May 31, 2010

A Helpful Guide To Cosmic Ordering Secrets

By Trevor Johnson

An individual seeking to use the cosmos to make their wishes come true uses a process called cosmic ordering. With connections to several concepts, including the 'Law of Attraction', famous English TV presenter Noel Edmonds reports his success with this method and his past confirms this. With these cosmic ordering secrets, the power of positive thinking and the path to wish fulfillment will be significantly easier to fulfill.

Asking what you don't want is a recipe for disaster, always request in a positive manner. Negative thoughts increase attraction and resonate with the cosmos and the Universe will grant these thoughts, regardless of their nature, and give you what you don't want. This is a vicious circle, as negative results lead only to more negative thoughts.

A positive mind is key to success and furthering yourself. Remaining positive in both mind and body reduces resistance when the time comes. Resistance is the state in which you request your desires to be granted, but have doubts about whether they will be rewarded or not. By releasing this doubt, you can find a positive state of mind by fully relaxing and banishing all negativity. Following this, your resistance will be considerably reduced.

Asking why you want a wish to be granted and giving a good reason is important. Think of three positive answers as to why your wishes would make you happier or make a difference in your life. Some good reasons may be happiness, contentment and safety, all valid reasons. By questioning your wishes, you open up new aspects on your life and this will go a long way in helping your discover more about yourself and aid in your wish fulfillment.

Details are very important to your wishes. If you want a holiday, where would it be, who would go? And always keep in mind, do not ask for wishes you have already requested, this will only further increase your resistance. Have no worries about whether your request has been heard or not. The Universe always hears wishes and if you desire them to be fulfilled, then you must both believe they will and that each one will come through along its own path and not out of the blue. When you are ready and your resistance has been fully lifted, you will see these events.

Trust in both the cosmic ordering process and in yourself. Put faith in your inner wisdom and make wishes with a clear mind, trying to visualise yourself with what you desire. Ask the cosmos for small things at first, taking small steps and trusting the Universe. Do not fret about when or how your wish will arrive, just have faith and believe that the cosmos will deliver it at the right time in your life.

These are the most important steps in achieving your desires and fulfilling your wishes. So remember the cosmic ordering secrets; stay positive, both outside and inside, be specific, have faith and your innermost desires and wishes will be granted in due time.

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How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Find Love : All That You Wanted To Know

By Trevor Johnson

The term Wishful thinking has taken a completely new meaning in recent times with the worldwide revelation of the laws of attraction and how to use the law of attraction to find love. There are a large number of people in the world today who believe that you can live your life exactly the way you truly want to just by Attracting all of it to you. Further, we can also use the law of attraction to find love. It means you are in control of your life and all that happens in it.

When it comes to the non-believers, there are plenty. The difference in the believers is akin to the difference between pessimists and optimists. Yet, the optimists affirm that the laws of attraction are legitimate and that it does work.

The fact is living life positively will not hurt anyone. Like attracts like and that is the basic formula of this belief, which many people also apply in their love lives.

There is a basic rule to follow when using the law of attraction in your love life. First, you have to ask for love to enter your life consciously. Alternatively, ask for the person who you love to start loving you.

Most successful people have believed in what they have done, they have had conviction and that is how they made their lives successful. When we talk about a success story and you examine how a person achieved what he or she did, you will see that the person had focus in life. The person believed that what they were chasing would always be theirs.

Even before an athlete starts his run, he knows he has to win the competition. Many times we have seen a TIE happening or one sprinter winning over another just by a few milliseconds. This is not a coincidence. They both had ultra confidence in their ability to win the race. Similarly, when it comes to love, you must believe that there is someone in the world who, when they meet you, will love you abundantly. This is why you need to first love yourself abundantly before allowing anyone else into your space.

How to use the law of attraction to find love without faltering? The answer to this lies in your own self and mind. If you think it will work, then it will work. If you think it will not work, then it will not work. This formula is as simple as that.

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May 30, 2010

Plan Your Retirement ... Cosmic Ordering Is The First Step To A Happy Ending

By Stephen Richards

When you look at successful people you will not see any great difference between them and the ordinary folks. But what then is the secret behind their success? You should first know that without effort nothing around you moves. The path to ultimate freedom is a source of interest for every aspirant, Cosmic Ordering being a path that will lead you to the success you desire.

Your creativity paves your way to your destiny. Along the way you will face many demons, some which you have to fight single-handedly. During such trying times the confidence you have in yourself will decide your success or failure.

Each day you make many decisions - what to wear, who to hang out with, how to spend your time. Some of the decisions you make today can affect you for the rest of your life. That's why it is important to learn how to make good decisions.

You have to envision how you will lead your life after retirement. Planning with the law of attraction long before you retire will help in making your post retirement life easier and more comfortable. Even if you have not given any thought about it before now, it is better to start now.

People should be optimistic and muster all their resourcefulness, creativity and tenacity while dealing with the hands they're dealt. Learn how to do this through Cosmic Ordering.

Your life is in your hands. Only YOU have the capacity to turn it into a rosy path or a thorn filled one. Increase your vibrational output with Cosmic Ordering and your future will be rosy.

To build a future you wish, you have to be equipped with the necessary tools. Cosmic Ordering is your main tool. Absence of adequate tools will result in disaster. Only when you are geared up completely can you build your dreams and make them attainable.

The tool kit you need in order to sculpt the future of your dreams is a simple one. Once you understand these principles and know how to apply them then, just like Michelangelo, you can bring your imagined finished product into reality and make it work for you.

Some tend to leave their future in the hands of providence. This will not produce any tangible results. In the end they are forced to meet defeat at the hands of nature.

It's up to you to form your desired outcome clearly in your mind and then use the key principles of Cosmic Ordering to garner success in order to bring that desired future into reality.

Moving in the same social circle will do little to make your goals succeed. You have to communicate with people who are new to you. They form a source of new knowledge and open unexpected prospects to you.

New contacts don't cramp you with pre-existing expectations. Your personal and professional network should include people of different ages and different fields, and should include like-minded people.

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May 28, 2010

How Can You Make The Law Of Attraction Happen Fast For Real?

By Trevor Johnson

How can you make the law of attraction happen fast is answered by again asking the question how can you make the law of attraction happen fast for you anyway. Essentially, there is no quick fixes because these are principles which must be followed closely for the desired success to be achieved.

Of great significance is the concept of synchronicity with the self. Often redirecting the attention to the issue at hand is vital. Splitting of energies towards unrelated projects can delay out comes complicating the process. This is a process of giving up the useful for the useless.

Most interpreters of this phenomenon usually first get in alignment with the vibrations that would influence the desirable outcome. One way of doing this is by setting goals which require undivided attention for success. As such if there is the need to redesign the home goal setting is vital to this achieving this purpose. Definite levels for attainment must be structured.

Maybe the first thing to do is to do an inspection of the area. This would allow for an in-depth assessment of what really are your desires for renovation either of the entire building or parts of it.

It would be a extra ordinary achievement if this task is completed successfully. Then the alignment process can begin by inviting an expert to assist in placing in the correct perspective ideas and desires. This establishes cohesion between and among them. The soul is then integrated in the process.

The major concept being emphasized is getting in synchrony with the universe. A sure way of achieving this is to deliberately want to do it. When there is the atonement between desires and ideas there is room for expansion. An architect and construction expert can now be collaborated in the process.

Here is where after these major steps are completed that the imagery faculty is activated. This is vital at being able to accurately communicate ideas and desires to both the architect and builder. Synchrony must be established to the extent that vibrations are transmitted at all levels.

An assessment of how can you make the law of attraction happen fast is to determine whether the architect or builder accurately catches the ideas which you received from the universe. Precisely they have to be interpreted exactly as you have within your mind for the theory to be validated by your experience. That is the quickest way at receiving results.

