August 30, 2009

Philosophy of Joe Vitale's Law Of Attraction and Making Money Online

By Thomas Farayra

To make money on the net you need knowledge and accurate intelligence, which you acquire by carefully looking into the various online money making tools and choosing the ones that will perform reliably to help you make money with the least amount of trouble .

The web has become the great equalizer, providing self improvement opportunity to those that want it the most. Many businesses are moving onto the net every day. The longer they stays off-line the sooner they come face to face with the day of their demise, for doing business on the net is here to stay.

How to Start Making Money On The Net ?

After doing your research you will begin to recognize that becoming an affiliate is one of the surest and quickest ways to make money online . You make money by promoting a product that people are interested in. When they make a purchase you earn a nice forty - seventy % commission. The great thing about making money this way is that you don't have to be concerned about making your own product or keeping an inventory, just do not forget to bank your regular checks.

Philosophy Behind Making Money And Being Wealthy!

Satisfaction and fulfillment in life is acquired by working persistently for it, and making money with affiliate marketing is no exception. All the work you expend at being successful is not in lost, because you are attempting to create a better life for you and those you love. You will be proud of your hard work after you have succeeded .

The law of attraction directs all things. Its useful workings in our lives are over shadowed by our state of being. Our state of being is controlled by our feeling of self-worth. Thus it appears that attaining this feeling of self-worth is very important, and interestingly this feeling cannot be stolen, bought or borrowed , it has to be worked for , and it has more value than money. People become poverty stricken or wealthy as a result of this feeling of self-worth, which magnetizes and bring into their lives no money or lots of money.

Coming to an understanding of Who and What we are and the reason for Why we live will give us new insights into why we labor to make money. Being wealthy is a knowing that exists within our heart, it is a state of being. A state that guides the law of attraction to bring more fulfillment into our existence, thus leading to more self improvement. Joe Vitale demonstrated this in the "Greatest Money Making Secret."

Cultivating and practicing an inclusive philosophy is useful to keep your feet on the ground and focused upon those things that are the most necessary in life ; such as family and the preservation of what is constructive in human nature. Books such as "The Little Money Bible" and "Human Operations Manual" is chucked full of insights on nature of wealth , life , love , nature of money and getting along with others, all of which leads to greater self-empowerment and helps you to find your true potential for decency .

Does Anyone Need To Use Joe Vitale's Law Of Attraction To Make Money Online?

The law of attraction that Joe Vitale taught, high lighted to us how we too can magnetize into our lives whatever our heart yearns for by just attracting it. This is a method that everyone can come to know. It is easy . All of our endeavors in life becomes easier . It becomes easier to excel at making money on the web with affiliate marketing. You don't need to go to college to understand the law of attraction principles , they wouldn't teach you the down in the trenches techniques of how to be successful at making money on the net . If Joe Vitale can do it, so can the person that put their heart and enthusiasm into it. You are much nearer today than you ever were to escaping from slavery.

About the Author:

August 22, 2009

Use the Law of Attraction to Become the Creator of Your Life!

By Bob Proctor

James Allen said, "You don't get what you want you get what you ARE."

Within you lies rich resources that are dormant within you. Developing what lies inside you will cause the manifestation of material prosperity, the ability to create healthy, giving relationships and result in successful endeavors in whatever you choose to DO.

Once you decide what it is you want, you then must ask for it and believe that you will receive it. Then you must open up and gratefully receive it.

If it is that simple, then why aren't more people wealthy or even gratified about the shape their lives are in? The answer is most people don't take personal responsibility for their present results. They believe that the cause for their current results lies outside of themselves, the result of circumstances they have no control over. Most people don't understand one of the most important laws of life- the Law of Attraction: You attract to you everything that is in harmonious vibration with you.

To understand the Law of Attraction, let's first understand its underlying counterpart, The Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that EVERYTHING vibrates (everything moves). Everything ever created - from the smallest atomic particle to the largest skyscraper - is in a constant state of energetic motion. What looks solid is not. Even concrete, glass and steel is energy in constant motion. We live in an ocean of motion!

Your body, then, is energy in a high speed of vibration, fed by thoughts and directives from your brain. Your brain as an object cannot actually think BUT you think with your brain. Albert Einstein's brain is kept in a jar somewhere in New Jersey; however, it is not doing anyone any good because Albert is not with it! It was the flowing, moving energy into his brain and what he chose to DO with that flow that changed the face of our planet and made Albert's "brain" famous.

