Law of Attraction to work. Think of it like this - consider the idea of the Be-Do-Have philosophy.

Many of us grew up understanding how important it is to take action to get the things you want in life. We learned early on that our actions are what will help us achieve our goals along with a little luck now and then. The Law of Attraction says that luck does not exist and has no effect on what you bring into your life. You need to rely on your actions to some extent but you need more than action to achieve your goals.

The Universe is what sends us good and bad things in our lives based on our thoughts and emotions and it presents opportunities for us if we are open to them. You need to turn that philosophy you grew up with around and live by the idea of Be-Do-Have.

When you are open to the idea that you can BE where you want in life then you will DO what you need to do to HAVE the things in life that you dream of. We'll talk more about the Be-Do-Have idea later on.

Many people with very successful lives have gotten there by believing in and working the Law of Attraction. You can tell when people are living through this law and focusing on the good things in their life. Living according to the Law of Attraction can bring you success and you can see that in people around you. There is a lot of talk and a lot of information about the Law of Attraction and how to apply it in your own life out there, you just need to look for it. The main idea is to focus on the things you want and they will come to you in time.

About the Author:

May 9, 2009

The 11 Forgotten Laws" Help You Succeed.

By Max Terrace

The 11 Forgotten Laws Review is the first step to understanding the system that will help you succeed. It is an easy to use website for anyone who wants to be successful. The 11 Forgotten Laws Review is an informative first step for people who want to learn the laws that will help them succeed. This website provides the initial look into the Law of Thinking, the Law of Supply, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Receiving, the Law of Increase, the Law of Compensation, the Law of Non-Resistance, the Law of Forgiveness, the Law of Sacrifice, the Law of Obedience, the Law of Success, as well as Working With the Law.

Both Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissy appeared in 'The Secret' to teach people how to be successful and now they have returned to spread the word of "The 11 Forgotten Laws". These laws expand on 'The Secret' adding to the success of people using their ideas to gain wealth and happiness.

If you are interested in learning more about Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey then you need to visit the website Additional information is provided in short biographies on both authors. These bios give a glimpse into their lives showing the public why they are so successful and why they want to help others achieve the same success.

With two self-help powerhouses, behind it, "The 11 Forgotten Laws" is a treasure trove of information to be used by anyone with the will to succeed.

"The 11 Forgotten Laws" are highlighted on The 11 Forgotten Laws Review website including additional information on several bonus items to help people improve both in mind and in pocket.

Money is only used for two things. One, its to make you comfortable, and the more comfortable you are the more creative you will become. And the other purpose is it enables you to extend the service you provide far beyond your own presence. -Bob Proctor

Bob Proctors quotes in The 11 Forgotten Laws Review will show people that in order to achieve success and happiness, you need to follow the eleven other laws. With drive and determination you can achieve anything you desire and much more. The information provided to people at will answer any questions or doubts about the secrets to success.

Become happy and rich by following "The 11 Forgotten Laws". Use the wisdom gained by Bob Proctor who has been helping others for over forty years. He wants to help you too and now is your chance to take action and become a success.

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May 8, 2009

The Link between Thinking and Doing: How to Make Money a Reality

By Ina Hikmatullah

In difficult economic times, especially in a climate as tough as the one that exists today, any attempts to embark on a new financial endeavor can seem challenging. However, with the advent of the internet, there exists more avenues for income than ever before, such as residual income. Residual income refers to steady income that requires little to no maintenance, such as rent or royalties.

The reality is that any time is the right time to set off on a new journey, as long as you are in the correct mindset. The question to ask is, are you ready to pursue a new goal? In order to make money a reality in your life, you must be focused on each pursuit with a clear mind and dedicated vision. This applies regardless if you are looking for a new job or pursuing an original business opportunity. Whether it is your primary focus or just a way to make extra money, opportunities for residual income should be pursued with determination.

Creating an Atmosphere of Success

Whenever you start a new project, you may find it difficult to obtain the proper motivation to begin. Outside factors can make it even more difficult, such as having financial difficulty or relationship troubles. Keep in mind that you are your own biggest obstacle. While this may have become clich thanks to self help books and life coaches, the theory still holds true.

In fact, some of the most popular life coaches and self help books deal with this theory successfully. Consider the law of attraction, as promoted by "The Secret." According to this belief, if you want to have a desire realized, then you have to do more than just ask the universe for it " you must also believe that the desire will really come to pass. Philosophers throughout the ages have quoted similar ideas. To be successful, you must not only decide on what your goals are, but you must work to achieve them. If you go about it only halfheartedly, you will only see halfhearted results.