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How To Have Your Wishes Fulfilled Through Cosmic Ordering

By Trevor Johnson

Cosmic Ordering is based on the belief that humankind has the inherent ability to the harness the energy that is present in the universe, and use it to make things happen in the physical world. The theory is an ancient one: by releasing our energies into the universe, we can attract similar energies back to us. Depending on the nature of the energies that we send out, we will be either helped or hindered by what we get in return.

The principal behind it is very simple: if we send out negative energies, we will attract negative energies. When we attract negative energies, negative things happen. If we send out positive energies, we will attract positive energies, and positive things will happen. Through Cosmic Ordering, people seek to take this principal one step further, and actively use it to make things that they wish for come true.

To do this, the person making the wish must first make certain that he/she is in the proper frame of mind. All negativity must be put aside. He/she then makes the wish in form of a letter addressed to the Universe, specifying the time period in which it is expected to be fulfilled. Once the request has been made, the person must relinquish all control over their wish, and allow the universe to act upon it.

The more difficult a request is, the more positive energy it will take to fulfill it. It is therefore best not to try for anything too big the first few times a person tries this. Start gradually. As your confidence builds, so to will your positive energies.

While waiting for your request to be answered, it is very important that you maintain a positive attitude. If you let doubts creep in, or start thinking negatively, the energies that you create may interfere with the fulfillment of your wish.

Many people choose to keep a log of their wishes, indicating the date and time on which each one was made. As each wish is fulfilled, they cross it off the list, noting when and under what circumstances it came about. Keeping the wish in mind, along with the expectation of its imminent fulfillment, helps to support the universal energies in bringing it about. Some people will also use visualization techniques to enhance the positive energies surrounding the wish, and remove psychic blockages. By actively picturing the eventual fulfillment of the wish, visualization helps to change a person's thinking from 'it can't happen to me to me', to one of 'it will happen to me'.

Like many other ancient practices, Cosmic Ordering relies on the positive use of energies to achieve desired results. Whether it be the universal practice of prayer, the Chinese healing art of Qiqong, or just the plain old belief in the power of positive thinking, people have always maintained that humankind has the ability to harness universal energy and put it to use. It is only when we open ourselves to new ideas that we gain insight into the way that the universe works. If you don't dare to try, you will never know what lies just beyond the horizon.

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May 27, 2010

The Law Of Attraction In Action

By Millie White

You may be asking yourself this question right now, "Do I have the law of attraction?" In truth it is something that has been festering inside all of us since man came into existence. I do not think there is a person out there no matter how good they are that does not have any wants or desires whether it is for themselves, others around them or just complete strangers it is inherent in all of us.

Desire is the ultimate thing you can experience in life it is our own basic desires to live and be happy that shape and form how we get on in life, not just with ourselves but with those who we interact with. We have a lot of power hidden deep within us and with help through the law of attraction we can achieve great happiness.

Imagine now we all followed the law of attraction we would be all in our own paradise of life. Where we got what we wanted out of life and we were all happy. We all had wealth, health and good relationships with our fellow human beings. The world would be free of hunger and misery. This cannot happen overnight thought it happens over time through our thoughts and actions.

The law of attraction may not be obvious in your life or even seem obtainable but it has been around for millions of years. We all try to manifest its powers in some small way without even realising it at first. Are you hungry? More often than not when we get hungry we start to conjure up in our own minds what we really fancy to eat and usually coupled with this great desire we go about getting this item of food as we think it will make us happy and briefly it will.

The law of attraction can work for you too. It help you land that job you always wanted but didn't know how you could possibly ever get, no matter how hard it seems to be to get. As the saying goes, "whatever it takes." This means anything is possible if you put your mind to it and really try harder than you ever thought you could to get what you want.

To follow the law of attraction is not obligatory in your life but if you are looking to succeed in life, be happy and achieve all you wants and desires then having it as your mantra will do you all the good in the world not just for you but for your loved ones and friends. It is something that can help everyone no matter what background in life you are from.

Think will it make me happy and change my life for the better. Now you know what you want. Think or visualize in your mind how you are going to achieve it. What do you need to do? Now go and tell yourself I can do it, I will do it. Keep saying this to you one day say to yourself I believe I can do it. Keep positive and keep believing and carrying on until you achieve what you set out to achieve. That is the road to the law of attraction.

Having the right mindset is good but this needs to be maintained until the end in the law of attraction, a bit like the smoker trying to give up. You have to be ready, be positive and have the willpower to carry on until the end.

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Boosting The Power Of Weight Loss Affirmations

By Calie Austin

Affirmations for weight loss can be a powerful tool in your health and fitness program, but they must be used in certain ways to be truly effective. A lot of people make the mistake of writing affirmations so they are weak, scattered or unfocused. Nor surprisingly, they don't get good results. Today I'm going to share two helpful tips on creating weight loss affirmations that are very targeted and powerful.

First things first: The focus of your weight loss affirmation. You may think that you are creating the affirmation to help you lose weight, but that is not exactly right. Your true goal is feeling good about your body; you just happen to believe that losing your excess weight will help you feel that way. And indeed, it probably will. But to focus on the dropping of pounds won't help you tune into your true goal. Instead, think about how you want to feel, physically and emotionally. If being overweight makes you feel ungainly, sluggish, heavy and embarrassed, then being slender and fit will likely make you feel happy, confident, strong and energetic.

Focus on how you want to feel after losing weight, not necessarily the numbers on the scale. An affirmation that says, "I now weigh 125 pounds" doesn't really tune into your true goal. Instead, how about one like this: "I feel so light, confident and fit!"

That brings us to another point: the immense power of emotion in affirmations! If your affirmations are flat and boring, they simply won't be effective at all. You might as well recite random, meaningless words because they will be just as effective as a flat affirmation. When you stimulate positive emotion, on the other hand, you harness the power of the universe and direct it toward the completion of your desired outcome. That is known as deliberately using the law of attraction!

Next power tip: You must state your affirmations relentlessly until they "sink in". If you only say them sporadically, they won't do much for you. Affirmations are supposed to overwrite old mental programming with more empowering, positive beliefs, right? The more frequently you say your affirmations, the more effective they are going to be.

Last but not least, say your affirmations with strong intention and power. If you just mumble them quietly they won't carry nearly as much power as if you practically shout them (you can just say them strongly instead of loudly if you want to keep them private and there are other people around you). Just make sure to infuse them with a lot of passion and conviction. For most people, using affirmations in this way should inspire some noticeable changes within a week, maybe two. The changes may be small at first but if you keep going they should increase in intensity and frequency.

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May 26, 2010

Tips And Tricks On How To Use The Law Of Attraction

By Trevor Johnson

It may surprise you to find out that is is not simply physical attraction that draws in our friends and partners. There are many reasons, and theories behind why we as people are attracted to each other. So, as we continue, you will be enlightened at tips and tricks on how to use the law of attraction to benefit you in gaining new friends, and perhaps a new romance.

Studies have shown that part of our draw toward one another is physical, but not in the way that you might suspect. It is based on face shapes, body height, degree of hair, smell, etc. These aspects vary in men and women of course. It goes back to the old adage "there is someone for everyone."

Our attraction to one another is not simple, and there are some things we do not seem to even realize. One thing is sure, you are what you believe, if you know you are attractive, then you are attractive.

Cultural ideas and social values, do have somewhat of a place in our decisions in what is attractive, but the good news is, our heart seems to win in the end. We are more drawn to our inner desires than cultural or social influences.

We have needs as women and men for certain types of things in partners. Research has shown that women tend to seek men for protection and a means of support, and men tend to seek youth, as it represents fertility to them. These needs seem to be rather primitive.