How can YOU become the next Einstein? As soon as you CHOOSE certain thoughts, you brain cells are affected. These cells vibrate and send off electromagnetic waves. When you focus on these thoughts, you increase the amplitude of the vibration of those cells. In turn, those vibrational "waves" become much more potent.

YOU are the one who is originating those electric waves, and YOU are the one determining their density by your degree of concentration and your own free will. Since YOU are creating these waves, your Mind and Body move into a particular vibration. Said differently, the thoughts YOU think and internalize (get emotionally involved with) are in control of the vibration you are in. As you become aware of this vibration, you relate to this as how you're "feeling."

Most people lack the awareness of the connection between their "feelings", what they ATTRACT to themselves, and the RESULTS they obtain in their life. This can be a significant disconnect. The vibration (or "feeling") you are in causes action. And that action produces the very results you are presently getting! Once you comprehend the Law of Attraction, you understand that YOU have the ability to change your vibrational field that, in turn, produces the results you desire - in your life!

We typically allow our outside world control our inside world. We need to change that. Our thoughts determine what we attract! You need to let the inside world take charge of your outside world!

Take a few moments each day to monitor what is going on in your mind ... what are you thinking about? How are you feeling? If you're not feeling the way you want to feel, begin, instead, to visualize what you want rather than what you don't want. Your vibration will instantly change. And when your vibration changes, your results follow that upward flow.

How to begin to employing the Law of Attraction in your favor: Let's take a good look at your results in your life. As you read these questions, mentally write the answer in your mind:

How healthy is your body? What do you THINK of your body? What kind of relationships do you have? Are you in love? What are your friends like? How do you communicate with family members? What is your income? What is your business like?

The answers you just thought . . . the ones that surfaced before you could stop them . . . are responsible for creating your current results!

If you don't like the results in your life, you need to change your thoughts. That's ALL that the Law of Attraction is about.

Nothing happens by accident. This is an orderly universe. The images you plant in your mind instantly create an attractive force, which determines your results in life. You are a living, breathing magnet. As you read this article.... People ... Circumstances ... Conditions and things - are marching to you like obedient soldiers to aid in the manifestation of your images. Wouldn't you prefer those soldiers aiding you in achieving of positive images?

The secret to receiving the results you desire is always attached TO you through the Law of Attraction.

Get into harmonious vibration with the good you desire, and STAY in that positive vibration so you to attract whatever you need for your happiness, health, abundance and prosperity!

Bob Proctor is widely regarded as one of the living masters and teachers of The Secret. He is the best selling author of You Were Born Rich, and has transformed the lives of millions through his books, seminars, courses and personal coaching spanning the last 40 years.

Great learning is passed down through the ages by extraordinary teachers of our lifetime. The proverbial torch was passed from Andrew Carnegie to Napoleon Hill, from Hill to Earl Nightingale, from Nightingale to Bob Proctor. Bob Proctor has worked in the area of mind potential for over 40 years. He travels the world helping companies and individuals create lives of prosperity and abundance.

About the Author:

The Secret Law Of Attraction - How To make It Work

By Mark P. Bourke

The only way you can possibly bring all your desires to your front door is if you're keeping yourself in a good feeling place. But often, you're so busy with work, running from place to place, and not in control of your thoughts that you let raising your vibration take a back seat to everything else.

If you want to manifest you desires quickly you must focus on staying in a vibrational match with what you desire as often as possible.

So How Do You Quickly and Easily Raise Your Vibration?

Having faith that your efforts and trusting in the law of attraction is one of the biggest challenges many people have. A great way to stay focused on the power of the universe is to start a garden. plant a seed and give it a little bit of attention and notice how you can create something from nothing. This is a good reminder.

You see, when you start a plant a seed it won't sprout straight away, you need to water it and give it some sunshine. This is that same as you desires, they won;t manifest immediately, you need to plant the seed of desire first and then give it attention using visualization and affirmation for example and then it will start to show signs that it is growing just like a flower. Over more time you will get a bouquet of flowers and fruit.

If you enjoy the process of gardening just as much as the manifestation, you start to move up the emotional scale.

Once you start to have faith and trust in the law of attraction you have positive expectations of what will come and you will manifest your desires.

Another way to see the power of creation is to try knitting. When you see a ball of yarn become a pair of gloves or a warm hat this is another great way of seeing the manifesting process in action.

Bigger desires, just like bigger projects, will take longer to come in your life. Knitting shows you this perfectly.