Motivation and Innovation

You can take whatever motivation you need from whatever sage you prefer, but once you have established your beliefs, it is time to focus on the goal of building a source of residual income. If you are not afraid of trying something new, then business opportunities abound. A popular choice for those who have some investment capabilities includes real estate. This tried-and-true method does require some time and cost put into finding the appropriate rental and fixing it up. However, once the initial investment has been put into it, you can see a steady monthly income generated from the property with little to no effort on your own part.

Now if you do not have startup cash, real estate investing may not be the best option for you. However, you may find that you have a wealth of other assets, including your passions, knowledge, and experience. Think of any money making projects that you have put off, such as writing a book or looking into pay-per-click advertising or even marketing a new invention. Whatever you choose, put your heart into it to help you to achieve real residual income. If you have the energy and the desire to pursue new opportunities, then the world is limitless. In todays struggling economy, you need to be the one to put your ideas and skills together into a plan that will generate a constant stream of income for your future.

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May 6, 2009

What to Do When You Are Laid Off

By Ina Hikmatullah

The current economy has forced millions into forced time off. Many have been laid off from their jobs, while even more have been forced to work fewer hours or for less to pay to be able to keep their jobs. This can be particularly difficult as rising prices make it harder for those that are employed to pay their bills, and impossible for those that are not working. If you are one of the many looking at forced time off, then you may not know where to turn.

While the situation may seem bleak now, there are ways that you can use this sudden surplus of spare time to your advantage. While you will probably spend a good portion of your newfound free time on the job hunt, you can also use this opportunity to take some time for you " giving you that personal time you have been putting off for months or years. By looking for the positive, you can find a way out of the economic struggles and into more success than you would have thought possible.

Getting professional advice

Whether you are a self help devotee or have never given much credence to the self help world, now may be the time to take a look through one or two (dozen) books to see if there is one that can help you. Spend some time at your local supersize bargain bookstore flipping through self help books. Or, for a budget-friendly strategy, brush off your library card and borrow a few promising titles at a time. You can skim these in the comfort of your own home and not feel bad about wasting money if they arent right for you.

Motivational speakers abound these days, and finding one whose philosophy meshes with your worldview is likely, but may take time. Start out with the big names: Tony Robbins, Wallace Wattles and Jim Rohn have had proven success and attracted millions to their self help philosophies. Another very popular self help series today revolves around "The Secret," the documentary and accompanying book that has been everywhere from Oprah to your sister-in-law's bedside table. This series discusses employing the Law of Attraction " identifying your desire and then acting as if your desire will come true, in essence. The Law of Attraction focuses on the power of positive thinking, something that is a must for anyone looking for opportunities in today's economy.

Getting Started

Once you have found your motivation through self help series and other means, it is now a good time to get started working on your goals. There may be some work ahead of you, so be prepared. If you are willing to be creative, you will find that there are always income opportunities to be found, regardless of the economic climate. If you want to remain in your industry, look for jobs that will allow you to keep your current skills in practice or learn supplementary ones. A part-time job can allow you to bring in some income while keeping your knowledge fresh. You can also look more closely at the hobbies that you have. An online business could allow you to tap into the hidden realm of self employment. It can also give you an idea for other jobs in your skill set that are in high demand.

This is the time to look for creative income opportunities that suit the time you have available and your goals in life. With some motivation and hard work, you can attract success in any situation.

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Law of Attraction Books

By Deepak Ramadal

The law of attraction is not a new concept. It has been present for years but its popularity grew only recently, after the film "The Secret" was shown to general audiences in 2006.

However, even if it is not a new thing, many people remain clueless as to its real nature. This is why there are many law of attraction books in the market today.

One of the best ways to find out if what you are doing is correct is to get a copy of a book on law of attraction. Even people who already know what the concept of the law of attraction is can use the law of attraction book. It has additional information for everyone.

The most useful law of attraction book should not just explain the concept of the law of attraction; it should also include detailed pointers on how to apply the law of attraction in your life. These law of attraction books are meant to share some tips that readers can use to achieve the life that they want. Some of the things readers like you can pick from these books will help you improve your financial status, health, professional status, personal relationships, and your over-all well being. These tips will also give you ideas on how you can achieve your lifelong goals. In short, the law of attraction book is like a guide to life.

Some law of attraction books specialize on specific aspects in life. Like losing weight or achieving the body figure you've always wanted, or reaching the top of your career choice. Other law of attraction books can help point your children to the right direction, so they themselves can achieve their goals.

No matter what a law of attraction book specializes on, their purpose is clear. A book on law of attraction is meant to help and guide you on how to apply the law of attraction and make sure that you get positive results.