Pheromones may play a role in how attractive we are to one another, even though the subject is still under some controversy. Pheromones trigger our brains regarding each other's reproductive schedules. Research has stated that men and women smell differently at different times during the month, and that most of this attraction goes on in our subconscious.

A great personality will get you everywhere. Everyone seems to be attracted to the biggest smile in the room and you can be that smile. Be a positive person, someone that people want to be around. Try accentuating your physical features with make up, perfume, or a great outfit, etc. Anything that makes you feel good about yourself will show on your face.

Use what you have to your advantage. Accentuate the positive, and do not focus on anything negative. Good luck now that you are prepared with tips and tricks on how to use the law of attraction.

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May 25, 2010

Pondering The Laws Of Attraction

By Trevor Johnson

When contemplating the laws of attraction, there are a number of areas to consider, including philosophy, science, sociology and metaphysics. Most individuals think of the metaphysical law of attraction, that is the subject of the book & documentary film, The Secret, but nearly 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher, Empedocles, wrote about "philia" (attractive force) and "neikos" (repulsive force).

Empedocles postulated that strife brings about repulsion and love results in attraction. He said that the physical universe it comprised of varying proportions of Earth, air, fire and water, which Plato would later label, (the four elements); and that every structure that will ever come into existence, actually exists already within those elements. He also alluded to helping create the world we see, through the process of perception.

Plato continued with a good portion of Empedocles' body of work, including the concept of the attractive force, or philia. He went on to say that, like attracts like, as in, fire to fire or water to water.

Albertus Magnus, in 1250, applied that idea, (likes attract) to chemical systems, and postulated 4 laws of affinity. Isaac Newton, in 1687, worked on the 4 laws of chemical affinity and came out with a single law that related to the laws of planetary motion.

The French chemist and physician, Etienne Geoffroy, in 1718, was inspired by Newton's first law of affinity and postulated a second law. He said that two substances could be attracted to each other, but if a third one was added that had stronger attraction, it could force out the weaker substance. Another French chemist, Pierre Macquer, in 1749, built 4 new laws, upon the two existing laws of affinity, and then added a seventh in 1766.

What about human relationships? Do opposites really attract, or do likes attract? Most sociologists say that this argument is overwhelming slanted in favor of likes attract, especially in terms of marriage. Most couples, at the time of marriage, share similar levels of attractiveness or sex appeal, education, social status, religious and political views and economic status, but this is not complete, by any means. One can always find exceptions.

Metaphysically speaking, the laws of attraction, deal with the principle that everything is energy, including human beings, and that we draw events and other people into our lives based on the type of energy we produce, in our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and visualizations. There are countless stories of people who turned their lives around completely by taking charge what they were feeding their minds. Letting go of inappropriate fear is said to be among the most powerful things one can do.

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May 24, 2010

Powerful Thought Provoking Movies Similar To The Secret

By Brandon Boshnack

Why are we here? What is my purpose in life? Did I leave the oven on? If you've caught yourself asking these questions, chances are you've seen the movie "The Secret." With so much going on in our daily lives and all the problems we think about, we sometimes forget to sit back, relax, and let the Universe just do its thing.

If you've seen The Secret, you're most likely heading in the right direction. But what about other movies like The Secret? Have you even bothered to watch those? Well, if your dog would rather spend the afternoon at the vet than watch The Secret with you again, below is Part 1 of a two part series that will explore some other powerful and thought provoking movies, which will put you in the right mindset to alter your reality.

Top Five Thought-Provoking Movies Similar To The Secret:

1. Beyond The Secret

Beyond The Secret will not only teach you the Law of Attraction, but it will teach you how to use it. Bob Proctor, who is featured in The Secret, along with some of the world's leading motivational speakers, will steer you on a path that will help you achieve all your dreams and go deeper into The Secret.

2. The Secret Behind The Secret

The Secret Behind The Secret is an interview with Esther and Jerry Hicks as they explain and discuss the teachings of the non-physical entity, Abraham. Through the Hicks', Abraham answers questions on the Law of Attraction, and how you are a physical extension of that which is non-physical.

3. The Compass

The Compass is a 2-DVD set which brings together top experts on success, personal development, and life coaching. They teach you that who you become is greater than what you get. Your compass is your inner sense of direction that gets you from where you are, to where you want to be.

4. The Shift

Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D. is a brilliant public speaker and self-development author. In The Shift, he presents an alternative to everything you've ever known. Shift the ego, and you'll be free to live life the way you want and deserve. From when we were small, we have learned things wrong, and Dr. Wayne Dyer will make them right.

5. Thoughts Become Things

The Law of Attraction is talked about in detail with Mike Dooley on Thoughts Become Things. Mike was also featured in The Secret, and is a bestselling author. He takes you on a journey that will teach you how to thrive instead of merely survive. Thoughts really can become things by understanding and applying the principles of the Law of Attraction.

If you're interested in any of The Secret movies featured here, you can find them by doing a simple Google search or visiting a Blockbuster, or other local rental house. So what are you waiting for? Only you have the power to change your life, and these inspiring and motivational movies like The Secret will light a fire underneath you and empower you on your journey or quest to becoming more.

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May 23, 2010

Losing Weight With The Help Of Affirmations

By Calie Austin

Using affirmations for weight loss gives you a good head-start to get the law of attraction working for you in manifesting that slender body you want. However, there are many ineffective ways to use affirmations. Speaking the words of an affirmation is not enough to create radical changes in your body or your life. Instead, the sole element of power in an affirmation is revealed in how you feel when you speak it.

What are you trying to achieve when you speak a weight loss affirmation? A thinner body, right? But how often are you focused on that slender, beautiful body? Do you spend more time focusing on how much you hate being overweight?

Are you constantly putting yourself down and feeling frustrated about your weight? Do you often voice complaints like these: "I hate being overweight! I'm so sick of these fat rolls. I'm tired of feeling this way and looking this way"? Can you feel the negative emotions that those statements trigger within you? The problem is that every time your thoughts move in that direction and you start feeling negatively about your body, you keep attracting the conditions that will keep you stuck feeling that way. To attract a better outcome (better body), you need to choose better thoughts that make you feel better.

Another problem with affirmations is that people try to phrase them in the present tense - which can be a good thing, but not always. For example, affirmations like these may resemble some you've said before: "I weigh 115 pounds. I love my body. I wear a sleek size 6." But do you really believe that those things are true right now? Probably not. So while you are saying them, your subconscious mind is resisting them and nothing can change.

It is possible to overcome this by persistently repeating the affirmation all day long every day, but that takes a ton of energy and focus. Instead, an easier way is to simply change the phrasing of the affirmation so your subconscious mind won't resist it.

Examples: "I feel so light and free at 115 pounds. My body has been good to me over the years. Size 6 clothing sounds so good to me." Can you feel the difference in these affirmations? You aren't trying to battle your existing beliefs. Instead you are just saying that these ideas make you feel good. Even if you know they aren't true YET, you are still "tuning into" them and adopting that lighter, happier frequency, so you begin attracting the essence of it.

No matter what, your affirmations should instantly inspire positive feelings when you say them. If any negative feelings are triggered, the affirmation needs more work. Your main goal is to get aligned with the essence of the outcome you are trying to attract, and try to feel as if it were your reality now. Do that enough and you won't be able to help but create some very happy changes in your body and your life.

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May 21, 2010

Attraction Marketing Strategies Get Endless Leads Online

By Kurt Henninger

One of the more talked about subjects in internet network marketing has been that of attraction marketing. Everywhere you turn online, you see many "experts" out there proclaiming attraction marketing is where it's at, and that you need to learn from them, but what is it really all about?