The law of attraction works on vibration, you need to do what ever it takes to keep your vibration up and in harmony.

About the Author:

August 15, 2009

Creating Wealth

By Bob Proctor

A Spanish Distiller once wrote, "The good life is expensive. There is another way to live that doesn't cost as much but it isn't any good.

In today's fast-moving, materialistic world, the good life is costly. However, do not be discouraged, because if you truly desire to live the good life, you most certainly can. It will require you to make some important changes in your life, but that does not matter until you FIRST decide that you want to live the good life. You must remember that money is not about making you happy, but rather, it is to make you comfortable and then allow you to extend your service far beyond your physical presence.

It is unfortunate, but not uncommon, to hear poor but well meaning people say that money is not important to them; they just want to do good in this life. On the surface, we nod and say, Yes, I agree with that. Its noble to want to do good.

In 1903, Wallace D. Wattles wrote, "The Science of Getting Rich." Wattles reply to such statements was, "If you want to do good, get rich first."

The statement might sound tart, but Wallace D. Wattles is right! You will be limited in the amount of good you can do by your time and physical presence without money. With money, you will be able to extend the good you can do far beyond your physical limits.

Regardless of your education, background or financial status, you can have all the money you desire by earning it. Most people are ignorant of this fact. Unfortunately, many of us were raised with the idea that the rich are lucky, blessed, fortunate or they inherited their money. It is possible that these ideas describe some people; however, many are wealthy because they consciously chose and deliberately decided to actualize the riches!

If wealth is something that has escaped you up to this point in your life, you are not alone. Wealth has escaped the majority of our population. Traditionally, schools have not taught us anything about earning money. And, for the most part, neither have our parents. Why? Simply, they do not know how.

Like any other skill, earning money must be learned and developed. Break free from the masses by deciding today that you will learn the facts about how to earn money. I urge you to join me for just six minutes a day. I have studied the mind and money for over 40 years, attaining wealth and living the good life. I will teach you about money and more in less than 6 minutes a day. Go to

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August 1, 2009

Get the Inside Info on Lifepath Unlimited

By Kelly Lenehan

So what is it really like for a Lifepath Unlimited representative? I am sure all of you who are researching Lifepath are wondering this exact question. Do many new representatives really make it big in this business? I can tell you that it is not as simple as the representatives make it out to be. When exicuted effectively, it is an amazinely rewarding and lucrative business.

From an insiders perspective, I know what it takes to succeed in Lifepath. The first thing you need to know and understand when looking iinto this business is that it is REAL and it takes real work. The second thing you need to understand is that not all teams in Lifepath are the same and so you should be looking for a team with a marketing system that stands out from the crowd, which has what the others don't have.

So what do you need to look for in a Lifepath Unlimited team, to ensure your success? You need to make sure they have a marketing system based on attraction marketing, and that they provide a marketing funnel that does most of the work for you. Finding the right business partners to be mentored by is critical to your success in this business, and that means joining a team that has taken care of the marketing training for you.

Enter into the right Lifepath unlimited team and be sent through a step by step automated system that teaches you exactly what you need to do when it comes to setting up and marketing your business. Do you know how to generate traffic to a website? Well you need to be able to do this in order to reach prospective business partners. This is where choosing the right team to join is critical. Make sure you ask what type of marketing system they have in place and if they don't utilise attraction marketing and have an automated training system set up then run for the hills because you will end up having to do far more work than you would have anticipated.

Do you want even more from a Lifepath team, because you can have more if you join a team with a marketing co-op ready for you to take advantage of while you are setting up and learning marketing for yourself. What if you could have all you marketing needs taken care of for you, and start making money in your first month of business? Consider this a huge bonus when you are looking into which team to join with.

So now that you the are aware of these important factors, you need to ask yourself these questions. Firstly, do you have the passion and drive to run a reputable personal development and prosperity business from home? Making sure you ask yourself this question genuinely is vital because this entire business focusses on your own personal development and the personal development and wellbeing of your team. I assume you are already on a journey of your own personal development, otherwise you would not have attracted this information on Lifepath into your present existence, I'm sure.

Secondly, does the team I want to join utilise attraction marketing and teach it? Do they have an automated training programme that takes you through step by step? Do they have a marketing co-op that you can choose to take advantage of for ease of making money in your first month of business? And finally does the Lifepath team have a marketing funnel that takes the prospective business partner through a process of information before you even talk to them on the phone?

If you ask these questions and follow your desire to succeed in this industry and you will end up on top with Lifepath Unlimited.

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