For this reason, it is difficult to point out to one book and claim it as the best law of attraction book. If you want to make sure that you get only the best and most comprehensive book, try searching for books through a law of attraction book review. A book review will help give you an idea of what a law of attraction book has to offer.

For those of you who are just aching to start making the law of attraction an important part of your daily life, a good way to begin is through books. Purchase the law of attraction book and learn how it can change your life forever!

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LAW OF ATTRACTION- Have classical and quantum physics agreed on this?

By Conrad Blomberg

It was first mentioned in about 1879. Just what is the Law of Attraction? It is the belief that says if you believe something strongly enough, what you truly believe will be attracted to you

This phrase, Law of Attraction, was first used by a major publication in 1879 when the New York Times newspaper wrote a story about the Colorado Gold Rush. It described the wagon trains that were moving west as moving in obedience to some occult law of attraction.

Since then, this phrase has been used over and over, but it has changed in its meaning over the years. It was first used mainly to describe how this Law caused people to do something.

Then, that changed to a more modern meaning of this law as being something that manifested itself and caused things to happen. To manifest in this sense means that it came about, or was thought to be real.

By 1902 to 1904 it was quite often stated that thought had to precede any physical form and that it was the action of the mind which was the nucleus of any outward visible form.

All through these early years, there were those who denied that any such thing as thought being powerful could not be true. Among the leaders of such doubters were physicists who were basing this belief on the idea that if it could not be measured, weighed or have physical form it could not be the law of anything.

But, there were always some physicists who believed that energy was involved in matter formation.

John Ambrose Fleming an electrical engineer and turn of the century physicist held that "every completed manifestation, of whatever kind and on whatever scale" was "an unquenchable Energy of Attraction"

Think and Grow Rich, a book written by Napoleon Hill was first issued in 1937 and became one of the most successful books ever... it sold well over 60 million copies.

Hills idea was that you must control your thoughts. If you did, you would find his secret (which he said was mentioned in every chapter). He never said it in so many words, but most think he was writing about The Law of Attraction without saying so.

And, physics was changing during these years. Something called Quantum physics was developed. It is, briefly, more about energy than is classical physics.

Quantum Physics now tells us and you can see it in real experiments, the reality of the universe out there is not independent of our views. It is not our purpose here to discuss quantum physics except to say that it is concerned with energy.

There are those quantum physicist who say that everything is energy

There are now quantum physicists who maintain that the Law of Attraction is indeed real and that it can be accessed and operated by anyone with sufficient dedication. Thus we see a joining of doubters and believers, in a way.

Disclaimer - This information is not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or mitigate any disease or condition. Before using consult your doctor or medical advisor. This information is not approved by any government agency - it is for educational purposes only.

About the Author:

May 5, 2009

Personal Development is Your Key to Success

By Ina Hikmatullah

As you go throughout your life, you will find that you make many investments. You invest in school, you invest in relationships, and you invest in financial investments, all with the hopes of getting back more than you put in. Of course, if you want to have personal success, you need to invest in yourself.

If you dont change anything, of course you can expect to get the same results! Thats a claim that can be supported by science.

We can learn a lot from a philosophy thats quite prevalent in personal development circles, called NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming. The idea is that we can change certain negative characteristics about ourselves and lead fuller lives. We can have more success by behaving as successful people do. Thats great news, because that means that by observing the lives and behaviors of successful people, we effectively give ourselves a blueprint to success.

Okay, but how do we do that? How does this have anything to do with our own personal development? Well, one important thing to realize, as stated before, is that successful people all share common characteristics. They think of themselves in positive ways. They see problems as challenges to be converted into learning experiences, not as something to be avoided. This kind of behavior leads to courage, and courage leads to change in behavior. Its a self-feeding sort of procedure.

Another good example of successful behavior, and one that ties in very well with the last point, is problem-solving behavior. People who have achieved this in their personal development dont run away from problems. They run THROUGH them, which serves to strengthen their confidence. People who run away from their problems tend to have a very low sense of self worth, and as a result, they let their problems overwhelm them.

Dont be that person. Always remember, the definition of success is the overcoming of adversity. That means that in order to be successful, by definition, you are going to solve some problems. Probably a lot! There is no success without resistance!

To help keep you motivated in this way, a good idea is to practice an attitude of gratitude. This means that you take time each day to be thankful for what you have. This allows you to believe that good things are in fact possible for you, and that with a little more effort, youll be able to achieve even more! Practicing an attitude of gratitude is very important for your own personal development, especially early on, when you may feel that you just havent been getting anything out of life.