At a very basic level, attraction marketing changes the usual old school paradigm of building a successful MLM business through your warm market and things like cold calling and buying leads.

Interestingly enough, this method of marketing yourself and your business is not not at all, but even outdates that of the entire network marketing industry. Just in the last few years has this mode of marketing become prevalent for others to use in this industry.

It is rather amusing to see this spawn a hordes of self-proclaimed experts at this particular brand of marketing, even if they have very little experience at it.

One basic definition of it that really the whole concept is based upon the law of attraction and centers around the level of value you are offering prospects to directly help solve their problems, the better the value given, the more attraction that is generated.

This begs the question, how can you get attractive?

Again, starting at the beginning, think about how you can best serve your market and think about what problems they are facing and solutions they are hunting for.

The trick here to is put yourself in a position as a solutions provider and full those needs that your market has. Once you are perceived as a solutions provider, the entire business process becomes much easier.

One of the very first things you need to to is to really think about these questions, who are your customers and what do they really want?

A couple questions to help you identify this are as follows: What do your customers secretly desire? What are your potential customers biggest fears, pains and frustrations? What keeps your customers awake at night?

Once you jot down notes about this on a piece of paper and get to the core of what your prospects really want, go out and find how to serve them as best as you can.

In particular if you are trying to recruit business partners, there are three fundamental things they need and want: more leads, more money, a bigger downline.

Think of how you can offer solutions to those problems, and you will instantly become more successful in the eyes of your prospects, and are on your way to building your business.

Again, you bring attraction marketing into play because you are offering your clients something valuable in their eyes and it will completely change the way that ones internet network marketing prospects look at them.

Instead of being an annoying pest, they will be naturally attracted to you because of what you can offer them, either in terms of power, solutions or what have you, and you'll never have to hunt down leads ever again.

To learn more about applying attraction marketing in your business, read below and click on the link for more information.

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Can Positive Thinking Help You Lose Weight?

By Calie Austin

There's no doubt about it; losing weight is hard! It is especially hard when you are besieged by negative thoughts. Why? Because of a phenomenon called the "law of attraction". The law of attraction returns to you the essence of your thoughts. Focusing on your body in a negative way means attracting more negative qualities to dislike about your body. To make weight loss easier, it is vital to release negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.

Remember that every negative thought you think is directly contradicting the positive focus you are trying to build about your body. Even if you visualize having a strong, healthy body for an hour a day, if you spend the rest of your time focused on how much you hate your fat, how sick and tired you are of being overweight, and so on, you create an energetic blockage.

You are in effect sending out two kinds of intentions at the same time: one tells the universe that you want to have a thin, beautiful body; at the same time, your other intention is to see yourself as being fat, uncomfortable and self-conscious about your body. Unfortunately, if the negative image is older, it is probably stronger, so it will manifest instead of the newer, more positive image.

There is a simple solution to this problem: stop allowing negative thoughts to take over your mind! That may not be easy at first, but if you simply start developing a stronger awareness so you can recognize the negative thoughts when they pop up, you will steadily find it easier to replace them with more positive thoughts.

Here's an example so you can see how it looks in action: Let's say that you are going along on a normal day, and you catch an unexpected glimpse of yourself in a window or mirror. Right away you feel shocked and saddened that you are still overweight, and negative thoughts start crashing through your mind: "Is that me? Man, I thought I was making better progress than that - I can't believe I still have so far to go! Maybe I should just give up; it sure seems like I'm destined to stay this way. I'm doomed to be fat; great."

These thoughts directly oppose the positive outlook you want to have about your body, so it's important to rewrite them whenever they come up. By consistently rewriting them, you will eventually create a new outer reality.

"I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Yes, I'm still overweight, but I'm doing really well on my healthier eating plan, and I am definitely feeling better. I'm learning how to treat my body with love, and I know that is going to pay off soon. One of these days I'm going to see my reflection and smile because I'm so proud of myself. Until then I'm just going to be patient and concentrate on loving my body exactly as it is."

Keep going like this, thinking as many positive thoughts about your body as you can. The more you do so, the more dramatically you are going to alter the messages you convey to the universe, and the more quickly you will see the results in your body.

Keep in mind that you won't change everything just by doing the exercise once or twice. It takes time to see lasting results, and you may have to be very persistent for several weeks as you patiently keep rewriting your negative thought habits. Whatever you do, don't get frustrated - just keep working at it little by little, knowing that once these positive thoughts take root in your mind it will be much easier to stay focused on them permanently.

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May 20, 2010

The Law Of Attraction And A Passion For Success

By Tony Grant

Almost all of us that nurture a passion for success will face days when it seems as though the whole world is falling in around us. No matter how we try, Success always seems to remain just outside of our grasp and difficulties appear impossible to overcome. However, if we ascribe to the Law of Attraction, it becomes clear that any negativity will only emphasise our despair and avert our attentions from our Passion for Success. Therefore it is clearly necessary that you start to nurture a positive mindset to help overcome problems on days where life seems firmly stacked against you.

The fundamental principles of the law of Attraction demonstrates that we are what we create through our own thought. Allowing negative thoughts to control our lives will only serve to attract more of the same towards us. An example might be when thinking about debt and worrying about not being able to meet payments will only serve to focus our thoughts upon debt and therefore attract more of the same into our life.

When first attempting to implement positive thinking in order to attract positive outcomes, it seemed almost impossible to accomplish. After all, when looking at a credit card bill, how can anyone think of the potential for further spending rather than the bottom line debt repayment. It is totally outside of rational logic to focus upon the ability to spend rather than the ability to repay. This in a way demonstrates the difficulties in maintaining a positive mindset and how it could potentially involve weeks if not months of practice. It became clear that a strategy was needed to eradicate negative influences from around us.

For my part, I actually turned off the news. After listening for many years to detailed discussions about world events, I was suddenly awoken to the reality of this constant barrage of bad news when a friend commented that this was creating a sense of negativity in my thoughts. Although the comment was offered as an aside, the truth hit home and I was aware of the negative impact of my actions. Of course, my first concern was that I might not be sufficiently or socially aware without this topical information but very soon I discovered that life was not actually affected by this theoretical void. I now discovered that I could select my listening more carefully and chose to enhance my knowledge and understanding through personal development programs. Of course, I would never suggest that starvation or global warming are not important but maybe I would be more able to address these issues from a position of positivity and strength rather than being corrupted by media negativity.

A second step along the road to positivity was during my casual encounters with strangers during my daily commute to work. I noticed that if I just put my iPod on and closed myself off from outside contact, I faced a lonely journey and if information about train times or whatever was required, this was not so easy to attain. However, if I embarked upon my journey with a smile and a welcome to fellow travellers, suddenly people were almost queuing up to be helpful. This is a snapshot of the concept that positive action brings positive results.

Even though I had now proven the theory to be correct, I now faced the task of managing my internal thought patterns. This proved to be far more difficult than controlling external influences, after all, we cannot just turn off our thoughts and listen to something else. We have travelled through life developing our mindset and to suddenly try to change this is no minor undertaking. But how much do we actually know of our own mind and perhaps only truly know our superficial self, having no real reason to tap into our innermost beliefs to understand our motivations and controlling beliefs.

The most effective method that I found to reinforce this new positivity upon my subconscious mind was to immerse myself into audio personal development presentations and about the law of attraction. without going into too much depth here, a really good starting point for this learning about the Law of Attraction is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Listen a few times over and with each time, more and more will fall into place and your own strategy could easily develop from here. As you read or listen to The Secret and the concept starts to make sense to you, why not reinforce this with a positive communication perhaps during your commute to work or even in the supermarket, after all, checkout staff have feelings too! As you start to explore this approach, keep your outlook positive because whatever comes into your life is as a result of the thoughts that you are creating at every waking moment. Now, over these coming weeks, let's practice to replace negative thought with positive messages. Don't worry if this takes a long time to achieve or if the results fail to appear immediately, if you are like me, it is a long journey but do keep in mind that no matter what is going on around you, there is always scope for improvement.

You will need to put effort into this way of thinking but the consequences of your new behaviour could soon lead to a better way of living, after all...

Your future deserves!

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Manifesting Abundance In Everyday Life Is Possible

By Trevor Johnson

Manifesting abundance is a skill anyone can gain and use in daily life. Creating abundance requires the same patience and time devotion as learning to play a musical instrument or comprehending mathematics.

People who are successful in multiple areas of life have learned how to use tunnel vision. The ability to focus on wants and needs becomes second-nature, like breathing. Negative statements made by other people are completely ignored. If a person is told that he or she does not deserve something or can never meet their goals, the comment is automatically repelled. The negative words spoken to them have no effect because such a line of thinking is not part of their reality.

The first step in creating the prosperity in life that is possible is to learn about the law of attraction. Simply stated, the law of attraction means what is most frequently thought about is what will appear. Prosperity in finances, career status, and love are only a few of the welcomed results that can be achieved by the use of positive thinking.

The mind is the most powerful tool in creating more than ample supplies of wealth . What people think about most, positive or negative, will at some point appear. Thoughts are very powerful, invisible forms of energy. There are instances where a person will wish so badly to change their situation for the better yet they neglect to pay attention to their own word choice. Instead of wishing to change a bad situation, the individual should be concentrating on how good he or she feels in the new situation. Even though the goal is to change the bad situation, merely using the word "bad" is reinforcing the unwanted situation.

Positive affirmations can be a helpful aid. It is important to make sure the affirmations are not counter-acted with negative thinking. Results may not happen over night, and as disappointing this can sometimes be, faith cannot be lost. Once a false belief settles in the mind progress is lost. More time will be needed to change the mindset back. In essence the person will need to start over.

When someone wants more money in their life thinking about having more is not enough. An entire scenario needs to be focused on with attention given to detail. Not having money can no longer be a possibility. True, desires may not magically manifest within a few hours, but they will come into fruition by persevering. Unshakable faith is a must.

When people concentrate on not having enough, no matter how much they do have, they fail to recognize the gifts that have already manifested. However, it is the nature of the ego to always want more. The law of attraction points out the importance of being thankful for what has already appeared. Opportunities geared toward manifesting need to be recognized when presented. Progress may be dramatically slowed if opportunities are not recognized and acted upon. Manifesting abundance in daily life is possible when genuine effort is applied.

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May 19, 2010

Abundance And Prosperity Laws Of Power Revealed!

By Zoe Smith

Today is the day of new beginnings. If you want to experience the fullness of life, read on to find several principles of prosperity laws that you need to be operating on. I am sure that there have been some unfortunate incidents in the past that is holding you back from expecting better things in the present. It's time to let go. Live the life you were meant to have-you need only to claim it.

1. Be a magnet to positive energy. What are the vibes you are emanating? Are you a positive or negative person? You will know by the thoughts you have had this whole day. Did you think of things that are exciting and happy, or sad and angry? You cannot see your thoughts and emotions but they are very real power sources that are transmitted to the world every day. If you want to be rich, its simple-think rich. The universe will make sure that what you ask for you will get. Use this to your advantage and see your own world change.

2. Take charge of your life. You are not a fragile leaf tossed and turned by the winds of change. While bad things do happen to good people sometimes, this should not be your prevailing concern. It might lead you to fear every opportunity presented lest you be a victim of imagined trouble ahead. You cannot help some things from happening but you can always control your response to it. You need to stop pointing fingers and start looking ahead instead.

3. See the good. This is not to mean that you will not have problems anymore because you will. There will be several incidents every day that will challenge your convictions and inner peace. Decide right now that you will see the good in the world and keep this faith no matter what. Many cannot let go of hurts and bitterness but you have to because you cannot move on with it weighing you down. Be grateful for the simple pleasures that present itself to you every day and you will see more of them in the world around you.

4. Purpose a quality consciousness in the now. Forget the dark legacy of the Past-it's time to step into the light of Now. Today is a new day to live your dream into reality. Every thought, every choice you make is another brick into the prosperous future you are building. Reject negative energy and consistently meditate on your forthcoming abundance.

5. Have a confident expectation of your success. Your decision to make your life meaningful will be tried during times when nothing seems to be working out for you. Believe anyway. Be assured of the fact that these truths have been in operation ever since the world began and it will surely work in your favor. See beyond the natural problems and they will pass soon enough. Expecting an abundant life will unconsciously let you act in aid to the prosperity laws of the world.

6. Live it out. These principles are not for reading but for application. You now know what it will have to take to succeed in life. Is it difficult? Yes, but only in the beginning where this new perspective will stretch you to reach beyond your grasp. Be patient and keep on keeping on towards your decision to succeed no matter what. On the day you find yourself between abundance and prosperity, you will wonder why it was ever a choice at all.

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May 17, 2010

Law Of Attraction Tips - The Universe Is Infinite With Possibility

By Trevor Johnson

People who work very hard and are seeking wealth, may find that they think more about work to create than they think about wealth or abundance itself. You may also find that you are not attracting wealth, just more work. Stop and think, law of attraction tips say you attract what you focus on.

So, the more work you focus on, the more work you will attract and this does not necessarily make life easier. Much like a mirror reflects your image the law of attraction reflects back what you focus upon. Focus more on wealth and abundance rather than work, and more abundance will come your way.

We all have ego focused minds so the concept not doing anything to attract more money doesn't seem to make sense. The point is that the Universe is infinite and an infinitely abundant universe and this is why you have to be the master of your thoughts. There is no need to struggle to attract more money, it is already there and the concept is you have to believe this.

Life is rich, the universe is abundant, what more could anyone ask for, the more you trust and believe this to be true, the more true it will be, we are the creators of our own reality. Don't believe you need more work to make more money, all you need is more abundance and if the universe is infinitely abundant, then it is already yours, be thankful for this and be eternally thankful for everything and it will be yours.

Every passing moment of life is rich with possibility. Appreciate this; let go of any struggle you may be experiencing and truly watch your life change for the better. Grow, change and continually expand your thoughts, you were placed on this earth to create, this is your spiritual nature. Just look at anything in nature itself - the universe wants us to be abundant and helps us to achieve this.

The more abundant you believe every aspect of your life is, the more money you will attract.

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How To Use The Law Of Attraction: The Hidden Truth

By Trevor Johnson

The most successful people all share the same hidden keys to their success. They know how to use the law of attraction. You can share in their great success by practicing the same things. By using these key points, you can unlock a future filled with prosperity and potential.

Three simple practices are the foundation of this principle. You need to do is wish, know, and accept. Extend your request to the universe. Have faith and know that your wish will be fulfilled. Accept the answer to your wishes when it comes your way. The effective use of these practices will make it effortless to attain everything you truly want.

If you do not know what you want, how can you expect the universe to deliver it to you? Take the time to search your feelings. Only ask for those things that you truly need and desire. Focus on your requests. Picture them in your mind's eye until you can almost see them as clearly as a physical object.

If you do not have faith that the universe will deliver, why should the universe bother? You must really believe and act as though the achievement is a done deal. It cannot just be an idle idea or inkling. You are not extending blind faith. You must know in your heart that your wish is already being fulfilled.

The universe will offer its answer in the form of signs and opportunities. Take note of small omens and other notes from the universe to you about your goals. Take full advantage of every opportunity the universe offers you. You will be surprised how many times the universe answers with more than you requested! Have faith in the universe and it will respond.