One way to alter this negative view you may have of yourself and to further your personal development is to practice an attitude of gratitude. Practicing an attitude of gratitude means taking the time to be thankful for what you have. People who do this, even as the recession deepens and the economy gets worse, are going to look at themselves in a much more positive light, and as a result, they are going to attract even more good fortune. Think of all that you have. Your friends, your family, your talents, your interests.

So remember, in your personal development, the first and most important successes are going to be mostly mental. Stay focused on these tips in the beginning, and you will find that you too are capable of success!

About the Author:

May 2, 2009

Law of Attraction Have classical and quantum physics agreed on this?

By Conrad Blomberg

It was first mentioned in about 1879. Just what is the Law of Attraction? It is the belief that says if you believe something strongly enough, what you truly believe will be attracted to you

The phrase, "Law of Attraction", was first used by a major publication in 1879 when the New York Times newspaper wrote a story about the Colorado Gold Rush. The wagon trains that were moving west we characterized as moving in obedience to some occult law of attraction

This phrase has been used over and over since then, but it has changed in its meaning over the years. It was used at first mainly to describe how this Law caused people to do something.

That changed, eventually, to a more modern meaning of this law as being something that manifested itself and caused things to happen. To manifest in this sense means that it came about, or was thought to be real.

By 1902 to 1904 it was quite often stated that thought had to precede any physical form and that it was the action of the mind which was the nucleus of any outward visible form.

All through these early years, there were those who denied that any such thing as thought being powerful could not be true. Among the leaders of such doubters were physicists who were basing this belief on the idea that if it could not be measured, weighed or have physical form it could not be the law of anything.

But, there were always some physicists who believed that energy was involved in matter formation.

An electrical engineer and early physicist, John Ambrose Fleming, held that "every completed manifestation, of whatever kind and on whatever scale" was "an unquenchable Energy of Attraction"

Think and Grow Rich, a book by the famous Napoleon Hill was first issued in 1937 and became one of the most successful books ever ... selling well over 60 million copies.

Hills idea was that you must control your thoughts. If you did, you would find his secret (which he said was mentioned in every chapter). He never said it in so many words, but most think he was writing about The Law of Attraction without saying so.

And, physics was changing during these years. Something called Quantum physics developed. It is, briefly, more about energy than measurements or weight.

As Quantum Physics now tells us and one can see in real experiments, the reality of the universe out there is not independent of our views. It is not our purpose here to discuss quantum physics except to say that it is concerned with energy.

There are some quantum physicists now who say that everything is energy.

There are today quantum physicists who maintain that the Law of Attraction is indeed real. That can be accessed and operated by anyone with sufficient dedication. Thus we see a joining of doubters and believers, in a way.

Disclaimer " Information included here is not meant to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any condition or disease. You should consult with your doctor or medical adviser before using. No information given here is approved by any government agency. It is for educational purpose only.

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General Tips on the Law of Attraction

By Deepak Ramadal

When you know how to apply the law of attraction effectively into your life, you will be responsible for many wonderful changes in your life. By converting your thoughts into positive energies, you will be able to disperse positive vibrations, which will help you in achieving your goals. That is why knowing the general tips on the law of attraction is important.

The law of attraction works around the principle that what you constantly think about, whether you are aware of it or not, is what will become your reality. It will transfer and manifest in your life. Therefore, it is important to begin by cleansing your thoughts of anything negative.

There are also basic tips on the law of attraction that can guide you.

First things first. You will need to create a clear vision or paint a vivid image of what you want. This can be done through a process called creative visualization. When you, visualize your want or your desire, you begin to create a concrete image or description of your goals. This will give a touch of realism because visualizing will make you believe that it is already there, your goals are just within your reach. If you keep playing this vision in your mind, it will eventually transfer to real life.

Affirmation is another effective tip on the law of attraction . Affirmations are like statements that you say to yourself repeatedly to make yourself feel good. It supports your desire and transfers positive vibrations. "I am going to get a promotion within the next six months" is one example of an affirmation. Note that affirmations are always positive. They are also effective when you repeat them regularly in your mind and if you write them down.

Positive thinking is also an important tip on the law of attraction. Positive thinkers seldom, if not never, find negative things around them. Because when you are a positive thinker, you learn to dwell only on the bright side of life. You always find the beauty in ugly.

A good disposition in life will reflect in all aspects of your life. Your thoughts, actions, decisions, feelings will become more pleasant and will vibrate positive energies. These energies will help you bring your goal to life.

The law of attraction tips are just guides to help you achieve your goals. The power to change your life the way you see fit still lies in your hands. You and only you alone have the power to change your life. When you are committed and passionate about achieving your goals, and you have faith in yourself and your dreams, there is no right or wrong thing to do.

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