Putting these methods to use will great increase your happiness and chances of success. By knowing how to use the law of attraction, you share in the same wisdom shared by the rich and powerful in every age.

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May 16, 2010

Universal Laws: The Law Of Gratitude

By Trevor Johnson

Of all the universal laws, the Law of Gratitude could very well be one, if not the, most important. Within this law is the inherent idea that we must be appreciative for what we receive. Of course, this means that there is someone or something to be grateful to, which leads open our acceptance of a Creator.

This law is one of many encompassed within the overreaching Law of Attraction. Good energy attracts good energy, and when you are experiencing a feeling of being grateful, you cannot help but put out positive energy. Moreover, we are only thankful for things we want in our lives, so we begin to naturally place more focus on other things we want, attracting that energy to us.

However, while focusing on future good opens ourselves to receive it, it is also important to understand how satisfaction and gratitude play into each other. Some say that to be satisfied means that there is a total acceptance of the presence and no further desire exists for future gain.

Complacency is not a necessary attribute of satisfaction. The key is to stay open for future possibilities while being grateful for what you have now.

Also a part of true gratitude is the ability to forgive. Forgiveness and gratitude go hand in hand, for if you really forgive someone, including yourself, then you will have the ability to be grateful for that person's existence in your life. If, you do not feel gratitude for that person, that you have not forgiven them.

True application of the Law of Gratitude includes accepting that what we get comes from outside of ourselves, which accepts the role of our Creator. When we learn to forgive and apply it to being grateful, our positive energy will naturally attract more positive energy. We deserve what we get, and understand this is paramount to our happiness and sense of fulfillment in the universe.

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May 14, 2010

What You Need To Know About The Law Of Vibration

By Trevor Johnson

The Law of Vibration is a theory gaining more attention every day. It posits a universal law of vibration, based on some basic observations of our universe. It notes that all matter, even the smallest particles, are made of vibrating energy.

Energy is almost always seen in a vibrating form in the universe. Light and cellphone waves are both the same kind of energy, just vibrating at different speeds. Heat is a measure of vibration. The faster molecules move, the hotter they become. Ice melting and water boiling are examples of increasing vibration.

Frequency is a convenient way to measure vibrations. Pluck a guitar string or a tense rubber band and they will make a sound. The faster it moves, the higher the frequency. This sound is caused by the vibrations of the plucked string or band, which in turn cause the air around it to vibrate. This vibration travels through the air to your ear. Vibrations naturally desire to travel.

Resonance is the frequency that things possess naturally. It is like when a loud, high pitched voice can crack glass. The singer is matching the resonance of the glass with the frequency of her voice.

The mind has a frequency of its own, represented in brainwaves. Some people interpret modern science as proving that the observer affect the world around them with their mind. The vibratory rate of their thoughts has a direct impact on the universe.

Negative personalities will create gloomy worlds. The dark, depressing thoughts will drain energy from people around them. The universe will concede to their will and make their life gray. Positive personalities create prosperous worlds. The people encountering them will come away energized. Fate seems to deal them a winning hand at every table.

You can tune your mind just like a radio according to the Law of Vibration. By putting your mind to work firmly envisioning your success and happiness, you will create a resonant frequency for those desires. When you are perfectly attuned, the things you seek will come to you effortlessly.

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Excellent Ways Of Attracting Abundance

By Trevor Johnson

A long-familiar dictionary defines the phrase "attracting abundance" as follows: attracting - to pull towards, drawing in and the word abundance - the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply. Some people are happy with what they have in their lives, but there are those who aspire to have more. Whether it is material objects or spiritual growth you aspire to, they are both obtainable but will require some adjustment on your part.

The law of attraction is not a new idea; it has been around since time immemorial. You need to understand how to use it. The gurus say that you are going to attract whatever you concentrate on the most. Are you getting it? Whatever you spend most of your time thinking about, even if it is negative, you are going to get a negative outcome in your life. The same with focusing your thoughts on the positive, then the law of attraction says you are going to attract this as well.

You are drawing in what you focus on. This is one of the key concepts in the law of attraction. Even if you focus on the bad aspects of your job, you are going to attract more negative influences toward you because your focus is on the "less" side of your job and not the "abundant" side of your job. What you need to do is let go of any negative thoughts, as they will just multiply because of the law of attraction. Start focusing on the positive aspects of your job and you are going to draw in aspects that are more positive.

You are not going to find a quick fix overnight solution. Just as you have been conditioned to live a life of scarcity, you need to re-condition your mind to live your life in abundance.

To do this, you could take a few minutes from your day, become quiet within yourself and start to rewire your brain so to speak. Change the record that constantly puts you down - put on a new one which plays positive thoughts of abundance so that you can turn that key and start the flow toward you.

By changing your mindset, you are going to notice the abundance around you. To appreciate life's little things is your first step to greater things. Look outside and focus on a tree. Become aware of its multitude of leaves. This tree lives in abundance. Look at a garden, see the blades of grass, and let your eyes fall on the flowers. Inspect a flower closely and see how abundant it is with its beautiful color, its incredible scent and its magnificent petals. Look around you and everywhere you are going to see abundance in your universe. If you can master that, you will start the flow of abundance and get the law of attraction working for you.

Remember to write about your experiences in a journal as it is worth reflecting upon as you venture on your new journey. Share it with someone who also wants to live in abundance and see your life becoming like that tree, one that has a flow of abundance within and without.

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May 12, 2010

The Way To Big Profits In Exciting Home Business Opportunity In Personal Development

By Batya Mishan

I remember looking for a business opportunity on the internet when I came across this self growth business opportunity. When I read about the opportunity it really appealed to me and seemed something that I could do. Being a mother with two children at home I thought I'd give it a try. I am glad I did because now I run a successful self growth company and I am about to explain how you can too. In this article I will help to explain how anyone can make big profits in exciting home business opportunity in personal development.

I had not realised that there were home business opportunities like this and I was really pleased to read that there was. Some of my friends told me to be careful about scams on the internet so I was a little wary. When I read the website, I didn't think it could do any harm to receive some more information.

If you are the type of person that has good business sense, you should pounce when a timely opportunity presents itself. This career is for anyone who wants to run a home business and be their own boss. The concept is straight forward and there is nothing complicated about the registration process. What you have to ask yourself is, do you want to make a stable income running your own self growth business from the comfort of your own home? If the answer is yes, then this opportunity should appeal to you.

Was it going to be easy? The answer to that my friends is, "no". Nothing that is legitimate is easy and anyone who says it is, is lying. Whilst this business opportunity is straight forward it still needs you to work at it. Now, how much work you put into it is up to you. The more effort you do put in, the more rewards you will receive.

Word of mouth travels fast on the internet and if the service you are offering is good, then people will talk and you will see an increase in turn over. The opportunities are endless and that's why this business is such a great chance at building a legitimate home business. This is more than just a business opportunity, it is a career that is going to end up making you big money. The other great thing is that you don't need a lot of money to start up.

If you have a desire for achievement and a commitment to self-discovery then you are a really good candidate. Mentors will help you to build your future and be there if you need any advice. This is an opportunity to start small and work up to great personal success.

If you are still reading this article then you are ready to take that important step forwards towards a real and legitimate business opportunity in the field of self-discovery. Today, all that I am asking is that you sign up for more information. There is no obligation whatsoever and no pressure will be placed on you. If you decide, once you have received the information, that this is something you would like to pursue, then you can in your own time register with us. I am so glad that I signed up for this career because it has changed my life and I am sure that it will change yours too!

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Unveiling The Secrets Of Attracting Wealth

By Trevor Johnson

Everyone is eternally interested in attracting wealth. Throughout history, mankind has sought secrets to bring things into his life. There are certain rules and principles that will aid you in your quest for wealth. They will not be easy. They will not happen overnight. However, they can happen to you.


One of the most powerful tools you can use is visualization. You will bring about things in your life, this way. However, you will need a lot of practice in order to achieve vivid imaging. It is simple to think about money. Thinking does nothing for you. If that were the case, everyone would be rich.

So how do you visualize something that strongly? The answer may lie in repetition. Morning and night, continually visualize that which you desire. This is where most people fail. They give up after a few tries. They do not realize that it takes a great deal of continued effort.

Cause and effect

There is a universal law that states that you cannot get something for nothing. Merely wishing or thinking, will not attract the object of your desires. You must understand another universal law. For every action, you have an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, if you wish to have a lot of money, you must put forth a lot of effort.

You may be wondering how much effort is needed for wealth. Remember, it must be equal to the object of desire. Repeat your efforts early and often. Place images on your computer desktop. You will be in constant contact with them. This will increase your efforts and desire.


Vague reasons for wealth will reproduce vague results. Concentrate on what you will buy with the money. That is the real reason for your desire. Money means nothing without the things it can purchase. Remind yourself why this is so important to you. Leave nothing to chance. Money does not rain down from above. Even money has a price. Determine what you are willing to give for it.


Persistence is as important as anything when manifesting wealth. Refuse to give up. This will separate you from the huge percentage of people that fail. You can never fail as long as you persist.


Who is not interested in attracting wealth? However, the huge majority that tries, will fail. The ones that will succeed will have things in common. They will develop the habit of persistence. They shall visualize clearly with eyes shut. They will understand universal laws. They will know exactly what the price is, for the object of their desires. They will be willing to pay that price.

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May 10, 2010

The Law Of Abundance And What It Means For You

By Trevor Johnson

Amongst other things, the law of abundance states that you won't be able to enjoy the abundance that the universe has to offer unless you're able and willing to share it with others. In fact, the more you share the more abundance you'll attract, which sounds counter intuitive at first glance.

If you think about it the idea is very much like that of karma in which everything that you do is accounted for in a cosmic chart. You do bad and bad happens to you, if you do good then good will come for you, and on and on. And the effects of this multiply so that you get back much more than you give.

Wiccans for instance believe in harming none and the rule of three which warns that whatever bad you do to someone else will return to you three times as bad. Christians always speak of the adage of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The Christian idea that you must do only unto others as you'd wish done to you. And even to the humanitarians who try the method of paying it forward. The law of abundance may not be followed by everyone but at least it's understood instinctively by all. The universe is built on balance and those building blocks have to be followed if it's expected to run smoothly.

For one opposite end of the balance to go on indefinitely without interference of the other would cause chaos. Meaning that in order to truly appreciate the spirit of the law of abundance and what it portrays then we have to embrace it fully. Share the abundance that the universe has given you with those around you.

When the opposite isn't doing its part it messes up everything in a domino effect that's unstoppable. With that in mind it's important to remember that if you're searching for the providence that the law of abundance offers then you must be willing to then turn that providence on to other people.

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The Law Of Attraction Can Bring Money Into Your Life

By Trevor Johnson

The Law of Attraction regarding money is already at work in your life, whether you realize it or not.

Maybe you have every reason to stare suspiciously at my words. You would not be alone in thinking that the Law of Attraction for Money has not been at work in your life.

If you are having any doubt that this Law is already producing results for you, think again. It definitely is giving results. It may not be giving the results that you want, however.

Are you constantly telling yourself that you do not have enough money for your needs? Do you lie awake at night, making lists of all the people you know who seem to be so good at getting the cash they need?

The Law states that whatever you concentrate on, grows. So if you sit and stew about not having much money, the fact of being short of cash gains strength in your mind. This only ensures that your lack of money grows to be a more extreme lack of money.

Before you know it, your conversation and actions will serve to advertise to the whole world that you lack cash. You are stuck in a freeze- frame of lack, and the only way out is to use the Law's secret weapon- gratitude.

Look upon your little money supply as a gift. Think of it as being exactly enough for your needs. Try to love the money that comes your way instead of hating it for not being enough. Nothing grows well in a hateful atmosphere.

You must become thankful for what money you actually have. It is as though the universe is aware of your thoughts and attitudes. When you say, "I don't have enough---, ' and "I 'm being badly treated---, " whoever is in charge of sending out cash to earth dwellers hears your comments. He or she then seems to feel that you are ungrateful for what you have. Why would they send you more?

Try concentrating on being grateful for what money you have. If you continue to allow your mind to dwell on how little cash you have, the Law of Attraction for money will continue to work as it always has. But the results will be the continued development of lack in your life.

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May 8, 2010

Understanding The Law Of Allowance

By Trevor Johnson

The Law of Allowance, or Allowing, states that as long as your heart is open, it can receive. This law not only applies to others, and allowing them to be who they are, but also applies to us. We must be able to allow ourselves to be who we are.

The first factor of the Law of Allowance is not passing judgment on others. When do so, we are not allowing them to be who they are, but rather subjugating them to our own opinions. Once this has happened, not only have we placed ourselves above them, but we have also experienced negative emotions.

The emotions we house in ourselves skew the rest of our reality. One way to look at this is to view emotions as tints that influence the colors we use to paint our lives. When we use positive emotions, our painting ends up being more and more positive; on the other hand, when we use negative emotions, we inevitably tint our life painting with negativity.

Sometimes, however, we choose to use a positive emotion, but don't allow for other positives to come in. This dis-allowance works as a negative tint, and therefore becomes a neutral on our canvas. What this means, in a less metaphorical sense, is that we not only need to put out positive emotions, but we need to allow them in, as well.

While this may sound like we should hope and expect, going against God's word, this is not so. We must not expect, but rather allow for positives. In this way, we can trust in a possibility, rather than expecting, and continue to hope for inevitability.

Under the Law of Allowance, we need to allow ourselves and others to be who we are. Rather than being tolerant, which is when we pass judgment but then allow for an exception, we need to practice full allowance, so that the exception does not need to be made. When we accomplish this, we are able to allow positives into our lives, and then they in turn and attract further positives.

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How The Secrets Of Attraction Affect Your Every Day Of Your Life

By Trevor Johnson

The Law of Attraction has been in operation since the beginning of the Universe and is as constant and unerring as the Law of Gravity. When Isaac Newton got hit on the head with the apple it wasn't the beginning of gravity, just a realization that got good publicity. It wasn't something new, just not yet understood. Secrets of Attraction (the Law of Attraction in operation) have been ear-whispered truths handed down for countless generations to those lucky ones on the 'inside'. It's always been here too, just not understood by most. That's rapidly changing!

Gravity and Attraction are both natural laws, but with one big difference. The Law of Gravity is a PHYSICAL law, which means it plays out on the stage of the physical world. If you jump off a tall building you're going to get hurt, in the physical sense, as in broken bones or worse.

But the Law of Attraction is a META-PHYSICAL law, which first exists in the mental and spiritual realms until finally manifesting in the 'real' world of physical substance. Thoughts aren't technically 'physical' things, but they have a definite effect on physical reality. The same is true of feelings or emotions.

It's much like an invisible energy beam coming down from an orbiting satellite and manifesting as sights and sounds on our television sets. That invisible TV signal is a 'physical reality', although it's not perceived through our five physical senses as, say, a rainbow or a flower. These we can see and smell, while a TV or radio wave is imperceptible by these means.

Thought is also a form of invisible energy, not totally unlike a television signal. It's just much more refined and its speed of vibration is accelerated to the degree that it becomes difficult to measure. In the final analysis thoughts are THINGS and YOUR thoughts (especially the deep-felt and continual ones) will create your own personal reality.

Individual realities are created as a result of dominant desires, thoughts and emotions on a personal level. You create your own reality. If you don't like the reality in which you currently find yourself you can, in effect, 'change the channel' and dial in a new one. This is where the Law of Attraction comes into play.

The Secrets of Attraction are no longer so secret. Books have been published and movies produced giving insight into these once "hidden" truths. The bottom line is you can attract anything into your life you sincerely desire. As was once coined, "If you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it." Happy and productive thoughts and desires bring a happy reality called 'your life'. Dwelling on unhappy and negative ideas and emotions will produce a less than stellar life experience. It works whether you believe it or not. The Law is unchanging and unerring. Why not take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to live a fulfilling and satisfying life? It's there, waiting for you.

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Keys To The Universe: The Law Of Love

By Trevor Johnson

The Law of Love is not only the key to our happiness on this universe, but also into the next realm of existence. In the same way that we are to forgive others as we want to be forgiven, we must love others the way we want to be loved. Such is the golden rule of the universe. Only by doing this can we truly open our hearts to allow further good to come into our lives.

While the universe still demands justice, this law entails that we do not judge others around us. To many people, these two things, justice and judgment, are one in the same. However, in reality, while they are naturally related, they are two very distinct elements. Only after you accept the Law of Love to guide your life can you fully appreciate the distinction.

In addition to being non-judgmental, another important feature of this amazing law is to resist the temptation to carry expectations for others around us. Just as with the Law of Allowance, we should hope but not expect. When you allow others to show you love, you will naturally be more alert to it, thus noticing it at a greater frequency.

The love that we are to have is to be unconditional, as well. Fear will begin to leave your heart and mind when you are able to do this. We fear being let down by others, but with total acceptance, instead of expectations, there is no way to be let down or hurt by others. Without this fear, our stress melts away and is replaced by positive energy, which in turn attracts more positive energy to us.

Do not try to change people. Unconditional love is without expectations of others, as mentioned above. When we do not hold others to some higher expectation or judgments, there will be no desire to change them.

When asked about laws, our Savior specifically pointed out loving others that this Law of Love was the greatest commandment of all. This law encompasses all other laws, and is the mold for all other keys. Understand this law, and start living it.

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May 5, 2010

Using The Spiritual Law Of Attraction To Acquire What You Desire

By Rich Thorne

The spiritual law of attraction can be useful when the desire to have something in your life is strong. It can help you attract that object to yourself.

People generally wish and pray for a lot of money. This is a form of abundance, but not the only one. Happiness, good health, and love are other things you may want an abundance of to make your life complete.

Whatever you decide that you are ready to have in your life, you will need to learn how to magnetize it through energy. Visualization is a good way to create the energy needed to attract this thing you desire. Be positive about it. You must fully intent on having it.

When you visualize what you want, all of your senses will react. You should be in a quiet place, alone with yourself, as you visualize this new lifestyle. Whether it is an abundance of money, friends, or love, picture it. Smell it, taste it. What does it feel like to be here? Do not ask what it will feel like. You must be visualizing it as if you already have it, and you are experiencing what it is like.

Now you will need to create a symbol for that thing you desire. Make it simple, but something that you can picture comfortably whenever you do your visualization exercises. It will represent that item that you want so much in this life.

There are a number of books written on magnetism and energy. You should do some further reading of these subjects, as everyone is different and there may be better exercises for you to do. When it comes to the spiritual law of attraction, everyone has a different view of what they want, even though it might always be money. So, investigate further. You may find a better form of meditation for yourself regarding this spiritual attraction.

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Create Your Own Reality With The Law Of Attraction

By Rich Thorne

It's difficult to think of yourself as a spiritual being searching for enlightenment when you are still struggling to make ends meet in your daily life, it just doesn't sound right.

Somehow, it doesn't quite ring true. And even assuming you did manage to unravel the secrets of the universe, how much practical use would these revelations be in making life easier in the here and now. Would they pay the rent for example?

Recently we have been inundated with information on Law of Attraction and creating your own reality. In practices such as Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Quantum Physics and the like all support the idea that our reality as we experience it, is created by us.

Well, the knowledge behind these discoveries need to be assembled and formed into a structured self growth system to be of any real value and to do that, you must first realise and believe that you do have this immense power over your life.

If you are to seriously consider the idea that you do create your own reality. As you begin to accept that this may be the case and start imagining how magnificent your life can become if this is so, you very soon reach the less alluring implication that the very problems and hardships you now want to overcome are already self-created.

The point is that we all create our own reality, but few of us do so consciously. We all enter this life with some notion of the range of circumstances and experiences we want to encounter, but once we are born our perception of what we can achieve is restricted by our human limits, and our reasons for coming to this existence are generally lost in the realms of our unconscious.

As we proceed through life, the many tests and trials of growing up in society press upon us all manner of rules and restrictions - rules and restrictions that then set into inflexible attitudes and limiting beliefs the older we become.

The extent of a persons personal power depends on their ability to act outside any restrictions. And although many restrictions appear to arise through outer ones circumstances and experience, once you become familiar with the inner blueprints of your outer reality, you'll soon recognise that these restrictions are largely self-imposed.

So before you begin to consciously create the reality you want, it is important that you recognize how and why you have created the reality that surrounds you now. For only when you have gained that perspective can you begin to defuse whatever it is that still causes you to create difficulties in your life.

Visualization, or creative visualization as it is often called, is a faculty that enables you to create mental images of objects and circumstances that you want to incorporate into your life. It works less by virtue of the images themselves than by the feelings and emotions that are triggered by these images.

The reason this happens is due to the effect of emotions over thought and action. Getting emotionally in tune with the reality you want automatically focuses your mind and body on the experience of whatever that reality happens to be, thereby making it far easier to attain. One element that is generally overlooked here concerns the old programmes that are creating the reality you woke up to this morning. These need to be factored in to your visualizations if there is to be any permanence in the outcome.

There is currently a lot of debate around the Law of Attraction, which has been popularized through the book and film of 'The Secret' and the earlier film 'What the Bleep Do We Know' . Many people now working with the Law of Attraction to create the kind of lives they aspire to are finding that the results fall short of their expectations

Many people now working with the Law of Attraction to create the kind of lives they aspire to are finding that the results fall short of their expectations This is not because The Law of Attraction is flawed in any way, but because they failed to first process out the inner blocks that consistently create recurring restrictions in their lives.

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Using The Law Of Attraction

By Rich Thorne

The law of attraction may be something to consider. It may be able to help bring change to your life. This law entails many things. However, it is a belief system. Like religions, there is no concrete evidence to support them. However, there are interesting concepts to explore. Consider these things about this law.

Similar things attract each other. That is how support groups work. People have things in common, so they come together. When one molecule, attracts others, it may become a living cell. A living cell can reproduce into many things.

This may also work for thought. One thought cannot change the world. However, if that thought is multiplied it can bring about change. If you keep your mind on a particular outcome, you increase your odds of bringing it about. You may literally attract things into your life.

However, none of this is possible without the power of thought. Thought is believed to be the seed of reality. Everything around you was at one time, only a thought. A thought can grow into the material world that you see. And it may do that by attracting other similar thoughts.

How are other thoughts attracted to one thought? One way is through the power of suggestion. When you repeat thoughts over and over they can become more powerful. This is not to be confused with repeating words. Words are not thoughts, they only represent thoughts.

When words are spoken, you should visualize what you want. This helps you to understand your desires. Belief also plays a big role in autosuggestion. You can literally convince yourself of a situation, if you believe and repeat it enough.

Your dominating thoughts can bring things that you need and want. Hard work and persistent effort is needed. A little effort will attract little results. Big effort will attract big results. That is how the law of attraction works.

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